Tag: Alzheimer's disease

Legendary Singer Tony Bennett Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s

Music legend Tony Bennett, 94, revealed in an interview that he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 4 years ago.

The singer’s career has spanned seven decades, he had continued his initial success in the 1950s across multiple genres, becoming a hit with the MTv generation, and in more recent years collaborating with popular artists like Amy Winehouse and Lady Gaga.

Alzheimer’s disease is an age-related, irreversible neurodegenerative condition. In more than 90% of patients, it begins after age 65, although it can occur as early as in the 30s. It is marked by memory loss and confusion that seem like the normal cognitive decline of older age, but it is more rapid and severe, eventually resulting in death. As people live longer and the risks of developing this disease increase with age, the burden of this disease is expected to increase in the future. In the US, the number of people with Alzheimer’s is expected to nearly triple from 5.5 million to 14 million by 2060.

Mr Bennett has been able to work over the past four years but the toll is perceptible. He still recognises his family members but his short-term and long-term memory have drastically deteriorated. Interviewer John Colapinto noted Mr Bennett gazing at his lavishly illustrated book, “Tony Bennett Onstage and in the Studio” (2018). “He stared into its pages not with the air of warm reminiscence but like a man struggling to recall why these images seemed familiar.” His wife, Susan, added that Mr Bennett is “not always sure where he is or what is happening around him. Mundane objects as familiar as a fork or a set of house keys can be utterly mysterious to him.”

Over the past two years, Mr Bennett recorded a second album of duets with Lady Gaga, a follow-up to the hit album with Gaga in 2014. While he had been known to be a “meticulous and hard-driving perfectionist in the studio,” Mr Bennett was much more subdued. speaking rarely, his words coming haltingly and seeming lost or bewildered. Gaga, who considers Mr Bennett to be “an incredible mentor, and friend, and father figure” is seen breaking down in tears as Tony sings a solo passage of a love song.

The album is due to be released this spring, but Mr Bennett will be unable to do promotional interviews. Mr Bennett, together with his wife and son (who is also his manager) decided to break the news, in the hopes that as many fans as possible know about what will likely be his final record. The neurologist who diagnosed Bennett in 2016,  Gayatri Devi, MD, said: “He is doing so many things, at 94, that many people without dementia cannot do. He really is the symbol of hope for someone with a cognitive disorder.”

Source: MedPage Today

Protein Synthesis Fix may Reverse Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s

Restoring protein synthesis in the brain may reverse the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s, according to a study by researchers from New York University (NYU) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Current Alzheimer’s treatment research focuses on reducing the phenomena linked to the disease, such as amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and neuroinflammation. The study aimed to determine whether restoring protein synthesis would also be beneficial.

“The synthesis of new proteins in the brain is essential for proper neuronal function and, notably, for memory consolidation. We and others have previously shown that impairments in brain protein synthesis contribute memory deficits in Alzheimer’s disease model mice, and that the brains of Alzheimer’s patients exhibit clear signs of impaired protein synthesis. We thus asked ourselves whether rescuing brain protein synthesis might be an approach to improve memory function in Alzheimer’s disease,” said co-senior author Sergio Ferreira, a professor at UFRJ.

“Given the complex nature of Alzheimer’s disease, identifying and targeting abnormal molecular pathways that effectively improve cognition has been challenging,” added co-senior author Eric Klann, a professor at NYU. “Our findings show that jump-starting protein synthesis in the brain can revive lost cognitive functions. We hope that this work can serve as a step forward in treating this devastating disease.”

Previous research found that a cellular quality control mechanism called the integrated stress response (ISR) was found to slow down protein synthesis to weed out problems like cancerous cells, but can get stuck in the ‘on’ position. In 2013, a drug called ISRIB was developed to reverse this (ISRIB stands for ISR InhiBitor). 

Previous research with ISRIB had shown positive results in restoring memory function in mice, months after traumatic brain injury (TBI), reversing cognitive impairments in Down Syndrome , preventing noise-related hearing loss, treating certain prostate cancers, and even cognitive enhancement in healthy animals.

The researchers determined that in Alzheimer’s patients, critical components of protein synthesis are depleted in the hippocampus. The researchers hypothesised that some cognitive function could be returned if protein synthesis was restored with ISRIB.  

The researchers used mice with Alzheimer’s-like conditions as a model. Testing the mice’s memory (eg with maze runs), they found memory function and hippocampal protein synthesis restored with ISRB. Restoration of hippocampal neural plasticity and memory functions was observed even in simulated advanced Alzheimer’s. 

The results indicate that restoring protein synthesis with drugs such as ISRIB, could work together towards reversing cognitive decline from Alzheimer’s in humans. 

Source: Medical Xpress

Journal information: “Correction of eIF2-dependent defects in brain protein synthesis, synaptic plasticity, and memory in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease,” stke.sciencemag.org/lookup/doi … 26/scisignal.abc5429

Obesity Adds to Alzheimer Severity

In addition to it being a risk factor for many known chronic diseases, obesity is an additional burden on cerebral health and may also be associated with the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study from the University of Sheffield and the University of Eastern Finland.  

The study used multimodal neural imaging and showed that obesity may contribute to the vulnerability of neural tissue, while maintaining a healthy weight helped to maintain brain structure in mid dementia Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease which accounts for two thirds of dementia in over 65s, is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and there is no cure at present.  

Lead author Professor Annalena Venneri from the University of Sheffield’s Neuroscience Institute and NIHR Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre, said: “More than 50 million people are thought to be living with Alzheimer’s disease and despite decades of ground breaking studies and a huge global research effort we still don’t have a cure for this cruel disease.

“Prevention plays such an important role in the fight against the disease. It is important to stress this study does not show that obesity causes Alzheimer’s, but what it does show is that being overweight is an additional burden on brain health and it may exacerbate the disease.”

She added that it was important to educate people early on in their lives as it was too late to wait until the 60s to lose weight as the disease lurks in the backgrounds.

The researchers examined MRI scans of the brains of 47 patients diagnosed with mild Alzheimer’s disease dementia, 68 patients with mild cognitive impairment, and 57 individuals who were cognitively healthy. Using three complementary, computational techniques, they studied the brain’s anatomy, blood flow and also the brain’s fibres.

They compared gray matter volume, white matter integrity, cerebral blood flow and obesity. Grey matter volume decreases in Alzheimer’s. In patients with mild Alzheimer’s, an association was found with obesity and grey matter volume around the right temporoparietal junction, suggesting obesity creates a neural vulnerability in cognitively impaired patients. The study also found that maintaining a healthy weight may help preserve brain structure in structure in the presence of age and disease-related weight loss.

Joint author Dr Matteo De Marco from the University of Sheffield’s Neuroscience Institute, said: “Weight-loss is commonly one of the first symptoms in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease as people forget to eat or begin to snack on easy-to-grab foods like biscuits or crisps, in place of more nutritional meals.

“We found that maintaining a healthy weight could help preserve brain structure in people who are already experiencing mild Alzheimer’s disease dementia. Unlike other diseases such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes, people don’t often think about the importance of nutrition in relation to neurological conditions, but these findings show it can help to preserve brain structure.”

Source: Medical Xpress

Journal information: Manmohi D. Dake et al, Obesity and Brain Vulnerability in Normal and Abnormal Aging: A Multimodal MRI Study, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports (2021). DOI: 10.3233/ADR-200267