Tag: general anaesthesia

Researchers Figure out How Propofol Makes Patients Lose Consciousness

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

There are many drugs that anaesthesiologists can use to induce unconsciousness in patients. Exactly how these drugs cause the brain to lose consciousness has been a longstanding question, but MIT neuroscientists have now answered that question for the commonly used drug propofol.

Using a novel technique for analysing neuron activity, the researchers discovered that the drug propofol induces unconsciousness by disrupting the brain’s normal balance between stability and excitability. The drug causes brain activity to become increasingly unstable, until the brain loses consciousness.

“The brain has to operate on this knife’s edge between excitability and chaos. It’s got to be excitable enough for its neurons to influence one another, but if it gets too excitable, it spins off into chaos. Propofol seems to disrupt the mechanisms that keep the brain in that narrow operating range,” says Earl K. Miller, the Picower Professor of Neuroscience and a member of MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory.

The new findings, published in Neuron, could help researchers develop better tools for monitoring patients as they undergo general anaesthesia.

Miller and Ila Fiete, a professor of brain and cognitive sciences, the director of the K. Lisa Yang Integrative Computational Neuroscience Center (ICoN), and a member of MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research, are the senior authors of the new study. MIT graduate student Adam Eisen and MIT postdoc Leo Kozachkov are the lead authors of the paper.

Losing consciousness

Propofol is a drug that binds to GABA receptors in the brain, inhibiting neurons that have those receptors. Other anaesthesia drugs act on different types of receptors, and the mechanism for how all of these drugs produce unconsciousness is not fully understood.

Miller, Fiete, and their students hypothesised that propofol, and possibly other anaesthesia drugs, interfere with a brain state known as “dynamic stability.” In this state, neurons have enough excitability to respond to new input, but the brain is able to quickly regain control and prevent them from becoming overly excited.

Previous studies of how anaesthesia drugs affect this balance have found conflicting results: Some suggested that during anaesthesia, the brain shifts toward becoming too stable and unresponsive, which leads to loss of consciousness. Others found that the brain becomes too excitable, leading to a chaotic state that results in unconsciousness.

Part of the reason for these conflicting results is that it has been difficult to accurately measure dynamic stability in the brain. Measuring dynamic stability as consciousness is lost would help researchers determine if unconsciousness results from too much stability or too little stability.

In this study, the researchers analysed electrical recordings made in the brains of animals that received propofol over an hour-long period, during which they gradually lost consciousness. The recordings were made in four areas of the brain that are involved in vision, sound processing, spatial awareness, and executive function.

These recordings covered only a tiny fraction of the brain’s overall activity, so to overcome that, the researchers used a technique called delay embedding. This technique allows researchers to characterize dynamical systems from limited measurements by augmenting each measurement with measurements that were recorded previously.

Using this method, the researchers were able to quantify how the brain responds to sensory inputs, such as sounds, or to spontaneous perturbations of neural activity.

In the normal, awake state, neural activity spikes after any input, then returns to its baseline activity level. However, once propofol dosing began, the brain started taking longer to return to its baseline after these inputs, remaining in an overly excited state. This effect became more and more pronounced until the animals lost consciousness.

This suggests that propofol’s inhibition of neuron activity leads to escalating instability, which causes the brain to lose consciousness, the researchers say.

Better anesthesia control

To see if they could replicate this effect in a computational model, the researchers created a simple neural network. When they increased the inhibition of certain nodes in the network, as propofol does in the brain, network activity became destabilized, similar to the unstable activity the researchers saw in the brains of animals that received propofol.

“We looked at a simple circuit model of interconnected neurons, and when we turned up inhibition in that, we saw a destabilization. So, one of the things we’re suggesting is that an increase in inhibition can generate instability, and that is subsequently tied to loss of consciousness,” Eisen says.

As Fiete explains, “This paradoxical effect, in which boosting inhibition destabilises the network rather than silencing or stabilising it, occurs because of disinhibition. When propofol boosts the inhibitory drive, this drive inhibits other inhibitory neurons, and the result is an overall increase in brain activity.”

The researchers suspect that other anesthetic drugs, which act on different types of neurons and receptors, may converge on the same effect through different mechanisms – a possibility that they are now exploring.

If this turns out to be true, it could be helpful to the researchers’ ongoing efforts to develop ways to more precisely control the level of anaesthesia that a patient is experiencing. These systems, which Miller is working on with Emery Brown, the Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering at MIT, work by measuring the brain’s dynamics and then adjusting drug dosages accordingly, in real-time.

“If you find common mechanisms at work across different anaesthetics, you can make them all safer by tweaking a few knobs, instead of having to develop safety protocols for all the different anaesthetics one at a time,” Miller says. “You don’t want a different system for every anesthetic they’re going to use in the operating room. You want one that’ll do it all.”

The researchers also plan to apply their technique for measuring dynamic stability to other brain states, including neuropsychiatric disorders.

“This method is pretty powerful, and I think it’s going to be very exciting to apply it to different brain states, different types of anaesthetics, and also other neuropsychiatric conditions like depression and schizophrenia,” Fiete says.

Source: MIT

Inaccurate Anaesthesia Start Times Leading to Lost Revenue

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Inaccurately recording the start of anaesthesia care during a procedure is common and results in significant lost billing time for anaesthesia practices and medical centres, suggests a study being presented at the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ ADVANCE 2023, the Anesthesiology Business Event.

The anaesthesia start time (AST) must be documented from a computer logged into the electronic health record (EHR), and typically occurs once the patient is in the operating room (OR). However, the anaesthesiologist meets with the patient prior to their arrival in the OR and begins tasks that are vital to the procedure, such as administering pre-medication and attaching monitors, time which is is not typically recorded. Depending on the patient and procedure, adding two to five minutes to the AST when logging it would account for the preparation and transit time, researchers say.

“These seemingly minor inaccuracies of recorded AST can cost medical centres and anaesthesia practices hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue,” said Nicholas Volpe Jr, MD, MBA, lead author of the study and an anaesthesiology resident physician at Northwestern University McGaw Medical Center, Chicago. “We suspect most anaesthesiologists are unaware that they aren’t recording AST accurately. It’s not a result of negligence, but rather reflects that workflow hasn’t been optimised for accuracy.”

For the study, the researchers analysed 40 312 procedures with anaesthesia over 12 months at a single academic centre. In 68.74% of cases , AST was recorded as starting once the patient was in the OR, without factoring in the preparation time. Using the national average charge for anesthaesia time, the missing time translated to over $600 000 in lost revenue for the year, the researchers determined.*

“Logging AST is one of the many new tasks that anaesthesiologists learn when starting a new role,” said Dr Volpe. “Transitioning from an internship to clinical anaesthesia practice involves learning a significant amount of new information, and understanding the importance of an accurately recorded AST may seem like a relatively minor issue compared to important patient-care information.”

Several approaches could help address inaccurate AST documentation, including educating anaesthesiologists on how to improve their AST recording practices and providing visual reminders such as signs in the OR, Dr Volpe said. Also, an AST capture function could be built into the EHR mobile application so that AST can be noted by anaesthesiologists on the way to the OR, or the EHR could automatically add two minutes to the AST log time, he said. The researchers plan to roll out some of those initiatives in the spring and determine if they are effective.

*The projected savings are theoretical and not linked to billing at the institution where the study was conducted. 

Source: American Society of Anesthesiologists

Brain Structures Predict Risk of Awareness under Anaesthesia

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Awareness during anaesthesia is an extremely rare but horrific risk for patients. Now, for the first time, neuroscientists have identified brain structures which could predict an individual’s predisposition this phenomenon. The findings, just published in the journal Human Brain Mapping, could help identify patients who need larger anaesthetic doses.

Although anaesthesia has been used in clinical medicine for over 150 years, scientists do not fully understand why its effect on people is so varied. One in four patients presumed to be unconscious during general anaesthesia may in fact have subjective experiences, such as dreaming. Estimated to occur in 1:1000 to 1:20 000 cases, some patients may have awareness under general anaesthetic. These experiences may range from hearing sounds to the pain of surgery combined with the sensation of suffocation and paralysis in the setting of neuromuscular blockade.

The researchers from Trinity College Dublin found that one in three participants were unaffected by moderate propofol sedation in their response times, thus thwarting a key aim of anaesthesia – the suppression of behavioural responsiveness.

The research also showed, for the first time, that the participants who were resistant to anaesthesia had fundamental differences in the function and structures of the fronto-parietal regions of the brain to those who remained fully unconscious. Crucially, these brain differences could be predicted prior to sedation.

Lorina Naci, Associate Professor of Psychology, Trinity who lead the research said:

“The detection of a person’s responsiveness to anaesthesia prior to sedation has important implications for patient safety and wellbeing. Our results highlight new markers for improving the monitoring of awareness during clinical anaesthesia. Although rare, accidental awareness during an operation can be very traumatic and lead to negative long-term health outcomes, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as clinical depression or phobias.”

“Our results suggest that individuals with larger grey matter volume in the frontal regions and stronger functional connectivity within fronto-parietal brain networks, may require higher doses of propofol to become nonresponsive compared to individuals with weaker connectivity and smaller grey matter volume in these regions.”

The research, conducted in Ireland and Canada, investigated 17 healthy individuals who were sedated with propofol, the most common clinical anaesthetic agent. The participants’ response time to detect a simple sound was measured when they were awake and as they became sedated. Brain activity of 25 participants as they listened to a simple story in both states was also measured.

Source: Trinity College Dublin

Shedding Light on Propofol’s Poorly Understood Anaesthetic Mechanism

Photo by Stephen Andrews on Unsplash

In a new study published in Molecular Biology of the Cell, a team of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers identified a previously unknown propofol anaesthetic mechanism, which, despite its frequent clinical application, is poorly understood. The study found that propofol exposure impacted the transportation of proteins to the surface of neurons, interrupting their function.

Almost all animal cells, including human cells, are highly compartmentalised and rely on efficient movement of protein material between compartments in vesicles. This transport must be efficient and highly specific to maintain cellular organisation and function.

The research team was led by Dr Marvin Bentley, associate professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, whose laboratory studies vesicle transport in neurons. Neurons are particularly reliant on vesicle transport because axons, often organised in nerve bundles. can span distances of up to 100cm in humans. Errors in vesicle transport have been linked to neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

This new study found that propofol affects a family of proteins called kinesins – small ‘motor proteins’ that move vesicles on tiny filaments called microtubules.

Dr Bentley’s team observed that vesicle movement of two prominent kinesins, Kinesin-1 and Kinesin-3, was substantially reduced in cells exposed to propofol. The team then showed that propofol-induced transport delays led to a significant drop in protein delivery to axons.

“The mechanism by which propofol works is not fully understood,” Bentley said. “What we discovered was unexpected: propofol altered the trafficking of vesicles in live neurons.”

Overall, the research contributes significantly to our understanding of how propofol works. Most studies on propofol’s anaesthetic mechanism have instead focused on its interaction with an ion channel called the GABAA receptor, which inhibits neurotransmission when activated.

This new study demonstrates that vesicle transport is an additional mechanism that may be important for propofol’s anaesthetic effect. Discovery of this new propofol effect has important applications for human health and may lead to the development of better anaesthetic drugs.

Source: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute