Tag: iron deficiency

Obese and Overweight Children at Risk of Iron Deficiency

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Children and young people who are overweight or obese are at significantly higher risk of iron deficiency, according to a study by nutritional scientists at the University of Leeds.

Researchers from the School of Food Science and Nutrition examined thousands of medical studies from 44 countries involving people under the age of 25 where levels of iron and other vitamins and minerals had been recorded alongside weight. They found that iron deficiency was associated with both underweight and overweight children and adolescents.

By contrast, zinc and vitamin A deficiencies were only observed in children who were undernourished, leading researchers to conclude that iron deficiency in overweight children is probably due to inflammation disrupting the mechanisms that regulate iron absorption.

The results of the research appear in the journalĀ BMJ Global Health.

Iron deficiency in children has a negative effect on brain function, including attention, concentration and memory, and can increase the risk of conditions, such as autism and ADHD.

It is already recognised as a problem in adults living with obesity, but this research is the first to look at the association in children.

Lead author Xiaomian Tan, a Doctoral Researcher in the University of Leeds’ School of Food Science and Nutrition said: “The relationship between undernutrition and critical micronutrients for childhood growth and development is well established, but less is known about the risk of deficiencies in iron, vitamin A and zinc in children and adolescents who are overweight or obese, making this a hidden form of malnutrition.

“Our research is hugely important given the high prevalence of obesity in children. We hope it will lead to increased recognition of the problem by healthcare practitioners and improvements in clinical practice and care.”

Hidden hunger

Historically the problem has been linked to malnutrition and is a particular concern for lower- and middle-income countries where hunger may be the leading cause of mortality for young children.

Increasingly though it is being recognised that vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also occur in people who are overweight and obese and who have a nutrient-poor but energy-dense diet, something which has been described as ‘hidden hunger’.

In high-income countries it is associated with ultra-processed foods that are high in fat, sugar, salt, and energy but in lower- and middle-income countries obesity is often associated with poverty and monotonous diets with limited choices of staples such as corn, wheat, rice, and potatoes.

Many developing countries are now facing a double burden of malnutrition alongside overnutrition due to the rapid increase in the global prevalence of obesity in recent decades, especially in children aged between five and 19.

Undernutrition versus overnutrition

The research also highlights differences in focus between higher income countries and developing nations, with most studies in Africa and Asia focusing on undernutrition and those from North America and Europe focusing entirely on overnutrition.

The researchers say this is particularly concerning as both Africa and Asia are experiencing the highest double burden of malnutrition due to economic growth and the transition to a western-style high-sugar, high-fat diet.

Between the years 2000 and 2017, the number of overweight children under the age of five in Africa increased from 6.6 to 9.7 million, and in Asia that figure rose from 13.9 to 17.5 million. At the same time, there was an increase in the number of stunted children under 5, from 50.6 to 58.7 million in Africa.

Research supervisor Bernadette Moore, Professor of Nutritional Sciences in Leeds’ School of Food Science and Nutrition, said: “These stark figures underscore the fact that the investigation of micronutrient deficiencies in relation to the double burden of malnutrition remains critically important for child health.

“By the age of 11 here in the UK, one in three children are living with overweight or obesity, and our data suggests that even in overweight children inflammation leading to iron deficiency can be an issue.

“Iron status may be the canary in the coalmine, but the real issue is that prolonged inflammation leads to heart disease, diabetes and fatty liver.”

Increasing physical activity and improving diet have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve iron status in children and the researchers are now calling for further studies into the effectiveness of these interventions.

They also believe that more research is needed into micronutrient deficiencies and the double burden of malnutrition and overnutrition in countries where there are currently gaps in data.

Source: University of Leeds

Iron is Critical for Neutrophils as Well as Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells, platelets and T cells. Source: CC0

In a surprising discovery published in Science Advances, turning off the two proteins that regulate iron uptake results in not only anaemia but also in neutrophil levels plummeting. Iron deficiency, a known defence mechanism against infectious pathogens, can therefore a double-edged sword, as it simultaneously curbs the defensive power of this important arm of the innate immune system.

Iron is an indispensable component, needed for the blood pigment haemoglobin. The iron supply to the cells is controlled by the two proteins IRP-1 and IRP-2. If the cell lacks iron, IRP-1 and IRP-2 crank up the production of the various iron transporter proteins that take iron into the cell. IRP-1 and IRP-2 also ensure that an equally dangerous excess of iron does not occur.

IRP-1 and IRP-2 are essential for survival: mice lacking both control proteins during embryonic development die while still in the womb. But what happens when IRP-1 and IRP-2 fail in adult mice? A team led by Bruno Galy at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) has now investigated this by shutting down IRP production in mice.

As the researchers had expected, the most striking change after IRPs were switched off was a pronounced decrease in red blood cells. Due to the lack of haemoglobin, these erythrocytes reached only a minimal size.

However, the researchers were surprised to see that white blood cells also decreased, mainly due to a deficiency of neutrophils, which account for up to two-thirds of white blood cells in humans.

The neutrophil decline was not caused by a mass die-off but a developmental blockade in the haematopoietic system: the precursor cells in the bone marrow no longer develop into mature neutrophils ā€“ an iron-dependent process. Other types of white blood cells, such as monocytes, were unaffected by the IRP-dependent developmental blockade.

Iron limitation is a double-edged sword

“This strong iron dependence of neutrophils was previously unknown. It possibly affects the immune defence against bacterial pathogens,” said senior author Bruno Galy. Yet iron deficiency is one of the body’s defence strategies in bacterial infections since many pathogens are dependent on iron. The body hoards the metal in certain cells to cut off access for pathogens, limiting their ability to replicate.

Galy is involved with another study also in Science Advances, which shows that iron deficiency in blood serum, as typically occurs with infections, leads to a decrease in neutrophils in mice and limits the ability of these immune cells to fight bacteria. “Iron deficiency apparently modulates the innate immune system. It suppresses the maturation of neutrophils and also throttles their defensive power,” commented Bruno Galy. “The limitation of available iron is apparently a double-edged sword: On the one hand, the body thereby prevents bacteria from spreading. On the other hand, the function of an important arm of the innate immune system suffers.”

Inflammation often leads to anaemia, as can be experienced by cancer patients. The researchers next want to investigate whether iron deficiency in chronic inflammation also impairs immune function.

Source: German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ)