Tag: screen and device use

Prolonged Screentime Associated with Increased Nocturia

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

In a study published in Neurourology and Urodynamics, adults who spent five or more hours a day watching TV and/or videos were more likely to develop nocturia, or the need to urinate multiple times during the night.

The study drew from 2011–2016 data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Among 13 294 US individuals aged 20 and older, 4236 (31.86%) reported experiencing nocturia, while 9058 (68.14%) did not. Participants with five or more hours of TV and/or video viewing time per day had a 48% higher risk of experiencing nocturia compared with those with less than one hour of daily TV and/or video viewing time.

“As individuals increasingly engage in screen‐based activities, a comprehensive understanding of the impact of extended TV and/or video time on patterns of nocturia is crucial for both healthcare professionals and public health practitioners,” the authors wrote. “For individuals who engage in prolonged TV and/or video time, healthcare professionals can offer behavioural intervention recommendations, encouraging appropriate screen time management.”

Source: Wiley

Study Finds Screen Time for Toddlers is a Bad Idea

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Babies and toddlers exposed to television or video viewing may be more likely to exhibit atypical sensory behaviours, such as being disengaged and disinterested in activities, seeking more intense stimulation in an environment, or being overwhelmed by sensations like loud sounds or bright lights, according to data from researchers at Drexel’s College of Medicine published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.

According to the researchers, children exposed to greater TV viewing by their second birthday were more likely to develop atypical sensory processing behaviours, such as “sensation seeking” and “sensation avoiding,” as well as “low registration” – being less sensitive or slower to respond to stimuli, such as their name being called, by 33 months old.

Sensory processing skills reflect the body’s ability to respond efficiently and appropriately to information and stimuli received by its sensory systems, such as what the toddler hears, sees, touches, and tastes.

The team pulled 2011-2014 data on television or DVD-watching by babies and toddlers at 12- 18- and 24-months from the National Children’s Study of 1471 children (50% male) nationwide.

Sensory processing outcomes were assessed at 33 months using the Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile (ITSP), a questionnaire completed by parents/caregivers, designed to give insights on how children process what they see, hear and smell, etc.

ITSP subscales examine children’s patterns of low registration, sensation seeking, such as excessively touching or smelling objects; sensory sensitivity, such as being overly upset or irritated by lights and noise; and sensation avoiding – actively trying to control their environment to avoid things like having their teeth brushed. Children score in “typical,” “high” or “low” groups based on how often they display various sensory-related behaviours. Scores were considered “typical” if they were within one standard deviation from the average of the ITSP norm.

Measurements of screen exposure at 12-months were based on caregiver responses to the question: “Does your child watch TV and/or DVDs? (yes/no),” and at 18- and 24- months based on the question: “Over the past 30 days, on average, how many hours per day did your child watch TV and/or DVDs?”

The findings suggest:

  • At 12 months, any screen exposure compared to no screen viewing was associated with a 105% greater likelihood of exhibiting “high” sensory behaviours instead of “typical” sensory behaviours related to low registration at 33 months
  • At 18 months, each additional hour of daily screen time was associated with 23% increased odds of exhibiting “high” sensory behaviours related to later sensation avoiding and low registration.
  • At 24 months, each additional hour of daily screen time was associated with a 20% increased odds of “high” sensation seeking, sensory sensitivity, and sensation avoiding at 33 months.

The researchers adjusted for age, whether the child was born prematurely, caregiver education, race/ethnicity and other factors, such as how often the child engages in play or walks with the caregiver.

The findings add to a growing list of concerning health and developmental outcomes linked to screen time in infants and toddlers, including language delay, autism spectrum disorder, behavioural issues, sleep struggles, attention problems and problem-solving delays.

“This association could have important implications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism, as atypical sensory processing is much more prevalent in these populations,” said lead author Karen Heffler, MD, an associate professor of Psychiatry in Drexel’s College of Medicine. “Repetitive behaviour, such as that seen in autism spectrum disorder, is highly correlated with atypical sensory processing. Future work may determine whether early life screen time could fuel the sensory brain hyperconnectivity seen in autism spectrum disorders, such as heightened brain responses to sensory stimulation.”

Atypical sensory processing in kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD manifests in a range of detrimental behaviours. In children with ASD, greater sensation seeking or sensation avoiding, heightened sensory sensitivity and low registration have been associated with irritability, hyperactivity, eating and sleeping struggles, as well as social problems. In kids with ADHD, atypical sensory processing is linked to trouble with executive function, anxiety and lower quality of life.

“Considering this link between high screen time and a growing list of developmental and behavioural problems, it may be beneficial for toddlers exhibiting these symptoms to undergo a period of screen time reduction, along with sensory processing practices delivered by occupational therapists,” said Heffler.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) discourages screen time for babies under 18–24 months. Live video chat is considered by the AAP to be okay, as there may be benefit from the interaction that takes place. AAP recommends time limitations on digital media use for children ages two to five years to typically no more than one hour per day.

“Parent training and education are key to minimising, or hopefully even avoiding, screen time in children younger than two years,” said senior author David Bennett, PhD, a professor of Psychiatry in Drexel’s College of Medicine.

Source: Drexel’s College of Medicine