Tag: prehabilitation

Physical Exercise Concomitant with Chemotherapy Reduces Nerve Damage

Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Many cancer medications, from chemotherapy to modern immunotherapies, attack the nerves as well as the tumour cells. Some therapies, such as oxaliplatin or vinca alkaloids, leave 70 to 90% of patients complaining of pain, balance issues, or feelings of numbness, burning or tingling. These symptoms can be very debilitating. They can disappear following cancer treatment, but in around 50% they become chronic. Specialists call it chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, or CIPN for short.

A research team led by sports scientist Dr Fiona Streckmann from the University of Basel and the German Sport University Cologne has now shown that specific exercise, concomitant to cancer therapy, can prevent nerve damage in many cases. The researchers have reported their findings in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Exercise alongside chemo

The study involved 158 cancer patients, both male and female, who were receiving treatment either with oxaliplatin or vinca-alkaloids. The researchers divided the patients at random into three groups. The first was a control group, whose members received standard care. The other two groups completed exercise sessions twice a week for the duration of their chemotherapy, with each session lasting between 15 and 30 minutes. One of these groups carried out exercises that focused primarily on balancing on an increasingly unstable surface. The other group trained on a vibration plate.

Regular examinations over the next five years showed that in the control group around twice as many participants developed CIPN as in either of the exercise groups. In other words, the exercises undertaken alongside chemotherapy were able to reduce the incidence of nerve damage by 50 to 70%. In addition, they increased the patients’ subjectively perceived quality of life, made it less necessary to reduce their dose of cancer medications, and reduced mortality in the five years following chemotherapy.

The participants receiving vinca-alkaloids and performing sensorimotor training, had the largest benefit. 

Ineffective medications

A lot of money has been invested over the years in reducing the incidence of CIPN, explains Streckmann. “This side effect has a direct influence on clinical treatment: for example, patients may not be able to receive the planned number of chemotherapy cycles that they actually need, the dosage of neurotoxic agents in the chemotherapy may have to be reduced, or their treatment may have to be terminated.”

Despite the investments made, there is no effective pharmacological treatment to date: various studies have shown that medications can neither prevent nor reverse this nerve damage. However, according to the latest estimates, USD 17 000 are spent per patient every year in the USA on treating nerve damage associated with chemotherapy. Streckmann’s assumption is that “doctors prescribe medications despite everything, because patients’ level of suffering is so high.”

Study ongoing in children’s hospitals

In contrast, the sports scientist emphasises, the positive effect of exercise has been substantiated, and this treatment is very cheap in comparison. At the moment she and her team are working on guidelines for hospitals, so that they can integrate the exercises into clinical practice as supportive therapy. In addition, since 2023 a study has been ongoing in six children’s hospitals in Germany and Switzerland (Project PrepAIR), which is intended prevent sensory and motor dysfunctions in children receiving neurotoxic chemotherapy.

“The potential of physical activity is hugely underestimated,” says Fiona Streckmann. She very much hopes that the results of the newly published study will lead to more sports therapists being employed in hospitals, in order to better exploit this potential.

Source: University of Basel

Prehabilitation Improves Orthopaedic Surgery Outcomes

Photo by Barbara Olsen on Pexels

Pre-surgery exercise and education, or ‘prehabilitation’, can significantly improve outcomes for patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery, according to new research published in JAMA Network Open.

An ageing population plus the COVID pandemic has put great strains on healthcare systems, creating a longer waiting time for patients due to undergo routine elective surgical procedures. This can cause mental and physical deconditioning in patients, potentially impacting their surgical outcomes.

The study found prehabilitation may mitigate these negative factors and assist in improving strength and function prior to a surgical intervention. This may include exercise, patient education, pain management and psychological support.

Researchers from Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), Addenbrooke’s – Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) and Western University in Ontario, Canada, examined the results of 48 unique clinical trials involving prehabilitation techniques such as exercise, pain management and acupuncture among patients about to undergo orthopaedic surgery.

Outcomes were measured prior to surgery as well as at intervals post-operation. Results were graded for certainty, or confidence that results were true.

Prior to surgery, the study found strong evidence that prehabilitation led to a reduction in back pain for people waiting for lower back surgery and evidence of moderate certainty for improvement in their health-related quality of life.

For patients waiting for total knee replacement, evidence of moderate certainty showed prehabilitation improved function and muscle strength. For patients waiting for a total hip replacement, evidence of moderate certainty showed prehabilitation improved health-related quality of life and hip muscle strength.

Following an operation, the study found that prehabilitation improved function in the short to medium term compared with no prehabilitation. In particular, evidence of moderate certainty suggested prehabilitation had favourable outcomes on function in those who had undergone knee replacement surgery at six weeks post-operatively. Evidence of moderate certainty also suggests prehabilitation improved function six months after lower back surgery.

Lead author Anuj Punnoose, ARU PhD candidate and Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist at CUH, said: “This study stemmed out of a need to find the best ways to prepare orthopaedic patients prior to surgery and prevent them from further deconditioning. Furthermore, any prehabilitation programme should ideally be delivered for at least four to six weeks prior to the surgical intervention and twice a week for optimum results. Health services looking at developing such programmes could utilise recommendations from this study.”

Source: Anglia Ruskin University

Cancer Surgery Patients Have a Reduced Hospital Stay with ‘Prehabilitation’

Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash

A new approach to improve their fitness for surgery reduced the length of hospital stay for cancer patients, according to a new study.

Termed ‘prehabilitation’, the study’s approach includes exercise, nutrition and psychological and social interventions to bolster physical and mental health before surgery.

The study, published in the Annals of Surgery, found that prehabilitation interventions of between one and four weeks reduced cancer patients’ stay in hospital by 1.8 days compared with usual care.

Study author Dr Chris Gaffney from Lancaster Medical School said: “Surgery is like a marathon in terms of stressing the body, and you wouldn’t run a marathon without training.”

The researchers found that as little as one week can still benefit patient outcomes, indicating that prehabilitation should be recommended to accelerate recovery from cancer surgery, as shown by a reduced hospital length of stay.

Study author Dr Joel Lambert, now a postgraduate student at Lancaster Medical School and a surgeon at East Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “We think that it may also confer a survival advantage for cancer patients as they can get to follow up treatments like chemotherapy more quickly.

“We think that the patient groups most likely to benefit are the ones with lower levels of fitness at baseline. In the Northwest we have some of the most socioeconomically deprived populations in the UK. This subset tend to have more co-morbid conditions hence less fit.”  

The patients studied were those with liver, colorectal, and upper gastrointestinal cancer, and who are often less fit than other cancer patients.

The study interventions were grouped into three types

  • Multimodal prehabilitation: exercise, which included both nutrition and psychosocial support,
  • Bimodal prehabilitation: exercise and nutrition or psychosocial support
  • Unimodal prehabilitation: exercise or nutrition alone

The exercise interventions included aerobic, resistance, and both aerobic and resistance exercises at all levels of intensity, some supervised by a kinesiologist or physiotherapist, while others were home-based exercise regimes. These ranged from one to four weeks and all interventions were within the current NHS surgery targets for cancer surgery.

The researchers concluded: “Future studies should focus on identifying patients who would benefit most from prehabilitation and the mechanistic underpinning of any improvement in clinical outcomes. Studies should closely monitor nutrition intake to determine if the response to exercise prehabilitation is dependent upon nutritional status. Lastly, mortality should be monitored for 12 months post surgery to determine if prehabilitation has any effect beyond 30 or 90 days.”

Source: Lancaster University