Tag: brain development

Sex Differences in Brain Structure Present at Birth

Photo by Chayene Rafaela on Unsplash

Sex differences in brain structure are present from birth, research from the Autism Research Centre at the University of Cambridge has shown.

While male brains tended to be greater in volume than female brains, when adjusted for total brain volume, female infants on average had significantly more grey matter, while male infants on average had significantly more white matter in their brains.

Grey matter is made up of neuron cell bodies and dendrites and is responsible for processing and interpreting information, such as sensation, perception, learning, speech, and cognition.  White matter is made up of axons, which are long nerve fibres that connect neurons together from different parts of the brain. 

Yumnah Khan, a PhD student at the Autism Research Centre, who led the study, said: “Our study settles an age-old question of whether male and female brains differ at birth. We know there are differences in the brains of older children and adults, but our findings show that they are already present in the earliest days of life.

“Because these sex differences are evident so soon after birth, they might in part reflect biological sex differences during prenatal brain development, which then interact with environmental experiences over time to shape further sex differences in the brain.”

One problem that has plagued past research in this area is sample size. The Cambridge team tackled this by analysing data from the Developing Human Connectome Project, where infants receive an MRI brain scan soon after birth. Having over 500 newborn babies in the study means that, statistically, the sample is ideal for detecting sex differences if they are present.

A second problem is whether any observed sex differences could be due to other factors, such as differences in body size.  The Cambridge team found that, on average, male infants had significantly larger brain volumes than did females, and this was true even after sex differences in birth weight were taken into account.

After taking this difference in total brain volume into account, at a regional level, females on average showed larger volumes in grey matter areas related to memory and emotional regulation, while males on average had larger volumes in grey matter areas involved in sensory processing and motor control.

The findings of the study, the largest to date to investigate this question, are published in the journal Biology of Sex Differences.

Dr Alex Tsompanidis who supervised the study, said: “This is the largest such study to date, and we took additional factors into account, such as birth weight, to ensure that these differences are specific to the brain and not due to general size differences between the sexes.

“To understand why males and females show differences in their relative grey and white matter volume, we are now studying the conditions of the prenatal environment, using population birth records, as well as in vitro cellular models of the developing brain. This will help us compare the progression of male and female pregnancies and determine if specific biological factors, such as hormones or the placenta, contribute to the differences we see in the brain.”

The researchers stress that the differences between males and females are average differences.

Dr Carrie Allison, Deputy Director of the Autism Research Centre, said: “The differences we see do not apply to all males or all females, but are only seen when you compare groups of males and females together. There is a lot a variation within, and a lot of overlap between, each group.”  

Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Director of the Autism Research Centre, added: “These differences do not imply the brains of males and females are better or worse. It’s just one example of neurodiversity. This research may be helpful in understanding other kinds of neurodiversity, such as the brain in children who are later diagnosed as autistic, since this is diagnosed more often in males.”

The research was funded by Cambridge University Development and Research, Trinity College, Cambridge, the Cambridge Trust, and the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative.

Khan, Y.T., Tsompanidis, A., Radecki, M.A. et al. Sex differences in human brain structure at birth. Biol Sex Differ; 17 Oct 2024; DOI: 10.1186/s13293-024-00657-5

Republished under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Source: University of Cambridge

Iron Supplements for Children with HIV may Aid Brain Development

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán

A University of Minnesota Medical School research team has found that giving iron supplements to children living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in sub-Saharan Africa could be an important first step in optimising brain development. 

The study, published in Lancet HIV, demonstrates that iron, while often withheld from children with HIV due to fear of increasing infection risk, is in fact beneficial. This finding paves the way for future research examining iron’s role in neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with HIV. 

“With the success and widespread availability of antiretroviral therapy (ART), children with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa are living longer, and optimising their brain development is a new public health imperative,” said Sarah Cusick, PhD, associate professor at the U of M Medical School and a member of the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain.

Between May 2018 and November 2019, researchers enrolled 200 children with HIV and anaemia who had received ART for at least six months. The study participants were randomly chosen to receive either iron supplements or a placebo for three months. Children who received iron had higher haemoglobin concentrations and better markers of iron nutrition than those who received the placebo. There also was no evidence of increased risk of infection. 

According to Dr Cusick, further research is needed to assess brain development and infection risk over a longer period of time.

Source: University of Minnesota Medical School

PFAS Influence the Development and Function of the Brain

Photo by Ryan Zazueta on Unsplash

Some per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are poorly degradable and are also known as “forever chemicals”. They adversely affect health and can lead to liver damage, obesity, hormonal disorders, and cancer. A research team from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) has investigated the effects of PFAS on the brain.

Using a combination of modern molecular biology methods and the zebrafish model, the researchers revealed the mechanism of action and identified the genes involved, which are also present in humans. The test procedure developed at the UFZ could be used for the risk assessment of other neurotoxic chemicals. The study was recently published in Environmental Health Perspectives

Because of their special properties – heat resistance, water and grease repellence, and high durability – PFAS are used in many everyday products (eg, cosmetics, outdoor clothing, and coated cookware). But it is precisely these properties that make them so problematic. “Because some PFAS are chemically stable, they accumulate in the environment and enter our bodies via air, drinking water, and food”, says UFZ toxicologist Prof Dr Tamara Tal. Even with careful consumption, it is nearly impossible to avoid this group of substances, which has been produced since the 1950s and now includes thousands of different compounds. “There is a great need for research, especially when it comes to developing fast, reliable, and cost-effective test systems for assessing the risks of PFAS exposure”, says Tal. So far, the environmental and health consequences have been difficult to assess.

In their current study, the researchers investigated how PFAS exposure affects brain development. To do this, they used the zebrafish model, which is frequently used in toxicology research. One advantage of this model is that around 70% of the genes found in zebrafish (Danio rerio) are also found in humans. The findings from the zebrafish model can therefore likely be transferred to humans. In their experiments, the researchers exposed zebrafish to two substances from the PFAS group (PFOS and PFHxS), which have a similar structure. The researchers then used molecular biological and bioinformatic methods to investigate which genes in the brains of the fish larvae exposed to PFAS were disrupted compared to the control fish, which were not exposed. “In the zebrafish exposed to PFAS, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (ppar) gene group, which is also present in a slightly modified form in humans, was particularly active”, says Sebastian Gutsfeld, PhD student at the UFZ and first author of the study. “Toxicity studies have shown this to be the case as a result of exposure to PFAS – albeit in the liver. We have now also been able to demonstrate this for the brain”.

But what consequences does an altered activity of the ppar genes triggered by PFAS exposure have for brain development and behaviour of zebrafish larvae? The researchers investigated this in further studies using the zebrafish model. Using CRISPR/Cas9 ‘gene scissors’ the researchers were able to “selectively cut individual or several ppar genes and prevent them from functioning normally”, explains Gutsfeld. “We wanted to find out which ppar genes are directly linked to a change in larval behaviour triggered by PFAS exposure”. Proof of the underlying mechanism was directly provided. In contrast to genetically unaltered zebrafish, the knockdown fish in which the gene scissors were used should not show any behavioural changes after exposure to PFAS.

The two behavioural endpoints

In one series of experiments, the researchers continuously exposed zebrafish to PFOS or PFHxS during their early developmental phase between day one and day four and in another series of experiments only on day five. On the fifth day, the researchers then observed swimming behaviour. They used two different behavioural endpoints for this purpose. In one endpoint, swimming activity was measured during a prolonged dark phase. PFAS-exposed fish swam more than fish not exposed to PFAS, whether continuously exposed to PFAS during brain development or shortly before the behaviour test. Interestingly, hyperactivity was only present when the chemical was around. When the researchers removed PFOS or PFHxS, hyperactivity subsided. In the second endpoint, the startle response after a dark stimulus was measured. “In zebrafish exposed to PFOS for four days, we observed hyperactive swimming behaviour in response to the stimulus”, says Gutsfeld. In contrast, zebrafish only exposed to PFOS or PFHxS on the fifth day did not have a hyperactive startle response.

Based on these responses, the researchers conclude that PFOS exposure is associated with abnormal consequences – particularly during sensitive developmental phases of the brain. Using knockdown zebrafish, the researchers identified two genes from the ppar group that mediate the behaviour triggered by PFOS. 

“Because these genes are also present in humans, it is possible that PFAS also have corresponding effects in humans”, concludes Tal. The scientists working with Tal want to investigate the neuroactive effects of other PFAS in future research projects and expand the method so that it can ultimately be used to assess the risk of chemicals in the environment, including PFAS.

Source: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ