Turning Everyday Vaccines into Cancer Killers

A study in Frontiers in Immunology has demonstrated that, in animal models, a protein antigen from a childhood vaccine can be delivered into the cells of a malignant tumour to refocus the body’s immune system against the cancer, effectively halting it and preventing its recurrence.
Instead of using vaccines tailored with tumour-specific antigens to prime the immune system to attack a particular cancer, this method makes use of the immune system’s encounter with common vaccines. The bacteria-based intracellular delivering (ID) system uses a non-toxic form of Salmonella that releases a drug, in this case a vaccine antigen, after it’s inside a solid-tumour cancer cell.
“As an off-the-shelf immunotherapy, this bacterial system has the potential to be effective in a broad range of cancer patients,” writes senior author Neil Forbes, professor of chemical engineering, in the recently published article.
The research, carried out in Forbes’s lab, offers promise toward tackling difficult-to-treat cancers, including liver, metastatic breast and pancreatic tumours.
“The idea is that everybody is vaccinated with a whole bunch of things, and if you could take that immunisation and target it towards a cancer, you could use it to eliminate the cancer,” Forbes explains. “But cancers obviously aren’t going to display viral molecules on their surface. So the question was, could we take a molecule inside the cancer cell using Salmonella and then have the immune system attack that cancer cell as if it was an invading virus?”
To test their theory that this immune treatment could work, Forbes and team genetically engineered ID Salmonella to deliver ovalbumin (chicken egg protein) into the pancreatic tumour cells of mice that had been immunised with the ovalbumin ‘vaccine’. The researchers showed that the ovalbumin disperses throughout the cytoplasm of cells in both culture and tumours.
The ovalbumin then triggered an antigen-specific T-cell response in the cytoplasm that attacked the cancer cells. The therapy cleared 43% of established pancreatic tumours, increased survival and prevented tumour re-implantation, the paper states.
“We had complete cure in three out of seven of the pancreatic mice models,” Forbes says. “We’re really excited about that; it dramatically extended survival.”
The team then attempted to re-introduce pancreatic tumours in the immunised mice. The results were exceedingly positive. “None of the tumours grew, meaning that the mice had developed an immunity, not just to the ovalbumin but to the cancer itself,” Forbes says. “The immune system has learned that the tumour is an immunogenic. I’m doing further work to figure out how that’s actually happening.”
In preliminary research, the team previously showed that injecting the modified Salmonella into the bloodstream effectively treated liver tumours in mice. They advanced their findings with the current research on pancreatic tumours.
Before clinical trials can begin, the researchers will repeat the experiments on other animals and refine the ID Salmonella strain to ensure its safety for use in humans. Liver cancer would be the first target, followed by pancreatic cancer.