Tag: insulin

Designs for Insulin Preparations may Have Been Miscalculated for Decades

Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash

For diabetics, the makeup of insulin doses – governed by the proportion of insulin molecule clusters present – are crucial for effective treatment. Getting too little or too much insulin can lead to hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia. A new study appearing in Communications Biology has discovered that though it is not a danger to patients, an assumption underlying the design of insulin preparations is well off the mark.

The absorption of insulin in the body is controlled by how insulin molecules assemble themselves in clusters. Whereas a single molecule provides rapid action in the body, clusters of six molecules – known as hexamers – are long-acting. For decades, it has been assumed that insulin assembles with a certain distribution of molecular clusters of either one, two or six molecules. Pharmaceuticals have been designed based upon this assumption – but now researchers have discovered that this important point has been wrong for years.

“It is now apparent to us that we’ve gotten things wrong by 200 percent. There are only half as many single molecules in insulin compared to what we thought. Conversely, there are far more six-molecule clusters than we assumed. These experiments were not on animals but were performed on a microscope slide and one should be careful how to interpret their direct application to humans,” says study lead author Professor Nikos Hatzakis of the University of Copenhagen.

He adds: “However, our results may mean that when we believe to be administering a certain dose, it may mean that insulin behaves in a different way than expected and that even better insulin therapeutics can be developed.”

This means that insulin taken by diabetics may not be getting absorbed as expected. Though the researchers stress that it is not outright dangerous for patients, there is potential for designing more precise medicines.

From a crude model to detailed view

“Insulin preparations have only gotten better and better over the years, and a great many diabetics are well regulated. However, the development of insulin preparations has been based on a certain assumption about how the molecules assemble. With the crude standard model, this process was never been appreciated at a detailed level. That’s what we can do,” says the study’s other lead author, Professor Knud J. Jensen, of the Department of Chemistry. 

“This doesn’t mean that current insulin medications are bad or that patients have been medicated wrongly. But we now have a basic understanding of how insulin behaves and how much could be available to the body as rapid-acting medication. We now have the right method for providing us with accurate figures. We hope that the industry will use this or a similar tool – both to check current insulin preparations and to develop new ones,” adds Nikos Hatzakis.

The research results were achieved through a mix of chemistry, machine learning, simulations and advanced microscopy. The Department of Chemistry researchers began by directly observing the process in which each insulin molecule joins forces with other molecules to assemble into clusters. This allowed them to see how fast each cluster forms. The researchers looked at about 50 000 clusters.

Knowing the exact distribution of different clusters in a given amount of insulin is fundamental when developing medications that need to have either short- or long-acting effects in the body:

“The clustering of insulin is incredibly important for how preparations work. Because the difference between a rapid- and slow-acting insulin preparation is dependent upon how quickly the molecules assemble in clusters and how quickly they disassemble. Access to highly advanced equipment makes it relatively simple and fast to gain insight into exact concentrations, knowledge that at the same time, is also quite sophisticated,” says lead author Freja Bohr, a PhD fellow in Nikos Hatzakis’ research group at the Department of Chemistry. 

Improving insulin preparations

In addition to the different distribution of molecular clusters, the observations also show that cluster formation is a much more complex process than once presumed. The clusters can both grow and shrink at far more different intervals than previously supposed.

“Without being able to say exactly how just yet, this should make it possible to expand the number of ways in which preparations are designed. This could lead to an insulin with a different effect profile that reduces the fluctuations in patients’ blood sugar – which remains a major challenge,” says Freja Bohr.

Source: University of Copenhagen

Artificial Pancreas Successfully Trialled for Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes - person measures blood glucose
Photo by Photomix Company from Pexels

Cambridge scientists have successfully trialled an artificial pancreas for use by patients living with type 2 diabetes. They report in Nature Medicine that the device doubled the amount of time patients were in the target range for glucose compared to standard treatment and halved the time spent experiencing high glucose levels.

The artificial pancreas developed by University of Cambridge researchers combines an off-the-shelf glucose monitor and insulin pump with an app developed by the team, known as CamAPS HX. This app is run by an algorithm that predicts how much insulin is required to maintain glucose levels in the target range.

The researchers have previously shown that an artificial pancreas run by a similar algorithm is effective for patients living with type 1 diabetes, from adults through to very young children. They have also successfully trialled the device in patients with type 2 diabetes who require kidney dialysis.

Today, in Nature Medicine, the team report the first trial of the device in a wider population living with type 2 diabetes (not requiring kidney dialysis). Unlike the artificial pancreas used for type 1 diabetes, this new version is a fully closed loop system, whereas patients with type 1 diabetes need to tell their artificial pancreas that they are about to eat to allow adjustment of insulin, for example, with this version they can leave the device to function entirely automatically.

The researchers recruited 26 patients who were randomised to one of two groups – the first group would trial the artificial pancreas for eight weeks and then switch to the standard therapy of multiple daily insulin injections; the second group would take this control therapy first and then switch to the artificial pancreas after eight weeks.

The team used several measures to assess how effectively the artificial pancreas worked. The first was the proportion of time that patients spent with their glucose levels within a target range of between 3.9 and 10.0mmol/L. On average, patients using the artificial pancreas spent two-thirds (66%) of their time within the target range, compared to control (32%).

A second measure was the proportion of time spent with glucose levels above 10.0mmol/L. Over time, high glucose levels raise the risk of potentially serious complications. Patients taking the control therapy spent two-thirds (67%) of their time with high glucose levels — this was halved to 33% when using the artificial pancreas.

Average glucose levels fell from 12.6mmol/L when taking the control therapy to 9.2mmol/L while using the artificial pancreas.

The app also reduced levels of a molecule known as glycated haemoglobin, or HbA1c. Glycated haemoglobin develops when haemoglobin, a protein within red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body, joins with glucose in the blood, becoming ‘glycated’. By measuring HbA1c, clinicians are able to get an overall picture of what a person’s average blood sugar levels have been over a period of weeks or months. For people with diabetes, the higher the HbA1c, the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. After the control therapy, average HbA1c levels were 8.7%, while after using the artificial pancreas they were 7.3%.

No patients experienced dangerously-low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia) during the study. One patient was admitted to hospital while using the artificial pancreas, due to an abscess at the site of the pump cannula.

Dr Charlotte Boughton from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at the University of Cambridge, who co-led the study, said: “Many people with type 2 diabetes struggle to manage their blood sugar levels using the currently available treatments, such as insulin injections. The artificial pancreas can provide a safe and effective approach to help them, and the technology is simple to use and can be implemented safely at home.”

Dr Aideen Daly, also from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, said: “One of the barriers to widespread use of insulin therapy has been concern over the risk of severe ‘hypos’ — dangerously low blood sugar levels. But we found that no patients on our trial experienced these and patients spent very little time with blood sugar levels lower than the target levels.”

Feedback from participants suggested that participants were happy to have their glucose levels controlled automatically by the system, and nine out of ten (89%) reported spending less time managing their diabetes overall. Users highlighted the elimination of the need for injections or fingerprick testing, and increased confidence in managing blood glucose as key benefits. Downsides included increased anxiety about the risk of hypoglycaemia, which the researchers say may reflect increased awareness and monitoring of glucose levels, and practical annoyances with wearing of devices.

The team now plan to carry out a much larger multicentre study to build on their findings and have submitted the device for regulatory approval with a view to making it commercially available for outpatients with type 2 diabetes.

Source: University of Cambridge

Overweight Can be The Result of Insufficient Insulin Processing

Image source: Pixabay CC0

Lifestyle leading to overweight increases the risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes – but the relationship also works in reverse, according to a new study. If insulin production is compromised, as is the case in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, this can contribute to overweight. The researchers report their findings in the journal Nature Communications.

When hormone activation goes awry

The research group, led by Dr Daniel Zeman-Meier of the University Hospital of Basel, focused on protease PC1/3 – a key enzyme in the body that transforms various inactive hormone precursors into the final, active forms. Sever endocrine disorders can result if PC1/3 does not function properly. The consequences include a feeling of uncontrollable hunger and severe overweight.

“Until now, it was assumed that this dysregulation is caused by a lack of activation of satiety hormones,” explained Dr Zeman-Meier. “But when we turned off PC1/3 in the brains of mice, the animals’ body weight did not change significantly.” The researchers concluded from this that something other than a brain malfunction must be responsible.

Incorrect activation of insulin leads to hunger and overweight

In their next step, they tested whether overweight could be caused by incorrect activation of other hormones. Among other things, PC1/3 activates insulin. “Investigating the role of insulin production as a cause of overweight was obvious,” said Dr Zeman-Meier. The researchers shut off PC1/3 specifically in the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas in mice. The animals consumed significantly more calories and soon became overweight and diabetic.

An important mechanism in humans

“These results are also interesting because PC1/3 is reduced in the pancreas of patients with prediabetes,” says Professor Marc Donath, research leader and final author of the study. This indicates that incorrect insulin activation could cause overweight as well as result from it.

But PC1/3 is also important in the weight regulation of healthy individuals, Prof Donath stressed. The researchers were able to show that the gene expression of PC1/3 in the pancreas is negatively correlated with body weight in the general population — meaning that sufficient PC1/3 promotes a healthy body weight.

The finding that a defect in the beta cells is a trigger of overweight promises new therapeutic possibilities. For example, it is conceivable that medications could be used to reduce the production of immature insulin precursors, creating a new tool in the fight against overweight and diabetes.

Source: University of Basel

Breakthrough in Development of an Oral Insulin Tablet

Source: Danilo Alvesd on Unsplash

A team of researchers working on developing oral insulin tablets as a replacement for daily insulin injections have made a game-changing discovery, which they published in Scientific Reports. The University of British Columbia team found that it’s not so much the composition of the pill so much as where it’s absorbed.

Researchers have discovered that insulin from the latest version of their oral tablets is absorbed by rats in the same way that injected insulin is.

“These exciting results show that we are on the right track in developing an insulin formulation that will no longer need to be injected before every meal, improving the quality of life, as well as mental health, of more than nine million Type 1 diabetics around the world.” said Professor Anubhav Pratap-Singh, the principal investigator.

He said the inspiration behind the search for a non-injectable insulin comes from his diabetic father, who has had to inject insulin for the past 15 years.

According to Dr Alberto Baldelli, they are now seeing nearly 100% of the insulin from their tablets go straight into the liver. In previous attempts to develop a drinkable insulin, most of the insulin would accumulate in the stomach.

“Even after two hours of delivery, we did not find any insulin in the stomachs of the rats we tested. It was all in the liver and this is the ideal target for insulin – it’s really what we wanted to see,” said PhD candidate Yigong Guo, first author of the study.

Changing the mode of delivery

When it comes to insulin delivery, injections are not the most comfortable or convenient for diabetes patients. But with several other oral insulin alternatives also being tested and developed, the UBC team worked to solve where and how to facilitate a higher absorption rate.

The team instead developed a different kind of tablet that isn’t made for swallowing, but instead dissolves when placed between the gum and cheek.

This method makes use of the buccal mucosa to deliver all the insulin to the liver without wasting or decomposing any insulin along the way.

“For injected insulin we usually need 100iu per shot. Other swallowed tablets being developed that go to the stomach might need 500iu of insulin, which is mostly wasted, and that’s a major problem we have been trying to work around,” explained Yigong.

Most swallowed insulin tablets in development tend to release insulin slowly over two to four hours, while fast-release injected insulin can be fully released in 30–120 minutes.

“Similar to the rapid-acting insulin injection, our oral delivery tablet absorbs after half an hour and can last for about two to four hours long,” said Dr Baldelli.

Potential broad benefits

The study is yet to go into human trials, and for this to happen Prof Pratap-Singh says they will require more time, funding and collaborators. But beyond the clear potential benefits to diabetics, he says the tablet they are developing could also be more sustainable, cost-effective and accessible.

“More than 300 000 Canadians have to inject insulin multiple times per day,” Prof Pratap-Singh said. “That is a lot of environmental waste from the needles and plastic from the syringe that might not be recycled and go to landfill, which wouldn’t be a problem with an oral tablet.”

He explains that their hope is to reduce the cost of insulin per dose since their oral alternative could be cheaper and easier to make. Pills would be easier for diabetics as well, since currently their doses need to be kept cool.

Source: University of British Columbia

Just Looking at a Meal Triggers Inflammation

A hamburger
Photo by Ilya Mashkov on Unsplash

Insulin is released just by the sight and smell of a meal, but now, researchers report in Cell Metabolism that this insulin release depends on a short-term inflammatory response that takes place in these circumstances. In overweight individuals, however, this inflammatory response is so excessive that it can impair insulin secretion.

Even the anticipation of a forthcoming meal triggers a series of responses in the body. Insulin is released in this neurally mediated (or cephalic) phase of insulin secretion.

Meal stimulates immune defence

Until now, it was unclear how the sensory perception of a meal generated a signal to the pancreas to ramp up insulin production. Now, researchers from the University of Basel and University Hospital Basel have identified an important piece of the puzzle: an inflammatory factor known as interleukin 1 beta (IL1B), which is also involved in the immune response to pathogens or in tissue damage.

“The fact that this inflammatory factor is responsible for a considerable proportion of normal insulin secretion in healthy individuals is surprising, because it’s also involved in the development of type 2 diabetes,” explained study leader Professor Marc Donath from the Department of Biomedicine and the Clinic of Endocrinology.

Chronic inflammation damaging the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes. This is another situation in which IL1B plays a key role – in this case, it is produced and secreted in excessively large quantities. Thus, researchers are investigating whether inhibiting IL1B could be a treatment for diabetes.

Short-lived inflammatory response

Circumstances are different when it comes to neurally mediated insulin secretion: “The smell and sight of a meal stimulate specific immune cells in the brain known as the microglia,” said study author Dr Sophia Wiedemann, resident physician for internal medicine. “These cells briefly secrete IL1B, which in turn affects the autonomic nervous system via the vagus nerve.” This system then relays the signal to the pancreas.

In the case of morbid obesity, however, this neurally mediated phase of insulin secretion is disrupted. Specifically, by the initial excessive inflammatory response, as explained by doctoral candidate Kelly Trimigliozzi, who carried out the main part of the study in collaboration with Dr Wiedemann.

“Our results indicate that IL1B plays an important role in linking up sensory information such as the sight and smell of a meal with subsequent neurally mediated insulin secretion – and in regulating this connection,” Prof Marc Donath said.

Source: EurekAlert!

DIY Artificial Pancreas Gets Expert Nod of Approval

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

More than 40 healthcare professionals and legal experts have issued the first guidance of its kind to support people with type 1 diabetes using Do-it-Yourself (DIY) technology driven systems to manage their condition.

The paper sets out recommendations that allow health-care professionals to support DIY artificial pancreas systems as a safe and effective treatment option for type 1 diabetes.

Published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology and endorsed by nine professional diabetes organisations including the International Diabetes Federation. Patients say using the technology has been a “revolution and a revelation” which has had positive impacts on their wider health.

Study co-lead Dr Sufyan Hussain, a consultant diabetologist and honorary senior lecturer from King’s College London, who has lived with type 1 diabetes for over 30 years says: “The medical and legal position of do-it-yourself and citizen science approaches have been subject to a lot of debate and uncertainty. This paper not only clarifies the position for do-it-yourself artificial pancreas systems in diabetes as a safe and effective treatment but sets a precedent for achieving an international professional consensus for other treatments based on user-driven do-it-yourself technologies and innovations.”

Traditional monitoring of type 1 diabetes involves taking blood samples from the fingertips several times a day and calculating precise injections of insulin to maintain blood sugar levels. This can be a time-consuming and stressful method, but over 10 000 people worldwide are using DIY systems, also known as open-source Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) systems. These automatically adjust insulin dosing in response to continuous sensor glucose, insulin pump data and additional information using community generated algorithms. It means that the algorithm can calculate the dosage and administer the dose automatically through conventional insulin pumps.

The authors note that such systems aim to reduce both hypo- and hyperglycaemia, but can also improve glycaemic and long-term health outcomes, reducing diabetes distress and burden, and improving sleep quality.

A limited number of commercial versions of these systems have recently been approved by regulators, but they can be expensive and are accessible only in certain countries. Instead, DIY systems are a product of citizen science that have been co-created by people living with diabetes. These systems are not regulated. However, today’s landmark paper provides professional validation and clear recommendations for their use.

At least 20% of DIY system users are children or adolescents, although use in pregnancy and the elderly is also widely noted. For many families and users, use of an AID system improved quality of life for caregivers, allowing carers to remotely monitor their condition.

However, in common with other insulin-based treatments, these systems are not risk-free, the authors warn. Historically, people living with diabetes had to do their own research on how to build and set up these systems. The paper recommends that clinicians work with individuals living with diabetes or their caregivers to ensure safe and effective use of these systems, and provide guidance on how to achieve this.

At age 15, Dominic Nutt was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Now 54, he has a personalised algorithm that automatically controls his glucose monitor and insulin pump. He manages the process through a smartphone, putting in when he eats carbohydrates or exercises, as this affects his blood sugar.
“I’m not a techie at all,” he said, “but since I was diagnosed, I’ve always been excited to try the latest developments as soon as they’re available. A friend put me in touch with someone who could help me to personalise the algorithm to my diabetes and my insulin pump. I then worked with Dr Hussain who helped me to make it work for my diabetes and the technology I was already using.

“It’s been a revolution and a revelation. The swings in my blood sugar have gone. I used to have severe hypos needing emergency care about once every six months – my kids got used to having to talk to the paramedics. Now that never happens, my blood sugar is under control, which has wider health benefits as well, plus I’m feeling fitter and stronger, and I don’t have to eat as much sugar to control my blood sugar.

“The emotional weight that has been lifted is huge. I still have to think about my diabetes sometimes, but it’s not the daily grind it used to be. It’s exciting that now there’s more of an opportunity for others with diabetes to get the kind of personalised advice that I’ve had.”

Source: King’s College London