Tag: sickle cell disease

Review of Research Finds No Link between Sickle Cell Trait and Sudden Death

Expert panel’s findings refute attribution of sudden death to sickle cell trait

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

A systematic literature review found no evidence to support that physical exertion without rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown) or heat injury can cause sudden death for individuals with sickle cell trait (SCT), nor is there any high-level evidence that SCT causes acute pain crises. These results were published in the American Society of Hematology’s flagship journal, Blood, and informed the Society’s updated position statement on SCT.

“SCT has long been misunderstood, fuelling widespread misinformation and medically inaccurate claims that it can lead to sudden death. This misconception has been especially prominent in cases of Black men with SCT,” said Belinda Avalos, MD, ASH president. “In light of the pervasive, widely publicized, and harmful nature of this myth, the Society aims to further promote accurate information to protect and empower affected communities.”

Individuals with SCT have one copy of the gene associated with sickle cell disease (SCD). SCD is a blood disorder characterised by misshapen blood cells that can cause blockages, leading to infections and episodes of severe pain, often referred to as acute pain crises. Unlike SCD, SCT – which affects over 100 million people worldwide, including 8 to 10% of Black Americans – is not a disease. Individuals with SCT do not go on to develop SCD and generally do not experience any related health complications.  

“To date, this is the most authoritative and definitive systematic review on this subject,” said study author Michael R. DeBaun, MD, MPH, professor of pediatrics and medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and founder and director of the Vanderbilt-Meharry Sickle Cell Disease Center of Excellence. “This review shows that any primary, secondary, or tertiary cause of death attributable to SCT is not a diagnosis substantiated by the medical evidence.”

ASH convened an expert panel of hematologists and forensic pathologists to systematically review all existing available research to answer two primary questions: 1) Do uncomplicated acute pain crises occur in people with SCT? and 2) Can physical activity above baseline result in sudden death among those individuals?

The experts conducted a multi-database search for English-language studies on SCT and pain crises or mortality, identifying 1474 such citations. Only seven of those studies reported original data, included laboratory testing for SCT in individuals, and addressed the two primary research questions.

Of these studies, none assessed acute pain crises in individuals with SCT compared to those with SCD and only one described death in individuals reported to have SCT. This study of active-duty U.S. soldiers found only that SCT was associated with a higher risk of heat-related-exertional rhabdomyolysis, or muscle breakdown, but not a higher risk of death from any cause. After the implementation of precautions to prevent heat and environmental-related injury in military personnel, the race-adjusted risk of death was no different in individuals with SCT compared to individuals without SCT.

“In the absence of two medical conditions that we are all at risk for, exertional rhabdomyolysis or crush injuries leading to rhabdomyolysis, individuals with SCT are not susceptible to sudden death. Even under these extreme environmental conditions, unexplained sudden death cannot be attributed to SCT,” said Dr. DeBaun. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that “in individuals with SCT, the likelihood of SCT alone or pain crises being the root cause of sudden death is medically impossible,” he added.

While conducting this systematic review, the experts found several studies in which the presence of sickled blood cells at autopsy was cited as evidence of death by acute pain crisis in individuals with SCT. However, the experts did not find any studies that had human data to support this hypothesis, nor any clinical descriptions sufficient to make a diagnosis of an acute pain crisis immediately preceding death.

“Medicine, even in the post-mortem setting, is science,” said corresponding study author Lachelle D. Weeks, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and physician-scientist in the division of population sciences at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. “Our diagnoses have to make sense and be backed by medical evidence. Given the findings of this study, we owe it to individuals with SCT to ensure that post-mortem examinations check for evidence of rhabdomyolysis and other medical or traumatic causes of death.”

The review had some limitations, most notably a lack of high quality, peer-reviewed direct evidence. To help mitigate this challenge, panel members were encouraged to consider indirect evidence when reviewing abstracts and judged evidence certainty following the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) framework. However, given this paucity of data, the experts hope this review prompts additional SCT research.

Following the results of this study, ASH revised its position statement on SCT, which states that listing “sickle cell crisis” or “sickle cell trait” as a cause of death on an autopsy report for an individual with sickle cell trait is medically inaccurate and without medical evidence of causation. To read the updated statement and learn more about ASH’s advocacy efforts in this area, visit https://hematology.org/advocacy.

Source: American Society of Hematology

Brains of People with Sickle Cell Disease Appear Older

Sickle cell disease. Credit: National Institutes of Health

Individuals with sickle cell disease are at a higher risk for stroke and resulting cognitive disability. But even in the absence of stroke, many such patients struggle with remembering, focusing, learning and problem solving, among other cognitive problems, with many facing challenges in school and in the workplace.

Now a multidisciplinary team of researchers and physicians at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has published a study that helps explain how the illness might affect cognitive performance in sickle cell patients without a history of stroke. The study, appearing in JAMA Network Open, found such participants had brains that appeared older than expected for their age. Individuals experiencing economic deprivation, who struggle to meet basic needs, even in the absence of sickle cell disease, had more-aged appearing brains, the team also found.

“Our study explains how a chronic illness and low socioeconomic status can cause cognitive problems,” said Andria Ford, MD, a professor of neurology and chief of the section of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases at WashU Medicine and corresponding author on the study. “We found that such factors could impact brain development and/or aging, which ultimately affects the mental processes involved in thinking, remembering and problem solving, among others. Understanding the influence that sickle cell disease and economic deprivation have on brain structure may lead to treatments and preventive measures that potentially could preserve cognitive function.”

More than 200 young, Black adults with and without sickle cell disease, living in St. Louis and the surrounding region in eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois, participated in brain MRI scans and cognitive tests. The researchers – including Yasheng Chen, DSc, an associate professor of neurology at WashU Medicine and senior author on the study – calculated each person’s brain age using a brain-age prediction tool that was developed using MRI brain scans from a diverse group of more than 14 000 healthy people of known ages. The estimated brain age was compared with the individual’s actual age.

The researchers found that participants with sickle cell disease had brains that appeared an average of 14 years older than their actual age. Sickle cell participants with older-looking brains also scored lower on cognitive tests.

The study also found that socioeconomic status correlates with brain age. On average, a seven-year gap was found between the brain age and the participants’ actual age in healthy individuals experiencing poverty. The more severe the economic deprivation, the older the brains of such study subjects appeared.

Healthy brains shrink as people age, while premature shrinking is characteristic of neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease. But a smaller brain that appears older can also result from stunted growth early in life. Sickle cell disease is congenital, chronically depriving the developing brain of oxygen and possibly affecting its growth from birth. Also, children exposed to long-term economic deprivation and poverty experience cognitive challenges that affect their academic performance, Ford explained.

As a part of the same study, the researchers are again performing cognitive tests and scanning the brains of the same healthy and sickle cell participants three years after their first scan to investigate if the older-looking brains aged prematurely, or if their development was stunted.

“A single brain scan helps measure the participants’ brain age only in that moment,” said Ford, who treats patients at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. “But multiple time points can help us understand if the brain is stable, initially capturing differences that were present since childhood, or prematurely aging and able to predict the trajectory of someone’s cognitive decline. Identifying who is at greatest risk for future cognitive disability with a single MRI scan can be a powerful tool for helping patients with neurological conditions.”

Source: WashU Medicine

Carriers of Sickle Cell are at Increased Risk for Certain Conditions

Sickle cell disease. Credit: National Institutes of Health

Individuals that have sickle cell trait, who did not which increases the risk of blood clots, a risk that is the same among diverse human populations that may not traditionally be associated with sickle cell disease. The study provides estimated clinical risks for people with sickle cell trait, which can inform clinical practice guidelines.

The study, published in Blood Advances, was led by researchers at National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of NIH, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, and the company 23andMe, South San Francisco, California. The researchers examined the largest and most diverse set of people with sickle cell trait to date, which includes data from over 19 000 people of various ancestral backgrounds with sickle cell trait. 

While people with sickle cell trait typically do not have any associated health complications, they are carriers for sickle cell disease. In rare cases, sickle cell trait has been found to be a risk factor for health complications such as muscle breakdown, presence of blood in the urine and kidney disease.

Previous research investigating the relationship between sickle cell trait and blood clots have only included individuals of African genetic ancestry and self-identified Black participants because of the incorrect assumption that the genetic carrier state only affects those who identify as Black or African American. While sickle cell trait in the United States is most prevalent in individuals who self-identify as Black or African American, individuals from all ancestral backgrounds may have sickle cell trait. Sickle cell trait is often found in individuals living in or from West and Central Africa, Mediterranean Europe, India and the Middle East.

“Because sickle cell trait is often associated with people who identify as Black or African American, it is not widely studied in other populations, a bias that has led to unintended harm for those with sickle cell trait,” says Vence Bonham Jr, J.D., who co-led the study and serves as acting deputy director and associate investigator at NHGRI. “In particular, the racialisation of sickle cell trait has resulted in biased estimations of health risks. The results of our study will help clinicians properly contextualise the risk of blood clots amongst people with sickle cell trait without unintended bias.”  

Individuals in this study are part of the 23andMe research program and have volunteered to participate in the research online and provided informed consent, which includes allowing their de-identified data to be analysed and subsequently shared with research collaborators. Using data from this research cohort, which consists of over four million participants, researchers calculated the risk of blood clots in the veins, also known as venous thromboembolism. Through statistical analyses, participants were grouped based on their genetic similarities into genetic ancestry groups. The study found that people with sickle cell trait have a 1.45-fold higher risk of venous thromboembolism than those without sickle cell trait, a risk that is similar across all studied genetic ancestry groups.

To help clinicians estimate the risk of blood clots in people with sickle cell trait in comparison to other genetic carrier states, the researchers analysed risk in people who are carriers for Factor V Leiden, a well-known inherited blood-clotting disorder. The study found that carriers for Factor V Leiden, which is more prevalent in people of European genetic ancestries, had an even higher risk of venous thromboembolism than people with sickle cell trait.

The researchers found that people with sickle cell trait have a higher risk of pulmonary embolism than those without sickle cell trait.

While previous studies have demonstrated that in individuals with sickle cell trait, the risk of blood clots occurring in the lungs is higher than the risk of clots occurring only in the legs, this study supports the link more definitively with a larger sample size.

“This study, therefore, provides important insights about patterns of venous blood clots and suggests a unique mechanism of blood clotting in people with sickle cell trait,” said Rakhi Naik, M.D., clinical director for the Division of Hematology at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, who co-led the study. “Knowing the risks of blood clots in people with sickle cell trait is important for situations such as surgeries or hospitalizations, which add to the risk of developing serious blood clots.”

Source: NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute

A Life-changing Genetic Cure for Sickle Cell Patient

Sickle cell disease occurs in people who inherit two copies of the sickle cell gene, one from each parent. This produces abnormal haemoglobin, called haemoglobin S. Credit: Darryl Leja, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health

Jimi Olaghere, who had suffered all his life from the chronic pain of sickle cell disease, recently received a genetic cure decades sooner than he would have believed possible.

Mr Olaghere is one of the first seven sickle cell patients who received a new gene-editing treatment going through its first clinic trials in the US. “It’s like being born again,” he said, adding that it has changed his life. “When I look back, it’s like, ‘Wow, I can’t believe I lived with that.'”

Mr Olaghere, 36 said: “You always have to be in a war mindset, knowing that your days are going to be filled with challenges.”

Sickle cell disease is caused by a mutated gene that results in abnormal haemoglobin, leading to blood cells becoming more rigid and taking on their characteristic sickle shape. These malformed cells often get stuck in blood vessels, giving rise to ischaemias and an increase in cardiovascular disease risk and organ damage. Mr Olaghere may need a hip replacement due to avascular necrosis.

The disease also causes chronic pain, which he likened to “shards of glass flowing through your veins or someone taking a hammer to your joints.”

Severe pain episodes known as crises are the hallmark of sickle cell disease. For years, Mr Olaghere was hospitalised on a monthly basis. Winters worsened the problem as the cold restricted surface blood vessels, increasing the risk of blockages. He moved to a warmer city, and became a tech entrepreneur as he didn’t think any employer would be sympathetic to going to the hospital so often.

His family urged him to participate in clinical trials or receive a bone marrow transplant. However, he thought it would take too much time and instead pinned his hopes on DNA editing “in the future, probably 20 to 50 years from now”.

But in 2019 he read about a new gene editing therapy and emailed the medical team right away. When he learned he was accepted, he said it was “the best Christmas present ever”. As the pandemic hit and flights were cancelled, he was still able to make the four-hour drive for treatment appointments.
In order to genetically edit his stem cells the stem cells were flushed out of his bone marrow and into the bloodstream for collection.

“You sit there for eight hours and this machine is literally just sucking all the blood out of you,” he said.

The process left him physically and mentally drained, and still needed  blood transfusions. Mr Olaghere had to go through this process, the most difficult of all for him, four times. 

The key to the treatment lies not in correcting the genetic defect that produces the cell but rather sidestepping it by getting the body to use an alternative: foetal haemoglobin 

Ordinarily, at around 40 weeks of pregnancy, a genetic switch called BCL11A is flipped and the body starts producing adult haemoglobin – which is the only form affected by sickle cell disease. 

“Our approach is to turn that switch off and increase the production of foetal haemoglobin again, basically turning the clock back,” explained Dr Haydar Frangoul, who treated Mr at the Sarah Cannon Research Institute.

Mr Olaghere’s stem cells were sent to Vertex Pharmaceuticals’ laboratories for genetic editing. By September 2020, the engineered cells were ready to be infused into his body. “It was the week of my birthday, actually. So it was almost like getting a new life,” he recalled.

The original faulty stem cells that remained in his body were killed off with chemotherapy, and then genetically engineered replacements were infused into his body to produce sickle-free blood.

“I remember waking up without any pain and feeling lost,” he said. “Because my life is so associated with pain, it’s just a part of who I am. It’s weird now that I don’t experience it any more.'”

Dr Frangoul said that the first seven patients’ results have been “nothing short of amazing” and represented a “functional cure” for their disease.
“What we are seeing is patients are going back to their normal life, none have required admission to hospital or doctor visits because of sickle cell related complications,” Dr Frangoul said.

So far, the genetic technique has been conducted on 45 patients with either sickle cell disease or beta thalassaemia. However, the data are still being gathered.

Source: BBC News