‘Thor’ Actor Takes a Break from Acting after Alzheimer’s Gene Discovery

Actor Chris Hemsworth has announced that he is stepping back from acting in order to focus on preventative measures for Alzheimer’s disease.
The 39-year-old star of ‘Thor’ told Vanity Fair that genetic testing had confirmed that he had two pairs of a gene, APOE4. which is highly predictive of developing Alzheimer’s. About one in four have a single copy while 2–3% carry two copies of the gene.
The reason APOE4 increases Alzheimer’s risk isn’t not well understood. The APOE protein helps carry cholesterol and other types of fat in the bloodstream. Recent studies suggest that problems with brain cells’ ability to process lipids may play a key role in Alzheimer’s and related diseases.
Lipid imbalances can impair many of a cell’s essential processes. This includes creating cell membranes, moving molecules within the cell, and generating energy.
Hemsworth had made the discovery while making the TV series ‘Limitless‘, in which he engages in a variety of activities to push the limits of his own body and mind and explores ways of extending the lifespan.
“My concern was I just didn’t want to manipulate it and overdramatise it, and make it into some sort of hokey grab at empathy, or whatever, for entertainment,” said Hemsworth. “It’s not like I’ve been handed my resignation.”
He emphasises that he is thankful at having made the discovery, as it has made him more appreciative of his life, and it now means he can now take steps to protect his health.
Fortunately, research suggests that there are lifestyle changes that may offer preventative effects for APOE4 carriers, such as reducing stress and getting regular exercise – though the latter is unlikely to be a problem for the already athletic actor. Dietary measures include various low-carbohydrate diets (including ketogenic diets), regular portions of oily fish, cruciferous vegetables and abstaining from alcohol.
Supplements with potential benefits include DHA, quercetin, resveratrol, vitamin D3, vitamin K2, B-vitamin complex and possibly lithium.