Tag: migraine

Brain Fluid Dynamics is Key to the Mysteries of Migraine

Credit: University of Rochester Medical Center

New research describes how a spreading wave of disruption and the flow of fluid in the brain triggers headaches, detailing the connection between the neurological symptoms associated with aura and the migraine that follows. The study, which appears in Science, also identifies new proteins that could be responsible for headaches and may serve as foundation for new migraine drugs.

“In this study, we describe the interaction between the central and peripheral nervous system brought about by increased concentrations of proteins released in the brain during an episode of spreading depolarization, a phenomenon responsible for the aura associated with migraines,” said lead author Maiken Nedergaard, MD, DMSc, co-director of the University of Rochester Center for Translational Neuromedicine. “These findings provide us with a host of new targets to suppress sensory nerve activation to prevent and treat migraines and strengthen existing therapies.”

It is estimated that one out of 10 people experience migraines and in about a quarter of these cases the headache is preceded by an aura, a sensory disturbance that can includes light flashes, blind spots, double vision, and tingling sensations or limb numbness. These symptoms typically appear five to 60 minutes prior to the headache.

The cause of the aura is a phenomenon called cortical spreading depression, a temporary depolarization of neurons and other cells caused by diffusion of glutamate and potassium that radiates like a wave across the brain, reducing oxygen levels and impairing blood flow. Most frequently, the depolarization event is located in the visual processing centre of the brain cortex, hence the visual symptoms that first herald a coming headache.

While migraines auras arise in the brain, the organ itself cannot sense pain. These signals must instead be transmitted from the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system. The process of communication between the brain and peripheral sensory nerves in migraines has largely remained a mystery.

Fluid dynamics models shed light on migraine pain origins

Nedergaard and her colleagues at the University of Rochester and the University of Copenhagen are pioneers in understanding the flow of fluids in the brain. In 2012, her lab was the first to describe the glymphatic system, which uses cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to wash away toxic proteins in the brain. In partnership with experts in fluid dynamics, the team has built detailed models of how the CSF moves in the brain and its role in transporting proteins, neurotransmitters, and other chemicals.

The most widely accepted theory is that nerve endings resting on the outer surface of the membranes that enclose the brain are responsible for the headaches that follow an aura. The new study, which was conducted in mice, describes a different route and identifies proteins, many of which are potential new drug targets, that may be responsible for activating the nerves and causing pain.

As the depolarization wave spreads, neurons release a host of inflammatory and other proteins into CSF. In a series of experiments in mice, the researchers showed how CSF transports these proteins to the trigeminal ganglion, a large bundle of nerves that rests at the base of the skull and supplies sensory information to the head and face.

It was assumed that the trigeminal ganglion, like the rest of the peripheral nervous system, rested outside the blood-brain-barrier, which tightly controls what molecules enter and leave the brain. However, the researchers identified a previously unknown gap in the barrier that allowed CSF to flow directly into the trigeminal ganglion, exposing sensory nerves to the cocktail of proteins released by the brain.

Migraine-associated proteins double during brain wave activity

Analysing the molecules, the researchers identified twelve proteins called ligands that bind with receptors on sensory nerves found in the trigeminal ganglion, potentially causing these cells to activate. The concentrations of several of these proteins found in CSF more than doubled following a cortical spreading depression. One of the proteins, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), is already the target of a new class of drugs to treat and prevent migraines called CGRP inhibitors. Other identified proteins are known to play a role in other pain conditions, such as neuropathic pain, and are likely important in migraine headaches as well.

“We have identified a new signaling pathway and several molecules that activate sensory nerves in the peripheral nervous system. Among the identified molecules are those already associated with migraines, but we didn’t know exactly how and where the migraine inducing action occurred,” said Martin Kaag Rasmussen, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen and first author of the study. “Defining the role of these newly identified ligand-receptor pairs may enable the discovery of new pharmacological targets, which could benefit the large portion of patients not responding to available therapies.”

The researchers also observed that the transport of proteins released in one side of the brain reaches mostly the nerves in the trigeminal ganglion on the same side, potentially explaining why pain occurs on one side of the head during most migraines.

Source: University of Rochester Medical Center

Acid-lowering Meds Linked to Greater Risk of Migraines

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

People who take acid-reducing drugs may have a higher risk of migraine and other severe headache than people who do not take these medications, a new study has shown. The acid-reducing drugs include proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole and esomeprazole, histamine H2-receptor antagonists, or H2 blockers, such as cimetidine and famotidine, and antacid supplements.

The study, study published in Neurology®Clinical Practice, an official journal of the American Academy of Neurology, does not prove causation; only an association.

In acid reflux, stomach acid flows into the oesophagus, usually after a meal or when lying down, causing heartburn and ulcers. People with frequent acid reflux may develop gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GORD, which can lead to cancer of the oesophagus.

“Given the wide usage of acid-reducing drugs and these potential implications with migraine, these results warrant further investigation,” said study author Margaret Slavin, PhD, RDN, of the University of Maryland in College Park. “These drugs are often considered to be overprescribed, and new research has shown other risks tied to long-term use of proton pump inhibitors, such as an increased risk of dementia.”

For the study, researchers looked at data on 11,818 people who provided information on use of acid-reducing drugs and whether they had migraine or severe headache in the past three months.

A total of 25% of participants taking proton pump inhibitors had migraine or severe headache, compared to 19% of those who were not taking the drugs. A total of 25% of those taking H2 blockers had severe headache, compared to 20% of those who were not taking those drugs. And 22% of those taking antacid supplements had severe headache, compared to 20% of those not taking antacids.

When researchers adjusted for other factors that could affect the risk of migraine, such as age, sex and use of caffeine and alcohol, they found that people taking proton pump inhibitors were 70% more likely to have migraine than people not taking proton pump inhibitors. Those taking H2 blockers were 40% more likely and those taking antacid supplements were 30% more likely.

“It’s important to note that many people do need acid-reducing medications to manage acid reflux or other conditions, and people with migraine or severe headache who are taking these drugs or supplements should talk with their doctors about whether they should continue,” Slavin said.

Slavin noted that the study looked only at prescription drugs. Some of the drugs became available for over-the-counter use at non-prescription strength during the study period, but use of these over-the-counter drugs was not included in this study.

Other studies have shown that people with gastrointestinal conditions may be more likely to have migraine, but Slavin said that relationship is not likely to fully explain the tie between acid-reducing drugs and migraine found in the study.

A limitation of the study is that a small number of people were taking the drugs, especially the H2 blockers.

Source: American Academy of Neurology

New Monoclonal Antibody Eptinezumab Success in Hard-to-treat Migraine

A trial for a new monoclonal antibody, eptinezumab, in the treatment of resistant migraine has demonstrated that it significantly reduced migraine days with acceptable safety and tolerability. The findings were published in The Lancet.

Eptinezumab, which targets calcitonin gene-related peptide, has shown migraine preventive effects starting the day following infusion and acceptable safety and tolerability in phase 3 trials, but benefits in the subpopulations of patients with previous preventive treatment failures were not examined.

In the 24-week double-blind placebo-controlled DELIVER phase 3b trial, the researchers recruited adults with episodic or chronic migraine with at least four monthly migraine days and two-to-four previous preventive treatment failures within the past 10 years. Patients were randomised to either eptinezumab 100mg, eptinezumab 300mg, or placebo. The primary efficacy endpoint was the change from baseline in mean monthly migraine days (captured using a daily electronic diary) in weeks 1–12, assessed in the full analysis set. All participants and study personnel were masked to study drug assignments. A 48-week dose-blinded extension period is ongoing.

In all, 865 patients completed the placebo-controlled period. Compared to baseline, weeks 1–12 saw reductions of 4.8 mean monthly migraine days with eptinezumab 100mg and 5.3 days at 300mg, which was a significantly less than the reduction of 2.1 days with placebo.

Adverse events were reported in 42% of patients in the eptinezumab 100mg group, 41% in the 300mg group, and in 40% in the placebo group. COVID was the most common treatment-emergent adverse event. Serious adverse events were uncommon (five [2%] of 299 in the 100mg group, seven [2%] of 294 in the 300mg group, four [1%] of 298 in the placebo group) and included anaphylactic reaction (eptinezumab 300 mg n=2) and COVID-19 (eptinezumab 100 mg n=1 and eptinezumab 300 mg n=1).

In adults with migraine and two-to-four previous preventive treatment failures, eptinezumab provided significant migraine preventive effects compared with placebo, with acceptable safety and tolerability, indicating that eptinezumab might be an effective treatment option for this patient population. The trial has a dose-blinded extension period which will provide additional long-term safety data in patients with migraine and previous preventive treatment failures.