Tag: mast cells

Scientists Discover that Mast Cells Gobble up Other Immune Cells

This scanning electron microscopy image captures the moment where degranulating mast cells (pseudo-colored in sepia) attract and start to incorporate living neutrophils (pseudo-colored in cyan), forming cell-in-cell structures where mast cells trap living neutrophils inside them. © Marcus Frank & Karoline Schul11z, Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Germany

When it comes to allergies, mast cells are key immune system players, releasing pro-inflammatory substances in response to allergens. Now, scientists in Germany have discovered something weird: other immune cells nested inside them like Russian dolls. But how exactly did these cells wind up there?

As reported in the journal Cell, the researchers observed mast cells observed capturing and making use of neutrophils. This surprising discovery sheds new light on how our immune system works, particularly during allergic reactions.

Mast cells, residing in tissues and critical for initiating inflammation, are filled with granules containing pro-inflammatory substances. These granules are released upon encountering potential dangers, including allergens, causing allergic reactions – which for some includes innocuous materials like pollens. But despite how common allergies are, the interaction between mast cells and other immune cells at sites of allergic responses has been largely unexplored.

The research group at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg and the University of Münster used specialised microscopy to visualise the real-time dynamics of activated mast cells and other cell types during allergic reactions in living mouse tissues. The team discovered a surprising interaction: neutrophils were found inside mast cells.

“We could hardly believe our eyes: living neutrophils were sitting inside living mast cells. This phenomenon was completely unexpected and probably would not have been discovered in experiments outside a living organism and highlights the power of intravital microscopy,” says Tim Lämmermann, research leader and Director at the Institute of Medical Biochemistry at the University of Münster.

Pulling a neutrophil trick to trap neutrophils

Neutrophils are frontline immune system defenders, responding quickly and broadly to potential threats. They circulate in the blood and quickly exit blood vessels at sites of inflammation. They are well-equipped to combat pathogens by engulfing the invaders, releasing antimicrobial substances, or forming web-like traps known as ‘neutrophil extracellular traps’. Additionally, neutrophils can communicate with each other and form cell swarms to combine their individual functions for the protection of healthy tissue. While much is known about neutrophils’ role in infections and sterile injuries, their role in inflammation caused by allergic reactions is less understood.

“It quickly became clear that the double-pack immune cells were no mere coincidence. We wanted to understand how mast cells trap their colleagues and why they do it,” explains Michael Mihlan, first and co-corresponding author of the study. Once the team was able to mimic the neutrophil trapping observed in living tissue in cell culture, they we were able to identify the molecular pathways involved in this process. The researchers found that mast cells release leukotriene B4, a substance commonly used by neutrophils to initiate their own swarming behaviour.

By secreting this substance, mast cells attract neutrophils. Once the neutrophils are close enough, mast cells engulf them into a vacuole, forming a cell-in-cell structure that the researchers refer to as ‘mast cell intracellular trap’ (MIT). “It is ironic that neutrophils, which create web-like traps made of DNA and histones to capture microbes during infections, are now trapped themselves by mast cells under allergic conditions,” says Tim Lämmermann.

Recycled neutrophils to boost mast cell function

With the help of an international team, the researchers confirmed the formation of MITs in human samples and investigated the fate of the two cell types involved after trapping. They found that trapped neutrophils eventually die, and their remains get stored inside mast cells. “This is where the story takes an unexpected turn. Mast cells can recycle the material from the neutrophils to boost their own function and metabolism. In addition, mast cells can release the newly acquired neutrophil components in a delayed manner, triggering additional immune responses and helping to sustain inflammation and immune defense”, says Michael Mihlan.

“This new understanding of how mast cells and neutrophils work together adds a whole new layer to our knowledge of allergic reactions and inflammation. It shows that mast cells can use neutrophils to boost their own capabilities – an aspect that could have implications for chronic allergic conditions where inflammation occurs repeatedly,” says Tim Lämmermann. The researchers have already begun investigating this interaction in mast cell-mediated inflammatory diseases in humans, exploring whether this discovery could lead to new approaches to treating allergies and inflammatory diseases.

Source: Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics

Early Warning Signs for Age-related Macular Degeneration

Credit: National Eye Institute

In an important step in treating a major cause of blindness, scientists have successfully identified early signs of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), in which higher number of mast cells are observed. This finding could be exploited by new treatments before symptoms develop. The study is published in PNAS.

Scientists have long known that people with certain genes on chromosomes 1 and 10 have a 2- to 3-fold higher risk of developing AMD, although lifestyle factors also play a role.

The team identified higher numbers of mast cells in the eyes of people when either of the risk genes were present, even when there were symptoms, suggesting an early mechanism in common.

They also showed the mast cells release enzymes in the back of the eye which then damage structures underneath the retina that in time is likely to damage the retina itself.

Mast cells exist in most tissues and are one of the immune system’s first defenses against infection, especially parasitic disease and damage.

Scientists already know there are more mast cells in the choroid in people with established AMD. The current study, however, identified higher levels in people before the disease develops.

The genes on chromosome 1 are linked to a part of the immune system called the complement cascade, which is associated with a risk of AMD.

Though the functional role of genes expressed by chromosome 10 are not known, but increased risk of AMD is.

Dr Richard Unwin, one of the study leaders, said: “What is really exciting about this work is that we are studying tissue from people before they have signs of the disease. This gives us a look into the very earliest stages, and gives us hope that we can intervene to stop the disease developing and ultimately prevent loss of vision”

The scientists used healthy human eye tissue donated post mortem to the Manchester Eye Tissue Repository.

They identified those who are at risk of developing age-related macular degeneration based on their risk genes, and discovered underlying changes in the tissue of the otherwise healthy at-risk individuals.

They collected retinal tissue from the back of donor eyes post mortem, following removal of the cornea for transplantation.

Then they took a small sample from the macula and removed the cells to leave a thin layer of membrane which supports the photoreceptors called rod and cone cells and is where disease begins.

They analysed the proteins present in the membrane from 30 people using mass spectrometry, which identifies protein components based on their mass, to find differences in the tissue make-up between those with and without genetic risk of AMD.

The mass spectrometry, identified a series of enzymes which are made almost exclusively by mast cells. In tissue from an additional 53 people, higher levels of mast cells were found in patients with higher disease risk.

Dr Unwin added: “We next need to look at how mast cells are activated, and whether by preventing, or clearing mast cell activation we can slow or stop disease development. There are several researchers and companies looking at complement mediated-therapies for AMD and while these are promising for Chr1-related disease there is no evidence that they will have an effect on Chr10 disease. A therapy designed to target mast cell activation as a unified mechanism could in theory treat all patients with AMD and prevent sight loss.”

Source: University of Manchester