Tag: Charlotte Maxeke

Cancellation of Operations at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital

The Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH) would like to dismiss the misleading information shared by Mr Jack Bloom regarding cancelled operations.

CMJAH would like to put it on record that there were no “more than 50 elective cases cancelled due to the cold weather conditions”. The statement by Mr Bloom creates the impression that all elective cases were cancelled, which is not true.

There were 53 operations scheduled for Monday, 10 July 2023, and 26 cases were done, while only 15 were cancelled due to low temperatures at theatres and 12 were cancelled for reasons not related to low temperatures.

Out of the 15 cancelled cases, 3 were for Thoracic, 6 were for Trauma Orthopaedic, 2 were for Paeds Orthopaedic, 1 was for Paeds plastics, and 3 were for Ear, Nose, & Throat.

The problem of temperature control has been a challenge for the facility for years, but it became worse in the last two years due to the copper theft which took place during the period when the facility was evacuated for months after the fire incident. This affected the central heating system of the facility, which regulates the level of acceptable temperatures in the entire hospital, but mostly in the theatres.

To remedy the situation, the process of installing Schedule 40 pipes, which are less susceptible to theft as they do not have an attractive market value as copper does, has started. During the installation process, the theatres and intensive care units (ICU) were prioritised. From the date of appointment, 28 June 2023, to date, the contractor has completed the installation of schedule 40 pipes for Blocks 2, 3 and 4. The installation process at Block 5 has already started and the work is progressing well, ahead of schedule.

The water system is currently running, with close monitoring, at all three blocks where the schedule 40 pipes were installed to check for any possible leaks as the system has not been running for the past two years.

The facility would like to apologise to the public for any inconvenience this might have caused. The installation of the schedule 40 pipes is a necessary project that would address the issue of copper theft and the central heating system.

The facility would further like to assure the public that this matter is getting the urgency it deserves, and cancelled cases are being attended to.

News release issued by the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital

Charlotte Maxeke Repairs Make Progress, but Doubts Remain

A fire broke out on 16 April 2021 at Charlotte Maxeke Hospital in Johannesburg. Credit: Gauteng Health

By Ufrieda Ho for Spotlight

2023 is the crunch year to complete the restoration of the fire-damaged sections of Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, but one month in, it has not been plain sailing.

There are doubts over timeframes, the quality of workmanship, compliance, and effective project management. Added to this are deepening concerns that theft and suspected sabotage continue and that HR red tape and inefficiencies are standing in the way of getting the right people into 774 vacant posts that need to be filled to meet the high demand for healthcare services.

According to Gauteng Department of Health’s head of communication, Motalatale Modiba, the province is on track to meet its December 2023 deadline to complete repair work. There is a separate deadline for 2026 to complete fire safety compliance throughout the hospital.

Scramble for parking persists

January kicked off with what should have been the reopening of parking bays on the hospital campus. The parking levels were among the worst affected areas in the fire that broke out on 16 April 2021. Delays in getting parking areas reopened have had dire knock-on effects on the efficient running of the hospital. Staff and visitors have had to scramble to find parking on the streets around the hospital. This adds to traffic congestion and jammed-up appointment schedules even as the hospital is trying to play catch-up after healthcare services were disrupted by COVID and the fire. Added to this, there have been reports of theft from motor vehicles as well as muggings and assaults of doctors and nurses having to make their way to and from their cars.

Before the fire, the hospital had 1700 parking bays. Since the fire, only 229 have been accessible on the hospital campus and another 400 in sites around the hospital – it’s a shortfall of about 1000 parking bays.

Modiba told Spotlight at the beginning of February, The construction of the temporary access ramp to level P3 is 100% complete. The only outstanding thing is the enrolment of the traffic management system to ensure a greater flow of vehicles into the parking, manage different parking zones, and vehicle access. The P3 parking bays will be available for usage soon.”

‘Criminal syndicates’

But DA spokesperson for health in the province, Jack Bloom says after his own site visit in January that continued delays to reopen this section is “gross incompetence that is causing misery as staff and patients hunt for parking every day and some sick people have to walk a long way from where they’ve found parking”.

“It’s not a great start for the year,” says Bloom. He says delays are being made worse by the higher stages of rolling blackouts that have hit the country, even though the hospital campus is exempt from loadshedding.

“Another issue is that we still haven’t been able to crack down on criminal syndicates operating at our hospitals. I believe what we’re seeing in the media now is only skimming the surface of widespread corruption in the system,” he says.

Insiders at Charlotte Maxeke have again raised alarms over ongoing theft that they say smacks of sabotage. According to them, the current situation is that cables and piping that run in-between hospital floors have been stolen or destroyed, resulting in disrupted oxygen flow that is fed to wards in Block 5 of the hospital. Block 5, houses, among others, the transplant unit.

Last year, the National Department of Health confirmed to Spotlight that vandalism and theft were rife. Investigations resulted in three officials in the Department of Infrastructure and Development being arrested in connection with these crimes.

Modiba did not respond to follow-up questions on how theft, vandalism, and sabotage are being dealt with by the provincial health department.

Repair work “on track”

Still, Modiba insists that the province is on track to meet both its 2023 and 2026 deadlines. Modiba however, also didn’t respond to a follow-up question on what compliance protocols will be followed in the three-year gap till fire safety compliance is expected to be completed.

It was fire safety compliance being flouted (including non-functioning fire doors, hose couplings that were stolen or broken, and no floor plan available for firefighters when they arrived on site) that led to the April 21 fire spreading and causing the extensive damage it did.

The repair bill now carries a price tag of R1.16 billion. According to Modiba, just over a billion of this will come from National Treasury, with around R146 million from donors making up the remainder.

The restoration work plan has also had to be adjusted in the past few months. An initial approach to work on fire compliance in multiple hospital blocks at a time was rejected by clinicians because it would be too disruptive for patient care.

“Decanting will now happen on a block-by-block basis with compliance work estimated to be between six to eight months per block. Services will keep rotating within the facility while contractors work from one area to another,” Modiba says.

He also tells Spotlight that the emergency unit which only reopened in May last year – and at the time only for referral patients – is now fully functioning. “All specialities are now present at the facility; there are no longer services that are being remotely rendered at other facilities,” he adds.

Modiba says that the hospital currently runs 1024 beds compared to the pre-fire status of 1138 beds. This comprises 1068 public beds and 70 Folateng beds. Folateng is the private ward within the hospital. There are 108 ICU and high-care beds and between 60 000 and 70 000 outpatients per month.

Meeting demands amid HR issues

Professor Adam Mahomed, head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the hospital, says meeting these massive demands when whole units and blocks have been out of commission has been a feat of adapting by doctors and nurses who have optimised ward space and found ways to repurpose parts of the hospital.

“Wards that used to fit 20 to 24 beds, we now have turned into wards that fit 32 beds,” he says.

Mahomed says it’s not optimal and amounts to trying to function in an overburdened state, especially with gross staff shortages. He says they expect the healthcare need to increase from the current numbers to having to run 1 400 beds in the hospital.

“We are seeing more people and sicker people coming through the doors because, during the COVID years, many people were not coming for healthcare or taking their chronic meds. We are also still playing catch up in oncology and surgery.”

Mahomed singles out inefficiencies in the hospital’s human resources department as the biggest stumbling block. He is calling for an independent audit and investigation into how human resources at Charlotte Maxeke is being run.

According to him, there are mounting questions around irregularities of why positions are not being filled timeously, or seemingly deliberately delayed and not just as a tactic to wait for budgets to refresh with the new financial year in April.

Some examples of “silly paperwork”, he says, are sessional doctors who have worked in the public sector previously being asked to produce matric certificates from 40 years ago. Other doctors have been asked to produce police clearance certificates, while others are asked to have proof of citizenship issued by the Department of Home Affairs.

According to Modiba, Charlotte Maxeke Hospital has 5334 approved posts and 774 vacancies currently. Of the 774 vacant positions, 253 vacancies are in administration and support, 40 for allied workers, 124 in medical, and 357 in nursing.

Mahomed says, “We need to have staff that will be able to accommodate 1400 beds and we need to have increased resources allocated for a hospital that is already over-burdened. We need to get HR to stop with the red tape, silly paperwork, and bureaucracies. “Bureaucracy is hampering us from getting actual resources to the people – HR bureaucracy is killing people. Politicians and management are still running healthcare when they should be taking input from those who are on the ground.”

Republished from Spotlight under a Creative Commons 4.0 Licence.

Source: Spotlight

Another Fire Breaks Out at Charlotte Maxeke

Source: Pixabay CC0

In what is becoming something of a regular occurrence for Gauteng hospitals, another fire has broken at beleaguered Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital on Tuesday night. Fortunately, the fire was contained to a currently unused parking area in a damaged section of the hospital. The situation was deemed not to be serious enough to warrant a patient evacuation.

A fire in April 2021 caused the closure of seven wards, with some 200 beds. Reopening had long been delayed, and there have been complaints of thefts of equipment and construction material. Alleged corruption has continued to dog the full reopening of the 1088-bed academic hospital, overloading other hospitals and also impacting the training of student doctors.

An investigation by Spotlight revealed a number of factors for the 2021 fire including ageing infrastructure, essential equipment such as fire doors not working, low water pressure and incompatible fire hydrants (due to theft), a lack of evacuation plans and a fire service that was woefully underequipped.

Gauteng department of health spokesperson Motalatale Modiba gave a report on the latest fire: “Late on Tuesday night, security personnel reported that there was smoke that seemed to be coming from one of the structures. Firefighters for the City of Joburg immediately responded to the situation and managed to contain the fire which was confined to a small section of the level two parking.”

“The level two parking is one of the areas that was affected by the April 2021 fire and is currently under props and not accessible to the public or staff except for construction people,” Modiba said.

“Upon assessment of the situation clinicians on site together with the facility’s head of disaster made a call that the situation did not warrant for patients to be evacuated as the smoke from the fire was not too thick or high risk for inhalation.”

This comes after two fires broke out within weeks of one another at Steve Biko Academic Hospital.

Court Action to Stop Immigrants Being Denied Life-saving Healthcare

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

The rights of immigrant and undocumented women and children to access free healthcare in South Africa will be put to the test in a court challenge launched by SECTION27 in the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg.

In December 2019, two-year-old Sibusiso Ncube died of poisoning after he was refused treatment at Charlotte Maxeke Hospital because his Zimbabwean mother could not instantly produce his birth certificate or pay R5000, says an affidavit in the court case.

This was not an isolated incident according to Umunyana Rugege, executive director of SECTION27.

“Since 2013, SECTION27 has been repeatedly approached by pregnant migrant women and children under six, who have been denied access to free health services. This is perpetuated through discriminatory subordinate laws and practices,” Rugege says in her affidavit.

“They have routinely been denied access to the health care services, or they are pressured into signing acknowledgements of debt and undertakings to pay for services.”

SECTION27 wants all the relevant ordinances and regulations scrapped. It also seeks an an order that the Minister of Health issue a circular to all provincial health departments recording that all pregnant or lactating women, and children under six, who are not members of medical aid schemes and who have not come to South Africa to obtain health care, be entitled to free health services at any public health establishment, irrespective of their nationality and documentation status.

Rugege says that while the National Health Act does not place any limitation on the right to free health services, there are a range of subordinate laws and practices implemented at hospitals that impose conditions requiring proof of nationality and financial means.

“These laws and practices are unlawful,” she says.

Rugege cited other examples, such as a pregnant asylum seeker who was denied treatment after she was injured in a robbery. She was told she had to pay R2000 before a “file could be opened” at Steve Biko Academic Hospital.

Two months later, when she was eight months pregnant and went to Charlotte Maxeke, she was told she had to pay R20 000 if she wanted treatment and give birth at the hospital. Only after SECTION27 intervened, was she given an appointment, but the night before it she lost her baby.

Another Zimbabwean woman whose child needed emergency surgery was forced to sign an admission of debt for more than R34 000 at the same hospital. Then when he needed further surgery, it was denied because of the outstanding debt. The woman was further told that she would have to pay R5000 for admission and R50 000 for the second surgery.

Again SECTION27 intervened. But in March, when the mother took him back for a checkup, a nurse addressed everyone in the queue and told them that foreign nationals would not be attended to if they did not have money to pay. The mother, and others, left without being seen.

The application is supported by the Jesuit Refugee Service, The Southern African HIV Clinicians Society, and Doctors Without Borders; all are expected to file affidavits soon. Rugege says these will highlight discriminatory institutional policies and systematic xenophobic practices and attitudes that have “detrimental and sometimes fatal consequences”.

“There is simply no coherent approach at different public health establishments … even within a single establishment, different officials treat patients differently,” she said. Access to health care depends on who is on duty that day. On “lucky days” people will gain access without any trouble.

The respondents – the MEC and Gauteng health department head, the Minister and Director-General of Health – have 15 days to file notices of opposition.

By Tania Broughton

This article is republished from GroundUp under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Source: GroundUp

Doctors Stand Behind Scathing Indictment of Rahima Moosa Hospital Conditions

Source: CC0

Doctors have come out in support of criticism of the conditions at Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital (RMMCH) in Johannesburg. The dire situation at the hospital, which has reportedly resulted in numerous patient deaths, has been highlighted on a number of occasions.

A year ago, Daily Maverick visited RMMCH after concerns being voiced by doctors and patients, and found a number of problems there. This year, a viral video clip showed pregnant women sleeping on the floor at the Gauteng hospital, and Daily Maverick returned to found the situation had worsened, yet the hospital’s CEO Dr Nozuko Mkabayi emphatically denied anything was amiss.

Dr Mkabayi said that although the hospital experiences periodic drug stockouts and equipment shortages, “Patients’ lives are not in danger and there is enough essential equipment. The hospital equipment committee is functional in ensuring adequate equipment needs for patient care.”

Then paediatrician Dr Tim de Maayer wrote an open letter to the Department of Health which sent further shockwaves through the media.

He said that his patients were dying due to a simple lack of basic resources. Drugs were in short supply; staff were massively overloaded; the hospital’s generators were ill-equipped to handle load shedding; and even water supply was threatened, causing hospital-acquired infections to spread “like wildfire”. These issues, Dr Maayer noted, had been raised with management before.

Gift of the Givers had stepped in and sunk a borehole to assist with the water supply situation – although a charity having to come to the rescue of a public hospital is an embarrassment.

Department of Health spokesperson Kwara Kekana acknowledged that the infrastructure was lacking:

“The hospital has over the past decade seen an increase in patient load with no increase in infrastructure development,” she said. “It has steadily increased intake from 10 000 deliveries to 16 000 deliveries per year, which is the second highest in the country.”

“To add more capacity, the hospital has repurposed 22 beds to accommodate more antenatal patients in the last two years making a total of 56 antenatal beds, which is still insufficient.”

RMMCH had requested exemption from the load shedding schedule, she noted.

In an interview with eNCA, Professor Haroon Saloojee, head of community paediatrics at Wits Universiy, said that he “wholeheartedly” agreed with Dr Mayeer, saying that, “what I think he is describing is the ‘complete storm'” and it “contributes to a reduction in quality care.

“[…]it’s the issue of inadequate staff, just not enough doctors but particularly nurses for the patient load – and certainly for the situation at Rahima Moosa has been far worsened that Charlotte Maxeke has been closed for so long and they’ve had to take the load. So a very busy hospital with a greatly increased number of deliveries as the load has become more. Added to that a problem with getting adequate equipment, he makes that point. And to add to that we’ve had both the crises with water availability and to top that all the regular loadshedding which means the generators weren’t coping.

“So you end up with a major storm and shouldn’t surprise then that children’s lives get affected.”

Regarding procurement issues such as running out of bread he remarked, “I’m sure there’s a lot of bureaucracy, but a lot of it is the simple management of the day-to-day running of a hospital, including how it places accounts, and the truth is that many hospitals are forfeiting at that.”

Since his letter went out, Dr Maayer has said there has been some reaction from the government, with President Ramaphosa reportedly wanting to see a response from RMMCH’s CEO. Deputy Health Minister, Sibongiseni Dhlomo has said that the letter is worrying and will be looked into.