Tag: staff shortages

Substituting NHS Doctors with Physician Associates is not Necessarily Safe

Source: Pixabay CC0

Researchers say they can find no convincing evidence that physician associates add value in UK primary care or that anaesthetic associates add value in anaesthetics, and some evidence suggested that they do not.

In a special paper published by The BMJ, Professors Trisha Greenhalgh and Martin McKee say the absence of safety incidents in a handful of small studies “should not be taken as evidence that deployment of physician associates and anaesthetic associates is safe.”

New research is urgently needed “to explore staff concerns, examine safety incidents, and inform a national scope of practice for these relatively new and contested staff roles,” they add.

Physician associates and anaesthetic associates are being introduced in the UK to work alongside doctors and nurses. They are graduates – usually with a health or life sciences degree – who complete two years of extra training, but there has been much debate about the effectiveness and safety of these new roles.

As a result, the UK government has commissioned an independent review into the scope and safety of these roles in the NHS and their place in providing care to patients.

To inform this review, the researchers trawled three electronic research databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library) for any studies of physician associates and anaesthetic associates in UK healthcare published between 2015 and January 2025.

In all, 52 papers were eligible (48 on physician associates, 4 on anaesthetic associates), of which 29 (all from England) met their inclusion criteria of trustworthiness, generalisability, and relevance to current UK policy.

They found that the total number of physician associates studied was very small, especially in primary care, and no studies reported direct assessment of anaesthetic associates.

Only one study, of four physician associates, involved any assessment by a doctor of their clinical competence by direct observation, and no studies examined safety incidents.

Some studies among the 29 suggested that physician associates could support the work of ward based teams and work in emergency departments when appropriately deployed and supervised in low risk clinical settings, but the number of individuals and settings studied was small, so these findings should be considered preliminary.

However, studies reported that physician associates seemed to struggle in primary care because the role was more autonomous, the case mix was more diverse, decisions were more uncertain, institutional support was more limited, and supervision arrangements were more challenging.

Patients’ views of physician associates were mostly positive or neutral, whereas staff expressed concern about physician associates’ and anaesthetic associates’ competence to manage undifferentiated, clinically complex, or high dependency patients; order scans; or prescribe. Physician associates reported a range of experiences and desired a clear role within the team.

Overall, the researchers found no evidence that physician associates add value in primary care or that anaesthetic associates add value in anaesthetics and some evidence suggested that they do not.

They acknowledge some limitations, such as not including evidence on similar roles in other countries, and stress that their findings should be interpreted in the context of the wider international evidence base. But say their focus on UK based research, detailed search and analysis of the most influential papers, and identification of gaps in existing research, provide robust conclusions to help inform this policy review.

“Very few UK studies have assessed the clinical competence and safety of physician associates or anaesthetic associates,” they write. “Findings of apparent non-inferiority in non-randomised studies may obscure important unmeasured differences in quality of care.”

In a linked editorial, Professor Kieran Walshe at the University of Manchester, asks how did the NHS end up in this mess, and what should we do about it?

He points to massive underinvestment in research on the healthcare workforce, ambiguous and largely uncosted future plans for workforce expansion, and statutory arrangements for regulating the health professions that are not fit for purpose.

“It seems likely that a messy compromise will be found to resolve the debacle over physician associates and anaesthetic associates,” he writes. But says “we need to do these kinds of workforce reforms much better in the future—both for the safety of patients and for the wellbeing of staff.”

Source: The BMJ

Opinion piece: Specialist TES Providers Optimising Healthcare Operations – a Prescription for Patient Care Success

By Sandra Sampson, Director at Allmed

Sandra Sampson

The healthcare sector in South Africa is beset with numerous challenges, ranging from high turnover rates to skilled staffing shortages and complex regulations in addition to stressful working environments, and communication barriers.

Despite these formidable obstacles, patients have the right to expect top-tier care from their medical facilities. Here, specialised Temporary Employment Services (TES) providers can become indispensable partners, adeptly assisting medical facilities to navigate these challenges in their quest to ensure a seamless continuum of care.

Streamlining healthcare staffing to counter shortages

Specialist TES providers offer a multifaceted remedy to the relentless staffing challenges in healthcare. Capable of promptly supplying temporary staff to bridge immediate gaps, TES providers ensure that all resources have already been rigorously screened, recruiting qualified professionals to function as a buffer against high turnover and staffing scarcities. Through tailored training, specialist providers ensure that their temporary staff placements align seamlessly with organisational expectations to consistently uphold care standards. Furthermore, specialist TES providers alleviate the burden of complex healthcare regulations on management and staff by taking on the responsibility of handling the entire employment relationship, from end to end, including managing human resources and labour relations components, as well as payroll. This provides significant relief for healthcare facilities giving them the staffing resources that they need, without the additional administrative complexities involved with recruiting, on-boarding and managing such resources.

Addressing skills gaps to raise the bar on healthcare resources

Maintaining consistent levels of patient care without compromising quality is challenging in the face of staffing shortages and high turnover rates. With so many specialised healthcare staff, including ICU personnel, leaving for better opportunities abroad due to financial considerations, such an exodus necessitates urgent strategies to retain and fill gaps within healthcare facilities. Specialist TES providers are already playing a critical role in addressing these concerns by focusing on nurse competencies and facilitating targeted courses to upskill their resources. These courses address critical gaps in patient safety and empower nurses to provide better care. Through the development of these essential courses, such as ECG interpretation and cannulation, TES providers are taking significant steps to ensure nurses possess the necessary skills and knowledge. This proactive approach not only enhances patient care at a facility level, but also contributes to nurse competence and job satisfaction, ultimately benefiting the healthcare ecosystem.

The strategic advantages of enhancing workforce dynamics

In addition to operational bolstering and sector-specific upskilling, specialist healthcare TES providers present strategic benefits for healthcare facilities. Access to a diverse, extensive talent pool makes it simpler for medical organisations to find the ideal fit for each role, effectively mitigating the risk of hiring mismatches usually associated with permanent placements. Medical facilities also benefit from the cost-effectiveness of the TES operating model, which aligns with the dynamic nature of healthcare to optimise resource allocation. This is particularly important in hospitals where patient occupancy levels fluctuate daily. Many healthcare organisations now operate with a 50/50 ratio of permanent placements and temporary resources, which gives them the flexibility to accommodate the ever-shifting demands of patient care staffing, while safeguarding the delivery of quality care. By efficiently managing both permanent and agency staff, TES providers optimise recruitment efforts and ensure that the right candidates are placed in suitable roles, benefiting the healthcare organisation’s operations and patient care. TES providers uphold patient confidentiality and provide comprehensive training, ensuring staff are cognisant of privacy protocols and handle sensitive information appropriately.

Boosting patient care excellence: the vital role of specialist TES providers

In an era where healthcare value is intricately tied to workforce excellence, TES providers play a pivotal role in elevating the sector by helping medical facilities conquer their industry-specific challenges, enabling the fundamental mission of enhancing patient well-being. Ultimately, Specialist TES providers represent a crucial element in the healthcare sector’s quest for excellence, as their strategic approach to staffing not only addresses immediate needs but also upholds patient care standards, while easing administrative burdens, and enhancing workforce competencies. As such, collaboration with specialist TES providers is a progressive strategy that medical organisations should prioritise to effectively navigate the intricate challenges of the healthcare landscape today while significantly enhancing patient care outcomes.

Operating Room Availability Planning Helped Cushion Staff Shortages

Photo by Jafar Ahmed on Unsplash

Decreasing operating room (OR) availability by 15% helped a hospital address a 30% staff shortage caused by the COVID pandemic, while surgeons were largely satisfied with the arrangements, according to a study by UPMC Presbyterian Hospital.

“The Great Resignation has disproportionately impacted health care to near-crisis levels and we were able to address ongoing staff shortages by methodically decreasing available surgical times,” said Dr Kimberly Cantees, clinical director of anaesthesiology and perioperative services at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital. “By using a phased approach, including daily meetings to address scheduling issues, we were able to prioritise essential surgeries and care for patients with the greatest need.”

UPMC is a comprehensive quaternary care regional and national referral centre for many surgical specialties. The hospital implemented a five-phased approach for the study, which started in May 2021, to ensure that it could maintain provision of essential surgical care when its surgical technologist and OR nurse vacancy rate reached 30%. The phases went as follows:

  • Phase I (May 2021): Restricted OR availability for surgeries that were less time- sensitive and moved some to other hospitals and surgery centers in the UPMC system; decreased OR availability for surgeons with highly elective cases (eg, sports orthopedic procedures, select hand surgery cases, some plastic surgery) and moved a small amount of surgical work to the bedside in the intensive care unit.
  • Phase II (July 2021): Formed a multidisciplinary surgical services capacity committee that met daily to ensure the staffing matched the surgical schedule for the subsequent two weeks. Values for surgical care were identified and cases such as transplant and cancer surgeries were prioritised.
  • Phase III (Oct. 2021): Reduced OR time availability by 15% when surgeries could be scheduled and extended the deadline for standard scheduling guidelines from three days to five days before surgery.
  • Phase IV (Nov. 2021): Instituted additional reduction of OR scheduling to meet continued staff shortages and reduced available OR time for all surgical services by an additional 10%. Surgeons with two ORs had their time reduced for all services, except for the care of trauma patients.
  • Phase V (Jan. 2022): Implemented UPMC system-wide review of surgical case prioritisation and opened more ORs for booking, which allowed greater flexibility for performing surgeries depending on staffing availability.

Over the course of the phased approach, the available ORs were decreased from 36 to 31 (15%). This has been adequate to address the 30% reduction in surgical services staff, Dr Cantees explained. The approach also helped the hospital to cope with staffing shortages during the Omicron surge.

Dr Cantees said there was minimal pushback from surgeons to the phased approach, mostly thanks to clear communication of both the staffing hurdles, as well as established surgical priorities. Communication occurs between members of the multidisciplinary surgical services capacity committee and individual surgeons.

The study was presented at the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ ADVANCE 2022, the Anesthesiology Business Event.

Source: EurekAlert!