A milestone study led by University of Queensland researchers has identified the main types of E. coli bacteria that cause neonatal meningitis, and revealed why some infections recur despite being treated with antibiotics.
The study, published in eLife, discovered that about 50% of neonatal meningitis infections are caused by two types of E. coli.
“E. coli is the most common cause of meningitis in babies born pre-term, but knowing which types allows us to test for those strains and treat them appropriately,” said Professor Mark Schembri, who led the study along with Dr Nhu Nguyen and Associate Professor Adam Irwin.
The study was the largest of its type, examining the genomes of 58 different E. coli bacteria across four continents and using samples collected over 46 years. It found that two types of the bacteria were responsible for the majority of neonatal infections.
Rapid diagnosis and monitoring are key
Associate Professor Irwin, who is also a paediatric infectious disease specialist at the Queensland Children’s Hospital, said speed is of the essence to prevent lasting damage.
“While antibiotics can be effective in treating the infection, this relies on rapid diagnosis. Also, antibiotics don’t always eliminate the bacteria – some of the babies we tracked showed signs of a complete recovery before suffering repeated invasive E. coli infections,” he said.
The researchers discovered the bacteria causing subsequent infections were the same as in the initial infection.
“It’s most likely that bacteria hide out in the intestinal microbiome,” Professor Schembri said. “This tells us we need to keep monitoring these babies after their first infection, as they are at a high risk of subsequent infection.”
Professor Schembri said the E. coli that can lead to meningitis also cause urinary tract infections and colonise the intestinal tract. “There is something about these types of E. coli that equips them to cause both infections,” he said.
“Our next step is to examine the bacteria’s pathway from the intestinal tract or urinary tract into the bloodstream, and then to the brain, so we can consider new ways to stop them.”
One in three children who fall ill from bacterial meningitis go on to live with permanent neurological disabilities due to the infection. This is according to a new epidemiological study led by Karolinska Institutet and published in JAMA Network Open. This marks the first time that researchers have identified the long-term health burden of bacterial meningitis.
The bacterial infection can currently be cured with antibiotics, but it often leads to permanent neurological impairment. And since children are often affected, the consequences are significant.
“When children are affected, the whole family is affected. If a three-year-old child has impaired cognition, a motor disability, impaired or lost vision or hearing, it has a major impact. These are lifelong disabilities that become a major burden for both the individual and society, as those affected need health care support for the rest of their lives,” says Federico Iovino, associate professor in Medical Microbiology at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, and one of the authors of the current study.
By analyzing data from the Swedish quality register on bacterial meningitis between 1987 and 2021, the researchers have been able to compare just over 3500 people who contracted bacterial meningitis as children with just over 32 000 matched controls from the general population, with an average follow-up time of over 23 years.
The results show that those diagnosed with bacterial meningitis consistently have a higher prevalence of neurological disabilities such as cognitive impairment, seizures, visual or hearing impairment, motor impairment, behavioural disorders, or structural damage to the head.
The risk was highest for structural head injuries – 26 times greater, hearing impairment – almost eight times greater, and motor impairment almost five times greater.
About one in three people affected by bacterial meningitis had at least one neurological impairment compared to one in ten among controls.
“This shows that even if the bacterial infection is cured, many people suffer from neurological impairment afterwards,” says Federico Iovino.
With the long-term effects of bacterial meningitis identified, Federico Iovino and his colleagues will now move forward with their research.
“We are trying to develop treatments that can protect neurons in the brain during the window of a few days it takes for antibiotics to take full effect. We now have very promising data from human neurons and are just entering a preclinical phase with animal models. Eventually, we hope to present this in the clinic within the next few years,” says Federico Iovino.
A new study details the step-by-step cascade that allows bacteria to break through the brain’s protective layers, the meninges, and cause meningitis, a highly fatal disease. Published inNature, the mouse-based research shows that bacteria exploit nerve cells in the meninges to suppress the immune response and allow the infection to spread into the brain.
“We’ve identified a neuroimmune axis at the protective borders of the brain that is hijacked by bacteria to cause infection – a clever manoeuvre that ensures bacterial survival and leads to widespread disease,” said study senior author Isaac Chiu, associate professor of immunology in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School.
The study identifies two central players in this molecular chain of events that leads to infection – a chemical released by nerve cells and an immune cell receptor blocked by the chemical. The study experiments show that blocking either one can interrupt the cascade and thwart the bacterial invasion.
If replicated through further research, the new findings could lead to much-needed therapies for this hard-to-treat condition that often leaves those who survive with serious neurologic damage.
Such treatments would target the critical early steps of infection before bacteria can spread deep into the brain.
“The meninges are the final tissue barrier before pathogens enter the brain, so we have to focus our treatment efforts on what happens at this border tissue,” said study first author Felipe Pinho-Ribeiro, a former post-doctoral researcher in the Chiu lab, now an assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis.
A recalcitrant disease in need of new treatments
More than 1.2 million cases of bacterial meningitis occur globally each year, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Untreated, it kills seven out of 10 people who contract it. Treatment can reduce mortality to three in 10. However, among those who survive, one in five experience serious consequences, including hearing or vision loss, seizures, chronic headache, and other neurological problems.
The meninges are three membranes that lie atop one another, wrapping the brain and spinal cord to shield the central nervous system from injury, damage, and infection. The dura mater, outermost of the three layers, contains pain neurons that detect signals. Such signals could come in the form of mechanical pressure: blunt force from impact or toxins that make their way into the central nervous system through the bloodstream. The researchers focused on the dura mater as the site of initial interaction between bacteria and protective border tissue.
Recent research has revealed that the dura mater also harbours a wealth of immune cells, and that immune cells and nerve cells reside right next to each other – a clue that captured Chiu’s and Pinho-Ribeiro’s attention.
“When it comes to meningitis, most of the research so far has focused on analysing brain responses, but responses in the meninges – the barrier tissue where infection begins – have remained understudied,” Ribeiro said.
What exactly happens in the meninges when bacteria invade? How do they interact with the immune cells residing there? These questions remain poorly understood, the researchers said.
How bacteria break through the brain’s protective layers
In this particular study, the researchers focused on two pathogens – Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus agalactiae, leading causes of bacterial meningitis in humans. In a series of experiments, the team found that when bacteria reach the meninges, the pathogens trigger a chain of events that culminates in disseminated infection.
First, researchers found that bacteria release a toxin that activates pain neurons in the meninges. The activation of pain neurons by bacterial toxins, the researchers noted, could explain the severe, intense headache that is a hallmark of meningitis. Next, the activated neurons release a signalling chemical called CGRP. CGRP attaches to an immune-cell receptor called RAMP1. RAMP1 is particularly abundant on the surface of immune cells called macrophages.
Once the chemical engages the receptor, the immune cell is effectively disabled. Under normal conditions, as soon as macrophages detect the presence of bacteria, they spring into action to attack, destroy, and engulf them. Macrophages also send distress signals to other immune cells to provide a second line of defence. The team’s experiments showed that when CGRP gets released and attaches to the RAMP1 receptor on macrophages, it prevented these immune cells from recruiting help from fellow immune cells. As a result, the bacteria proliferated and caused widespread infection.
To confirm that the bacterially induced activation of pain neurons was the critical first step in disabling the brain’s defences, the researchers checked what would happen to infected mice lacking pain neurons.
Mice without pain neurons developed less severe brain infections when infected with two types of bacteria known to cause meningitis. The meninges of these mice, the experiments showed, had high levels of immune cells to combat the bacteria. By contrast, the meninges of mice with intact pain neurons showed meagre immune responses and far fewer activated immune cells, demonstrating that neurons get hijacked by bacteria to subvert immune protection.
To confirm that CGRP was, indeed, the activating signal, researchers compared the levels of CGRP in meningeal tissue from infected mice with intact pain neurons and meningeal tissue from mice lacking pain neurons. The brain cells of mice lacking pain neurons had barely detectable levels of CGRP and few signs of bacterial presence. By contrast, meningeal cells of infected mice with intact pain neurons showed markedly elevated levels of both CGRP and more bacteria.
In another experiment, the researchers used a chemical to block the RAMP1 receptor, preventing it from communicating with CGRP, the chemical released by activated pain neurons. The RAMP1 blocker worked both as preventive treatment before infection and as a treatment once infection had occurred.
Mice pretreated with RAMP1 blockers showed reduced bacterial presence in the meninges. Likewise, mice that received RAMP1 blockers several hours after infection and regularly thereafter had milder symptoms and were more capable of clearing bacteria, compared with untreated animals.
A path to new treatments
The experiments suggest drugs that block either CGRP or RAMP1 could allow immune cells to do their job properly and increase the brain’s border defenses.
Compounds that block CGRP and RAMP1 are found in widely used drugs to treat migraine, a condition believed to originate in the top meningeal layer, the dura mater. Could these compounds become the basis for new medicines to treat meningitis? It’s a question the researchers say merits further investigation.
One line of future research could examine whether CGRP and RAMP1 blockers could be used in conjunction with antibiotics to treat meningitis and augment protection.
“Anything we find that could impact treatment of meningitis during the earliest stages of infection before the disease escalates and spreads could be helpful either to decrease mortality or minimize the subsequent damage,” Pinho-Ribeiro said.
More broadly, the direct physical contact between immune cells and nerve cells in the meninges offers tantalizing new avenues for research.
“There has to be an evolutionary reason why macrophages and pain neurons reside so closely together,” Chiu said. “With our study, we’ve gleaned what happens in the setting of bacterial infection, but beyond that, how do they interact during viral infection, in the presence of tumour cells, or the setting of brain injury? These are all important and fascinating future questions.”
Research in animal models published in Nature Communications shows that an approved antibiotic regimen for multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) may not work for TB meningitis. Limited human studies also provide evidence that a new combination of drugs is needed to develop effective treatments for TB meningitis due to MDR strains.
In the study from Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, the investigators showed that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved regimen of three antibiotics – bedaquiline, pretomanid and linezolid (BPaL) – used for treating TB of the lungs due to MDR strains, is not effective in treating TB meningitis because bedaquiline and linezolid struggle to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Tuberculosis, caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a global public health threat. About 1%–2% of TB cases progress into TB meningitis, the worst form of TB, which leads to an infection in the brain that causes increased fluid and inflammation.
“Most treatments for TB meningitis are based on studies of treatments for pulmonary TB, so we don’t have good treatment options for TB meningitis,” explains Sanjay Jain, M.D., senior author of the study and director of the Johns Hopkins Medicine Center for Infection and Inflammation Imaging Research.
In 2019, the FDA approved the BPaL regimen to treat MDR strains of TB, specifically those that lead to pulmonary TB. However, there are limited data on how well these antibiotics cross the blood-brain barrier.
In an effort to learn more, the research team synthesised a chemically identical and imageable version of the antibiotic pretomanid. They conducted experiments in mouse and rabbit models of TB meningitis using positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to noninvasively measure pretomanid penetration into the central nervous system as well as using direct drug measurements in mouse brains. In both models, researchers say PET imaging demonstrated excellent penetration of pretomanid into the brain or the central nervous system. However, the pretomanid levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that bathes the brain were many times lower than in the brains of mice.
“When we have measured drug concentrations in the spinal fluid, we have found that many times they have no relation to what’s happening in the brain,” says Elizabeth Tucker, MD, a study first author and an assistant professor of anaesthesiology and critical care medicine. “This finding will change how we interpret data from clinical trials and, ultimately, treat infections in the brain.”
Next, researchers measured the efficacy of the BPaL regimen compared with the standard TB treatment for drug-susceptible strains, a combination of the antibiotics rifampin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. Results showed that the antibacterial effect in the brain using the BPaL regimen in the mouse model was about 50 times lower than the standard TB regimen after six weeks of treatment, likely due to restricted penetration of bedaquiline and linezolid into the brain. The bottom line, says Jain, is that the “regimen that we think works really well for MDR-TB in the lung does not work in the brain.”
In another experiment involving healthy participants, three male and three female aged 20–53 years, first-in-human PET imaging was used to show pretomanid distribution to major organs, according to researchers.
Similar to the work with mice, this study revealed high penetration of pretomanid into the brain or central nervous system with CSF levels lower than those seen in the brain. “Our findings suggest pretomanid-based regimens, in combination with other antibiotics active against MDR strains with high brain penetration, should be tested for treating MDR-TB meningitis,” says study author Xueyi Chen, MD, a paediatric infectious diseases fellow, who is now studying combinations of such therapies.
Limitations included the small quantities of the imageable version of pretomanid per subject (micrograms) used. However, current evidence suggests that studies with small quantities of a drug are a reliable predictor of the drug biodistribution.
Photomicrograph of a sample extracted from a lesion that revealed the presence of Cryptococcus neoformans. Credit: CDC
In a disappointing outcome, a clinical trial has shown that tamoxifen, a promising candidate to improve survival for a deadly form of fungal meningitis, is ineffective. The trial was conducted by University of Oxford researchers and published in eLife.
The study finds that adding tamoxifen, a breast cancer drug, to standard antifungal treatment was no faster in clearing fungal infection from the spinal fluid of people with meningitis. More patients who received tamoxifen had evidence of heart conduction disturbances, rates of severe side effects were similar.
Cryptococcal meningitis is a leading cause of death in people with HIV, but also affects those without HIV, regardless of whether they are immunocompromised. Most infections are caused by a fungus called Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) and occur in low-income tropical settings. The gold-standard treatment is a combination of three drugs: flucytosine and amphotericin B initially, followed by fluconazole. Yet, even on this gold-standard therapy, a third of patients die within 10 weeks of being diagnosed. Moreover, the drug flucytosine is severely restricted by availability and cost, meaning it is rarely used where the disease burden is highest.
Co-first author Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan, Clinician at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU): ‘Tamoxifen has shown antifungal activity against various yeasts in the lab; we subsequently showed that it acts synergistically with amphotericin against two-thirds of clinical Cryptococcus isolates from our archive. As a well-understood, off-patent, cheap and widely available medicine, it was a promising candidate for treating cryptococcal meningitis.’
Co-first author Nhat Thanh Hoang Le, Biostatistician at OUCRU, added: ‘We designed a randomised trial to determine whether using these drugs in combination could improve the speed of clearance of Cryptococcus from patients with meningitis with and without HIV.’
The trial involved 50 patients, 40 with HIV. Of the patients, 24 were assigned to receive a standard anti-fungal treatment of amphotericin B and fluconazole plus tamoxifen, and 26 received the standard anti-fungal treatment only. Researchers measured the Early Fungicidal Activity (EFA) for both groups – how quickly C. neoformans amounts declined in a patient’s spinal fluid in the two weeks following treatment.
Based on their prior work, the team were hoping for better EFA for patients receiving tamoxifen, but there was no detectable difference in EFA.
The only observed difference was increased heart toxicity in the tamoxifen group. Lab studies had shown that a tamoxifen dose five to 10 times higher than that used routinely in breast cancer would be needed to have an antifungal effect. However, high doses of tamoxifen cause QT prolongation, which can cause cardiac arrest. While there was one sudden death in the tamoxifen group in this study, this occurred after the period of tamoxifen administration and it was not associated with an abnormal heart rhythm.
Senior author Professor Jeremy Day, Professor of Infectious Diseases, Oxford University, said: “Despite its apparent anti-cryptococcal effect and synergy with other drugs, tamoxifen does not increase the rate of clearance of yeast from spinal fluid in people with meningitis and is unlikely to result in clinical benefit.
“Our results show the importance of small-scale trials such as this for rapidly evaluating repurposable drugs and preventing the time and cost of a larger clinical study that is likely to fail. However, sadly this does mean that we urgently still need new, specific anti-cryptococcal drugs to be developed, and we also need to ensure that existing, available treatments are made accessible and affordable.”
Researchers have shown that nose drops of genetically modified ‘friendly’ bacteria protect against a form of meningitis.
The study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, was led by Professor Robert Read and Dr Jay Laver from the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre and the University of Southampton, and is the first of its kind.
The researchers spliced a gene into a harmless bacteria type, which enabled it to remain in the nose for longer than normal, triggering an immune response. Then, via nose drops, they administered these altered bacteria into the noses of healthy volunteers. The results showed a strong immune response against bacteria that cause meningitis and long-lasting protection.
Meningitis protection
Meningitis occurs in people of all age groups but affects mainly infants, young children and the elderly. Meningococcal meningitis, a bacterial form of the disease, can lead to death in as little as four hours after symptom onset.
Around 10% of adults carry Neisseria meningitidis in the back of their nose and throat without any signs or symptoms. In certain people however, it can invade the bloodstream, potentially leading to life-threatening conditions including meningitis and septicaemia.
The ‘friendly’ bacteria Neisseria lactamica also lives in some people’s noses naturally. By occupying the nose, it denies a foothold to its close relative N. meningitidis.
Boosted immune response
The study is an extension of the team’s previous work aiming to exploit this natural phenomenon. Nose drops of N. lactamica in that previous study prevented N. meningitidis from settling in 60% of participants. The team sought to improve on this.
They gave N. lactamica one of N. meningitidis’ key weapons; by giving it the gene for a ‘sticky’ surface protein that grips the cells lining the nose. Those modified bacteria managed to remain longer and produced a stronger immune response. From at least 28 days, most participants (86%) still carried it at 90 days, it caused no adverse symptoms.
This is a promising find for this new way of preventing life-threatening infections, without drugs, especially in the face of growing antimicrobial resistance.
Dr Jay Laver, Senior Research Fellow in Molecular Microbiology at the University of Southampton, commented: “Although this study has identified the potential of our recombinant N. lactamica technology for protecting people against meningococcal disease, the underlying platform technology has broader applications.
“It is theoretically possible to express any antigen in our bacteria, which means we can potentially adapt them to combat a multitude of infections that enter the body through the upper respiratory tract. In addition to the delivery of vaccine antigens, advances in synthetic biology mean we might also use genetically modified bacteria to manufacture and deliver therapeutics molecules in the near future.”
Prof Read, Director of the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre said: “This work has shown that it is possible to protect people from severe diseases by using nose drops containing genetically modified friendly bacteria. We think this is likely to be a very successful and popular way of protecting people against a range of diseases in the future.”