Tag: phages

Toothbrushes and Showerheads Teem with Viruses – Perhaps Useful Ones

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-toothbrush-with-toothpaste-on-a-white-surface-12065623/

Step aside, tropical rainforests and coral reefs, the latest hotspot to offer awe-inspiring biodiversity is in your bathroom. In a new study published in Frontiers in Microbiomes, microbiologists found that showerheads and toothbrushes are teeming with an extremely diverse collection of viruses – most of which have never been seen before.

Although this might sound ominous, the good news is these viruses don’t target people. They target bacteria.

The microorganisms collected in the study are bacteriophage, or “phage,” a type of virus that infects and replicates inside of bacteria. Although researchers know little about them, phage recently have garnered attention for their potential use in treating antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. And the previously unknown viruses lurking in our bathrooms could become a treasure trove of materials for exploring those applications.

“The number of viruses that we found is absolutely wild,” said Northwestern’s Erica M. Hartmann, who led the study, which was published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiomes. “We found many viruses that we know very little about and many others that we have never seen before. It’s amazing how much untapped biodiversity is all around us. And you don’t even have to go far to find it; it’s right under our noses.”

An indoor microbiologist, Hartmann is an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering and a member of the Center for Synthetic Biology.

The return of ‘Operation Pottymouth’

The new study is an offshoot of previous research, in which Hartmann and her colleagues at University of Colorado at Boulder characterized bacteria living on toothbrushes and showerheads. For the previous studies, the researchers asked people to submit used toothbrushes and swabs with samples collected from their showerheads.

Inspired by concerns that a flushing toilet might generate a cloud of aerosol particles, Hartmann affectionately called the toothbrush study, “Operation Pottymouth.”

“This project started as a curiosity,” Hartmann said. “We wanted to know what microbes are living in our homes. If you think about indoor environments, surfaces like tables and walls are really difficult for microbes to live on. Microbes prefer environments with water. And where is there water? Inside our showerheads and on our toothbrushes.”

What they found: An ‘incredible diversity of viruses’

After characterizing bacteria, Hartmann then used DNA sequencing to examine the viruses living on those same samples. She was immediately blown away. Altogether, the samples comprised more than 600 different viruses — and no two samples were alike.

“We saw basically no overlap in virus types between showerheads and toothbrushes,” Hartmann said. “We also saw very little overlap between any two samples at all. Each showerhead and each toothbrush is like its own little island. It just underscores the incredible diversity of viruses out there.”

A potential pathogen fighter

While they found few patterns among all the samples, Hartmann and her team did notice more mycobacteriophage than other types of phage. Mycobacteriophage infect mycobacteria, a pathogenic species that causes diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis and chronic lung infections. Hartmann imagines that, someday, researchers could harness mycobacteriophage to treat these infections and others.

“We could envision taking these mycobacteriophage and using them as a way to clean pathogens out of your plumbing system,” she said. “We want to look at all the functions these viruses might have and figure out how we can use them.”

Avoid overreacting: Most microbes ‘will not make us sick’

But, in the meantime, Hartmann cautions people not to fret about the invisible wildlife living within our bathrooms. Instead of grabbing for bleach, people can soak their showerheads in vinegar to remove calcium buildup or simply wash them with plain soap and water. And people should regularly replace toothbrush heads, Hartmann says. Hartmann also is not a fan of antimicrobial toothbrushes, which she said can lead to antibiotic-resistant bugs.

“Microbes are everywhere, and the vast majority of them will not make us sick,” she said. “The more you attack them with disinfectants, the more they are likely to develop resistance or become more difficult to treat. We should all just embrace them.”

Source: Northwestern University

Using Bacteriophage Therapy to Defeat a Resistant Bacterial Infection

A Left upper extremity with multiple large erythematous, fluctuant to nodular lesions ultimately diagnosed as disseminated cutaneous Mycobacterium chelonae infection. B Images of the left upper extremity lesions prior to (Dec 2020) and following (August 2021) addition of bacteriophage therapy. C PET/CT prior to (March 2021) and following (August 2021) addition of bacteriophage therapy. Credit: Nature

Reporting in the journal Nature, clinicians describe the use of a bacteriophage to treat a flesh-eating infection by an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, with excellent clinical response. Bacteriophages, from the Greek ‘bacteria eater’, are viruses which target bacteria.

Bacteriophage (or more simply ‘phage’) therapy is being explored as a solution to the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance. Despite the exotic-sounding name, bacteriophage therapy is nothing new – in fact, its first application in 1919 predates the discovery of penicillin in 1929. However, their use has not been accompanied with robust research, meaning that there is still uncertainty regarding their use in modern medicine.

The authors report treating Mr. M, a 56 year-old man with disseminated cutaneous Mycobacterium chelonae infection with a single bacteriophage in conjunction with antibiotic and surgical management. He had previously received extensive antimicrobial courses as well as surgical debridement, but the bacterial infection persisted.

M. chelonae is a rapidly growing nontuberculous mycobacterium, ubiquitous in the environment and is known to have antimicrobial resistance. In rare cases, it causes infections in immunocompromised patients. To treat the infection, the researchers used a bacteriophage called Muddy, which had been isolated from a South African eggplant.

After the phage therapy skin started, lesions significantly improved both on examination and in PET/CT scans. Furthermore, two biopsies at two and five months post-treatment revealed no evidence of granulomas or AFB on histopathology and tissue cultures have remained negative. The patient has had no adverse events from the phage therapy and administered the intravenous therapy at home for more than six months.

Bacteriophage therapy is hampered by the development of phage resistance, which can potentially be countered using an appropriately-designed phage cocktail. In this case, the researchers were limited to Muddy, since no other phages tested were highly active against the patient’s strain of M. chelonae. Although resistance to Muddy is likely to occur, it was not detected in vitro, consistent with the infrequency of phage resistance in M. abscessus isolates. Resistance in vivo leading to loss of treatment efficacy was also not observed, which together suggest that phage resistance of NTM pathogens may not be the impediment encountered with other pathogens.

A second barrier to the successful treatment of bacterial infections with phage therapy is the complex interaction between the host immune system and the bacteriophage. In this case, the patient maintained stably improved disease and negative microbiologic and histopathologic studies despite a neutralising antibody response to the phage.

The authors suggested that the phage quickly reduced the burden of infection, allowing the ongoing antimicrobial therapy to have an effect. The phage also became self-replicating at the infection site – administration after the onset of neutralising antibodies therefore became unnecessary.

There are still significant challenges to phage therapy becoming widespread. The mains ones are 1) doctors need to know the bacterial strain behind the infection and 2) they need to have several phages on hand that specifically target that strain. Compounding the latter problem, most pharmaceutical companies are hesitant to focus on developing phage therapies. Since phage therapy is over 100 years old, it is difficult to patent and generate revenue to justify the initial development costs.

Gut Bacteria Alter Gene Expression to Evade Phage Therapy

A bacteriophage, Credit: CC0

Phage therapy is a long-standing technique which makes use of bacteriophage viruses to kill bacteria, but poses the challenge of some strains working in vitro but failing in vivo. Scientists have now found that gut bacteria alter their gene expression to avoid attack by bacteriophages. This research, published in Cell Host & Microbe, helps explains the difference in bacteriophage efficacy.

Phage therapy is a medical approach that involves treating bacterial infectious diseases using the natural ability of certain viruses, known as bacteriophages, to kill bacteria that they specifically recognise. Following the development of antibiotics, the West saw a significant decline in the use of this century-old therapeutic strategy. In the face of the growing threat of antibiotic resistance, scientists are returning to bacteriophages and to understand their mechanism of action.

Bacteria and bacteriophages are the most abundant entities in the human gut microbiota. Although bacteriophages kill bacteria, the two antagonist populations coexist in a balance in the gut.

To date, there has been little data on how phage therapy works in vivo. Interactions between bacteria and bacteriophages have, in contrast, been extensively studied in vitro. In these conditions, bacteriophages quickly infect bacteria, replicate, and destroy bacteria, while releasing new viruses capable of infecting other bacteria. However, the dynamics observed between these two microorganisms are very different in mammalian guts. Some bacteriophages that are effective in culture medium are totally ineffective in the gut environment.

In order to understand this difference, scientists decided to compare the gene expression profile, or transcriptome, of the bacterium Escherichia coli in both contexts: culture media and the gut. Using this method, they revealed genetic regulations that characterise the bacterium’s adaptation to the gut environment.

By closely examining the genes involved in this adaptation, they revealed four genes that modulate the bacterium’s susceptibility to bacteriophages. “We observed that certain genes required for infection by bacteriophages are expressed less in the gut than in vitro, thus protecting bacteria from bacteriophages,” commented Laurent Debarbieux, last author of the study.

The scientists verified their theory by eliminating the expression of one particular gene. They observed that bacterial susceptibility to a bacteriophage was significantly reduced. As a result, bacteria in the gut are able to resist predation by bacteriophages by modulating the expression of certain genes rather than mutating their genome.

This study therefore demonstrates that environment plays a predominant role in interactions between bacteria and bacteriophages. These findings pave the way for improved use of bacteriophages for therapeutic purposes.

Source: Pasteur Institute

New Bacteriophage Could Combat C. Diff

A bacteriophage. Credit: NIAH

A group of newly discovered bacteriophages named after the UK village of Colney could help combat C. difficile infections.

Clostridioides difficile, or C. diff, is a species of bacteria that infects the human gut. It can become a major problem when our normal gut microbes are impaired, most commonly during a course of antibiotics. This leads to an overgrowth of C. diff, with toxins it produces causing diarrhoea and severe inflammation.

Treatment involves further courses of antibiotics, but relapse and recurrent infections are common. The strains are becoming more resistant to antibiotics and causing more severe illness.

This prompted researchers in Norwich to look for the bacteria’s natural enemy, bacteriophages. They screened 27 different C. diff strains for any bacteriophages, finding one, which they called ΦCD27 (phiCD27). Genome sequencing confirmed this phage had not been discovered before. In fact, the members of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) decided it was genetically distinct enough to form a new group, or genus of phages.

The ICTV decided to name the new genus Colneyvirus, the Colney parish address of the Institute of Food Research (IFR, now part of Quadram Institute), where it was first discovered.

Like normal viruses, phages reproduce by injecting their genetic material into bacteria, making viral copies using the host’s own machinery. Using enzymes called endolysins, they destroy the bacterial cell wall and escape.

The researchers extracted the gene for ΦCD27’s endolysin and put it into another bacterium, E. coli so that they could produce and purify the endolysin. It was proven active against 30 different C. diff strains, including hypervirulent strains behind the current epidemic. It also didn’t affect other common bacterial species in the human gut microbiome.

”This phage and the endolysin encoded by its genome can provide a targeted approach to combat C. diff infections, in contrast to use of broad spectrum antibiotics that cause collateral damage by inhibiting other members of the gut bacterial population” said Professor Arjan Narbad, Group Leader at the Quadram Institute.

However, to be effective the endolysins need to be delivered into the gut, so the team also put the gene into a strain of lactic acid bacteria that has previously been used to deliver proteins and vaccines to the gut.

The research team believes this could serve as the basis for future new treatments C. diff. The system needs more work, but in the battle against this bacterial pandemic, the colneyvirus could be a vital ally.

Source: Quadram Institute

Harnessing Tailocins, Antibacterial ‘Homing Missiles’

A Berkeley Lab-led team is investigating how to harness tailocins, antibacterial nanomachine ‘weapons’ akin to phages but produced by certain bacteria in suicide attacks against other strains.

“Tailocins are extremely strong protein nanomachines made by bacteria,” explained Vivek Mutalik, a research scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) who studies tailocins and phages, the bacteria-infecting viruses that tailocins appear to be remnants of. “They look like phages but they don’t have the capsid, which is the ‘head’ of the phage that contains the viral DNA and replication machinery. So, they’re like a spring-powered needle that goes and sits on the target cell, then appears to poke all the way through the cell membrane making a hole to the cytoplasm, so the cell loses its ions and contents and collapses.”

Many bacteria can produce tailocins, seemingly under stress conditions. However, the tailocins are only lethal to specific strains, and seem to be used by bacteria to compete with rivals. Since they are so similar to phages, scientists believe that tailocins are repurposed from DNA that was injected into bacterial genomes from viral infections.

According to Mutalik, tailocins kill the bacteria that produce them as they erupt through the membrane, much the way replicated viruses do. However, once released, the tailocins selectively target certain strains and not the host lineage cells.

“They benefit kin but the individual is sacrificed, which is a type of altruistic behavior. But we don’t yet understand how this phenomenon happens in nature,” Mutalik commented. Scientists also don’t know precisely how the stabbing needle plunger of the tailocin functions.

These topics, and tailocins as a whole, are an area of hot research due to the many possible applications. Mutalik and his colleagues in Berkeley Lab’s Biosciences Area along with collaborators at UC Berkeley are interested in harnessing tailocins to better study microbiomes. Other groups are keen to use tailocins as an alternative to traditional antibiotics -which indiscriminately wipe out beneficial strains alongside the bad and are increasingly ineffective due to the evolution of drug-resistance traits.
There is also great interest in using tailocins as an alternative to antibiotics, due to increasing antibiotic resistance and the fact that conventional antibiotics wipe out beneficial strains along with the disease-causing ones.

In their most recent paper, the collaborative Berkeley team explored the genetic basis and physical mechanisms governing how tailocins attack specific strains, and looked at genetic similarities and differences between tailocin producers and their target strains.

Upon examination of 12 strains of tailocin-using soil bacteria, the researchers found that differences in the lipopolysaccharides on the outer membranes determined whether they were targeted by a particular tailocin.

“The bacteria we studied live in a challenging, resource-poor environment, so we’re interested to see how they might be using tailocins to fight for survival,” said co-lead author Adam Arkin, a senior faculty scientist in the Biosciences Area and technical co-manager of the Ecosystems and Networks Integrated with Genes and Molecular Assemblies (ENIGMA) Scientific Focus Area. Arkin observed that although bacteria can easily be induced to produce tailocins in the lab, as well as scale up for mass production for medicinal applications, it is not well understood how bacteria deploy tailocins in their natural environment, and how or why particular strains are so precisely targeted.

“Once we understand the targeting mechanisms, we can start using these tailocins ourselves,” Arkin added. “The potential for medicine is obviously huge, but it would also be incredible for the kind of science we do, which is studying how environmental microbes interact and the roles of these interactions in important ecological processes, like carbon sequestration and nitrogen processing.”

At the moment, it is difficult to observe what is happening in a bacterial community, but tailocins could remove individual strains with precision to allow a better understanding of the situation.

Follow-up studies being conducted involve taking atomic-level images of the taolicins in action.

Source: SciTech Daily

Journal information: “Systematic discovery of pseudomonad genetic factors involved in sensitivity to tailocins” by Sean Carim, et al., 1 March 2021, The ISME Journal. DOI: 10.1038/s41396-021-00921-1