Healthcare Organisations Urge Review of Culpable Homicide Law

Nine of South Africa’s leading healthcare organisations have joined together in urging the Government to begin a review of culpable homicide law and its application in a healthcare setting.
In a letter to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Hon Ronald Lamola, the coalition said there is a very low threshold in South African law for blameworthiness when a patient dies while under medical care, which has resulted in errors of judgement in complex healthcare environments being criminalised, and healthcare professionals being convicted regardless of their intent.
The joint letter calls for the review to be carried out by the South Africa Law Reform Commission, due to the complexity of criminal law in a healthcare setting and the importance of achieving a long-term solution for healthcare professionals and patients alike.
The letter says: “It is hard to see who benefits from the current system. As well as families losing a loved one through tragic circumstances, doctors risk losing their career and liberty, and the fear of criminal charges also has a negative knock-on effect on patient care. The current system stands in the way of patients receiving an early apology and a full explanation of events, and thereby denies closure.
In a recent survey of 500 doctors, 88% are worried about investigations after an adverse patient outcome, and 90% think the prospect of criminal investigation affects their mental health. Due to the prospect of criminal investigation means nearly half of all doctors in South Africa have considered leaving the profession. The letter further notes that 4 in 5 doctors surveyed think the criminal justice system in South Africa has an inadequate understanding of medical practice.
Pointing out the need for a “long-term solution”, they write: “Healthcare professionals need to be held accountable, however, criminalising errors of judgement – particularly in this fast moving and complex healthcare environment – seems unreasonably severe. Criminalisation in the absence of any clear intention to cause harm is overly punitive, leaving healthcare professionals vulnerable to criminal charges. Lessons can be learned from other jurisdictions – for example, in Scotland, where charges are only brought against doctors if an act is proved to be intentional, reckless, or grossly careless.
“Our organisations are committed to the highest level of safety for all patients in South Africa. This will however require replacing the current culture of blame and fear with one of learning, where healthcare professionals feel able to apologise and learn from mistakes, which will help to reduce the number of errors and thus enable progress on improving patient safety. When healthcare professionals are allowed and supported to learn from mistakes, lessons are learnt, and patients are better protected in the future.
Highlighting the complexity of these matters, “Patients and clinicians want the same thing, for those in need to receive the best care,” the letter concludes.
The letter was signed by Medical Protection Society, Association of Surgeons of South Africa, Federation of South Africa Surgeons, Radiological Society of South Africa, South African Medical Association, South African Medico-Legal Association, South African Private Practitioners Forum, South African Society of Anaesthesiologists and South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Source: Medical Protection Society