Tag: ventilator-acquired pneumonia

Short-course Antibiotics are Game-changers for Healthcare

Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

Antibiotic overuse is a key driver in the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a major global health crisis. Researchers from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine) and Duke-NUS Medical School have provided compelling evidence that short-course antibiotic treatments can be a game-changer in tackling ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), a serious infection common in critically ill patients.

The findings from the landmark REGARD-VAP trial, published in Lancet Respiratory Medicine, and the accompanying economic analyses published in Lancet Global Health, highlight how prudent antibiotic use can curb resistance, effectively safeguarding patients as well as combatting the global threat of antimicrobial resistance while reducing healthcare costs.

Led by the NUS Medicine research team, the clinical trial examined over 450 patients across intensive care units (ICUs) in Singapore, Thailand, and Nepal. Results revealed that short-course antibiotics. carefully tailored to individual patients’ recovery, are just as effective as traditional longer treatments in preventing death and recurrence of pneumonia. “By shortening the duration of antibiotics, we can reduce the risks of side effects and resistance without compromising patient outcomes,” added Dr Mo Yin, Junior Academic Fellow at the Department of Medicine, NUS Medicine, and principal investigator of the clinical trial, and co-author of the economic analysis.

The economic analyses accompanying the trial were just published in the prestigious journal Lancet Global Health. They demonstrated that adopting short-course antibiotics offers significant value for healthcare systems. In Singapore, the strategy is cost-saving, reducing hospital expenditure while maintaining excellent outcomes for patients. In Thailand and Nepal, short-course antibiotics were highly cost-effective, with health gains outweighing the modest additional costs incurred. “Short-course antibiotics are a pragmatic solution that benefits patients and healthcare systems alike, particularly in resource-limited settings,” said Assistant Professor Yiying Cai, lead researcher from the Health Services and Systems Research Programme at Duke-NUS.

The REGARD-VAP study’s findings have practical implications for hospitals worldwide. Short-course antibiotics can streamline treatment in ICUs, where managing infections efficiently is vital. The approach is effective across high-income (Singapore), middle-income (Thailand), and low-income (Nepal) settings, making it a scalable solution for diverse healthcare systems. These results provide robust evidence including cost-effectiveness data for policymakers to adopt short-course antibiotics into national and institutional guidelines.

The team hopes to disseminate their findings globally to encourage the adoption of short-course antibiotics, particularly in regions with limited resources. They also advocate for integrating cost-effectiveness studies into future clinical trials to strengthen both clinical and economic decision-making processes. By reducing unnecessary antibiotic exposure, short-course treatments help preserve the effectiveness of existing drugs for future generations. Every additional day of antibiotic use increases the risk of drug resistance by 7%. Reducing treatment duration is a critical step in combating this silent epidemic. “Prudent antibiotic use is essential to combat antimicrobial resistance and optimise healthcare outcomes. Our findings make a strong case for adopting short-course antibiotics as the new standard of care,” concluded Dr Mo Yin.

Source: National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

Biofilms in Ventilation Tubes Make Pathogens Even More Resistant to Antibiotics

Scientists at The University of Warwick have made a breakthrough which could help find new ways to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, which can affect up to 40% of hospital patients on mechanical ventilators.

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common infection in ventilated patients, particularly for those with existing respiratory conditions. VAP is transmitted by pathogens, often antibiotic resistant, that form stubborn biofilms on the inside of endotracheal tubes. Up to 40% of ventilated patients in intensive care wards will develop VAP, with 10% of those patients dying as a result.

In a study recently published in Microbiology, researchers recreated hospital conditions to improve understanding of the infection. They used the same type of endotracheal tubes and created a special mucus to simulate the conditions inside a human body. Bacteria and fungi formed a biofilm on these tubes.

Dr Dean Walsh, Research Fellow, University of Warwick, said: “Our study found that the biofilms in our model were different and more complex than those usually grown in standard lab conditions, making them more realistic.

“The biofilms formed in this new model were very tough to get rid of, even with strong antibiotics, much like what happens in real patients.

“Significantly, when we combined antibiotics with enzymes that break down the biofilm’s protective slime layer, the biofilms were more successfully removed than with antibiotics alone. With the enzymes, we could halve the concentration of antibiotics needed to kill the biofilms. So, that suggests we can use our model to identify new VAP treatments that attack the slime layer.”

Dr Freya Harrison, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, added: “VAP is a killer, and there are currently no cost-effective ways of making the tubes harder for microbes to colonise. Our new model can help scientists develop better therapies and design special tubes that prevent biofilms, which could improve the health of patients on ventilators.”

This project was part of an international research program in antimicrobial resistance that brings together colleagues at the University of Warwick with those at Monash University in Melbourne and is supported by the Monash-Warwick Alliance.

Professor Ana Traven, co-Director of the Monash-Warwick Alliance programme in emerging superbug threats, and co-author of the study, added: “It is exciting that we could join forces with our colleagues at Warwick for this important study.  Many promising new anti-infectives fail because experiments done in the laboratory do not recapitulate very well the more complex infections that occur in patients. As such, the development of laboratory models that mimic disease, such as was done in this study, is important for accelerating the discovery of credible antimicrobial therapies that have a higher chance of clinical success.”

Source: Microbiology Society