Tag: living donor

Living Donors Liver Transplant a Viable Option in Colorectal Cancer

Doctors and nurses performing a surgery
Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash

A recent study published in JAMA Surgery has demonstrated the viability of living-donor liver transplant for patients who have systemically controlled colorectal cancer and liver tumours that cannot be surgically removed.

“This study proves that transplant is an effective treatment to improve quality of life and survival for patients with colorectal cancer that metastasised to the liver,” said senior study author Dr Gonzalo Sapisochin.

The study focused on colorectal cancer partly for its tendency to spread to the liver. Nearly half of all patients with colorectal cancer develop liver metastases within a few years of diagnosis and 70% of liver tumours in these patients cannot be removed without removing the entire liver.

Unfortunately, most of these patients cannot get deceased-donor liver transplants because their liver function is fairly normal in spite of their tumours. This puts them near the bottom of the national organ transplant waiting list.

Thanks to recent advances in cancer treatments, many of these patients are able to get their cancer under systemic control, which means only their liver tumours prevent them getting a ‘cancer free’ label. It also increases the odds that these patients – and their new livers – will remain cancer free, which is crucial when balancing the benefit to the patient with the risk to a living donor.

“I’ve seen so many cancer patients, whose cancers were not spreading, but we couldn’t remove the tumours from their livers and we knew they would die,” said first study author Dr Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro. “We hoped living-donor liver transplant could give them another chance.”

Because it offered a last resort, the study attracted patients from near and far. All patients and donors went through a rigorous screening process to ensure they were good candidates for the procedure, and they were educated about the risks of the surgery and the possibility of cancer recurrence.

Patients and donors underwent staggered surgeries to fully remove patients’ diseased livers and replace them with half of their donors’ livers. Over time, both patients’ and donors’ livers regenerated and regain normal function.

Patient imaging and blood analysis was closely monitored for any signs of cancer recurrence and will continue to be followed for up to five years after their surgery. At the time of study publication, two patients had follow-up of two or more years and both remained alive and well, cancer-free.

“We have seen very good outcomes with this protocol, with 100 percent survival and 62 percent of patients remaining cancer free one year and a half after surgery,” said study author Dr Mark Cattral. “It is very strong data to support that we can offer this treatment safely and make appropriate use of scarce life-saving organs.”

Source: University Health Network

Better Outcomes in Children Receiving Living Donor Liver Transplants

Phot by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

new study from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles pooled examining outcomes for 8000 paediatric patients across four continents revealed that children receiving living donor liver tissue for transplants have a far lower risk of serious complications.

With medical advances and the liver’s fantastic regeneration capacity, healthy individuals can donate a portion of their liver. While many countries now exclusively perform living donor liver transplants, in the United States, only 8% of liver transplants are from living donors, such as those done by Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

“We have published large-scale studies showing the benefits of living donor liver transplantation in adults,” said Juliet Emamaullee MD, PhD, Research Director, Division of Abdominal Organ Transplantation, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. “And we’ve observed the benefits in kids too. But we really wanted to evaluate it systematically, to provide evidence from around the world to back up what we’ve seen.”
The screened over 2500 studies, distilling relevant studies, compiling data from 8000 paediatric patients who had received either living or deceased donor livers. Results showed that a year after the procedure, children who had received living donor liver transplants had nearly twice the survival rate while the risk of organ rejection was nearly halved.

Living donor tissue for liver transplants has a number of benefits, which may explain some of the difference in outcomes. Patients may need to wait a shorter time as they do not need to wait for an appropriately sized deceased organ donor, a particular challenge for infants and toddlers, who make up over 50% of paediatric liver transplants. But the biggest advantage may be that patients can be healthier at the time of their procedure.

“When a liver becomes available, the basic rule is that it goes to the sickest child,” said Dr Kohli. “And that makes sense. We don’t want any child dying on the waiting list.” Unfortunately though, this means that children can be on the waiting list for years before getting a transplant. They can be very ill as a result at the time of transplant, possibly affecting how well a child does once they receive a new liver.

“These results are important and relevant for families,” said Dr Emamaullee. “Not all children are at a center that offers living donor liver transplant. Now we have the data to suggest that kids really should be offered this option. Families should have the chance to donate to their children rather than having to wait until an organ donor comes along.”

“As a paediatrician, I want children getting the best chance possible,” said Dr Kohli. “Studies like these inform our care. They show us how to do the best possible job for our kids.”

Source: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles