Tag: covid

Study Finds Wastewater Monitoring can Work for Most Pathogens

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

Researchers in the American Journal of Epidemiology report that wastewater surveillance of diseases that infect humans should work in most cases. But more research is needed to apply the science for public health benefit, the research team concluded.

Led by epidemiologist David Larsen from Syracuse University, the team’s work published examined all peer-reviewed scientific articles of wastewater surveillance published through July 2020. The team identified a variety of pathogens that can be found in wastewater, including almost all infectious diseases that the World Health Organization has classified as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) such as Ebola virus and Zika virus.

But despite this positive finding, few studies relate what is found in the wastewater to public health and the amount of disease that is circulating.

“Testing the wastewater is only one component of this powerful science,” said Dr Larsen, an associate professor of public health at Syracuse University. “Understanding the results and implications for public health is just as challenging. We need interdisciplinary teams working together to maximise the benefit of wastewater-based epidemiology.”

Wastewater-based epidemiology is the science of taking what is found in wastewater and using that information to understand population-level health trends. Most of the articles reviewed looked at what they could find in the wastewater and omitted the second step of relating the findings to other measures of population-level health, such as numbers of cases, test positivity, or hospitalisations.

Wastewater-based epidemiology of COVID has enjoyed substantial availability of clinical COVID data, and results from wastewater surveillance are more easily understood in terms of COVID transmission. However, the research team determined that more work is needed to be done for other pathogens, including monkeypox and polio, to increase the utility of wastewater surveillance to benefit public health.

Source: Syracuse University

Another Shortage Created by COVID: Macaques for Research Purposes

The pharmaceutical industry is facing a serious challenge as it struggles to source enough non-human primates (NHPs) such as macaques for research and testing. Alongside demand created by HIV/AIDS research, the pandemic has tightened supplies of the animals further as China, a major supplier, has clamped down on exports.

Since NHPs have great genetic and physiological similarity to humans, scientists use these animals, most commonly rhesus macaques, to study medical conditions and conduct trials which are not yet possible in humans. In 2019, US scientists used 68 257 NHPs in research, according to US government data.

As a result of this shortage, many projects may not be able to be completed, according to industry insiders, with implications for medical research. Pre-pandemic prices of $11 000 per macaque have risen to $35 000.

In July last year, Nature reported that the US government pledged to increase funding to make primates available for clinical research. However, this would not do anything to address the current shortage.

To make room for more NHPs, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has invested about US$29 million to refurbish housing, build outdoor enclosures and making other infrastructure improvements at the US National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs), which it funds. 

“A couple of years ago, we were feeling the pinch,” Nancy Haigwood, director of the Oregon NPRC in Beaverton, which houses about 5 000 non-human primates. But because of the pandemic, “we are truly out of animals”, she told Nature. “We’re turning away everyone.”

China had been a cheap source of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) since 1985, but in 2013 began to prioritise local research, restricting exports. Adding to this was soaring demand was sparked by multiple NIH grants awarded in 2016 to study HIV/AIDS, according to a 2018 report. Housing and feeding NHPs is costly, and NPRCs could not expand due to budget caps. The report warned of a coming shortage of various primates in coming years.

The situation has drawn the public’s attention – and opposition. Complaints made to airlines has resulted in many no longer carrying the animals, making transportation a major challenge. Air France was one of the last holdouts, and last year said it would stop carrying NHPs for research purposes.

With the arrival of the pandemic and the need for NHP research and testing, vaccine research was naturally prioritised, while trying to supply other projects as well.

When COVID hit, China completely suspended exports of macaques, hitting pharmaceutical companies hardest, which prefer that species for drug trials. Even if the export ban were to be lifted, the Chinese demand for macaques in research is so high that there would be few available for export: of 30 000 macaques that became suitable for use in research last year, 28 000 were used.

Other restrictions constrain the supply, such as a European Union requirement that all non-human primates for research come from self-sustaining colonies by November this year. The UK also carried through this directive following its exit from the EU.

SARS-CoV-2 Can also Impact the Colon

Anatomy of the gut
Source: Pixabay CC0

Although SARS-CoV-2 infections mainly attack the lungs, in many cases they can also damage other organs, such as the colon: around 60% of patients experienced digestive tract impacts. A study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences analysed the manifestations of COVID in the lungs and colon, identifying the differences at a molecular level.

Their findings serve as the basis for the identification of novel biomarkers and the development of new treatment strategies.

The University of Vienna scientific team, led by Diana Mechtcheriakova, studied the singularities and commonalities in the impact of COVID on the lungs and other organs. Using complex dataset analyses, the researchers recognised that a different molecular mechanism is at work in pulmonary and gastrointestinal manifestations. While SARS-CoV-2 infections of the lungs evoke classic immune system responses, in the gastrointestinal tract they evoke responses related to liver and lipid metabolism.

The fact that SARS-CoV-2 infections not only manifest in the lungs but frequently also manifest in other organs, such as the heart, kidneys, skin or gut, can be attributed to the particular structure of the virus. During the course of COVID, up to 60% of patients experience gastrointestinal symptoms, which may be associated with a longer duration of disease and/or a worse outcome. The results of this study will add to our understanding of the organ- and tissue-specific molecular processes triggered by SARS-CoV-2.

“Our findings can advance the identification of new biomarkers and treatment strategies for COVID, taking account of the specific responses in manifestations outside the lung,” said Diana Mechtcheriakova, Head of the Molecular Systems Biology and Pathophysiology Research Group at MedUni Vienna, holding out the prospect of promising follow-up studies.

Source: Medical University of Vienna

More Evidence Linking Blood Clotting and COVID Severity

Source: CC0

New research shows that the Omicron variants cause significantly lower levels of blood clotting, thereby providing further evidence for the link between the severity of the disease and the prevalence of persistent micro blood clots in individuals with acute and Long COVID.

Prof Resia Pretorius, a researcher in the Department of Physiological Sciences at Stellenbosch University (SU), South Africa, first made this connection late in 2020 when she detected small amyloid-like blood clots in the plasma of individuals suffering from COVID. Amyloids are a type of protein associated with various inflammatory diseases. As part of a long-term collaboration with Prof Douglas Kell from the University of Liverpool, they showed that these micro clots contained pro-inflammatory molecules. The results of both studies were published in the journal Cardiovascular Diabetology, in 2020 and 2021.  

These insoluble micro clots inhibit or may temporarily block blood flow to capillaries and hence impair oxygen transfer to tissues. At present, they believe that this oxygen impairment in various parts of the body can account for most of the symptoms of Long COVID, such as constant fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog, joint and muscle pain.

Prof Resia Pretorius

Prof Pretorius said the persistent prevalence of micro clots may have significant clinical value: “Our findings suggest that hypercoagulation and vascular damage are key role players causing the wide range of symptoms we see in patients with Long COVID. There is a golden thread running through pathologies noted in post-viral syndromes such as Long COVID.”

More recently, Prof Pretorius and Prof Kell worked with a team of clinicians in South Africa and the United States, to ascertain whether the difference in the degree of clotting between different viral strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus provides a plausible explanation for the relatively low severity of the Omicron variants during acute COVID infection.

While the earlier variants caused severe disease and critically ill patients, the heavily mutated Omicron variants have been shown to have milder symptoms, most commonly a runny nose, rhinitis headaches, fatigue (from mild to severe), sneezing and a sore throat.

For the purposes of the study, they revisited data and blood samples from stored blood samples from ten patients with COVID due to the Beta and Delta variants between October 2020 and September 2021 before the patients received treatment.

The team also collected blood from patients infected with the Omicron variants. In all ten samples it was found that the Omicron samples presented with a significantly lower total amount of microclots compared to earlier Beta and Delta variants.  

In a recent webinar on the topic, Dr Mark Walsh, an emergency medicine physician at the Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center in the United States of America, said the foundational work of Profs Pretorius and Kell has helped them to explain the clotting complications of COVID-induced coagulopathies (CAC) of patients with acute COVID. He is also one of the co-authors on the article.

“We could not understand why patients with CAC would clot and bleed at the same time. We now have the pathophysiological foundation for a point-of-care bedside medicine approach, based on the foundations of excellent research,” he said.

Early in the pandemic, Dr Walsh and his team of emergency physicians in the USA, developed a protocol to provide safe anticoagulation treatment to severely ill COVID patients. The team was guided by thromboelastography, a point-of-care protocol to monitor bleeding and clotting.

According to Prof Kell, more importantly, the findings are consistent with the view that these insoluble micro clots are not a side-effect of COVID-19, but a part of how the disease develops. However, he warned, we do not yet know how this will impact or relate to other post-viral syndromes such as Long-COVID, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), post-Zika or post-Dengue diseases.

The paper, titled “Relative hypercoagulopathy of the SARS-CoV-2, Beta and Delta variants when compared with the less severe Omicron variants is related to TEG parameters, the extent of fibrin amyloid microclots, and the severity of clinical illness” is in press in the journal Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, and a preprint is available at https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-1970823/v1

The webinar, “COVID-induced Coagulopathy (CAC): The clot thickens…or not?” is presented by Dr Mark Walsh, Prof Resia Pretorius and Prof Douglas Kell, and moderated by Dr Asad Khan. It is available at https://youtu.be/yyf7xunWydM

Debunking the Myth that Africa Responded Well to COVID

COVID heat map. Photo by Giacomo Carra on Unsplash

By Nathan Geffen and Francois Venter

There is a view being promoted that COVID didn’t hit Africa as badly as the rest of the world. The reason for this, as recently expressed in an article by Boniface Oyugi in The Conversation, was the effective and well-coordinated response of African governments.

We understand the desire to find good news on the continent. But, on balance, the very little evidence available shows that COVID has hit Africa hard. The continent is highly diverse with over 50 states, so broad generalisations should be treated cautiously but, with an exception or two, there is little evidence of an effective response to the COVID pandemic. For one thing, Africa has the lowest vaccination rate of any continent.

Oyugi uses the WHO’s official COVID infection and death statistics to claim that the continent fared better than elsewhere. These state that as of late July, less than 2% of global cases and less than 3% of global deaths occurred in Africa, which has about 17% of the world’s population. (Oyugi also cites a study which pretty much says the same thing.)

COVID test statistics and confirmed COVID deaths don’t paint an accurate picture of how seriously the pandemic has hit a country (see here). If you don’t measure something properly, you can’t conclude that it’s a small problem. COVID tests are typically only administered with any regularity to a small, predominantly better off, part of a country’s population, and countries that test more tend to find more cases. Official COVID death tolls typically count people who have died in hospital with a confirmed positive test result. But it often doesn’t happen this way, especially on a continent with large rural populations and under-resourced hospitals.

Excess deaths: a vital measure

This is why the most important measure of how hard COVID has hit a country is the excess death toll. By excess deaths, we mean the number of deaths that occurred above what you’d expect given recent historical mortality. In sub-Saharan Africa, the only country that has a system capable of reliably estimating this is South Africa. Every week since the beginning of the epidemic, the Medical Research Council (MRC), using death certificate data provided by Home Affairs, has diligently analysed excess deaths. (Many countries wealthier than South Africa do not have as good a system, so it’s something to be proud of.)

The MRC researchers calculate that there have been over 320 000 excess deaths in South Africa since May 2020 (as of July 2022). As they’ve explained, conservatively 85% of these are COVID deaths. It may be as high as 95%. We can conclude that close to 300 000 people have died of COVID in South Africa. Over the past two years about 1 in 200 people in the country have died of this new infection.

The Economist has been reporting excess deaths by country. It states: “Among developing countries that do produce regular mortality statistics, South Africa shows the grimmest picture, after recording three large spikes of fatalities.”

Official deaths are much lower than excess deaths

But if you look at South Africa’s official, and much less accurate, COVID death toll you get a very different picture: Then we’re only 65th worst in the world (source: Worldometer deaths per million people). Lesotho is in 167th place, suggesting it has had a very small epidemic. Is it plausible that an area with a porous border entirely surrounded by South Africa has a completely different epidemic? (See this set of tweets – by one of the authors of South Africa’s weekly mortality report – that explains how the little mortality data we have from Lesotho suggests it had a serious pandemic.)

What about Namibia at position 74 in the Worldometer list, Botswana at 89, Zimbabwe at position 143 and Mozambique at position 190? Is it plausible that this ordering, almost in reverse order of industrial development, accurately reflects how these countries were affected by COVID?

Depending on your bias, you can approach these statistics in two ways. You can be very optimistic and see this as evidence of a smaller epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Or you can be realistic and acknowledge that the official numbers are likely very badly undercounted.

We can’t know for sure though because nearly all African governments did not have the systems in place to count excess deaths.

Most African countries need much better death registration systems

Attempts to estimate excess mortality in most African countries are based on almost no data. To the extent that there is data, it supports the view that the numbers have been badly undercounted. For example, a study published in the British Medical Journal, albeit with many caveats, found death rates in developing countries were twice those of rich countries.

During the height of the AIDS pandemic in the 2000s there was much optimism that the massive influx of foreign aid in response could be used to build better health systems. Bits and pieces of evidence do suggest health on the continent has improved. But it’s very disappointing that most countries on the continent still do not have the vital registration systems in place to measure mortality with decent accuracy. This is one of the most important measures of how a population is doing.

By claiming that African governments have responded well to COVID, when there’s no proper evidence to support this, we fail to hold politicians accountable. We also create the impression that institutions like the World Health Organisation and the African Union’s African Centre for Disease Control are more successful than they’ve actually been. This is a disservice to the vast majority of people living in Africa.

Geffen is GroundUp’s editor. Professor Venter is an infectious diseases clinician and head of Ezintsha at Wits University.

This article is republished from GroundUp under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Source: GroundUp

How COVID Skewed The Perception of Time

Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

Many people can agree that an altered passage of time, known as “temporal disintegration” in psychiatric literature, was a common experience during the COVID pandemic, ranging from difficulty in keeping track of days of the week to feeling that the hours themselves rushed by or slowed down. Prior work linked these distortions to persistent negative mental outcomes such as depression and anxiety following trauma.

A new study, published in Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, documents how pervasive the experience was in the first six months of the pandemic. Pandemic-related secondary stresses such as daily COVID-related media exposure, school closures, lockdowns and financial difficulties were also found to be predictors of distortions in perceived time.

“Continuity between past experiences, present life and future hopes is critical to one’s well-being, and disruption of that synergy presents mental health challenges,” said corresponding author E. Alison Holman, UCI professor of nursing. “We were able to measure this in a nationally representative sample of Americans as they were experiencing a protracted collective trauma, which has never been done before. This study is the first to document the prevalence and early predictors of these time distortions. There are relatively new therapies that can be used to help people regain a more balanced sense of time, but if we don’t know who is in need of those services, we can’t provide that support.”

Researchers assessed results of responses regarding distorted time perceptions and other pandemic related experiences from a national sample of 5661 participants. Surveys were conducted during March 18-April 18, 2020 and Sept. 26-Oct. 26, 2020 with respondents who had completed a mental and physical health survey prior to the COVID outbreak.

“Given that distortions in time perception are a risk factor for mental health problems, our findings have potential implications for public health. We are now looking at temporal disintegration, loneliness, and mental health outcomes over 18 months into the pandemic,” Prof Holman said. “This will help us gain insight into how these common experiences during the pandemic work together, so we can better understand how to help people struggling with these challenges.”

Source: University of California – Irvine

Youth-onset Type 2 Diabetes Increased 77% During COVID Pandemic

Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash

Published in The Journal of Pediatrics, a study reviewing medical records has found that new diagnoses of type 2 diabetes in children has surged 77% since the pandemic, accelerating a trend that is already a great concern for parents and healthcare professionals.

The new analysis documented the rise in cases with measures of increased body mass index (BMI) and higher blood glucose and haemoglobin A1c test results.

During the first year of the pandemic, medical records showed that more boys (55%) were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes than girls (45%), a reversal of the percentages during the pre-pandemic years.

In addition, during the pre-pandemic years, more patients were diagnosed while outpatients (57%) than during the pandemic year, when more were diagnosed and treated as inpatients (57%), suggesting greater severity.

Overall, the researchers found that 21% of the young people diagnosed presented with “metabolic decompensation,” of which the most serious symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, confusion and rapid breathing. Pre-pandemic, such symptoms occurred in only 9% of children with new-onset type 2 diabetes. Because the study involved a retrospective review of medical records, the investigators say there is a potential for inconsistencies in reporting or missing information.

“It used to be rare to hear about a child with type 2 diabetes, but its prevalence in adolescents has almost doubled in the past 20 years,” said Dr Kesley. “Type 2 diabetes is associated with rapidly progressive disease and early onset of complications and, unfortunately, was on the rise even prior to the COVID pandemic.”

Data suggests diagnoses of type 2 diabetes in children are increasing by 4 to 5% per year. The COVID pandemic introduced multiple challenges and increased attention to children with pre-existing disorders such as diabetes.

“In the spring of 2020 we were inundated with new youth-onset type 2 diabetes cases,” said Dr Kelsey. “We were used to seeing 50-60 new cases per year and that increased to more than 100 new cases in a year. Colleagues at other institutions were seeing the same thing, so we gathered a team of researchers to evaluate the frequency and severity of new cases during the first year of the pandemic compared to the mean of the prior two years. It was challenging because there is not a funded national registry for youth-onset type 2 diabetes, so this work was done with an enormous and voluntary effort of investigators across the country who are dedicated to treating diabetes in youth.

“To our knowledge, this is the first multicentre study to report the impact of the COVID pandemic on rates of newly diagnosed youth onset type 2 diabetes,” Dr Kesley said. “We found that the pandemic was associated with an increase in new type 2 diabetes cases compared to the two prior years, as well as an increase in proportion of youth presenting in metabolic decompensation.”

Contributing factors could be stem from the immense behavioural and environmental changes since the onset of the pandemic. Worldwide, children were enrolled in school virtually, extracurricular activities were limited and daily routines were adjusted to decrease the potential exposure to COVID. Consequences of this included increased screen time, unhealthy eating habits, decreased physical activity and poor sleep habits, which all have associations with increased BMI.

Whether COVID infection was the direct cause for the increase, or just associated with environmental changes and stressors during the pandemic is unclear. “Further studies are needed to determine whether this rise is limited to the United States and whether it will persist over time,” said Dr Kesley. “There is still a lot of work to be done.”

Source: EurekAlert!

The COVID Pandemic has Worsened Antimicrobial Resistance

Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

The COVID pandemic has set back years of progress against antimicrobial resistance, with resistant hospital-onset infections and deaths increasing by at least 15% in the first year of the pandemic alone, according to a new  report from the US CDC.

About 3 million people in the US are infected with antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, often acquired in healthcare settings, with about 50 000 people dying. Some estimates predict that by 2050, there could be more deaths from antibiotic resistance than from cancer.

Corrie Detweiler, a professor of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at CU Boulder, has spent her career trying to develop solutions to antimicrobial-resistance. CU Boulder Today spoke with her about why so many antimicrobial drugs won’t work anymore, how COVID made things worse and what can be done to make things better.

Prior to the pandemic, how were we doing in addressing this issue?

“A lot of progress had been made, particularly in hospital-acquired infections, based on a better understanding of the problem and better guidelines about when to use antibiotics. Between 2012 and 2017, for instance, deaths from antimicrobial resistance fell by 18% overall and nearly 30% in hospitals. That all fell apart during COVID.”

Why? How did COVID spawn an uptick?

We didn’t know how to treat COVID, and, understandably, there was a fair amount of chaos in the medical system. People were using antibiotics more, often inappropriately. About 80% of COVID patients received antibiotics. People were given them prophylactically, prior to knowing they had a lung bacterial infection. That’s not to say that none of (the patients) needed them. Some did. But the more you use antibiotics, the more you select for resistance. And that’s how you eventually get a superbug. 

What can society do to address this? 

First, we need to go back to this idea of stewardship in hospitals – to only give out antibiotics when there is a clear need. We were doing the right thing. And then something terrible came along and messed it up, and it demonstrated that what we were doing was working well. That’s a good thing. Second, we need to discover and develop novel classes of antibiotics. The last time a new class of antibiotics hit the market was in 1984. The fundamental problem is that they’re not profitable to develop, compared to say a cancer drug. You can go to the drugstore and get a course of amoxicillin for $8. We need programs that reward industry and academic labs like ours for doing the early research.

What does your lab do?

We’re using basic biology to try to figure out new ways to kill bacteria during an infection and identify compounds that work differently than existing drugs. 

Source: University of Colorado

COVID Experience may Have Changed Doctors’ Willingness to Resuscitate

Source: Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash

The pandemic may have changed doctors’ end of life decision-making, making them more willing to not resuscitate very sick and/or frail patients and raising the ICU transfer threshold, suggest the results of a snapshot survey of UK doctors published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

Views on euthanasia and physician-assisted dying remain unchanged however, with around a third of respondents still strongly opposed to these policies.

The COVID pandemic transformed many aspects of clinical medicine, including end-of-life care, prompted by thousands more patients than usual requiring it, the researchers said. 

Because of this, they wanted to find out if the pandemic significantly changed the way in which doctors make end-of-life decisions, specifically in respect of ‘Do Not Attempt Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation’ (DNACPR) and treatment escalation to ICU.

These aspects of end-of-life care were chosen because of the controversy surrounding DNACPR decisions, in part prompted by an increase in cardiac arrests associated with COVID infections, and concerns about ICU capacity strained by the pandemic. 

The researchers also wanted to know if the pandemic had changed doctors’ views on euthanasia and physician assisted suicide as surveys on these issues by the British Medical Association (BMA) and the Royal Colleges of Physicians and General Practitioners had been carried out before it started.

The online survey was open to doctors of all grades and specialties between May and August 2021, when hospital admissions for COVID in the UK were relatively low.

In all, 231 responses were received: 15 from foundation year 1 junior doctors (6.5%); 146 from senior junior doctors (SHOs) (63%); 42 from hospital specialty trainees or equivalent (18%); 24 from consultants or GPs (10.5%); and 4 others (2%).

In respect of DNACPR, which refers to the decision not to attempt to restart a patient’s heart when it or breathing stops, over half the respondents were more willing to do this than they had been previously.

When the responses were weighted to represent the different medical grades in the NHS national workforce, the results were: ‘significantly less’ 0%; ‘somewhat less’ 2%; ‘same or unsure’ 35%; ‘somewhat more’ 41.5%; ‘significantly more’ 13%; and ‘not applicable’ 8.5%.

When asked about the contributory factors, the most frequently cited were: ‘likely futility of CPR’ (88% pre-pandemic, 91% now): co-existing conditions (89% both pre-pandemic and now): and patient wishes (83.5% pre-pandemic, 80.5% now). Advance care plans and ‘quality of life’ after resuscitation also received large vote-share.

The number of respondents who stated that ‘patient age’ was a major factor informing their decision increased from 50.5% pre-pandemic to around 60%. And the proportion who cited a patient’s frailty rose by 15% from 58% pre-pandemic to 73%. 

But the biggest change in vote-share was ‘resource limitation’, which increased by 20%, from 2.5% to 22.5%. 

When asked whether the thresholds for escalating patients to intensive care or providing palliative care had changed, the largest vote-share was the ‘same or unsure’: 46% (weighted) for referral; 64.5% (weighted) for palliative care.

But a substantial minority said that now they had a higher threshold for referral to intensive care (22.5% weighted) and a lower threshold for palliation (18.5% weighted).

When it came to the legalisation of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, the responses showed that the pandemic has led to marginal, but not statistically significant, changes of opinion.

Nearly half (48%) were strongly or somewhat opposed to the legalisation of euthanasia, 20% were neutral or unsure, and around a third were somewhat or strongly in favour before the pandemic. These proportions changed to 47%, 18%, and 35%, respectively. 

But a substantial minority said that now they had a higher threshold for referral to intensive care (22.5% weighted) and a lower threshold for palliation (18.5% weighted).

When it came to the legalisation of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, there was no statistically significant change in opinion.

Nearly half (48%) were strongly or somewhat opposed to the legalisation of euthanasia, 20% were neutral or unsure, and around a third were somewhat or strongly in favour before the pandemic. These proportions changed to 47%, 18%, and 35%, respectively. 

Similarly, just over half (51%) said they had strongly or somewhat opposed the legalisation of physician assisted suicide, 24% had been neutral or unsure, and 25% had been somewhat or strongly in favour.  These proportions changed to 52%, 22%, and 26%, respectively. 

The impetus to make more patients DNACPR, prompted by pressures of the pandemic, persisted among many clinicians even when COVID hospital cases returned to low levels, the researchers noted. The factors informing it were compatible with regulatory (GMC) ethical guidance, with the exception of limited resources.

“At the start of the pandemic, the BMA advised clinicians that in the event of NHS resources becoming unable to meet demand, resource allocation decisions should follow a utilitarian ethic.

“However, what is clear from our results is that for a significant proportion of clinicians, resource limitation continued to factor into clinical decision making even when pressures on NHS resources had returned to near-normal levels,” they wrote.

The survey results also suggest that the pandemic has helped clinicians gain a greater understanding of the risks, burdens, and limitations of intensive care and had further educated them in the early recognition of dying patients, and the value of early palliative care, they added. 

“What is yet to be determined is whether these changes will now stay the same indefinitely, revert back to pre-pandemic practices, or evolve even further,” they conclude.

Source: EurekAlert!

Increase in Cardiovascular Disease Diagnoses after COVID

Image from Pixabay

A new study published in PLOS One found that COVID infection is associated with a nearly six-fold increase in cardiovascular disease (CVD) diagnoses over 12 months after the infection. 

The study analysed of UK electronic health records, comparing the risks of new diabetes mellitus (DM) and CVD diagnoses in the 12 months after infection. Researchers matched a cohort of 428 650 COVID patients matched to controls.

There was an 80% increased risk of DM diagnosis in the first month after COVID infection, a trend that has been echoed in previous studies, although those studies’ results seem to indicate a temporary form of the disease resulting from the acute stress of viral infection.

The findings showed that the largest increases were in pulmonary embolism (Relative Risk [RR] 11.51) and in atrial arrhythmias (RR 6.44). New CVD diagnoses rose five weeks after infection and incidence declined within 12 weeks to a year and returned to baseline or showed a net decrease. Increased risk for new DM diagnoses remained elevated by 27% for up to 12 weeks. 

“It’s definitely reassuring that over the longer timeframe, cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk does seem to return to baseline levels,” study author Emma Rezel-Potts, PhD, told The Guardian. “But we do have to be cautious in the acute period with cardiovascular disease and take note that the risk of diabetes seems to be elevated for several months, so that could be a good opportunity for risk prevention.” 

She also stressed that the findings could be explained by many factors. For example, the COVID patients in the study were more likely to be overweight and had more underlying health problems compared to uninfected controls, predisposing them to DM and CVD. Additionally, some may have had underlying conditions which were discovered when they were treated for COVID.

Source: The Guardian