Tag: haemoglobin

Over Half of Iron Deficiency Cases Unresolved After Three Years

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Over half of people with iron deficiency were found to still have low iron levels three years after diagnosis, and among patients whose condition was effectively treated within that timeframe, they faced longer-than-expected delays, pointing to substantial gaps in appropriate recognition and efficient treatment of the condition, according to a study published in Blood Advances.

Iron deficiency is common, and affecting up to 40% of adolescents and young women. Previous work reported that up to 70% of cases go undiagnosed in high-risk populations, such as those with bleeding disorders, issues with malabsorption, or women who menstruate.

“Iron deficiency is probably a bigger problem than we realise. I’ve seen a lot of cases where people don’t have anaemia, but they are walking around with very little to no iron in their body and it can have a big impact on how people feel in their day-to-day life,” said Jacob Cogan, MD, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota and the study’s lead author. “Iron deficiency can be challenging to diagnose, but it’s easy to treat. Our findings underscore the need for a more coordinated effort to recognise and treat iron deficiency to help improve quality of life.”

If untreated, low iron stores can lead to mood changes, fatigue, hair loss, exercise intolerance, and eventually anaemia. The condition is generally first treated with oral iron supplementation, and if low iron levels persist after a few months or the patient reports side effects, intravenous (IV) iron is started.

For this study, the researchers retrospectively analysed medical records from one of Minnesota’s largest health system database and identified 13 084 adults with a laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency (defined as a ferritin value of 25ng/mL, with and without anaemia) between 2010 and 2020 who had available follow-up data for three years.

In the study, iron deficiency was d or less. Patients had to have at least two ferritin values – one initial value and at least one more within the three-year study period. Adequate treatment and resolution was defined as a subsequent ferritin value of at least 50ng/mL. Most patients received some form of treatment, consistent across sex.

Of the 13,084 patients included in the study, 5,485 (42%) patients had normal iron levels within three years of diagnosis, while 7,599 (58%) had persisting iron deficiency based on low ferritin levels. Only 7% of patients had their iron levels return back to normal within the first year of diagnosis.

Factors associated with a higher likelihood of getting iron levels back to normal included older age (age 60 and up), male sex, Medicare insurance, and treatment with IV iron alone. Additionally, compared with patients who were still iron deficient, those whose condition was resolved had more follow-up blood work to check ferritin values (six vs four ferritin tests). Of note, younger patients, females, and Black individuals were most likely to remain iron deficient or experience longer lags in getting their iron stores back to a healthy level.

Even among patients whose iron levels were restored to normal during the study duration, it took nearly two years (the median time to resolution was 1.9 years), which researchers say is longer than expected and signals missed opportunities to more effectively manage the condition. While there was no data to look at whether anaemia iron deficiency was more apt to be treated, Dr Cogan says it’s reasonable to think this might be the case as iron deficiency without anaemia is harder to recognise.

“Two years is too long and well beyond the timeframe within which iron deficiency should be able to be sufficiently treated and resolved [with oral or IV treatments],” said Dr Cogan. “The numbers are pretty striking and suggest a need to put systems in place to better identify patients and treat them more efficiently.”

As with trends showing persisting iron deficiency, Dr Cogan attributes the delays in resolution to the diagnosis either being missed or not treated to resolution. He added that there is a clear need for education about non-anaemic iron deficiency and who is at high risk, more universal agreement on the best ferritin cut off for diagnosis, and efforts to create an iron deficiency clinic or pathway to “assess and treat patients more efficiently and get people feeling better faster.”

The study was limited by its reliance on EMR data and retrospective nature, which prevented researchers from determining why ferritin tests were ordered for patients or the cause of their iron deficiency.

Source: American Society of Hematology

Groundbreaking Study Discovers Differences in Oxygen Physiology in Down Syndrome

Source: Pixabay CC0

A groundbreaking new study published in Cell Reports by researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus reports important differences in oxygen physiology and red blood cell function in individuals with Down syndrome. The study is part of the ongoing Human Trisome Project, a large and detailed cohort study of the population with Down syndrome, including deep annotation of clinical data, the largest biobank for the study of Down syndrome to date, and multi-omics datasets.

The Crnic Institute team first analysed hundreds of blood samples to identify physiological differences between research participants with Down syndrome versus controls from the general population. They observed that triplication of chromosome 21, or trisomy 21, the chromosomal abnormality that causes Down syndrome, leads to a physiological state reminiscent of hypoxia. They identified major changes in gene expression indicative of low oxygen availability, including induction of many hypoxia-inducible genes and proteins, as well as increased levels of factors involved in the synthesis of haeme, the molecule that transports oxygen inside red blood cells.

“These results reveal that hypoxia and hypoxic signalling should be front and centre when we talk about the health of people with Down syndrome,” says Dr Joaquín Espinosa, executive director of the Crnic Institute, professor of pharmacology, principal investigator of the Human Trisome Project, and one of the senior authors of the paper. “Given the critical role of oxygen physiology in health and disease, we need to understand the causes and consequences of hypoxia in Down syndrome, which could lead to effective interventions to improve oxygen availability in this deserving population.”

“The results are remarkable, it is safe to say that the blood of people with Down syndrome looks like that of someone who was quickly transported to a high altitude or who was injected with erythropoietin (EPO), the master regulator of erythropoiesis, the process of new red blood cell formation,” explains Dr Micah Donovan, lead author of the paper. “Although it has been known for many years that people with Down syndrome have fewer and bigger red blood cells, this is the first demonstration that they overproduce EPO and that they are undergoing stress erythropoiesis, a phenomenon whereby the liver and the spleen need to start producing red blood cells to supplement those arising from the bone marrow.”

The team discovered that these phenomena are also observed in a mouse model of Down syndrome, thus reinforcing the idea that these important physiological changes arise from triplication of genetic material and overexpression of specific genes.

“The fact that hypoxic signaling and stress erythropoiesis are conserved in the mouse model paves the way for mechanistic investigations that could identify the genes involved and reveal therapeutic interventions to improve oxygen physiology in Down syndrome,” explains Dr. Kelly Sullivan, associate professor of pediatrics, director of the Experimental Models Program at the Crnic Institute and co-author in the study.

The study team also investigated whether the elevated hypoxic signaling and associated stress erythropoiesis was tied to the heightened inflammatory state characteristic of Down syndrome. Although individuals with the stronger hypoxic signatures show more pronounced dysregulation of the immune system and elevated markers of inflammation, their results indicate that lowering inflammation does not suffice to reverse the hypoxic state.

“We will need a lot more data to understand what is causing the hypoxic state and its impacts on the health of people with Down syndrome,” says Dr Matthew Galbraith, assistant research professor of pharmacology, director of the Data Sciences Program at the Crnic Institute, and one of the senior authors of the paper. “The hypoxic state could be caused by obstructive sleep apnoea (which is common in Down syndrome), cardiopulmonary malfunction, or even perhaps defects in red blood cell function. We are very excited about several ongoing clinical trials funded by the NIH INCLUDE Project for obstructive sleep apnea in Down syndrome, which we believe will be very informative.”

The Crnic Institute study team is already planning several follow up studies, with the explicit goal of illuminating strategies to improve oxygen physiology in the population with Down syndrome.

Researchers Stumble on Haemoglobin in the Epidermis

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Researchers have shown for the first time that haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells where it binds oxygen, is also present in the epidermis. The study, which appears in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, published by Elsevier, provides important insights into the properties of the skin’s protective external layer.

This research was driven by a curiosity about the protective role of the epidermis and what unexpected molecules are expressed in it. Researchers discovered the haemoglobin α protein in keratinocytes of the epidermis and in hair follicles. This unexpected evidence adds a new facet to the understanding of the workings of the skin’s defence mechanisms.

Lead investigator of the study Masayuki Amagai, MD, PhD, Department of Dermatology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, and Laboratory for Skin Homeostasis, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Yokohama, explains: “The epidermis consists of keratinised stratified squamous epithelium, which is primarily composed of keratinocytes. Previous studies have identified the expression of various genes with protective functions in keratinocytes during their differentiation and formation of the outer skin barrier. However, other barrier-related genes escaped prior detection because of difficulties obtaining adequate amounts of isolated terminally differentiated keratinocytes for transcriptome analysis.”

Haemoglobin binds gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitric oxide, and it is an iron carrier via the heme complex. These properties make epidermal haemoglobin a prime candidate for antioxidant activity and potentially other roles in barrier function.

Professor Amagai continues: “We conducted a comparative transcriptome analysis of the whole and upper epidermis, both of which were enzymatically separated as cell sheets from human and mouse skin. We discovered that the genes responsible for producing haemoglobin were highly active in the upper part of the epidermis. To confirm our findings, we used immunostaining to visualise the presence of haemoglobin α protein in keratinocytes of the upper epidermis.”

Professor Amagai concludes: “Our study showed that epidermal haemoglobin was upregulated by oxidative stress and inhibited the production of reactive oxygen species in human keratinocyte cell cultures. Our findings suggest that haemoglobin α protects keratinocytes from oxidative stress derived from external or internal sources such as UV irradiation and impaired mitochondrial function, respectively. Therefore, the expression of haemoglobin by keratinocytes represents an endogenous defence mechanism against skin aging and skin cancer.”

Source: EurekAlert!

Are Lower Haemoglobin Levels Protective?

Credit: Wikimedia CC0

A new study challenges the view that high haemoglobin levels are always desirable for health

A study based on two large human cohorts as well as experimental work supported the idea that lower haemoglobin levels may protect against both obesity and metabolic syndrome. The phenomenon may be related to the body’s adaptive response to low-oxygen conditions, which is exploited by endurance athletes in high-altitude training.

Haemoglobin levels vary from one individual to another, with normal levels in Finnish population ranging from 117 to 155 grams per litre in females and 134 to 167 grams per litre in males.

A recent study showed that individual differences in haemoglobin levels are strongly associated with metabolic health in adulthood. The haemoglobin levels were associated with body mass index, glucose metabolism, blood lipids and blood pressure. Subjects with lower haemoglobin levels were healthier in terms of metabolic measures. The study examined haemoglobin values within the normal range.  

“We found a clear association between hemoglobin levels and key cardiovascular traits, and the associations became more pronounced as the subjects aged,” said principal investigators Professor Juha Auvinen, doctoral student Joona Tapio and postdoctoral researcher Ville Karhunen.  

The effect of lower haemoglobin observed in the study is related to a mild oxygen deficiency in the body and the corresponding hypoxia inducible factors (HIF) response which is activated as a result. The research team of Professor Peppi Karppinen is internationally known for its studies on this phenomenon. The finding reinforces the understanding of the central role that the HIF response has in regulating the body’s energy metabolism.

“Haemoglobin levels are a good measure of the body’s ability to carry oxygen. A mild lack of oxygen activates the HIF response, which makes the body’s energy metabolism less economical and thus may protect against obesity and unfavourable metabolism,” explained study leader Prof Karppinen.

Prof Karppinen’s team has already shown in previous research that activation of the hypoxia response protects mice from obesity, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver and atherosclerosis. This is the first study to show the link between oxygen deficiency and a wide range of metabolic health markers in humans as well.

“Although this study uses multiple methods to establish links between lower body oxygen levels and metabolic health, it is very challenging to establish causality for the observed associations in human data. However, combining evidence from different components of the study, the results support that hypoxia response may also play an important role in peoples’ metabolic health,”explained co-leader of the study Professor Marjo-Riitta Järvelin.

“We also already know that in people living high above sea level, low oxygen levels in the habitat cause long-term activation of the HIF response. These people are slimmer, and they have better sugar tolerance and a lower risk of cardiovascular death,” said Prof Karppinen.

The study was based on a large cohort of people born in Northern Finland in 1966, which followed the health of 12 000 people since birth. The results were also replicated in The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study cohort material, which covers more than 1800 individuals. 

“Although this study uses multiple methods to establish links between lower body oxygen levels and metabolic health, it is very challenging to establish causality for the observed associations in human data. However, combining evidence from different components of the study, the results support that hypoxia response may also play an important role in peoples’ metabolic health”, explained study co-leader Professor Marjo-Riitta Järvelin.

Professor Peppi Karppinen said, “We also already know that in people living high above sea level, low oxygen levels in the habitat cause long-term activation of the HIF response. These people are slimmer, and they have better sugar tolerance and a lower risk of cardiovascular death.”

A question for future research is how to reduce the body’s oxidation levels if needed. This would be to achieve a permanent low-level activation of the HIF response and thus obesity protection. According to Prof Karppinen, the HIF enzymes that prompt a hypoxic response could potentially be used as targets of obesity and metabolism drugs in humans. Currently they are being used in Asia to treat renal anaemia.

Source: University of Oulu

Journal information: Auvinen, J., et al. (2021) Systematic evaluation of the association between hemoglobin levels and metabolic profile implicates beneficial effects of hypoxia. Science Advancesdoi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abi4822.

Discovery Offers New Treatment for Sickle Cell Anaemia

In a promising step towards a new treatment for sickle cell anaemia, researchers have discovered a small molecule that boosts levels of foetal hemoglobin, a healthy form that adults normally do not make.

Current treatment options are few, including bone marrow transplants and gene therapy, and only address a subset of symptoms. Opioids are used for pain management, with their hazard for addiction and abuse.
The researchers presented their results at the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

“Using our proprietary small molecule probe and CRISPR guide RNA libraries, we screened a disease-relevant cell model that allowed us to pinpoint a treatment target,” said Ivan V Efremov, PhD, senior director, head of medicinal chemistry of Fulcrum Therapeutics.

Sickle cell disease occurs when genes for two of haemoglobin’s four proteins contains an error, resulting in a rigid, sickle-like shape. This has consequences in reduced oxygen transport, and painful blockages of the irregularly shaped cells called vaso-occlusive crises. The red blood cells die fast, leading to anaemia. These patients are also at high risk of developing stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and other potentially deadly conditions.

While in the womb, humans make “foetal” haemoglobin that carries oxygen normally but three or four months after birth, cells switch to an adult haemoglobin version. Although the adult haemoglobin expressed by sickle cell patients is defective, stem cells in their bone marrow still have the capacity to produce foetal haemoglobin.

Some individuals have a hereditary persistence of foetal hemoglobin, and so tap this resource automatically. “They have the sickle cell mutation, but additional mutations result in continued expression of fetal hemoglobin into adulthood,” said Christopher Moxham, PhD, chief scientific officer of Fulcrum Therapeutics. With foetal hemoglobin levels of around 25-30%, he said, enough red blood cells function well enough that patients may become asymptomatic.

The team developed a drug, called FTX-6058, that mimics the effect seen in patients with the hereditary persistence of foetal hemoglobin. It attaches to a protein inside bone marrow stem cells that will mature into red blood cells and reinstates their foetal haemoglobin expression. “What is really key is FTX-6058 upregulates fetal hemoglobin across all red blood cells, a pancellular distribution,” Dr Efremov said. “If some red blood cells did not express this, they could still sickle and cause disease symptoms.” Fulcrum began a phase 1 safety trial in healthy adult volunteers last year after preclinical experiments showed an increase in fetal hemoglobin levels to around 25-30%.

“What distinguishes FTX-6058 is that we are targeting the root cause of sickle cell disease,” Dr Moxham said. “Other drugs approved in this space, particularly since 2019, are treating the disease’s symptoms, either the anemia or the vaso-occlusive crises.”

Preclinical experiments showed that FTX-6058 outperformed another foetal heamoglobin booster, hydroxyurea, approved in the 1990s.

A phase 2 clinical trial is planned for people living with sickle cell disease which should begin by the end of 2021. The researchers are also further characterising the therapeutic molecule. Fulcrum is also considering exploring the use of FTX-6058 in people living with β-thalassemia, a blood disorder in which haemoglobin production is reduced.

Source: Medical Xpress