Tag: healthcare budget

What does it Mean for Health? SAMRC Experts Weigh in on Budget 2025

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana holding a copy of the 2025 Budget Speech. (Photo: Parliament of RSA via X)

By Charles Parry, Funeka Bango, Tamara Kredo, Wanga Zembe, Michelle Galloway, Renee Street and Caradee Wright

While the 2025 national budget boosts health spending, researchers from the South African Medical Research Council stress the need for strong accountability measures. They also raise concerns about rising VAT and omissions related to US funding cuts and climate change.

The 2025 budget speech by Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana saw a welcome boost to the health budget with an increased allocation from R277 billion in 2024/2025 to R329 billion in 2027/2028. This signals a government that is responding to the dire health needs of the public sector, that serves more than 80% of the South African population.

As researchers at the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), we listened with interest and share our reflections on some of the critical areas of spend relevant for health and wellbeing.

We note the increase in investment in human resources for health and allocations for early childhood development and social grants. At the same time, we also raise concern about increasing VAT, with knock-on effects for the most vulnerable in our country. There were also worrying omissions in the speech, such as addressing the impact of the United States federal-funding freeze on healthcare services nationally, and a noticeable absence of comment on government’s climate-change plans.

Health and the link with social development: Recognising the importance of early childhood development

Education and specifically early childhood development (ECD) is known to have critical impacts on children’s health and wellbeing, with longstanding effects into youth and adulthood. In South Africa, eight million children go hungry every day, and more than a third of children are reported to live in households below the food poverty line, that is below the income level to meet basic food requirements, not even covering other basic essentials such as clothes.

While the increase in the number of registered ECDs is laudable, many more ECD centres in low-income areas remain unregistered, which means they do not get support from the government in terms of subsidies and oversight.

Social grants

The increase in social grants is welcomed. However, the marginal increase of the Child Support Grant (CSG) by only R30, from R530 to R560, is too little to impact on the high levels of child hunger and malnutrition. The release of the Child Poverty Review in 2023, which highlighted the eight million children going hungry every day, including CSG recipients, proposed the immediate increase of the CSG to at least the Food Poverty Line (R796 in 2024).

Social relief of distress still too small

The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant is an important source of income for low-income, working-age, unemployed adults. Its continuance in 2025 is welcomed. However, it remains too small at R370 per person per month, and the stringent means-test criteria which disrupt continuous receipt from month-to-month, makes it an unreliable, unpredictable source of income for low-income individuals.

Strengthening the healthcare workforce

The Minister stated that “R28.9 billion is added to the health budget, mainly to keep about 9 300 healthcare workers in our hospitals and clinics”. It will also be used to employ 800 post-community service doctors, and to ensure that our pharmacies do not run out of medicines. The speech highlighted the necessary commitment to strengthening the healthcare system, specifically human resources for health.

Considering the pressures on resources, primarily due to the escalating disease burden and challenges within the health workforce, the proposed budget increase from R179 billion to R194 billion – an increase of 8.2% – to maintain the current workforce and employ additional healthcare workers signifies a positive step forward that will aid in addressing staff shortages.

However, this seems to fall short of what is needed to ensure all medical graduates are placed, and government’s own 2030 Human Resources for Health Strategy.

VAT vs. health taxes

Despite the gains in health spending, the proposed increase in VAT raises substantial concerns to partially negate the potential benefits to the health sector. As the World Bank reports that approximately 60% of people living in South Africa live below the poverty line, increases to VAT will likely drive poverty levels higher.

A focus on other forms of taxation may be better, more evidence-based, and less likely to disproportionately affect those at the highest levels of poverty.

On the issue of alcohol taxes, often mischaracterised as “sin taxes” rather than “health taxes”, the Minister has proposed excise duties of 6.75% on most products for 2025/26. This is 2% above consumer inflation, which stands at 4.75%.

Raising alcohol prices through higher excise taxes is globally recognised as an effective way to address alcohol-related harms. National Treasury is to be commended for adjusting alcohol excise tax rates above CPI in the 2025/26 Budget. This is a move in the right direction, but it does not address the current anomalies in tax rates across different products. This failure to address shortcomings in the excise tax regime is expected, given the release of a discussion document on alcohol excise taxes in December 2024 with a February 2025 response date. The earliest we can expect substantial changes in excise tax rates is in February 2026.

From a public-health perspective, it makes sense to link alcohol excise taxes to the absolute alcohol content of the product to standardise across products. Ethanol is ethanol. The current differential in excise tax rates on different alcohol products is indefensible. Specifically, it makes no sense to tax wine and beer so much less than spirits in terms of absolute alcohol content. Wine, especially bag-in-box wine, is the cheapest product on the market in South Africa, and its affordability increases consumption, leading to more societal harm.

Beer is the most consumed product in the country and is increasingly sold in larger, non-resealable containers. A 2015 SAMRC study in Gauteng found the highest level of heavy episodic drinking with beer products, largely due to their affordability, especially in larger, non-resealable containers. Heavy episodic drinking is a major public-health concern in South Africa, with 43.0% of current drinkers engaging in heavy episodic drinking at least monthly, 50.9% of male and 30.3% of female drinkers. Increasing the excise tax on beer is a powerful tool that the state can use to reduce the level of such behaviour.

Additionally, it makes sense to have lower taxes on alcohol products with lower alcohol content, as this could shift consumption to less harmful products. The current excise tax regimen does not account for this within a single product type like beer or wine, as all products are taxed at the same rate regardless of their alcohol content.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw the benefits of decreased access to alcohol: fewer injuries, fewer unnatural deaths, and communities less disrupted by patrons visiting liquor outlets. While no one advocates for total liquor sales bans, increasing excise taxes on wine and beer would decrease alcohol consumption and reduce harms on drinkers, on others around them, and on society more broadly.

Acute risk to lives with knock on effects due to US federal funding cuts

We believe the South African government has a responsibility to step into the gap left by the sudden US federal funding freeze on HIV and TB services. The US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funds 17% of HIV and TB services in South Africa and covers salaries for thousands of health workers, including the vital services of community health workers.

The implications for people living with HIV and TB and affected by the externally funded services will be devastating. It will also have ripple effects on the health system as we see inevitable increases in demand for health services to address advancing illness, effects on families caring for ill relatives or losing income.

This area needs to be addressed and clear communication from the National Department of Health is urgently awaited. The US funding cuts clearly impact on essential research funding available to institutions like the SAMRC and no indication has been given in the budget of any plans to augment or replace such funding.

National Health Insurance for South Africa’s public sector

The Minister addressed budget allocations for NHI implementation, specifically, the mid-term indirect and direct conditional grants for NHI were R8.5 billion and R1.4 billion respectively. Although these amounts in themselves are minor compared to other health-budget allocations, allocations for infrastructure (R37.4 billion over the mid-term economic framework period) and additionally allocations for digital patient health information systems, chronic medicine dispensing and distribution systems, and medicine stock surveillance systems are vital for healthcare efficiency and improved outcomes.

Least said not soonest mended: climate change – ‘no comment’?

From a climate-crisis perspective, although the budget speech did not explicitly mention climate change or its related health challenges, there seems to be positive steps being taken to address these issues. Initiatives such as clean energy projects and efforts to improve water management have the potential to benefit all sectors of society, while helping to mitigate the health risks associated with climate change.

Promising spend on health, but who will measure the impact?

Ultimately, increasing health spend is a promising step to increase access to quality health services for South Africa’s population. However, this is not enough, government must seize the opportunity to translate the budget increase into improved health outcomes. The effectiveness of the additional funds must be maximised through efficiency, transparency, and sound governance. The government can reinforce the integrity of public-health services by aligning these increases with robust accountability measures.

Government-academic partnerships represent an opportunity to share knowledge, technical skills and resources to support evidence-informed decision-making for national health decision-making and strengthen monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. There are many examples of this working well, and we trust that the SAMRC, along with the network of higher education institutions are well placed to provide the necessary support.

*Parry, Bango, Kredo, Zembe, Galloway, Street and Wright are researchers with the SAMRC.

Note: Spotlight aims to deepen public understanding of important health issues by publishing a variety of views on its opinion pages. The views expressed in this article are not necessarily shared by the Spotlight editors.

Republished from Spotlight under a Creative Commons licence.

Read the original article.

#Vote4Health | Opposition Parties Promise to Resolve Healthcare Understaffing. Do They have the Right Solutions?

By Jesse Copelyn

Photo by SJ Objio on Unsplash

Several political parties have pledged to plug shortages of healthcare staff at government hospitals and clinics by training more health workers. They’re right to be concerned with understaffing, but are they putting the right solutions on the table? Jesse Copelyn investigates.

As the election approaches, one message seems ubiquitous among opposition parties: there is a severe shortage of health workers at government hospitals and clinics. Manifestoes of the DAEFFMKIFPActionSAUDMRise Mzansi and the ACDP all make some reference to the issue or simply state they would increase the number of health workers in the system if they were in power.

But why are so many parties from across the political spectrum pointing to this particular problem, and are they proposing realistic solutions?

Government health facilities are shedding staff

Various sources of data show that public health facilities are indeed heavily understaffed, giving weight to parties’ concerns. For instance, in March, the National Health Department revealed that appointments for a number of key clinical posts across the country have not been made. In some of the worst-performing provinces – the Free State, North West and Limpopo – more than 20% of posts for medical officers (i.e. non-specialised doctors) were unfilled.

Additionally, in the North West, almost 2 out of 5 nursing posts were vacant, while half of all positions for psychiatrists were unstaffed. Meanwhile in the Free State, a mere 3 out of 5 posts were filled for physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

These health worker shortages appear to be getting worse. The 2030 Human Resources for Health strategy document, which was published by the National Department of Health, estimated that in 2019, we required about 186 000 primary healthcare workers in the public sector. This would ensure that every person that relies on government services had access to a basket of primary healthcare services that matches the country’s needs. Yet at the time, we only had about 115 000, meaning that we were short by about 71 000 workers. And by 2025, that gap was projected to widen to over 87 000. This is because it was assumed that the number of clinical staff would remain the same over time, while the overall population (and thus the number of patients) would increase.

In reality, this actually understates the problem, Dr Donnella Besada, a health economist who was involved in that research, tells Spotlight. Rather than remaining the same, the number of health personnel in the public sector probably will have declined by 2025.

“The workforce is likely to go down over time as a result of the freezing of posts, retirement, illness and death,” she explains.

Indeed this was a trend that had already begun in the 2010s when total government spending on health began to stagnate in real terms, and irregular expenditure ballooned. Thus, government health facilities didn’t have the money to hire more staff, and between 2012 and 2016, the total number of people employed by provincial health departments actually declined.

The extent of the problem is perhaps most acutely seen in the area of specialist care, as the Human Resources for Health strategy document shows. Take anaesthesiologists – the doctors who put you to sleep before an operation and monitor your vital signs. Researchers estimated that given factors like the age of the population and the types of diseases that are prevalent, South Africa should have about 50 anaesthesiologists for every million people. In the private sector, we’re well over the bar, with nearly double that targeted ratio. In government health facilities, however, we’re way under, at about 6 anaesthesiologists for every million patients.

Right problem, wrong solution?

Clearly, politicians are onto something when they talk about the need to increase the number of health workers in public hospitals and clinics. But how do parties propose that we do this?

While solutions vary, one of the most common proposals that has been put forward both in party manifestos, and in interview responses to questions by Spotlight, is that we should invest more in training of health workers. For instance, the EFF manifesto states that the party would establish “at least one health care training facility per province and [ensure] that there is no province without a health sciences campus, inclusive of nursing school and medical school [sic]”. Similarly, the newly established MK party states that it would “expand the capacity and intake of medical schools”.

Manifestoes by ActionSA and RiseMzansi also state that they would train more health workers, while the UDM and ACDP told Spotlight that they would invest more in nursing colleges, along with other measures.

What unites these approaches is the belief that a central reason for understaffing is that we aren’t training enough health workers, and we have to find ways of boosting this capacity. However, two senior managers in the public health system that spoke to Spotlight provide a very different take. They argue that the most fundamental reason for understaffing is budgetary – facilities simply cannot afford to appoint more health workers even though there are often qualified people available for hire.

For instance, a former CEO of a public hospital in the Western Cape, who would prefer to remain anonymous, explains to Spotlight that the reason their hospital was unable to plug shortages is simply due to “affordability in terms of the budget received from the national government”.

In this context, more campuses and colleges would do little to solve the problem. “[T]oo many training institutions mean that once they graduate there are too few posts for internships or community service”, the former CEO says, referring to the positions that medical students must take up at government hospitals and clinics after graduating. He elaborates: “Once [the internship and community service] is done, there are no posts for permanent positions”.

All the way on the other side of the country, a senior manager at a government hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, who also wanted to remain anonymous, says much the same. He tells Spotlight that “understaffing has been a problem for some time”, and that the shortage of nurses is currently the most significant obstacle. Asked about the causes, he says “financial reasons” are almost always to blame (though he did feel that we needed to train more specialists). He elaborates “this year the budget has been cut compared to last financial year, so [the shortages are] a bit severe now”.

Asked whether more training would solve the shortage of nurses and medical officers, he is doubtful. “[M]any of the already-qualified people were not able to be employed, so training more? I don’t think this is a solution… for now the focus should be on employing the unemployed people”, he says.

This sentiment is also largely echoed by the National Department of Health, which in April stated that there were over 2000 unfunded posts for medical doctors in the country. An additional R2.4 billion was needed to fill them, according to the department, which has also been battling accusations from the South African Medical Association that over 800 qualified doctors cannot find work. In response, the department claimed that the majority of them had only just finished their training.

Training capacity has already hit its ceiling

What one might not realise from reading party manifestos is that the country has already substantially boosted the training of doctors over the last decade. As I have previously written for Bhekisisa, it is partially because of this that the public health system is increasingly struggling to absorb new medical graduates entering the system.

Professor Shabir Madhi of Wits University. Photo: Wits University.

For instance, Professor Shabir Madhi, the dean of the health faculty at the University of Witwatersrand (WITS), tells Spotlight that universities began to increase the intake of medical students (ie, those training to be doctors) some time ago, partly due to state pressure. Over a similar time period, the government expanded the Nelson Mandela Fidel Castro programme, which educates medical students in Cuba. As a result, while there were fewer than 1500 medical graduates that were available to be placed for internships in 2017, there were over 2100 in 2024.

The opposite trends have nonetheless taken place for some other health worker categories. For instance, in 2017, there were over 21 000 student nurses and midwives, and this dropped to below 15 000 in 2022. As Spotlight previously reported, this decline is at least in part due to disruptions related to how nurse training is accredited in South Africa.

According to Madhi, we’re still not training enough health workers to meet the needs of the country, but further expanding student intake wouldn’t address the current understaffing crisis, as the government is unable to employ the health workers that we’re already producing. Instead of training more health science students, he says, the health department needs to focus on “incorporating existing and newly graduating healthcare workers into the public sector”.

Additionally, even if we resolved our budgetary problems, there are hard limits on how many more students we can currently train, says Madhi, who laughs off campaign promises about building more medical campuses and scaling up student intake. “[M]ost of the training of health workers takes place outside of the classroom in our healthcare facilities,” he says, adding that “there are only so many healthcare facilities that have the right type of personnel to be involved in training, and their ability to absorb more trainee healthcare workers is fairly limited”.

While universities have increased the intake of medical students over the years, the ceiling has now been reached, argues Madhi, who notes that the number of trainee doctors that WITS is sending to its academic hospitals is “already exceeding the capacity that they can accommodate”. As a result, the university now sends students “to other hospitals which weren’t necessarily designed, and are not necessarily equipped or resourced, to undertake training”. He notes that these problems don’t just apply to trainee doctors, but also “occupational therapists, physiotherapists, oral hygienists and dentists”.

Madhi concludes: “Unfortunately, politicians are somewhat naive of what is required to establish training programmes in the health sciences”.

Republished from Spotlight under a Creative Commons licence.

Source: Spotlight

Health Budget 2024: Tangible Investment Needed to Alleviate Poverty-related Health Issues and Build Trust for NHI

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana tables his 2024 Budget during a joint seating of the National Assembly in the Cape Town City Hall. (Photo: National Treasury)

By Wanga Zembe, Donela Besada, Funeka Bango, Tanya Doherty, Catherine Egbe, Charles Parry, Darshini Govindasamy, Renee Street, Caradee Wright and Tamara Kredo

The 2024 national budget offers some glimmers but allocations for direct health benefits fall short of making a difference to people’s health and wellbeing. These include a ring-fenced allocation to crack down on corruption in health to inspire trust for the National Health Insurance, taxing accessories for e-cigarettes, a jacked up child-support grant, clarity on plans dealing with climate change and its impacts on human health, and finally greater investment to enhance women’s capabilities alongside the Covid-19 grant, researchers from the South African Medical Research Council write exclusively for Spotlight.

The 2024 national budget presented last week by Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana contained several key elements that have an impact on systems, services and wellbeing from a health perspective.

Importantly, not only direct health spend, but budget allocated to social protection and climate infrastructure has implications for health outcomes such as nutrition, growth and food security. Health taxes, to address illness caused by alcohol, cigarettes and e-cigarettes amongst others, are also key revenue streams with taxation intended to deter use.

As researchers at the South African Medical Research Council we are dedicated to improving the health of people in South Africa through research and innovation. We wish to share some insights into positive areas in the budget and to point out areas where there are gaps with potentially dire consequences for the health of our nation.

In real terms, the health budget is shrinking.

Health has been allocated a total of R848-billion over the medium-term expenditure framework. This includes R11.6-billion to address the 2023 wage agreement, R27.3-billion for infrastructure and R1.4-billion for the National Health Insurance (NHI) grant.  Compared to the medium-term budget policy statement in October last year, government is now adding R57.6-billion to pay salaries of teachers, nurses and doctors, among other critical services.

In real terms, the health budget is shrinking. The allocation to cover last year’s higher-than-anticipated wage settlement is a positive step to try to fill posts for essential health workers. But this allocation falls short of fully funding the centrally agreed wage deal, meaning that provincial health departments will be unable to fill all essential posts.

Treasury’s Chief Director for Health and Social Development, Mark Blecher, was quoted as saying that the “extra money would not be sufficient to hire all the recently qualified doctors who have been unable to secure jobs with the state, and provincial Health Departments will need to determine which posts should be prioritised”. He added: “There will be less downsizing, and more posts will be filled, but it is unlikely they all will be.”

South Africa has a ratio of only 7.9 physicians per 100 000 people in the public health system, while it has been estimated that there are more than 800 unemployed newly qualified doctors. Considering the health-workforce shortfalls, the amount of money allocated appears optimistic for service coverage for the increasing population.

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers building a health workforce a highly cost-effective strategy. Salaries continue to consume the largest share of provincial health budgets, estimated at 64% since 2018. The Human Resources for Health strategy lacks clarity on the implementation of workforce-planning approaches with significant implications for how provinces prioritise workforce cadres to keep up with the increasing needs – particularly in light of NHI.

Nutrition support on the decline

The Minister described protecting the budgets of critical programmes such as school-nutrition programmes, which includes almost 20 000 schools. He noted that the early childhood development (ECD) grant will be allocated R1.6-billion rising to R2-billion over the medium term.

Ensuring nutrition support to children under-five for optimal physical and cognitive growth is vital. The 2023 National Food and Nutrition Security Survey by the Human Sciences Research Council found that 29% of children under five in South Africa are stunted (short for their age). The proportion of children experiencing both acute and chronic under-nutrition has increased over the past decade. Stunted children are more likely to earn less and have a higher risk of obesity and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease as adults.

Currently, only registered or conditionally registered Early Learning Programmes (ELPs) serving poor children (determined by income-means testing) are eligible to receive the ECD subsidy. This is not aligned with inflation and the real value of the R17 per child per day subsidy and the contribution to nutrition costs  have decreased over time. The subsidy is not enough to cover the costs of running quality programmes, let alone the costs of providing nutritious meals. The World Bank suggests a minimum of R31 per child per day.

There is also concern about the children missed who attend informal or unregistered programmes. According to the 2021 Early Childhood Development Census, only 41% of ELPs are registered and only 33%, registered or not, receive the subsidy. Unregistered ELPs are more likely to be based in vulnerable communities and attended by children from vulnerable households. Further, although about 1.7 million children are enrolled in ELPs, enrolment rates vary across provinces from 40% in Gauteng to 26% in the Eastern Cape. This means many young children are not enrolled, and, of those enrolled, most do not benefit from the subsidy.

Child grants increase not keeping up with inflation

Child grants appear in the budget every year, but the increases do not keep up with inflation, and particularly not with the basket of goods needed for a growing child. In real terms grant amounts are decreasing – visible in the way hunger is increasing throughout the country, particularly in the Eastern Cape where uptake of social grants is very high.

A recent Department of Social Development report – Reducing Child Poverty: A review of child poverty and the value of the Child Support Grant – recommended, as a minimum, an immediate increase of the child-support grant to the food poverty level (R760 last year), as more than 8 million children receiving it were found to be going hungry/missing a meal at least once a day. The R20 increase falls far short of that recommendation.

The Social Relief of Distress Grant and women’s economic empowerment

As part of pandemic recovery efforts, we commend government for the roll-out of the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant and its plans to extend this beyond March 2025. While SRD continues to suffer implementation challenges related to the amount and roll-out; it  presents an opportunity for renewed attention to a comprehensive and inclusive approach to women’s economic empowerment.

The recent Stats SA labour survey reported a higher unemployment rate among women (35.7%) versus men (30.7%). Our research also finds that women caregivers of children and adolescents living with HIV are particularly vulnerable to poor health and economic outcomes. Greater investment in programmes that enhance women’s opportunities alongside the SRD could promote the sustainability of pandemic-recovery efforts.

The NHI, health-system reforms and dealing with corruption in health

The Minister indicated that the allocation for NHI – government’s policy for implementing universal health coverage – demonstrates commitment to this policy. He also noted that there are a range of system-strengthening activities, that are key enablers of an improved public healthcare system, including strengthening the health-information system; upgrading facilities; enhancing management at district and facility level; and developing reference pricing and provider payment mechanisms for hospitals. He recognised that these require further development before NHI can be rolled out at scale.

The NHI allocation must show a tangible commitment to health-system reforms. Funding needs to be allocated for the creation of organisational infrastructure that ensures transparent, trustworthy decisions will be made about the benefits package and programmes to be funded. Specifically, funding for conducting Health Technology Assessments with credible processes that manage interests and ensure coverage decisions are informed by independent appraisal of the best-available evidence, measures of affordability, and with public input. Some areas of government already undertake such work, for example the National Essential Medicine Committee, but how these processes will expand beyond medicine to include decisions about health-systems arrangements and public-health interventions remain unclear, and apparently unfunded.

Undoubtedly, facilities need to be upgraded. It’s positive to see this as a named activity. It is however unclear how the upgrade of health facilities and quality of care will be ensured, given that tertiary infrastructure grants have been reduced due to underspending of conditional grants. Currently, health facilities’ quality is assessed by the Office of Health Standards Compliance whose role is to inspect and certify facilities. This is a prerequisite for accreditation under NHI. This means the watchdog agency will need adequate budget. Implementation research is also required to test out the different NHI public-private contracting models. Furthermore, a ring-fenced allocation to deal with corruption in health, would be welcomed and inspire trust for NHI.

‘Sin’ taxes vs ’health taxes’

The Minister proposed excise duties and above-inflation increases of between 6.7 and 7.2% for 2024/25 for alcohol products and indicated that tobacco-excise duties will be increased by 4.7% for cigarettes and cigarette tobacco and by 8.2% for pipe tobacco and cigars. And, based on inputs from citizens, the Minister also tabled an increase in excise duties on electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems (vapes).

While there may be a concern that increasing taxes on products consumed by the poor is regressive, there are ways to direct revenue gained back to those sub-populations and it’s not fair to deny them the benefits of consuming less alcohol products.

It is notable that excise taxes on wine have been increased to a greater percentage than spirits, but the health effects of alcohol come from the ethanol not the type of liquor product so it would make more sense to make the excise tax rate per litre of absolute alcohol equal across all products. The budget has not moved this forward in any meaningful way.

The proposed tax on tobacco products is not in line with WHO recommendations and is below inflation. This should be at least 70% of the retail price to have a positive impact on public health by reducing tobacco use, especially in a country with one of the highest tobacco-use rates in the region. In South Africa, the tax is currently between 50 – 60%. Although the tax on electronic cigarettes has increased, it is still below inflation. We hope that this increase will deter more young people from starting to use e-cigarettes and encourage current users to quit. We also hope that this increase is not just once-off and that future increases are made with the goal of reducing e-cigarette use.

Overall, the taxes on tobacco products and electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems are below inflation. This means that manufacturers can absorb the increases, and consumers may not be deterred from using them. This is a missed opportunity, as there is a clear link between these products and the development of non-communicable diseases, like hypertension, and the worsening of communicable diseases, like tuberculosis.

The impact of climate change on lives and livelihoods

Climate and health are closely related, with more attention being paid by the global research community  to potential impacts of climate change and natural disasters on lives and livelihoods. The Minister noted a multi-layered risk-based approach to manage some of the fiscal risks associated with climate change. These include a Climate Change Response Fund; disaster-response grants; support and funding from multilateral development banks and international funders to support climate adaptation, mitigation, energy transition and sustainability initiatives; and, municipal-level adaptation and mitigation initiatives.

There are numerous health co-benefits to these strategies. For example, investing in renewable energy sources can improve air quality, leading to reduced respiratory illness. There is a need to highlight these co-benefits and to foster intersectoral collaboration.

Overall, from the perspective of health researchers, we note the mention of NHI plans, social protection, nutrition, health workforce, health taxes and climate. However, we all agree that the allocations for direct health benefits and to address social determinants of health, such as education and poverty-alleviation, fall short of what is recommended, from global and national research evidence, to make a difference to people’s health and wellbeing.

*SAMRC researchers: Wanga Zembe, Donela Besada, Funeka Bango, Tanya Doherty, Catherine Egbe, Charles Parry, Darshini Govindasamy, Renee Street, Caradee Wright and Tamara Kredo.

Republished from Spotlight under a Creative Commons licence.

Source: Spotlight

Worst of Hiring Freeze Over, Western Cape Health Department Assures Health Workers

By Daniel Steyn for GroundUp

Dr Keith Cloete, head of the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness, has told health workers in the province that the “severe and drastic measures” taken to “constrain the filling of posts” in the past three months has brought the department back within budget.

Cloete was speaking in a video update circulated to the department’s employees on Thursday. Health workers in the province have raised concerns over a “near-complete” freezing of vacant posts to curb budget cuts imposed by National Treasury.

Initial cuts to provincial budgets and conditional grants that fund hospitals were made at the start of 2023/24 and were further exacerbated by in-year cuts.

Provincial governments also had to absorb within their existing budgets a mandatory public sector wage increase. National Treasury recommended in November that provincial departments freeze hiring.

Since November, posts in the Western Cape could only be filled on approval by head office, but Cloete said in his video that those decisions will now be “decentralised” again.

Line managers may again fill vacant posts on condition that they “apply their minds” and work within “a tight framework”, said Cloete. He added that he was mindful of the impact the hiring constraints have had on services.

In January, GroundUp reported on significant staff shortages at Groote Schuur Hospital and Red Cross War Memorial Hospital. Senior hospital managers in the province complained that there had been a lack of communication from the department’s management on how long budget cuts would last and what would be done to mitigate their impact.

On 4 February, more than 1200 doctors wrote an open letter to Western Cape Premier Alan Winde, Western Cape Finance Minister Mireille Wenger and national Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana, calling for an end to “catastrophic budget cuts”.

The health workers warned that the cuts will cause surgical operations to be cancelled or postponed; patients in need of specialist medical care to wait longer; cancer treatment to be delayed and cancers diagnosed at later stages with less chance of successful treatment; and gains in neonatal, infant and paediatric care would be “reversed”, among many other issues.

In Thursday’s video update, Cloete said that the budget for the 2024/25 financial year has not yet been finalised. The final budget allocation will be tabled in the provincial legislature in early March.

Budget cuts are expected to continue into the foreseeable future. Over the next three years, the Western Cape government faces cuts amounting to R6.7-billion. According to premier Alan Winde, 37% of the province’s budget goes to healthcare.

Cloete announced that a meeting will be held with managers, clinicians and support staff “to have a discussion of how do we redesign our healthcare services across the entire system in the Western Cape” on 21 February.

“I understand anxieties that everyone will experience in this specific area. I call on everyone to please attempt to get a slightly bigger view …. And for us to do this together. Together, we can actually navigate this successfully.”

Republished from GroundUp under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Source: GroundUp

Call to Stop ‘Catastrophic’ Health Care Budget Cuts

By Daniel Steyn for GroundUp

More than 1,200 doctors, nurses and other health workers in the Western Cape have signed an open letter to Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana, Premier Alan Winde and Finance MEC Mireille Wenger, calling for an end to “catastrophic” budget cuts in the provincial department.

The National Treasury cut health budgets at the start of the 2023/24 financial year and introduced further cuts halfway through the year, recommending a hiring freeze on new posts. Provincial departments were also told to absorb the cost of an unfunded public sector wage increase.

On Monday, Deputy Minister of the National Department of Health Sibongiseni Dhlomo told protesting unemployed doctors in Pietermaritzburg that the department will be taking the issue of budget cuts to Parliament this week and ask that healthcare be exempted.

In January, GroundUp also reported how two of the Western Cape’s biggest hospitals, Groote Schuur and Red Cross Children’s Hospital, are facing significant staff shortages.

According to the open letter sent by Western Cape health workers, the provincial health system has been “destabilised by indiscriminate freezing of virtually all clinical and non-clinical posts and a freeze on nursing overtime and agency budgets”.

“A reduction in posts mean that today, and tomorrow into the foreseeable future, there are fewer nurses, doctors, general assistants, clerks, physiotherapists, radiographers, porters, occupational therapists, dentists and specialists to deliver desperately needed healthcare to the population.”

The hiring freeze has also meant that critical medical posts remain vacant due to resignations or doctors completing their training.

The health workers wrote that the cuts will cause a reduction of surgical theatre lists, causing a postponement or cancellation of operations; patients in need of specialist medical care to wait longer due to fewer available hospital beds; oncology (cancer treatment) services to be delayed, meaning that cancers are diagnosed at later stages with less chance of successful treatment; and gains in neonatal, infant and paediatric care to be “reversed”, among many other issues.

Currently employed health workers will be required to work harder and longer to fill the gaps, which may lead to “sleep deprivation, burnout and fatigue-induced errors”, according to the letter.

Premier Alan Winde and MEC Wenger responded to the open letter in a joint statement on 7 February.

In the statement, Wenger and Winde agreed that the “nationally imposed” budget cuts are “devastating” and that they go beyond health services and “have hit education and social development services”.

“This is exactly what the Western Cape Government warned of and which it is now fighting to stop and reverse,” the statement read.

Over the next three years, the Western Cape Government faces cuts amounting to R6.7-billion. According to Winde and Wenger, these cuts are more than the total combined budgets of the provincial departments of community safety, economic development, and cultural affairs and sport.

In November, the provincial government declared an intergovernmental dispute (IGD) with the national government over the cuts. Mediation in this matter remains ongoing.

Asked to respond to the open letter, the National Treasury told GroundUp that the budget for 2024/25, which will be tabled on 21 February, will provide some guidance.

Republished from GroundUp under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Source: GroundUp