Tag: nitrates

Researchers Urge Caution in Co-prescribing Potency Drugs and Nitrates

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Co-prescribing potency drugs such as Viagra and organic nitrates for angina is associated with a 35–40% increased mortality risk and about 70% higher risk of heart attack and heart failure. This is according to a Swedish registry study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The Swedish researchers are now urging caution.

Drugs for erectile dysfunction or impotence containing phosphodiesterase inhibitors type 5 are contraindicated in the treatment of angina with organic nitrates. Because the two types of drugs enhance each other’s antihypertensive effect, they can cause serious side effects, including death, if taken together.

But many people who treat angina with organic nitrates use the medication as emergency relief for a sudden onset of angina. The medication is quickly absorbed by the body, exerts its effect, and then breaks down quickly again. It is not usually a permanent treatment, although maintenance treatment is possible. 

Does not necessarily indicate an increased risk

Potency drugs are also taken as needed, which theoretically makes it possible to separate the two treatments in time to avoid side effects. If patients are aware of these factors, co-prescribing does not necessarily mean an increased risk.

Previous studies have shown that an increasing number of men who treat their angina with organic nitrates are also prescribed potency drugs. However, there is no evidence that side effects have increased. 

The picture is not entirely clear, as it has also been shown that type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors for men with cardiovascular disease without angina reduce the risk of death and heart failure.

“There is an increasing demand for medication for erectile dysfunction from men with cardiovascular disease. And even if these drugs are beneficial for most men with cardiovascular disease, those who are also treated with nitrates need to consider the benefits of the drug against the cardiovascular risks,” says first author Ylva Trolle Lagerros, Associate Professor at the Department of Medicine at Karolinska Institutet.

To find out what the actual risk of concurrent prescribing is, the researchers used Swedish health registers between 2005 and 2013. They found nearly 61 500 men who had been prescribed organic nitrates, of which just over 5700 had also been prescribed one of the potency drugs in question. A clear majority of those who had a prescription for both medications used nitrates as an emergency treatment only.

Adjusted for differences

The men who received the drugs were on average nine years younger and significantly healthier than those who did not receive them. The researchers therefore had to adjust for these and other differences.

The adjusted results show that co-prescribing potency drugs with type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors and organic nitrates is associated with a 35–40% increased risk of death. In addition, the researchers show an approximately 70% increased risk of heart attack and heart failure. This suggests that the theoretical separation in time of the treatments does not seem to work fully.

“We want to point out the importance of careful and patient-centered consideration before prescribing this type of potency medication to men treated with nitrates,” says Ylva Trolle Lagerros.

Source: Karolinska Institutet

Are Nitrates a Cancer Menace… or Cardiac Protector?

Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash

Despite our understanding of nutrition expanding remarkably in recent times, few aspects of our diet continue to confuse and divide the experts like nitrate. For a long time nitrate has been viewed warily, with previous research showing it could potentially be linked to causing cancer.

However, subsequent research has revealed dietary nitrate also has various cardiovascular health benefits, which could help reduce the risk of related conditions such as heart disease, dementia and diabetes.

So, how can one dietary compound have such contrasting potential risks and benefits? Researchers set out to find out how and why nitrate such contrasting potential risks and benefits, publishing their findings in Trends in Food Science & Technology.

All about the source

Dr Catherine Bondonno led a review of nitrate research and says the key may lie in where it comes from.

“We get nitrate from three major dietary sources: meat, water and vegetables,” she said.

“Nitrate’s reputation as a health threat stems from 1970, when two studies showed it can form N-nitrosamines, which are highly carcinogenic in laboratory animals.

“However, no human studies have confirmed its potential dangers, and our clinical and observational studies support nitrate preventing cardiovascular disease if it’s sourced from vegetables.

“So the review looked to unpack all of that, identify new ways forward and ways that we can solve this puzzle, because it’s really time to address it: it’s been 50 years.”

Urgency required

Despite recent research indicating the source of nitrate may affect its health benefits and risks, current dietary guidelines relating to nitrate have been in place since the 1970s and don’t differentiate between nitrate from meat, vegetables and water.

Dr Bondonno said while the 1970s animal studies reported a small incidence of malignant tumours, there was evidence not all nitrates deserve to be “tarred with the same brush.”

“For instance, unlike meat and water-derived nitrate, nitrate-rich vegetables contain high levels of vitamin C and/or polyphenols that may inhibit formation of those harmful N-nitrosamines associated with cancer,” she said.

Dr Bondonno said it was vital more research was conducted so guidelines could be updated.

“The public are unlikely to listen to messages to increase intake of nitrate-rich vegetables, if they are concerned about a link between nitrate intake and cancer.”

However, she stressed while official guidelines hadn’t changed, the apparent benefits of nitrate had seen many people potentially put themselves at risk.

“We need to be sure nitrate-rich vegetables don’t actually have an increased risk of cancer if we consume a higher amount,” she said.

“High dosage nitrate supplements are already used to improve physical performance in sport, while vegetable nitrate extracts are being added to cured meat products with a “clean label” claim, purporting to be better for you.

“So we really need to get this right.”

What do we eat, then?

Given its divided experts in the field, Dr Bondonno said it’s understandable people may be confused as to whether nitrate is good or bad for them.

“They’re probably thinking, ‘If I can’t have a salad, what CAN I have?’,” she said.

Despite the debate, she said current evidence suggests people should aim to get their nitrate from vegetables — but there was no need to go overboard.

“Dark green, leafy vegetables and beetroot are good sources, our research shows one cup of raw, or half a cup cooked per day is enough to have the benefits on cardiovascular health,” she said.

“We know processed meat isn’t good for us and we should limit our intake, but whether it’s the nitrate in them that is causing the problem or something else, we don’t know.

“It just further emphasises the need to investigate dietary nitrate to clarify the message for people.

“The potential cancer link was raised 50 years ago; now it’s time to conduct an in-depth analysis to distinguish fact from fiction.”

Source: Edith Cowan University