Tag: blue light

The Colours of the Sunset Reset Circadian Clocks

Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

Those mesmerising blue and orange hues in the sky at the start and end of a sunny day might have an essential role in setting humans’ internal clocks. In new research from the University of Washington in Seattle, a novel LED light that emits alternating wavelengths of orange and blue outpaced two other light devices in advancing melatonin levels in a small group of study participants. 

Published in the Journal of Biological Rhythms, the finding appears to establish a new benchmark in humans’ ability to influence their circadian rhythms, and reflects an effective new approach to counteract seasonal affective disorder (SAD). 

A raft of health and mood problems have been attributed to out-of-sync circadian rhythms. Such asynchrony is encouraged by seasonal changes, a lack of exposure to natural light, graveyard-shift jobs and flights across multiple time zones.  

“Our internal clock tells us how our body’s supposed to act during different times of day, but the clock has to be set, and if our brain is not synced to the time of day, then it’s not going to work right,” said Jay Neitz, a coauthor on the paper and a professor of ophthalmology at the UW School of Medicine. 

Circadian rhythms are trained and reset every day by the 24-hour solar cycles of light and dark, which stimulate circuits in the eyes that communicate to the brain. With that information, the brain produces melatonin, a hormone that helps organisms become sleepy in sync with the solar night. 

People who spend many daily hours in artificial light often have circadian rhythms whose melatonin production lags that of people more exposed to natural light. Many commercial lighting products are designed to offset or counteract these lags. 

Most of these products, Neitz said, emphasise blue wavelength because it is known to affect melanopsin, a photopigment in the eyes that communicates with the brain and is most sensitive to blue. 

By contrast, “the light we developed does not involve the melanopsin photopigment,” Neitz explained. “It has alternating blue and orange wavelengths that stimulate a blue-yellow opponent circuit that operates through the cone photoreceptors in the retina. This circuit is much more sensitive than melanopsin, and it is what our brains use to reset our internal clocks.”

The paper’s lead author was James Kuchenbecker, a research assistant professor of ophthalmology at the UW School of Medicine. He sought to compare different artificial lights’ effects on the production of melatonin.  

He and colleagues devised and conducted a test of three devices:

  • a white light of 500 lux (a brightness appropriate for general office spaces)
  • a short-wavelength blue LED designed to trigger melanopsin
  • the newly developed LED of blue and orange wavelengths, which alternate 19 times a second to generate a soft white glow

The goal was to see what lighting approach was most effective at advancing the phase of melatonin production among six study participants. All participants underwent the following regimen with exposure to each of the three test lights:

The first evening, multiple saliva samples were taken to discern the baseline onset and peak of the participants’ melatonin production. For each subject, the onset of this phase dictated when they were exposed to the test light for two hours in the morning. That evening, saliva samples were again taken to see whether subjects’ melatonin phase had started earlier relative to their individual baselines.

During each test, exposure to other light sources was controlled. The three test spans were spaced such that subjects could return to their normal baseline phases before starting a new device.

In terms of shifting the melatonin-production phase, the alternating blue-orange LED device worked best, with a phase advance of 1 hour, 20 minutes. The blue light produced a phase advance of 40 minutes. The white, 500-lux light elicited an advance of just 2.8 minutes. 

Gesturing toward the light that his team developed, Neitz explained. 

“Even though our light looks like white to the naked eye, we think your brain recognizes the alternating blue and orange wavelengths as the colours in the sky. The circuit that produced the biggest shift in melatonin wants to see orange and blue.” 

Source: UW Medicine

Morning Blue Light Exposure Eases PTSD Symptoms and Aids Sleep

Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

After being treated with a course of blue light exposure in the morning, people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experienced better sleep, a reduction in the severity of PTSD symptoms and had more effective treatments overall, according to a new study recently published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

Sleep is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health, and inadequate sleep over time can impact all aspects of life with serious implications for long-term health, relationships, cognitive abilities such as learning, and healing.

The influence of sleep disruption on PTSD symptom severity is well established. Those who seek treatment to allay their PTSD symptoms often face a vicious cycle where poor sleep interferes with the effectiveness of treatments, negating any lessening of symptoms, which in turn contributes to sleep disruptions. To reduce and eliminate the emotional impact of traumatic memories, the patient needs quality sleep to integrate healing mechanisms achieved through cognitive or exposure therapy treatments.

“This research is exciting and unique because it points to an easy-to-use method for helping those with PTSD to retain the benefits of therapy long after the treatment ends,” said psychiatry professor William “Scott” Killgore, PhD, senior author on the paper, “Morning blue light treatment improves sleep complaints, symptom severity, and retention of fear extinction memory in post-traumatic stress disorder.”

Dr Killgore and the SCAN Lab team conducted a comprehensive assessment of daily morning blue-wavelength light exposure on individuals with clinically significant levels of PTSD. The goal was to ascertain if blue light therapy would help improve sleep and PTSD symptoms and sustain learned fear extinction memories, an analogue of therapeutic treatment for trauma.

Study participants committed to 30 minutes of morning light exposure daily for six weeks, with half of the participants using blue-wavelength light and half using amber light. Researchers examined the neurobiological, autonomic and behavioural outcome changes during the study.

The 43 participants who received blue light therapy not only demonstrated significant improvements in the severity of their PTSD symptoms, but also reported improvements in sleep and showed an increased retention of fear extinction memories. The control 39 controls receiving amber light did not show the same retention of the extinction memories, but rather showed a return of the original fear memories.

“While the limitations of the research include its modest sample size and difficulties monitoring compliance, the possibilities of utilising a treatment that is relatively simple, drug-free and inexpensive can offer hope for the large population of people living with the intense challenges of post-traumatic stress disorder,” Dr Killgore said.

Source: University of Arizona Health Sciences