Tag: dendritic cells

Contrary to Prior Belief, T Cells Even Protect the Cornea

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Researchers have discovered that the immune cells guarding the healthy human cornea from pathogens and inflammation are T cells, and dendritic cells, as previously thought. The discovery, published in PNAS, redefines current understanding of the immune cell landscape in the cornea of a healthy human eye. It builds on the team’s previous research in Cell Reports that showed that T cells protect the eye against virus infection in mice.

The collaborative research team jointly developed a new imaging technique as part of their investigation.

Research leader Professor Scott Mueller, from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Doherty Institute explained that our knowledge of the various immune cell types in the human cornea is important for establishing the eye’s protective mechanisms against pathogens and disease.

“By combining our newly developed imaging technique with other advanced analytical approaches, we were able to discover that a significant number of cells at the surface of the healthy cornea are actually T cells,” said Professor Mueller.

“Until now, these cells were mistakenly classified as dendritic cells based on static imaging. This completely changes the current dogma in the field that only dendritic cells are present in the healthy cornea.”

The study’s first author, University of Melbourne’s Associate Professor Laura Downie said that being able to dynamically capture the cells’ normal behaviour, and in response to inflammation, provides unique understanding into the immune response in the eye.

“Using our non-invasive imaging approach, which we term Functional In Vivo Confocal Microscopy (Fun-IVCM), we have been able to see that these T cells move around quickly and interact with other cells and nerves in the outermost layer of the cornea. We also captured different cell dynamics in response to contact lens wear and in allergic eye disease, and quantified how these behaviours are modulated by drug treatments,” said Associate Professor Downie.

“These findings reshape our understanding of the distinct immune cell subsets in the human cornea, and how they respond to different stimuli. Using Fun-IVCM, we can achieve rapid, real-time insight into the cellular immune responses in living humans, in this accessible peripheral sensory tissue.”

Senior author Dr Holly Chinnery, also of the University of Melbourne, added that the new research will have major implications for the medical and immunology fields, including for patients and practitioners.

“Because this new technique involves non-invasive, time-lapse imaging of the human cornea, Fun-IVCM could be used in clinics directly to assess immune responses and ocular health. It could even be used for general immune system health,” said Dr Chinnery.

“Changes in T cells and behaviour could be used as a clinical biomarker of disease and assist with treatments.”

Source: The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity

A Shot of Vitamin C Gives Dendritic Cells a Potent Cancer-fighting Boost

Vitamin C pills and orange
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

New research published in Nucleic Acids Research has shown that vitamin C improves the immunogenic properties of dendritic cells, activating genes involved in the immune response. This discovery could help the development of potent new dendritic cell-based immunotherapies.

Since the onset of anticancer cell therapies, many types of immune cells have been used. The best-known of these cell therapies use lymphocytes, as in the highly successful CAR-T therapies. Recently, researchers have to turned to dendritic cells, known as the ‘master regulators of the immune system‘, for their ability to uptake and present antigens to the T-lymphocytes and induce an antigen-specific potent immune activation. This approach entails loading dendritic cells with specific antigens to create immune memory to make dendritic cell (DC)-vaccines.

To study dendritic cells in the lab, researchers differentiate them from monocytes using a particular set of molecular signalling. This differentiation is accomplished through a complex set of gene activation processes in the nucleus, mostly thanks to the activity of the chromatin remodelling machinery spearheaded by the TET family of demethylases, proteins that act upon the DNA epigenetic marks.

Vitamin C was already known to interact with several TET proteins to enhance its activity, but the specific mechanism was still poorly understood in human cells. In this study, a team lead by Dr Esteban Ballestar hypothesised that treating monocytes in vitro while differentiating into dendritic cells, would help the resulting cells be more mature and active.

The results obtained show that vitamin C treatment triggers an extensive demethylation at NF- kB/p65 binding sites compared with non-treated cells, promoting the activity of genes involved in antigen presentation and immune response activation. Vitamin C was also found to increase the communication of the resulting dendritic cells with other components of the immune system and stimulates the proliferation of antigen-specific T cells.

The researchers proved that vitamin C-stimulated dendritic cells loaded with antigens specific for the SARS-CoV-2 virus were able to activate T cells in vitro more efficiently than non-treated cells.

Overall, these new findings support the hypothesis that treating monocyte-derived dendritic cells with vitamin C may help generate more effective DC-vaccines. After consolidating these results in preclinical models and, hopefully, in clinical trials, a new generation of cell therapies based on dendritic cells may be used in the clinic to fight cancer more efficiently.

Source: Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute