Tag: Schwann cells

Schwann Cells Turn Nerve Tumours Benign

Microscopy image of mouse sciatic nerves showing axons (red) wrapped by Schwann cells (green) with their nuclei depicted in blue. Credit: A. Alvarez-Prats and T. Balla, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH

In addition to forming the myelin sheath along peripheral nerves and supporting neighbouring neurons, Schwann cells have also been found to play an important immune modulating function, starting and shutting off inflammation. This function not only helps nerve repair, but may also turn nerve tumours benign. These new findings were reported in the journal Glia.

The research has revealed that Schwann cells produce signalling molecules that can activate other immune cells. In particular, however, they are able to stop inflammatory reactions in order to prevent excessive tissue damage and allow the nerve to regenerate.

“This is essential, because inflammation releases free radicals against which nerve fibers cannot protect themselves. Therefore, the inflammation must be cleared quickly, which is precisely what Schwann cells do,” explained study designer Dr. Sabine Taschner-Mandl, who designed the study and heads a research group at St. Anna CCRI.

Do Schwann cells protect against malignancy?

These findings also have implications for protection against malignancy After nerve injury, Schwann cells engage a ‘repair’ mode that is also found in benign infantile nerve tumours. There, it causes the tumour cells to mature and thus reach a stage where they lose their aggressive properties and no longer divide unchecked

“Based on the current results, we now suspect that the immune cell functions of Schwann cells also become effective in childhood nerve tumours. This is because in cancer, there is always a kind of inflammation bubbling away that never comes to a halt. In benign nerve tumours, ganglioneuromas, the accompanying chronic inflammation could be stopped by Schwann cells similar to nerve healing, because unlike malignancies, ganglioneuromas have many Schwann cells in their microenvironment. We also see that a lot of immune cells migrate into these tumours, for which the Schwann cells could also be responsible,” said Dr Taschner-Mandl.

Healthy Inflammation: First Activate, Then Shut Down

In particular, the current study shows that Schwann cells can influence T cells, which are key in cancer defence. Schwann cells – both those in nerve regeneration and those in benign tumours – carry MHC-I and MHC-II molecules on their surface that are important for T-cell regulation. Via these molecules, Schwann cells present recognition features of material they have previously taken up from their environment.

“We mimicked an inflammatory response in the laboratory and detected a whole range of additional stimulatory and inhibitory surface molecules that are also necessary for T cell activation,” explained Jakob Berner, MSc, co-first author of the study and interim PhD student at St. Anna CCRI. “Our experiments show that Schwann cells are able to take up large amounts of material via phagocytosis.”

As the first immune response to a nerve cut, Schwann cells secrete substances that attract T cells, macrophages and other immune cells. Now it turned out that not only a reaction between the classical immune cells takes place, but also between Schwann cells and T cells.

While Schwann cells initially fuel the inflammatory response by releasing interferon-gamma, they can later shut it down by up-regulating the T-cell inhibitory PD-L1 molecule.

“First activate, then shut down – that’s the normal process of an inflammatory response. If this were also the case in cancer, then it could curb cancer growth,” Dr Taschner-Mandl theorised. Researchers are now investigating whether and how these findings could be applied to cancer treatment.

Source: St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute

Natural ‘Brake’ Keeps Neuroblastomas Benign

Researchers have found that a signal molecule produced by Schwann cells found in benign neuroblastomas acts as a natural ‘brake’ keeping them benign and preventing their uncontrolled growth. This also works on malignant neuroblastoma cultures. 

While energising a tumour with a growth factor to halt it does not sound logical, with neuroblastomas the Schwann cells trigger the maturation of nerve cells and bring the growth to a halt.

Schwann cells produce a signalling molecule called epidermal growth factor like 8 (EGFL8). The researchers showed that EGFL8 stimulates the differentiation, or maturation, of neuroblastoma cells. “Until recently, we only knew that this protein existed, but its function was not known. We now for the first time know where EGFL8 is produced and how it acts,” explained study author Sabine Taschner-Mandl, PhD, head of the Tumor Biology Group at St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute. The study results also showed that high levels of EGFL8 were linked to improved survival rates in neuroblastoma patients.

“In cell cultures, we have demonstrated that Schwann cells as well as their secreted signaling molecules exert anti-tumour effects, even in aggressive neuroblastoma cells. Thus, we are able to exploit a process that occurs naturally in benign neuroblastomas to stop the malignant ones,” Sabine Taschner-Mandl and her colleague Tamara Weiss, PhD, from the Medical University of Vienna, explained. 

However, there is still much to be discovered about how the interplay of Schwann cells with the rest of the body; currently the researchers are examining how they interact with immune cells.

The study also uncovered a significant finding: that Schwann cells in benign neuroblastomas have a similar cellular status to those that support healing in injured peripheral nerves. Schwann cells in the tumour were found to express repair-associated genes and demonstrated repair functions. “It is amazing that we have discovered a signalling molecule that plays a role in both tumour development of benign neuroblastomas and regeneration of injured nerves. Since EGFL8 stimulates the formation of nerve cell extensions, it could be of great importance for the treatment of injured nerve fibers”, said Tamara Weiss.

Source: Medical Xpress

Journal information: Schwann cell plasticity regulates neuroblastic tumor cell differentiation via epidermal growth factor like protein 8, Nature Communications (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21859-0