Tag: t cells

Scientists Discover How Aspirin Could Prevent Metastasis in Some Cancers

Credit: Pixabay CC0

Scientists have uncovered the mechanism behind how aspirin could reduce the metastasis of some cancers by stimulating the immune system.

In the study published in Nature, the scientists say that discovering the mechanism will support ongoing clinical trials, and could lead to the targeted use of aspirin to prevent the spread of susceptible types of cancer and the development of more effective drugs to prevent cancer metastasis.

The scientists caution that aspirin can have serious side effects and that trials are underway to establish safety and efficacy.

A reduction in the spread of some cancers

Studies of people with cancer have previously observed that those taking daily low-dose aspirin have a reduction in the spread of some cancers, such as breast, bowel, and prostate cancers, leading to ongoing clinical trials. However, until now it wasn’t known exactly how aspirin could prevent metastases.

In this study, led by researchers at the University of Cambridge, the scientists say their discovery of how aspirin reduces cancer metastasis was serendipitous.

They were investigating the process of metastasis, because, while cancer starts out in one location, 90% of cancer deaths occur when cancer spreads to other parts of the body.

Lung cancer metastasis. Credit: National Cancer Institute

The scientists wanted to better understand how the immune system responds to metastasis. This is because when individual cancer cells break away from their originating tumour and spread to another part of the body, they are particularly vulnerable to immune attack.

An effect on cancer metastasis

The immune system can recognise and kill these lone cancer cells more effectively than cancer cells within larger originating tumours, which have often developed an environment that suppresses the immune system.

The researchers previously screened 810 genes in mice and found 15 that had an effect on cancer metastasis. In particular, they found that mice lacking a gene that produces a protein called ARHGEF1 had less metastasis of various primary cancers to the lungs and liver.

The researchers determined that ARHGEF1 suppresses T cells, which can recognise and kill metastatic cancer cells.

To find a suitable drug, the scientists traced signals in the cell to determine that ARHGEF1 is switched on when T cells are exposed to a clotting factor called thromboxane A2 (TXA2).

This was an unexpected revelation for the scientists, because TXA2 is already well-known and linked to how aspirin works.

Reduces the production of TXA2

TXA2 is produced by platelets; aspirin reduces the production of TXA2, leading to the anti-clotting effects, which underlies its ability to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

This new research found that aspirin prevents cancers from spreading by decreasing TXA2 and releasing T cells from suppression. They used a mouse model of melanoma to show that in mice given aspirin, the frequency of metastases was reduced compared to control mice, and this was dependent on releasing T cells from suppression by TXA2.

Professor Rahul Roychoudhuri, from the University of Cambridge, who led the study, said:

Despite advances in cancer treatment, many patients with early stage cancers receive treatments, such as surgical removal of the tumour, which have the potential to be curative, but later relapse due to the eventual growth of micrometastases – cancer cells that have seeded other parts of the body but remain in a latent state.

Most immunotherapies are developed to treat patients with established metastatic cancer, but when cancer first spreads there’s a unique therapeutic window of opportunity when cancer cells are particularly vulnerable to immune attack.

We hope that therapies that target this window of vulnerability will have tremendous scope in preventing recurrence in patients with early cancer at risk of recurrence.

More accessible globally

Dr Jie Yang, who carried out the research, at the University of Cambridge, said:

It was a Eureka moment when we found TXA2 was the molecular signal that activates this suppressive effect on T cells.

Before this, we had not been aware of the implication of our findings in understanding the anti-metastatic activity of aspirin. It was an entirely unexpected finding which sent us down quite a different path of enquiry than we had anticipated.

Aspirin, or other drugs that could target this pathway, have the potential to be less expensive than antibody-based therapies, and therefore more accessible globally.

In the future, the researchers plan to help the translation of their work into potential clinical practice by collaborating with Professor Ruth Langley, of the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London, who is leading the Add-Aspirin clinical trial, to find out if aspirin can stop or delay early stage cancers from coming back.

Caution on aspirin use

Professor Langley, who was not involved in this study, commented:

This is an important discovery. It will enable us to interpret the results of ongoing clinical trials and work out who is most likely to benefit from aspirin after a cancer diagnosis.

In a small proportion of people, aspirin can cause serious side-effects, including bleeding or stomach ulcers. Therefore, it is important to understand which people with cancer are likely to benefit and always talk to your doctor before starting aspirin.

Source: UK Research and Innovation

T Cells Become Exhausted in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

Debilitating chronic fatigue syndrome creates conditions T cells becomes exhausted, according to a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The findings point the way for important new lines of investigation. 

The study’s authors knew the immune system was dysregulated in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), so they began by asking, which parts shift with the condition? A systematic exploration revealed that key CD8+ T cells displayed one of the most pronounced signatures of dysregulation, with signs of constant stimulation that lead to an exhausted state, a condition that is well-studied in cancer.

ME/CFS affects an estimated 3 million people in the United States and some 65 million worldwide, leaving some patients ill for decades and unable to work. Symptoms include overwhelming fatigue that is not helped by rest, and can also include brain fog, body pains, headaches, difficulty sleeping and prolonged increases in symptoms after mild physical exertion or exercise. Causes are unknown and there is no treatment for the disease.

“This is an important finding for ME/CFS because now we can examine the T cells more carefully, and hopefully by looking in the exhausted cells we can start to get hints as to what they are responding to,” said Andrew Grimson, professor of molecular biology and genetics in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Grimson is co-corresponding author of the studyMaureen Hanson, Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, is the other corresponding author.

“Therapies have been developed to reverse T cell exhaustion as treatments for cancer,” Hanson said. “Our findings raise the question of whether such anti-exhaustion drugs might also be helpful in ME/CFS.”

Strong evidence for the phenomenon of T cell exhaustion in ME/CFS has also been reported in long COVID, Hanson added.

The study was led by co-first authors David Iu, a doctoral student in Grimson’s lab, and Jessica Maya, PhD ‘24, formerly in Hanson’s lab and currently a researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

In a paper published earlier this year, Grimson and collaborators used a technology called single cell RNA sequencing to examine and identify all the circulating immune cells in ME/CFS patients. In the current paper, they used that data to examine which of the different types of T cells, including CD8+ T cells, were most altered in ME/CFS patients.

“That pointed us in the direction of CD8+ cells,” Grimson said. After purifying those cells, they used additional advanced technologies to precisely determine which genes were being expressed and pinpoint which genes were getting switched on or off. 

“When we looked at all of the differences [compared to normal functioning], they really pointed us towards an exhaustion-like state for the CD8+ T cells,” Grimson said. 

Meanwhile, in Hanson’s lab, Maya led a different approach of purifying patients’ T cells and then determining expression patterns of proteins on the surface of these cells. The team examined two series of different markers on the various proteins, one of which allowed them to subdivide all the different types of CD8+ T cells, while the other allowed them to detect proteins known to be involved in exhaustion.

“Immune cells from ME/CFS patients exhibited higher levels of proteins on their surface that are characteristic of cells that have become exhausted, which can be caused by long-term exposure to a virus protein or by continuous stimulation of the immune system, a state that is also found in cancer patients,” Hanson said. 

Future work will try to determine whether a virus is in fact involved, which is currently not known. “We need to understand what is pushing them to this exhausted state,” Grimson said.

The team also plans to take cells from patients and controls, purify those cells and treat patients with drugs that reverse exhaustion and see if the immune cells resume normal function. If CD8+ T cell exhaustion can be reversed, the next question is whether such reversal actually benefits a patient, as exhaustion can have protective qualities. 

Another future line of inquiry will include distinguishing T cell receptors in exhausted cells from patients, to try to find which molecules those T cell receptors are recognising, and if from those clues, they can work out whether specific pathogens are involved. 

Source: Cornell University

Immune ‘Brake’ Reveals Drug Targets for Cancer and Autoimmune Disease

Killer T cells about to destroy a cancer cell. Credit: NIH

Researchers have discovered a genomic ‘brake’ in a subset of immune cells that could help advance immunotherapy for cancer and autoimmune disease. The findings, led by a team at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in collaboration with researchers at the Garvan Institute and Kirby Institute, provide new insights into how the body’s immune defence mechanisms can go awry in these diseases and open a new class of potential drug targets that could activate immune cells in tumour tissue.

The research was published in the journal Immunity.

Discovering an immune brake

Specialised killer T cells are released during an infection, trained to recognise and destroy the threat. When unchecked, these cells can cause autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis if they mistakenly attack the body’s own healthy tissues.

The immune system employs a mechanism to prevent autoimmune attacks called ‘tolerance’ – a process that can be exploited by cancer cells to shield them from the body’s natural defences.

“Until now, it was not fully understood how tolerance works at a molecular level. We used advanced sequencing techniques to identify a unique genomic signature in ‘tolerant’ T cells that differentiated them from killer T cells that were activated in response to viral infection,” says Dr Timothy Peters, co-first author from Garvan.

“These precise genome locations have never before been observed and allowed us to track precisely how killer T cells progress through the tolerance pathway, and how specific gene networks enable tolerance to be abused.”

Breakthrough for cancer and autoimmune disease

Dr Ian Parish, who led the research at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre said this breakthrough helps to understand why cancer treatments fail and opens the door to developing new treatments in the future.

“Current cancer immunotherapy treatments target the exhaustion phase of the immune response,” he said. “Our research suggests that a second, earlier ‘off-switch’ called tolerance may explain how many cancers resist current immunotherapies by blocking anti-cancer immunity from getting off the ground. We’re excited as these findings can be exploited for new treatments. Our next step is to understand if we can disrupt tolerance and engage the immune system to restart and attack those cancers resistant to treatment.”

Professor Chris Goodnow, Head of the Immunogenomics Lab at Garvan, says this new understanding of T cell tolerance opens up opportunities to develop new drugs that could selectively alter this pathway.

“The discovery of these gene locations provides us with a roadmap for developing future drugs, which could block the tolerance mechanisms to boost cancer-killing ability for immunotherapies. Conversely, for autoimmune diseases, enhancing tolerance could prevent harmful autoimmune attack,” he says.

In next steps, the researchers will focus on understanding how to disrupt the tolerance mechanism and engage the immune system to restart.

“These findings have revealed around 100 new potential targets for drugs to target the tolerance mechanism in T cells, which have until now been largely developed by trial and error,” says Professor Goodnow. “This could lead to a whole new class of treatments for autoimmunity and cancer.”

Professor Chris Goodnow is The Bill and Patricia Ritchie Foundation Chair and Director of the Cellular Genomics Futures Institute, UNSW Sydney. Dr Tim Peters is a Conjoint Lecturer at St Vincent’s Clinical School, UNSW Medicine and Health.

Source: Garvan Institute of Medical Research

Antigens in Foods Suppress Gut Tumours by Activating Immune Cells

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Researchers led by Hiroshi Ohno at the RIKEN Center for Integrative medical sciences (IMS) in Japan have discovered that food antigens like milk proteins help keep tumours from growing in our guts, specifically the small intestines. Experiments revealed how these proteins trigger the intestinal immune system, allowing it to effectively stop the birth of new tumours. The study was published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Immunology.

Food antigens get a lot of negative press because they are the source of allergic reactions to foods such as peanuts, shellfish, bread, eggs, and milk. Even if not allergenic, these antigens, along with the many others found in plants and beans, are still considered foreign objects that need to be checked out by the immune system. Ohno and his team have previously reported that food antigens activate immune cells in the small intestines, but not the large intestines. At the same time, some immune cells activated by gut bacteria are known to suppress tumours in the gut. In the new study, the RIKEN IMS researchers bring these two lines of thought together and tested whether food antigens suppress tumours in the small intestines.

The team began with a mouse model with a mutated tumour-suppression gene. Like people with familial adenomatous polyposis, when this gene malfunctions, the mice develop tumours throughout the small and large intestines. The first experiment was fairly simple. They fed these mice normal food or antigen-free food and found that the ones that got normal food had fewer tumours in the small intestines, but the same amount in the large intestines.

Next, they added a common representative antigen called albumin – which can be found in meat and was not in the normal food – to the antigen-free diet, making sure that the total amount of the protein equalled the amount of protein in the normal diet. When the mice were given this diet, tumours in the small intestine were suppressed just as they has been with normal food. This means that tumour suppression was directly related to the presence of antigen, not the nutritional value of the food or any specific antigen.

Mice that got the plain antigen-free diet had many fewer T cells than those that got the normal food or the antigen-free food with milk protein. Further experiments revealed the biological process that makes this possible.

These findings have clinical implications. Similar to antigen-free diets, clinical elemental diets include simple amino acids, but not proteins. This reduces digestive work and can help people with severe gastrointestinal conditions, such as Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome. According to Ohno, “small intestinal tumours are much rarer than those in the colon, but the risk is higher in cases of familial adenomatous polyposis, and therefore the clinical use of elemental diets to treat inflammatory bowel disease or other gastrointestinal conditions in these patients should be considered very carefully.”

Elemental diets are sometimes adopted by people without severe gastrointestinal conditions or allergies as a healthy way to lose weight or reduce bloating and inflammation. The new findings suggest that this could be risky and emphasises that these kinds of diets should not be used without a doctor’s recommendation.

Source: RIKEN

Fever Drives Enhanced Activity and Mitochondrial Damage in Immune Cells

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Fever temperatures accelerate immune cell metabolism, proliferation and activity, but in a particular subset of T cells, it also causes mitochondrial stress, DNA damage and cell death, Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers have discovered. 

The findings, published in the journal Science Immunology, offer a mechanistic understanding for how cells respond to heat and could explain how chronic inflammation contributes to the development of cancer. 

The impact of fever temperatures on cells is a relatively understudied area, said Jeff Rathmell, PhD, Professor of Immunobiology and corresponding author of the new study. Most of the existing temperature-related research relates to agriculture and how extreme temperatures impact crops and livestock, he noted. It’s challenging to change the temperature of animal models without causing stress, and cells in the laboratory are generally cultured in incubators that are set at human body temperature: 37°C. 

“Standard body temperature is not actually the temperature for most inflammatory processes, but few have really gone to the trouble to see what happens when you change the temperature,” said Rathmell, who also directs the Vanderbilt Center for Immunobiology

Graduate student Darren Heintzman was interested in the impact of fevers for personal reasons: Before he joined the Rathmell lab, his father developed an autoimmune disease and had a constant fever for months on end. 

“I started thinking about what an increased set point temperature like that might do. It was intriguing,” Heintzman said. 

Heintzman cultured immune system T cells at 39°C. He found that heat increased helper T cell metabolism, proliferation and inflammatory effector activity and decreased regulatory T cell suppressive capacity. 

“If you think about a normal response to infection, it makes a lot of sense: You want effector (helper) T cells to be better at responding to the pathogen, and you want suppressor (regulatory) T cells to not suppress the immune response,” Heintzman said. 

But the researchers also made an unexpected discovery: that a certain subset of helper T cells, called Th1 cells, developed mitochondrial stress and DNA damage, and some of them died. The finding was confusing, the researchers said, because Th1 cells are involved in settings where there is often fever, like viral infections. Why would the cells that are needed to fight the infection die? 

The researchers discovered that only a portion of the Th1 cells die, and that the rest undergo an adaptation, change their mitochondria, and become more resistant to stress. 

“There’s a wave of stress, and some of the cells die, but the ones that adapt and survive are better – they proliferate more and make more cytokine (immune signaling molecules),” Rathmell said.

Heintzman was able to define the molecular events of the cell response to fever temperatures. He found that heat rapidly impaired electron transport chain complex 1 (ETC1), a mitochondrial protein complex that generates energy. ETC1 impairment set off signalling mechanisms that led to DNA damage and activation of the tumour suppressor protein p53, which aids DNA repair or triggers cell death to maintain genome integrity. Th1 cells were more sensitive to impaired ETC1 than other T cell subtypes.

 The researchers found Th1 cells with similar changes in sequencing databases for samples from patients with Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis, adding support to the molecular signaling pathway they defined. 

“We think this response is a fundamental way that cells can sense heat and respond to stress,” Rathmell said. “Temperature varies across tissues and changes all the time, and we don’t really know what it does. If temperature changes shift the way cells are forced to do metabolism because of ETC1, that’s going to have a big impact. This is fundamental textbook kind of stuff.” 

The findings suggest that heat can be mutagenic, when cells that respond with mitochondrial stress don’t properly repair the DNA damage or die. 

“Chronic inflammation with sustained periods of elevated tissue temperatures could explain how some cells become tumorigenic,” Heintzman said, noting that up to 25% of cancers are linked to chronic inflammation. 

“People ask me, ‘Is fever good or bad?’” Rathmell added. “The short answer is: A little bit of fever is good, but a lot of fever is bad. We already knew that, but now we have a mechanism for why it’s bad.” 

Source: Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Immune Cell Specialises its Roles in Different Tissues

Source: CC0

A newly published study in the scientific journal Science Immunology has investigating how MAIT cells (mucosa-associated invariant T cells) behave in different tissues. The Karolinska Institutet study shows that these immune cells, which play an important role in the body’s defence against microbes, exhibit different properties depending on the tissue they are in.

MAIT cells are a type of T cell that recognise by-products formed when microbes synthesise riboflavin. This makes them unique in the way they detect and fight infections. The researchers examined MAIT cells from blood, barrier tissues and lymphoid tissue samples from organ donors to understand how these cells function in different tissues.

Different MAIT cells in intestines and liver

“We found that MAIT cells in the intestines have a specialised immunoregulatory profile with high expression of the regulatory enzyme CD39, suggesting that they play a role in protecting the intestinal barrier,” says Johan Sandberg, Professor at the Center for Infectious Medicine (CIM), at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet.

“In the liver, on the other hand, MAIT cells predominantly exhibit high expression of the marker CD56 and an increased ability to fight microbes.”

The study also shows that the number of MAIT cells in the blood decreases with age but is preserved in the tissues. At the same time, tissue-adapted functions in the intestines and liver become increasingly evident with age.

“Our results highlight the functional heterogeneity of MAIT cells and their adaptation to different tissues.”

The results of the study add a new dimension to the understanding of the immune system and how different types of immune cells specialise to protect different tissues against infections.

“This gives us a better understanding of how this arm of the immune system works and can help us develop new treatments for infectious diseases,” says Johan Sandberg.

Source: Karolinska Institutet

Engineered T Cells aid the Recovery of Spinal Cord Injury

View of the spinal cord. Credit: Scientific Animations CC4.0

In a recent study published in Nature, researchers prevented T cells from causing the normal autoimmune damage that comes with spinal cord injury, sparing neurons and successfully aiding recovery in mouse models.

In spinal cord injury, the wound site attracts a whole host of peripheral immune cells, including T cells, which result in both beneficial and deleterious effects. Notably, antigen-presenting cells activate CD4+ T cells to release cytokines, ultimately leading to neuroinflammation and tissue destruction. This neuroinflammation is notably most pronounced during the acute phase of spinal cord injury. The problem is that these same T cells have a neuroprotective effect initially, only later developing autoimmunity and attacking the injury site.

Using single cell RNA sequencing, the researchers found that CD4+ T cell clones in mice showed antigen specificity towards self-peptides of myelin and neuronal proteins. Self-peptides have been implicated in a wide range of autoimmune conditions.

Using mRNA techniques, the researchers edited the T cell receptor, so that they shut off after a few days. In mouse models of spinal cord injury, they showed notable neuroprotective efficacy, partly as a result of modulating myeloid cells via interferon-γ.

Their findings provided insights into the mechanisms behind the neuroprotective function of injury-responsive T cells. This will help pave the way for the future development of T cell therapies for central nervous system injuries, and perhaps treatments for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

US Fast-Tracks a Promising New Therapy for Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Credit: Darryl Leja National Human Genome Research Institute National Institutes Of Health

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Fast Track designation for SYNC-T SV-102 therapy for the treatment of patients with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). SV-102 is part of Syncromune Inc.’s SYNC-T platform, an in situ personalised therapy that uses a combination multi-target approach to cancer treatment, aiming to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients.

The Fast Track designation was granted based on the potential of SYNC-T SV-102 therapy to address the significant unmet need in treating patients with mCRPC. This advanced form of prostate cancer affects over 40 000 men in the US alone and is associated with a very poor prognosis. The Fast Track process is designed to facilitate the development and expedite the review of therapies that treat serious conditions and fulfil an unmet medical need, with the goal of getting important new treatments to patients sooner. Fast Track designation provides Syncromune with several key benefits, including more frequent FDA interactions, eligibility for accelerated approval, and priority review.

“The Fast-Track designation for SYNC-T SV-102 therapy signifies another step forward in bringing our potentially groundbreaking therapy to patients who need it most,” said Eamonn Hobbs, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Syncromune. “This accomplishment builds upon the foundation of positive Phase 1 clinical data and recent IND clearance.”

Syncromune’s lead candidate, SYNC-T SV-102, is a platform therapy that combines an in situ vaccine via partial oncolysis of a tumour followed by intratumoural infusion of the SV-102 fixed-dose multi-target biologic drug into the lysed tumour. This combination is designed to provide both immune stimulation and block immune suppression to activate and proliferate T cells to elicit a systemic anti-tumour response. Interim data from a Phase 1 study of SV-102 in males with mCRPC demonstrated an overall response rate of 85% with a favourable safety profile and tolerability. The Fast-Track designation comes on the heels of clearance of the company’s investigational new drug (IND) application, with studies expected to begin in the US this year.

Charles Link, M.D., Executive Chairman of Syncromune added, “We believe that Fast-Track designation for SYNC-T SV-102 will significantly aid our development goals for this therapy for men with difficult to treat prostate cancer. We look forward to initiating trials at multiple US sites later this year to expand our efforts to develop the SYNC-T SV-102 Therapy.”

Source: Syncromune

How Glucocorticoids Reprogram Immune Cells to Slow them Down

Scanning electron micrograph of a T cell lymphocyte. Credit: NIH / NIAID

Cortisone and other related glucocorticoids are extremely effective at curbing excessive immune reactions. But previously, astonishingly little was known about how they exactly do that. A team of researchers have now explored the molecular mechanism of action in greater detail. As the researchers report in the journal Nature, glucocorticoids reprogram the metabolism of immune cells, activating the body’s natural “brakes” on inflammation. These findings lay the groundwork for development of anti-inflammatory agents with fewer and less severe side effects.

The glucocorticoid cortisone is naturally present in the body as the stress hormone cortisol, which is released to improve the body’s responses to stress. Cortisol intervenes in sugar and fat metabolism and affects other parameters, including blood pressure and respiratory and heart rate. At higher doses, it also inhibits immune system activity, making it it useful for medical purposes. Due to their excellent efficacy, synthetic glucocorticoid derivates that inhibit inflammation even more strongly are used to treat a wide range of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases.

Glucocorticoids affect not only genes, but also cellular energy sources

Glucocorticoid-based medications come with side effects, especially at higher doses and when administered for longer periods. These side effects are related to the other effects of the body’s own cortisol, and include hypertension, osteoporosis, diabetes, and weight gain. With the aim of developing anti-inflammatory agents with fewer and less severe side effects, a team of researchers from from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Uniklinikum Erlangen and Ulm University has now conducted a closer study of how the immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids exactly works.

Lead researcher Prof Gerhard Krönke, director of the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology at Charité, explains: “It was previously known that glucocorticoids activate a number of genes in different cells of the body. But through this mechanism, they mainly activate the resources present in the body. This does not adequately explains its strong immunosuppressive effect. In our study, we have now been able to show that glucocorticoids affect more than just the gene expression in immune cells. It also affects the cell´s powerhouses, the mitochondria. And that this effect on cell metabolism is in turn crucial to the anti-inflammatory effects exerted by glucocorticoids.”

Swords to plowshares

For the study, the research team focused on macrophages, a type of immune cell responsible for eliminating intruders such as viruses and bacteria. These cells can also play a role in the emergence of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. In a mouse model, the researchers studied how these immune cells responded to inflammatory stimuli in a laboratory setting and what effects additional administration of a glucocorticoid had. The researchers observed that in addition to its effect on gene expression, glucocorticoids had a major effect in reversing changes in the cell metabolism that had been initiated by the inflammatory stimuli.

“When macrophages are put into ‘fight’ mode, they redirect their cellular energy into arming for a fight. Instead of supplying energy, their mitochondria produce the components needed to fight intruders,” Krönke says, describing the processes involved. “Glucocorticoids reverse the process, switching the ‘fight’ mode back off and turning swords into plowshares, so to speak. A tiny molecule called itaconate plays an especially important role in this.”

Itaconate mediates anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids

Itaconate is an anti-inflammatory substance that the body naturally produces inside its mitochondria. Macrophages produce it early on when they are activated so that the inflammatory reaction will subside after a certain period. Generation of this natural immune “brake,” however, requires sufficient fuel. When the cell´s powerhouses are arming up for a fight, that is no longer the case, so itaconate production dwindles to a halt after a while. With normal, short-term inflammation, this timing is effective because the immune response has also subsided in the meantime.

“With a persistent inflammatory stimulus, the drop-off in itaconate production is an issue because there is then no immune ‘brake’ even though the immune system is still running on all cylinders, eventually contributing to chronic inflammation,” explains Dr Jean-Philippe Auger, a scientist at the Department of Medicine 3 – Rheumatology and Immunology at Uniklinikum Erlangen and the first author of the study. “This is where glucocorticoids intervenes. By reprogramming the mitochondrial function, they ramp up the formation of itaconate in the macrophages, restoring its anti-inflammatory effect.”

The search for new active substances

Using animal models for asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, the researchers showed how much the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids depends on itaconate. Glucocorticoids had no effect in animals unable to produce itaconate. So, if itaconate mediates the immunosuppressant effect of cortisone, what about administering itaconate directly, instead of glucocorticoids?

“Unfortunately, itaconate isn’t a particularly good candidate as an anti-inflammatory drug, because it’s unstable, and due to its high reactivity, it could cause side effects if administered systemically,” Krönke explains. “Aside from that, we assume the processes in humans to be a bit more complex than those in mice. So our plan is to look for new synthetic compounds that are just as effective as glucocorticoids at reprogramming the mitochondrial metabolism inside immune cells, but have fewer and less severe side effects.”

Source: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

New Trial Highlights Incremental Progress Towards a Cure for HIV-1

Colourised transmission electron micrograph of an HIV-1 virus particle (yellow/gold) budding from the plasma membrane of an infected H9 T cell (purple/green).

Antiretroviral therapies (ART) stop HIV replication in its tracks, allowing people with HIV to live relatively normal lives. However, despite these treatments, some HIV still lingers inside cells in a dormant state known as “latency.” If ART is discontinued, HIV will awaken from its dormant state, begin to replicate, and cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). To create a cure, researchers have been attempting to drive HIV out of latency and target it for destruction.

A new clinical trial led by Cynthia Gay, MD, MPH, associate professor of infectious diseases, David Margolis, MD, the Sarah Kenan Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Microbiology & Immunology, and Epidemiology, and other clinicians and researchers at the UNC School of Medicine suggests that a combination of the drug vorinostat and immunotherapy can coax HIV-infected cells out of latency and attack them.

The immunotherapy was provided by a team led by Catherine Bollard, MD, at the George Washington University, who took white blood cells from the study participants and expanded them in the laboratory, augmenting the cells’ ability to attack HIV-infected cells, before re-infusion at UNC.

Their results, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, showed a small dent on the latent reservoir, demonstrating that there is more work to be done in the field.

“We did show that this approach can reduce the reservoir, but the reductions were not nearly large enough, and statistically speaking were what we call a “trend” but not highly statistically significant,” said David Margolis, MD, director of the HIV Cure Center and senior author on the paper. “We need to create better approaches to flush out the virus and attack it when it comes out. We need to keep chipping away at the reservoir until there’s nothing there.”

DNA inside cell nuclei is kept in a tightly packed space by chromosomes, which act as highly organised storage facilities. When you unfurl a chromosome, you’ll find loop-de-loop-like fibres called chromatin. If you keep unfurling, you’ll see long strands of DNA wrapped around scaffold proteins known as histones, like beads on a string. Finally, when the unfurling is complete, you will see the iconic DNA double helix.

Vorinostat works by inhibiting a lock-like enzyme called histone deacetylase. By stopping this mechanism, tiny doors within the chromatin fibres unlock and open up, effectively “waking up” latent HIV from its slumber and making it vulnerable to an immune system attack. As a result, a tiny blip of HIV expression shows up on very sensitive molecular assays.

But the effects of vorinostat are short lived, only lasting a day per dose. For this reason, Margolis and other researchers are trying to find safe and effective ways to administer the drug and keep the chromatin channels open for longer periods of time.

For the study, six participants were given multiple doses of vorinostat. Researchers then extracted immune cells from the participants and expanded the cells that knew how to attack HIV-infected cells.

This immunotherapy method, which has been successful against other viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus, involves giving participants back their expanded immune cells in the hopes that these cells will further multiply in number and launch an all-out attack on the newly exposed HIV-infected cells.

However, in the first part of this study, only one of the six participants saw a drop in their HIV reservoir levels. To test whether the result was simply random or something more, researchers gave three participants their usual dose of vorinostat, but introduced five times the amount of engineered immune cells. All three of the participants had a slight decline in their reservoirs.

But, statistically speaking, the results were not large enough to be definitive.

“This is not the result we wanted, but it is research that needed to be done,” said Margolis. “We are working on improving both latency reversal and clearance of infected cells, and we hope to do more studies as soon as we can, using newer and better approaches.”

Many of the participants in the study have been working with Margolis’s research team for years, sacrificing their own time and blood for research efforts. Their long-term partnership and commitment have been essential for data collection. The data, which follows the size of the viral reservoir in these people over years prior to this study, makes the small changes found more compelling.

“People living with HIV come in a couple of times a year, and we measure residual traces of virus in their blood cells, which doesn’t have any immediate benefit to them,” said Margolis. “It’s a very altruistic action and we couldn’t make any progress without their help.”

Source: University of North Carolina Health Care