Tag: pain measurement

Preterm Babies Receive Insufficient Pain Management

Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

A large proportion of babies born very early need intensive care, which can be painful. But the healthcare system fails to provide pain relief to the full extent. This is shown by the largest survey to date of pain in neonatal care, now published in the journal Pain.

Every day for 4.5 years, neonatal care staff have recorded the occurrence of pain, the causes of pain, and how pain is assessed and treated in premature babies in Sweden. The study covers 3686 babies born between 22 and 31 weeks of gestation from 2020 to 2024. The total observation time was just over 185 000 days of care. Data were collected in the Swedish Neonatal Quality register.

In the evaluation of the register data, the researchers found that babies born extremely early, in weeks 22 to 23, had the highest proportion of painful medical conditions and almost daily painful intensive care procedures throughout the first month after birth. However, this is not surprising.

“There is a strong correlation between acute morbidity and being born very early. The earlier a baby is born, the more intensive care it needs. Intensive care involves procedures that can be painful, such as ventilator treatment, tube feeding, insertion of catheters into blood vessels and surgical procedures. It also requires various tests and investigations that may involve pain,” says Mikael Norman, professor of paediatrics at the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, and lead researcher of the study.

90 percent of the most extremely preterm infants had to undergo painful procedures. Despite this, healthcare professionals reported that only 45 percent of babies experienced pain – which may be because pain was largely prevented or treated. However, a check of the  drugs administered suggests other explanations may exist.

“Somewhat surprisingly, the smallest babies who were most exposed to pain had the lowest proportion of treatment with morphine. This may be a case of undertreatment,” says Mikael Norman.

Could not determine duration of pain

One limitation is that the study could not determine the duration or severity of pain for each day reported.

“The caregivers only answered yes or no to the question of whether the infant had experienced any pain in the last 24 hours. This could range from short-term, so-called procedural pain from for example a needle prick during a test to more continuous pain due to various medical conditions.

“Much is done to alleviate pain in babies. No child in neonatal care is left with severe pain untreated,” he continues.

However, it is a problem and a challenge that healthcare professionals are not always able to determine whether children are in pain.

“This involves developing better rating scales or physiological techniques to measure pain. Better pain treatments are also needed, perhaps with combinations of drugs with less risk of side effects,” says Dr Norman.

It is very important to improve pain management for premature babies, as we now know that their development is negatively affected by the strong signals in the brain that pain causes.

“The vision for all neonatal care is to be pain-free. The results of this survey will be of great importance for improving neonatal care and for future research in the field,” concludes Mikael Norman.

Source: Karolinska Institutet

Neanderthal Gene Variants Associated with Greater Sensitivity to Some Types of Pain

Source: Pixabay CC0

People who carry three gene variants that have bene inherited from Neanderthals are more sensitive to some types of pain, according to a new study co-led by UCL researchers. The findings, published in Communications Biology, are the latest findings to show how past interbreeding with Neanderthals has influenced the genetics of modern humans.

The researchers found that people carrying three so-called Neanderthal variants in the gene SCN9A, which is implicated in sensory neurons, are more sensitive to pain from skin pricking after prior exposure to mustard oil.

Previous research has identified three variations in the SCN9A gene – known as M932L, V991L, and D1908G – in sequenced Neanderthal genomes and reports of greater pain sensitivity among humans carrying all three variants. However, prior to this study the specific sensory responses affected by these variants was unclear.

An international team measured the pain thresholds of 1963 people from Colombia in response to a range of stimuli.

The SCN9A gene encodes a sodium channel that is expressed at high levels in sensory neurons that detect signals from damaged tissue. The researchers found that the D1908G variant of the gene was present in around 20% of chromosomes within this population and around 30% of chromosomes carrying this variant also carried the M932L and V991L variants.

The authors found that the three variants were associated with a lower pain threshold in response to skin pricking after prior exposure to mustard oil, but not in response to heat or pressure. Additionally, carrying all three variants was associated with greater pain sensitivity than carrying only one.

When they analysed the genomic region including SCN9A using genetic data from 5971 people from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, the authors found that the three Neanderthal variants were more common in populations with higher proportions of Native American ancestry, such as the Peruvian population, in which the average proportion of Native American ancestry was 66%.

The authors propose that the Neanderthal variants may sensitise sensory neurons by altering the threshold at which a nerve impulse is generated. They speculate that the variants may be more common in populations with higher proportions of Native American ancestry as a result of random chance and population bottlenecks that occurred during the initial occupation of the Americas. Although acute pain can moderate behaviour and prevent further injury, the scientists that say additional research is needed to determine whether carrying these variants and having greater pain sensitivity may have been advantageous during human evolution.

Diagram comparing the nose shape of a Neanderthal with that of a modern human by Dr Macarena Fuentes-Guajardo.

Previous research by co-corresponding author Dr Kaustubh Adhikari (UCL Genetics, Evolution & Environment and The Open University) has shown that humans also inherited some genetic material from Neanderthals affecting the shape of our noses.

Dr Adhikari commented: “In the last 15 years, since the Neanderthal genome was first sequenced, we have been learning more and more about what we have inherited from them as a result of interbreeding tens of thousands of years ago.

“Pain sensitivity is an important survival trait that enables us to avoid painful things that could cause us serious harm. Our findings suggest that Neanderthals may have been more sensitive to certain types of pain, but further research is needed for us to understand why that is the case, and whether these specific genetic variants were evolutionarily advantageous.”

First author Dr Pierre Faux (Aix-Marseille University and University of Toulouse) said: “We have shown how variation in our genetic code can alter how we perceive pain, including genes that modern humans acquired from the Neanderthals. But genes are just one of many factors, including environment, past experience, and psychological factors, which influence pain.”

Source: University College London

The Molecular Secrets of the ‘Feel No Pain’ Gene

The biology underpinning a rare genetic mutation that allows its carrier to feel almost no pain, heal faster and had reduced anxiety and fear, has been uncovered in a new study published in Brain.

Though it may sound like the stuff of superheroes, the carrier of the genetic mutation is an ordinary Scottish woman named Jo Cameron, who was first referred to pain geneticists at University College London in 2013, after her doctor noticed that she experienced no pain after major surgeries on her hip and hand. In 2019, they identified a new gene that they appropriately named FAAH-OUT, which had a rare genetic mutation. In combination with another, more common mutation in FAAH, it was found to be the cause of Jo’s unique characteristics.

The new research describes how the mutation in FAAH-OUT ‘turns down’ FAAH gene expression, as well as the knock-on effects on other molecular pathways linked to wound healing and mood. It is hoped the findings will lead to new drug targets and open up new avenues of research in these areas.

The area of the genome containing FAAH-OUT had previously been assumed to be ‘junk’ DNA that had no function, but it was found to mediate the expression of FAAH, a gene that is part of the endocannabinoid system and that is well-known for its involvement in pain, mood and memory.

In this study, the team from UCL sought to understand how FAAH-OUT works at a molecular level, the first step towards being able to take advantage of this unique biology for applications like drug discovery.

This included a range of approaches, such as CRISPR-Cas9 experiments on cell lines to mimic the effect of the mutation on other genes, as well as analysing the expression of genes to see which were active in molecular pathways involved with pain, mood and healing.

The team observed that FAAH-OUT regulates the expression of FAAH. When it is significantly turned down as a result of the mutation carried by Jo Cameron, FAAHenzyme activity levels are significantly reduced.

Dr Andrei Okorokov (UCL Medicine), a senior author of the study, said: “The FAAH-OUT gene is just one small corner of a vast continent, which this study has begun to map. As well as the molecular basis for painlessness, these explorations have identified molecular pathways affecting wound healing and mood, all influenced by the FAAH-OUT mutation. As scientists it is our duty to explore and I think these findings will have important implications for areas of research such as wound healing, depression and more.”

The authors looked at fibroblasts taken from patients to study the effects of the FAAH-OUT-FAAH axis on other molecular pathways. While the mutations that Jo Cameron carries turn down FAAH, they also found a further 797 genes that were turned up and 348 that were turned down. This included alterations to the WNT pathway that is associated with wound healing, with increased activity in the WNT16 gene that has been previously linked to bone regeneration.

Two other key genes that were altered were BDNF, which has previously been linked to mood regulation and ACKR3, which helps to regulate opioid levels. These gene changes may contribute to Jo Cameron’s low anxiety, fear and painlessness.

Senior study author Professor James Cox said: “The initial discovery of the genetic root of Jo Cameron’s unique phenotype was a eureka moment and hugely exciting, but these current findings are where things really start to get interesting. By understanding precisely what is happening at a molecular level, we can start to understand the biology involved and that opens up possibilities for drug discovery that could one day have far-reaching positive impacts for patients.”

Source: University College London

High-fat Diet can Cause Pain Sensitivity without Obesity or Diabetes

Woman holding her wrist in pain

A new study using a mouse model suggests that a short-term exposure to a high-fat diet may be linked to pain sensations, such as from a light touch, even without a prior injury or a pre-existing condition like obesity or diabetes. This finding may help in part explain the severity of the opioid crisis.

The study, published in Scientific Reports, compared the effects of eight weeks of different diets on two cohorts of mice. One group received normal chow, while the other was fed a high-fat diet in a way that did not precipitate the development of obesity or high blood sugar, both of which are conditions that can result in diabetic neuropathy and other types of pain.

The researchers found that the high-fat diet induced hyperalgesic priming – a neurological change that represents the transition from acute to chronic pain – and allodynia, which is pain resulting from stimuli that do not normally provoke pain.

“This study indicates you don’t need obesity to trigger pain; you don’t need diabetes; you don’t need a pathology or injury at all,” said Dr Michael Burton, assistant professor of neuroscience and corresponding author of the article. “Eating a high-fat diet for a short period of time is enough – a diet similar to what almost all of us in the US eat at some point.”

The study also compared obese, diabetic mice with those that just experienced dietary changes.

“It became clear, surprisingly, that you don’t need an underlying pathology or obesity. You just needed the diet,” Burton said. “This is the first study to demonstrate the influential role of a short exposure to a high-fat diet to allodynia or chronic pain.”

Diet itself caused markers of neuronal injury.

Western diets are rich in fats – in particular saturated fats, which have proved to be responsible for an epidemic of obesity, diabetes and associated conditions. Individuals who consume high amounts of saturated fats – like butter, cheese and red meat – have high amounts of free fatty acids circulating in their bloodstream that in turn induce systemic inflammation.

Recently, scientists have shown that these high-fat diets also increase existing mechanical pain sensitivity in the absence of obesity, and that they can also aggravate pre-existing conditions or imped injury recovery. To date, no studies have explained how high-fat diets alone can be a sensitising factor in inducing pain from nonpainful stimuli, such as a light touch on the skin, Burton said.

“We’ve seen in the past that, in models of diabetes or obesity, only a subsection of the people or animals experience allodynia, and if they do, it varies across a spectrum, and it isn’t clear why,” Burton said. “We hypothesized that there had to be other precipitating factors.”

The researchers examined blood levels of fatty acids in the mice. They found that a fatty acid called palmitic acid, the most common saturated fatty acid in animals, binds to a particular receptor on nerve cells, a process that results in inflammation and mimics injury to the neurons.

“The metabolites from the diet are causing inflammation before we see pathology develop,” Burton said. “Diet itself caused markers of neuronal injury.

The mechanism behind this transition is important because it is the presence of chronic pain – from whatever source – that is fuelling the opioid epidemic

“Now that we see that it’s the sensory neurons that are affected, how is it happening? We discovered that if you take away the receptor that the palmitic acid binds to, you don’t see that sensitising effect on those neurons. That suggests there’s a way to block it pharmacologically.”

Burton said the next step will be to focus on the neurons themselves – how they are activated and how injuries to them can be reversed. It is part of a larger effort to understand better the transition from acute to chronic pain.

“The mechanism behind this transition is important because it is the presence of chronic pain – from whatever source – that is fuelling the opioid epidemic,” he said. “If we figure out a way to prevent that transition from acute to chronic, it could do a lot of good.”

Burton said he hopes his research encourages health care professionals to consider the role diet plays in influencing pain.

“The biggest reason we do research like this is because we want to understand our physiology completely,” he said. “Now, when a patient goes to a clinician, they treat a symptom, based off of an underlying disease or condition. Maybe we need to pay more attention to how the patient got there: Does the patient have diabetes-induced or obesity-induced inflammation; has a terrible diet sensitised them to pain more than they realized? That would be a paradigm shift.”

Source: University of Texas at Dallas

E-learning Helps Nurses Gauge Newborns’ Pain

Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

For newborns, caregivers have to identify and evaluate any pain they may be in. Until the turn of this century, many clinicians did not even recognise that neonates could even experience pain, resulting in infrequent, nonstandard training for medical workers. The COVID pandemic also disrupted opportunities for training. Now, researchers are reporting that a flexible e-learning program improves neonate pain management knowledge and skills for nurses.

They published the results of their randomised, controlled study in Pain Management Nursing.

“Continuing education is essential to maintain and increase nurses’ proficiency in neonatal pain assessment and treatment,” said corresponding author Mio Ozawa, associate professor in the Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Science at Hiroshima University. “Our results showed that e-learning programs were more effective as compared to no training.”

The researchers randomly divided recruited certified neonatal intensive care nurses from across Japan into two groups. One group received four weeks of online training in pain measurement, using structured scales designed for pre-term newborns, called the e-Pain Management of Neonates program. The other group did not receive training. Both groups took pre- and post-tests. While the pre-test results were the same across both groups, the e-learning group scored higher for both knowledge and skill.

The research builds on a prior pilot study, in which 52 nurses completed the e-learning program and improved their test scores. However, without a control group for comparison, the evidence was not sufficient to illustrate the intervention’s effectiveness, according to Prof Ozawa.

“In the current study, we tested the e-learning program with a randomised control trial, a more powerful research design than used with the pilot study,” Prof Ozawa said. “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such trial that investigates the effects of e-learning on the knowledge and skill in neonatal pain measurement for certified nurses across NICUs across multiple hospitals.”

The e-learning program consists of four modules, each of which takes about 15 minutes to complete. Participants could save their progress and return at any point, as well as review as many times as they wanted. While more nurses were more likely to access the program in the middle of the day or late at night on a weekday, participants still accessed the program at odd hours and over the weekend.

“An e-learning program may be a more efficient method as nurses can participate in the program at their own convenience,” Prof Ozawa said. “In comparison with other health care professionals, NICU nurses stay at the bedside of newborns for the longest time to provide care, including invasive procedures. It is vital for nurses to be educated and train in using the neonatal pain management scale.”

Prof Ozawa stressed that while this study did not demonstrate e-learning’s superiority as a learning method compared to traditional approaches, such as in-person training, it does indicate that e-learning can improve skills and knowledge.

“Learning in this program would allow nurses to acquire knowledge and skills concerning newborn pain, which is preferred over no education,” Prof Ozawa said. “Further research is needed to determine how nurses’ training through e-learning programs is related to patient outcomes, such as more frequent pain assessment of infants by nurses and improved pain management.”

Source: Hiroshima University