Tag: bacterial infection

Mucus is Snot a Problem for Bacteria, Which Swarm Through It

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

The increase in mucus from sniffles and runny noses is exactly what bacteria use to mount a coordinated attack on the immune system, according to a new study from researchers at Penn State. The team found that the thicker the mucus, the better the bacteria are able to swarm. The findings could inform treatments to control the spread of bacteria.

The study, recently published in the journal PNAS Nexus, demonstrates how bacteria use mucus to enhance their ability to self-organise and possibly drive infection.

The experiments, performed using synthetic pig stomach mucus, natural cow cervical mucus and a water-soluble polymer compound called polyvidone, revealed that bacteria coordinate movement better in thick mucus than in watery substances.

According to the researchers, the findings provide insight into how bacteria colonise mucus and mucosal surfaces, and also show how mucus enhances bacterial collective motion, or swarming, which may increase antibiotic resistance of bacterial colonies.

“To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first demonstration of bacteria collectively swimming in mucus,” said Igor Aronson, Huck Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering, of Chemistry and of Mathematics at Penn State and corresponding author on the paper.

“We have shown that mucus, unlike liquids of similar consistency, enhances the collective behaviour.”

Mucus is essential for many biological functions, explained Aronson. It lines the surfaces of cells and tissues and protects against pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. But it is also the host material for bacteria-born infections, including sexually transmitted and gastric diseases.

A better understanding of how bacteria swarm in mucus could lead to new strategies to combat infections and the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, according to Aronson.

“Our findings demonstrate how mucus consistency affects random motion of individual bacteria and influences their transition to coordinated, collective motion of large bacterial groups,” Aronson said.

“There are studies demonstrating that collective motion or swarming of bacteria enhances the ability of bacterial colonies to fend off the effect of antibiotics. The onset of collective behaviour studied in our work is directly related to swarming.”

Mucus is a notoriously challenging substance to study because it exhibits both liquid-like and solid-like properties, Aronson explained.

Liquids are typically described by their level of viscosity, how thick or thin the liquid is, and solids are described by their elasticity, how much force it can take before breaking. Mucus, a viscoelastic fluid, behaves as both a liquid and solid.

To better understand how mucus becomes infected, the team used microscopic imaging techniques to observe the collective motion of the concentrated bacteria Bacillus subtilis in synthetic pig stomach mucus and natural cow cervical mucus, which for this purpose are analogous to human mucus.

They compared those results with observations of Bacillus subtilis moving in a water-soluble polymer polyvidone at a wide range of concentrations, from high to low levels of polyvidone.

The researchers also compared their experimental results to a computational model for bacterial collective motion in viscoelastic fluids like mucus.

The team found that mucus consistency profoundly affects the collective behaviour of bacteria: the thicker the mucus, the more likely the bacteria would exhibit collective movement, forming a coordinated swarm.

“We were able to show how the viscoelasticity in mucus enhances bacterial organisation, which in turn leads to coherently moving bacterial groups that cause infection,” Aronson said.

“Our results reveal that the levels of elasticity and viscosity in mucus are a main driver in how bacterial communities organize themselves, which can provide insight into how we can control and prevent bacterial invasion in mucus.”

Aronson explained that the team expects human mucus to exhibit similar physical properties, meaning their findings are also relevant for human health.

“Our results have implications for human and animal health. We’re showing that mucus viscoelasticity can enhance large-scale collective motion of bacteria, which may accelerate how quickly bacteria penetrate mucus protective barrier and infect internal tissues.”

Source: Penn State

Multidrug-resistant Hypervirulent K. Pneumoniae Still Vulnerable to Immune Defences

A human neutrophil interacting with Klebsiella pneumoniae (pink), a multidrug–resistant bacterium that causes severe hospital infections. Credit: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health

New “hypervirulent” strains of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae have emerged in healthy people in community settings, prompting researchers to investigate how the human immune system defends against infection by it. After exposing the strains to components of the human immune system in vitro, they found that some strains were more likely to survive in blood and serum than others, and that neutrophils are more likely to ingest and kill some strains than others. The study, published in mBio, was led by researchers at NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

“This important study is among the first to investigate interaction of these emergent Klebsiella pneumoniae strains with components of human host defence,” Acting NIAID Director Hugh Auchincloss, MD, said. “The work reflects the strength of NIAID’s Intramural Research Program. Having stable research teams with established collaborations allows investigators to draw on prior work and quickly inform peers about new, highly relevant public health topics.”

K. pneumoniae was identified over a hundred years ago as a cause of serious, often fatal, human infections, mostly in already ill or immunocompromised patients and especially if hospitalised. Over decades, some strains developed resistance to multiple antibiotics. Often called classical Klebsiella pneumoniae (cKp), this bacterium ranks as the third most common pathogen isolated from hospital bloodstream infections. Certain other Klebsiella pneumoniae strains cause severe infections in healthy people in community settings (outside of hospitals) even though they are not multidrug-resistant. They are known as hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae, or hvKp. More recently, strains with both multidrug resistance and hypervirulence characteristics, so-called MDR hvKp, have emerged in both settings.

NIAID scientists have studied this general phenomenon before. In the early 2000s they observed and investigated virulent strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria that had emerged in US community settings and caused widespread infections in otherwise healthy people.

Now, the same NIAID research group at Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, Montana, is investigating similar questions about the new Klebsiella strains, such as whether the microbes can evade human immune system defenses. Their findings were unexpected: the hvKp strains were more likely to survive in blood and serum than MDR hvKp strains. And neutrophils had ingested less than 5% of the hvKp strains, but more than 67% of the MDR hvKp strains – most of which were killed.

The researchers also developed an antibody serum specifically designed to help neutrophils ingest and kill two selected hvKp and two selected MDR hvKp strains. The antiserum worked, though not uniformly in the hvKp strains. These findings suggest that a vaccine approach for prevention/treatment of infections is feasible.

Based on the findings, the researchers suggest that the potential severity of infection caused by MDR hvKp likely falls in between the classical and hypervirulent forms. The work also suggests that the widely used classification of K. pneumoniae into cKp or hvKp should be reconsidered.

The researchers also are exploring why MDR hvKp are more susceptible to human immune defences than hvKp: Is this due to a change in surface structure caused by genetic mutation? Or perhaps because combining components of hypervirulence and antibiotic resistance reduces the bacterium’s ability to replicate and survive in a competitive environment.

As a next step, the research team will use mouse models to determine the factors involved in MDR hvKp susceptibility to immune defences. Ultimately, this knowledge could inform treatment strategies to prevent or decrease disease severity.

Source: NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Why Some Infections Can Be so Persistent

C. difficile bacteria. Source: CDC

University of Utah researchers have discovered a novel mechanism that infectious bacteria use to rapidly adapt to environmental stress, which could help explain why certain types of common infections such as sepsis can be so persistent.

The mechanism, described in the journal Nucleic Acids Research, alters the precision with which the bacteria make the proteins that carry out most of the work in cells. These changes may improve the bacteria’s chance for survival.

“Understanding how pathogens survive stressful situations can reveal new targets for development of anti-microbial drugs and vaccines,” said the study’s senior author, Professor Matthew Mulvey.

Adapt or die
Bacteria infecting a host are exposed to stresses such as acidity or antibiotics. If even one of the bacteria’s key pathways for survival is crippled, the entire population could die off.

However, bacteria can adapt, an ability that relies on a slight twist to basic principles of biology.

Traditionally, each gene is thought to carry instructions for making a single kind of protein. A molecule called transfer RNA (tRNA) then uses these instructions to oversee protein production in the cell. In times of stress, though, random changes to the tNRA-mediated process can be an especially quick way to alter a cell’s array of proteins. This can generate useful new proteins that help the organism to thrive.

“There is a growing appreciation that a little bit of noise in the system can be good,” Prof Mulvey said.

Shifting expectations
A graduate student in the lab happened to stumbled onto a bacterial enzyme, MiaA, which turned out to be both sensitive to environmental stress and key to regulating protein expression. In one experiment, he created a version of an especially pathogenic bacteria that lacked the gene that encodes MiaA.

“Every kind of stress we exposed the MiaA-deficient strain to seemed to cause problems,” said the study’s co-first author Matthew Blango, PhD, who is now a junior research group leader at the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology in Jena, Germany. “So, we really thought that this protein might be playing an important role in gene regulation.”

Bacteria lacking MiaA did not thrive and did not cause urinary tract infections or sepsis in mice. This same effect also occurred with bacteria manipulated into expressing too much MiaA. “There appears to be a Goldilocks zone, where just the right amount of MiaA allows the optimal stress response,” Dr Blango said.

Seeing how badly things went when MiaA levels were out of balance, Brittany Fleming, PhD, the study’s co-first author, investigated further. She discovered that knocking out MiaA caused random ‘frameshifting’ – an error where tRNA delivers three-letter genetic codes to be translated into proteins that are off by one letter. For example, a genetic code of “CAT CAT GTA” might read as “ATC ATG TA…” when frameshifted. In the bacteria, the result of such a shift was impaired production of important proteins and production of unexpected proteins.

Another co-first author, graduate student Alexis Rousek, showed that changing levels of MiaA could alter the availability of key metabolites that feed into other important stress response pathways within the bacteria. These findings implicate MiaA as a key player within a web of pathways that can impact pathogen stress resistance

Prof Mulvey says his lab’s next step is learning how environmental stress alters MiaA levels within bacteria.

The implications for this research may extend beyond infection control. Humans express a version of MiaA that is linked to certain cancers and metabolic diseases. “What we learned about how MiaA works is likely to be relevant to research on cancer and other non-infectious human diseases,” Mulvey said.

Source: University of Utah

A New Method to Block Listeria Infections

Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

University of Queensland researchers have unlocked a way of fighting Listeria infections, which can cause severe and potentially illness in pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals.

Listeria infection does not cause disease in most people, but can be deadly for the immunocompromised and is also a major health concern during pregnancy and can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth.

From 2017 to 2018, South Africa suffered the world’s largest listeriosis outbreak, in which there were 216 deaths out of 1060 recorded cases.

During the study, published in the journal PLOS Pathogensresearchers discovered a way to block Listeria from making the proteins that allow bacteria to survive and multiply in immune cells. University of Queensland’s Professor Antje Blumenthal said using a small, drug-like inhibitor has improved their understanding of Listeria’s weak spot.

Listeria is found in the soil and sometimes in raw foods. Once ingested it can hide from the immune system and multiply inside immune cells,” Prof Blumenthal said.

“Instead of killing the bacteria, the immune cells are used by the bacteria to multiply and are often killed by Listeria growing inside them.

“Our study showed the bacteria could be cleared with a small drug-like inhibitor that targets the ‘master regulator’ of the proteins that help Listeria grow in immune cells. The inhibitor helped the immune cells survive infection and kill the bacteria.”

Previously, studies into Listeria’s ‘master regulator’, which controls critical proteins that make the bacteria virulent, have mostly been based on engineered bacteria, or mutated versions of these proteins.

“By using a drug-like inhibitor, we were able to use molecular imaging and infections studies to better understand what happens to Listeria when the bacteria cannot effectively grow inside immune cells and hide from immune defence mechanisms,” Prof Blumenthal said.

“We hope that our discovery, together with recent research into the master proteins’ molecular structure and functions, could guide the development of inhibitors and new drugs to treat Listeria infection.”

“Our findings could also inform design of inhibitors against related proteins that are found in different bacteria,” Prof Blumenthal said.

Source: University of Queensland