Tag: gastric reflux

Throat Problems Could Impair Blood Pressure Regulation

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Patients with throat problems were less able to regulate their blood pressure in a new study published in JAMA Otolaryngology. The baroreflex is a crucial part of the autonomic nervous system which detects changes in blood pressure, adjusting heart rate and blood vessel tone accordingly to maintain stable blood pressure. It is what prevents fainting when standing up.

Researchers from the University of Southampton and University Hospitals of Dorset Foundation Trust believe the findings could be explained by the Vagas nerve (which controls the autonomic nervous system) prioritising protection of the airways over less urgent functions, such as blood pressure regulation.

“Our immediate survival depends on the throat being able to separate air and food passages each time we swallow,” says the lead author of the study Reza Nouraei, Professor of Laryngology and Clinical Informatics at the University of Southampton.

“The throat does this using delicate reflexes, but when these reflexes are disturbed, for example, due to a viral infection like Covid or exposure to reflux affecting nerves in this region, the control of this critical junction becomes compromised, giving rise to symptoms like the feeling of a lump in the throat, throat clearing and coughing.

“To compensate for a faulty throat, the autonomic control system must expend significant amounts of energy to maintain a safe airway. We found that in patients with a faulty throat, the heart, specifically a function called baroreflex, is less well controlled. This is one of the Peters that has been robbed to pay Paul.

“The problem with robbing this Peter is that it likely impacts long-term survival, as patients with reduced baroreflex function are more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke in years to come.”

The researchers compared the heart rates, blood pressure and baroreflex sensitivity of 23 patients admitted to Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgery with aerodigestive (laryngopharyngeal) symptoms and 30 patients admitted to Gastroenterology with digestive (oesophagogastric) symptoms at University Hospitals of Dorset NHS Foundation Trust.

Reflux was a common cause of symptoms in both groups – making up the majority of digestive group cases. Other causes like thinning of the vocal cord were present in the aerodigestive group.

The team found patients in the aerodigestive group had a higher resting heart rate, lower resting blood pressure, and lower baroreflex sensitivity, than those in the digestive group.

“Now, and especially since Covid which damages nerves, we are seeing more patients with throat symptoms,” says Professor Nouraei.

“Reduced baroreflex sensitivity impacts survival independent of other cardiovascular risks, so if the association we’ve discovered is confirmed by future studies, the need to make timely and accurate diagnoses and provide early and definitive treatments will become more pressing.”

The study adds to the increasing interest in the Vaus nerve and holistic health. As well as regulating blood pressure through the baroreflex, the Vagus nerve controls our heart rate, digestion, respiration, mood and a host of other bodily functions which affect our health and wellbeing.

Professor Nouraei says: “This study helps us to think about patients more holistically. As a clinician, if you can fix a problem in the throat that is potentially taking away bandwidth from the Vagus, then it frees up the nerve to give to the rest of the body.

“If there is a chance that throat problems can affect functions like the baroreflex, or have a wider impact on overall wellbeing, then they need more consideration.”

The researchers will now look at the long-term impacts of throat conditions on autonomic health and the effects of treatment.

Source: University of Southampton

Gastric Reflux without Oesophagitis does not Increase Cancer Risk

Source: Pixabay cc0

Reflux disease manifests as acid regurgitation and heartburn and is a known risk factor for oesophageal cancer. However, a new study published in The BMJ by researchers at Karolinska Institutet now reports that the majority of patients do not have a higher risk of cancer. A large-scale study from three Nordic countries shows that the cancer risk is only elevated in patients whom gastroscopy reveals to have changes in the oesophageal mucosa.

“This is a gratifying result since reflux disease is a very common condition and most patients are found to have a completely normal mucus membrane on gastroscopic examination,” says the study’s first author Dag Holmberg, Karolinska Institutet researcher and resident doctor of surgery at Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden.

In reflux disease, acidic stomach contents leak into the oesophagus. This can sometimes cause oesophagitis, inflammation in the oesophageal mucus membrane, which is diagnosed via gastroscopy. It is common knowledge that reflux disease increases the risk of oesophageal cancer, but what the cancer risk is for patients with normal mucosa has remained unknown.

Symptoms generally persist

The symptoms of reflux disease can come and go but generally persist, which means that many patients frequently seek medical attention and often undergo repeated gastroscopies to detect mucosal lesions or prodromal cancer.

“Our study suggests that these repeated gastroscopies are probably unnecessary for people with reflux disease who have a normal oesophageal mucosa,” says Dr Holmberg. “These findings should be reassuring for this large patient group and can guide GPs who often treat them.”

The present study is based on national health data registries in Sweden, Denmark and Finland, and included over 285 000 individuals with reflux disease and no gastroscopic evidence of oesophagitis. The patients were followed for up to 31 years and the researchers registered all cases of oesophageal cancer.

The cancer risk was then compared with that for individuals from the general population matched by age and sex and at the same period in the three countries. No increased risk of oesophageal cancer was observed in patients with reflux disease and a normal mucus membrane.

Increased risk in patients with oesophagitis

By way of comparison, the researchers also analysed the cancer risk in over 200 000 individuals with reflux disease and oesophagitis. These people were at a clearly increased relative risk of developing oesophageal cancer.

“We now intend to examine what factors other than oesophagitis can be linked to tumour growth in people with reflux disease,” says the study’s last author Jesper Lagergren, professor of surgery at Karolinska Institutet.

Source: Karolinska Institutet