Tag: Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer’s Drug may Slow Cognitive Decline in Dementia with Lewy Bodies

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Dementia with Lewy bodies is a type of dementia that is similar to both Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease but studies on long-term treatments are lacking. A new study from Karolinska Institutet, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, highlights the potential cognitive benefits of cholinesterase inhibitor treatment.

Lewy body disease, which includes dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson’s disease with and without dementia, is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, following Alzheimer’s disease. 

DLB accounts for approximately 10–15% of dementia cases and is characterised by changes in sleep, behaviour, cognition, movement, and regulation of automatic bodily functions. 

“There are currently no approved treatments for DLB, so doctors often use drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, such as cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, for symptom relief,” says Hong Xu, assistant professor at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet and first author of the paper. “However, the effectiveness of these treatments remains uncertain due to inconsistent trial results and limited long-term data.” 

In the current study, researchers have examined the long-term effects of cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and memantine compared with no treatment for up to ten years in 1,095 patients with DLB.

Slower cognitive decline

They found that ChEIs may slow down cognitive decline over five years compared to memantine or no treatment. ChEIs were also associated with a reduced risk of death in the first year after diagnosis. 

“Our results highlight the potential benefits of ChEIs for patients with DLB and support updating treatment guidelines,” says Maria Eriksdotter, professor at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet and last author of the paper.  

Due to the study’s observational nature, no conclusions can be drawn about causality. The researchers did not have data on patient lifestyle habits, frailty, blood pressure, and Alzheimer’s disease co-pathology, which may have influenced the findings. Another limitation of the study is that it remains challenging to diagnose DLB accurately. 

Source: Karolinska Institutet

Brain’s Support Cells Contribute to Alzheimer’s Disease by Producing Toxic Peptide

Targeting oligodendrocytes could help reduce amyloid beta production

Neurons in the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient, with plaques caused by tau proteins. Credit: NIH

Oligodendrocytes are an important source of amyloid beta (Aβ) and play a key role in promoting neuronal dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), according to a study published July 23, 2024 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Rikesh Rajani and Marc Aurel Busche from the UK Dementia Research Institute at University College London, and colleagues.

AD is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. Accumulation of Aβ – peptides consisting of 36 to 43 amino acids – is an early critical hallmark of the disease. Recent clinical trials demonstrating a slowing of cognitive and functional decline in individuals with AD who are treated with anti-Aβ antibodies reinforce the important role of Aβ in the disease process. Despite the key cellular effects of Aβ and its essential role in AD, the traditional assumption that neurons are the primary source of toxic Aβ in the brain has remained untested.

In the study, Rajani and Busche showed that non-neuronal brain cells called oligodendrocytes produce Aβ. They further demonstrated that selectively suppressing Aβ production in oligodendrocytes in an AD mouse model is sufficient to rescue abnormal neuronal hyperactivity. The results provide evidence for a critical role of oligodendrocyte-derived Aβ for early neuronal dysfunction in AD. Collectively, the findings suggest that targeting oligodendrocyte Aβ production could be a promising therapeutic strategy for treating AD.

According to the authors, the functional rescue is remarkable given the relatively modest reduction in plaque load that results from blocking oligodendrocyte Aβ production, while blocking neuronal Aβ production leads to a near elimination of plaques – another hallmark of the disease. This small contribution of oligodendrocytes to plaque load could suggest that a main effect of oligodendrocyte-derived Aβ is to promote neuronal dysfunction.

Together with the data showing an increased number of Aβ-producing oligodendrocytes in deeper cortical layers of the brains of individuals with AD, these results indicate that oligodendrocyte-derived Aβ plays a pivotal role in the early impairment of neuronal circuits in AD, which has important implications for how the disease progresses and is treated. The increased number of oligodendrocytes in human AD brains also raises the intriguing possibility that these cells could potentially offset reduced Aβ production due to neuronal loss as the disease progresses.

The authors add, “Our study challenges the long-held belief that neurons are the exclusive source of amyloid beta in the brain, one of the key toxic proteins that builds up in Alzheimer’s Disease. In fact, we show that oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells of the central nervous system, can also produce significant amounts of amyloid beta which impairs neuronal function, and suggests that targeting these cells may be a promising new strategy to treat Alzheimer’s Disease.”

Provided by PLOS

Those with Alzheimer’s Disease History on Mother’s Side have Increased Amyloid Proteins

Neurons in the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient, with plaques caused by tau proteins. Credit: NIH

A new study by investigators from Mass General Brigham suggests that whether a person inherits risk of Alzheimer’s disease from their mother or father influences risk of biological changes in the brain that lead to disease. By evaluating 4400 cognitively unimpaired adults ages 65–85, the team found those with a history of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) on either their mother’s side or both parents’ sides had increased amyloid in their brains. Their results are published in JAMA Neurology.

“Our study found if participants had a family history on their mother’s side, a higher amyloid level was observed,” said senior corresponding author Hyun-Sik Yang, MD, a neurologist at Mass General Brigham.

Yang said that previous smaller studies have investigated the role family history plays in Alzheimer’s disease. Some of those studies suggested maternal history represented a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s, but the group wanted to revisit the question with cognitively normal participants and access to a larger clinical trial data set.

The team examined the family history of older adults from the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer’s (A4) study, a randomized clinical trial aimed at AD prevention. Participants were asked about memory loss symptom onset of their parents. Researchers also asked if their parents were ever formally diagnosed or if there was autopsy confirmation of Alzheimer’s disease.

“Some people decide not to pursue a formal diagnosis and attribute memory loss to age, so we focused on a memory loss and dementia phenotype,” Yang said.

Researchers then compared those answers and measured amyloid in participants. They found maternal history of memory impairment at all ages and paternal history of early-onset memory impairment was associated with higher amyloid levels in the asymptomatic study participants. Researchers observed that having only a paternal history of late-onset memory impairment was not associated with higher amyloid levels.

“If your father had early onset symptoms, that is associated with elevated levels in the offspring,” said Mabel Seto, PhD, first author and a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Neurology at the Brigham. “However, it doesn’t matter when your mother started developing symptoms – if she did at all, it’s associated with elevated amyloid.”

Seto works on other projects related to sex differences in neurology. She said the results of the study are fascinating because Alzheimer’s tends to be more prevalent in women. “It’s really interesting from a genetic perspective to see one sex contributing something the other sex isn’t,” Seto said. She also noted the findings were not affected by whether study participants were biologically male or female.

Yang noted one limitation of the study is some participants’ parents died young, before they could potentially develop symptoms of cognitive impairment. He said social factors like access to resources and education may have also played a role in when someone acknowledged cognitive impairment and if they were ever formally diagnosed.

“It’s also important to note a majority of these participants are non-Hispanic white,” Seto added. “We might not see the same effect in other races and ethnicities.”

Seto said the next steps are to expand the study to look at other groups and examine how parental history affects cognitive decline and amyloid accumulation over time and why DNA from the mother plays a role.

Reisa Sperling, MD, a co-author on the paper, principal investigator of the A4 Study and a neurologist at Mass General Brigham, said the findings could be used soon in clinical translation.

“This work indicates that maternal inheritance of Alzheimer’s disease may be an important factor in identifying asymptomatic individuals for ongoing and future prevention trials,” Sperling said.

Source: Mass General Brigham

In Alzheimer’s, Bungled Instructions are Carried between Neurons

Neurons in the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient, with plaques caused by tau proteins. Credit: NIH

In findings published in Cell Reports, researchers discovered that the biological instructions within vesicles that communicate between cells differed significantly in postmortem brain samples donated from patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are tiny containers are produced by most cells in the body to ferry a wide variety of proteins, lipids and byproducts of cellular metabolism, as well as RNA nucleic acid codes used by recipient cells to construct new proteins.

Because this biologically active cargo can easily elicit changes in other cells, scientists are interested in brain sEVs as a medium for passing along normal as well as bungled instructions for misfolded proteins that accumulate in the brain as neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease progress.

To be a potential contributor to the buildup of unwanted proteins, sEVs would have to carry blueprints with sufficient information to enable other cells to produce the problematic proteins. Most previous research had indicated that the messenger RNA (mRNA) carrying plans for proteins were chopped into too many shorter fragments to allow recipient cells to change their construction patterns.

“We found quite the opposite to be true in our study,” says senior author Jerold Chun, MD, PhD, professor in the Center for Genetic Disorders and Aging Research at Sanford Burnham Prebys. “We identified more than 10 000 full-length mRNAs through the use of a relatively newer DNA sequencing technique called PacBio long-read sequencing.”

The team isolated sEVs from the prefrontal cortex of 12 postmortem brain samples donated from patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and 12 from donors without Alzheimer’s disease (or any other known neurological disease). Nearly 80% of identified mRNAs were full-length, allowing them to be transcribed by recipient cells into viable proteins.

“To corroborate the results of long-read sequencing in the human samples, we also looked at vesicles isolated from mouse cells,” says first author Linnea Ransom, PhD, postdoctoral fellow. “We found similar averages of between 78% and 86% full-length transcripts in three brain cell types: astrocytes, microglia and neurons.”

The researchers also compared the sequence of genes reflected in the sEV mRNA transcriptome. In Alzheimer’s disease samples, 700 genes showed increased expression whereas nearly 1500 were found to have reduced activity.

The scientists determined that the 700 upregulated genes are associated with inflammation and immune system activation, which fits within known patterns of brain inflammation present in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers also found many genes associated with Alzheimer’s disease in prior genome-wide association studies also were present in Alzheimer’s disease sEVs.

“The changes in gene expression contained in these vesicles reveal an inflammatory signature that may serve as a window into disease processes occurring in the brain as Alzheimer’s disease progresses,” says Chun.

Following this study, Chun and team will dig deeper into how cells package sEVs and how the enclosed mRNA codes lead to functional changes in other brain cells affected in Alzheimer’s disease. Better understanding of sEVs and their mRNA contents may enable the discovery of biomarkers that could be used to improve early detection of Alzheimer’s disease and potentially other neurological conditions, while identifying new disease mechanisms to provide new therapeutic targets.

“Additionally, sEVs naturally occur as a vehicle for transporting biologically active cargo between cells, so it also may be possible to leverage them as a targeted delivery system for future brain therapies” says Chun.

Source: Sanford-Burnham Prebys

Wide-ranging Animal Studies Link pH Changes to Cognitive and Psychiatric Disorders

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A global collaborative research group has identified brain energy metabolism dysfunction leading to altered pH and lactate levels as common hallmarks in numerous animal models of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. These include models of intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depressive disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease. The findings were published in eLife.

The research group, comprising 131 researchers from 105 laboratories across seven countries, sheds light on altered energy metabolism as a key factor in various neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. While considered controversial, an elevated lactate level and the resulting decrease in pH is now also proposed as a potential primary component of these diseases. Unlike previous assumptions associating these changes with external factors like medicationa, the research group’s previous findings suggest that they may be intrinsic to the disorders. This conclusion was drawn from five animal models of schizophrenia/developmental disorders, bipolar disorder, and autism, which are exempt from such confounding factorsb. However, research on brain pH and lactate levels in animal models of other neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders has been limited. Until now, it was unclear whether such changes in the brain were a common phenomenon. Additionally, the relationship between alterations in brain pH and lactate levels and specific behavioural abnormalities had not been clearly established.

This study, encompassing 109 strains/conditions of mice, rats, and chicks, including animal models related to neuropsychiatric conditions, reveals that changes in brain pH and lactate levels are a common feature in a diverse range of animal models of conditions, including schizophrenia/developmental disorders, bipolar disorder, autism, as well as models of depression, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease. This study’s significant insights include:

I. Common Phenomenon Across Disorders: About 30% of the 109 types of animal models exhibited significant changes in brain pH and lactate levels, emphasising the widespread occurrence of energy metabolism changes in the brain across various neuropsychiatric conditions.

II. Environmental Factors as a Cause: Models simulating depression through psychological stress, and those induced to develop diabetes or colitis, which have a high comorbidity risk for depression, showed decreased brain pH and increased lactate levels. Various acquired environmental factors could contribute to these changes.

III. Cognitive Impairment Link: A comprehensive analysis integrating behavioural test data revealed a predominant association between increased brain lactate levels and impaired working memory, illuminating an aspect of cognitive dysfunction.

IV. Confirmation in Independent Cohort: These associations, particularly between higher brain lactate levels and poor working memory performance, were validated in an independent cohort of animal models, reinforcing the initial findings.

V. Autism Spectrum Complexity: Variable responses were noted in autism models, with some showing increased pH and decreased lactate levels, suggesting subpopulations within the autism spectrum with diverse metabolic patterns.

“This is the first and largest systematic study evaluating brain pH and lactate levels across a range of animal models for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Our findings may lay the groundwork for new approaches to develop the transdiagnostic characterisation of different disorders involving cognitive impairment,” states Dr Hideo Hagihara, the study’s lead author.

Professor Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, the corresponding author, explains, “This research could be a stepping stone towards identifying shared therapeutic targets in various neuropsychiatric disorders. Future studies will centre on uncovering treatment strategies that are effective across diverse animal models with brain pH changes. This could significantly contribute to developing tailored treatments for patient subgroups characterized by specific alterations in brain energy metabolism.”

The exact mechanism behind the reduction in pH and the increase in lactate levels remains elusive. But the authors suggest that, since lactate production increases in response to neural hyperactivity to meet the energy demand, this might be the underlying reason.

Source: Fujita Health University

Familial Alzheimer’s Disease Transferred via Bone Marrow Transplant in Mice Experiment

Photo by Mari Lezhava on Unsplash

Familial Alzheimer’s disease can be transferred via bone marrow transplant, researchers show in the journal Stem Cell Reports. When the team transplanted bone marrow stem cells from mice carrying a hereditary version of Alzheimer’s disease into normal lab mice, the recipients developed Alzheimer’s disease – and at an accelerated rate.

The study highlights the role of amyloid that originates outside of the brain in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, which changes the paradigm of Alzheimer’s from being a disease that is exclusively produced in the brain to a more systemic disease. Based on their findings, the researchers say that donors of blood, tissue, organ, and stem cells should be screened for Alzheimer’s disease to prevent its inadvertent transfer during blood product transfusions and cellular therapies.

“This supports the idea that Alzheimer’s is a systemic disease where amyloids that are expressed outside of the brain contribute to central nervous system pathology,” says senior author and immunologist Wilfred Jefferies, of the University of British Columbia. “As we continue to explore this mechanism, Alzheimer’s disease may be the tip of the iceberg and we need to have far better controls and screening of the donors used in blood, organ and tissue transplants as well as in the transfers of human derived stem cells or blood products.”

To test whether a peripheral source of amyloid could contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s in the brain, the researchers transplanted bone marrow containing stem cells from mice carrying a familial version of the disease — a variant of the human amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene, which, when cleaved, misfolded and aggregated, forms the amyloid plaques that are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. They performed transplants into two different strains of recipient mice: APP-knockout mice that lacked an APP gene altogether, and mice that carried a normal APP gene.

In this model of heritable Alzheimer’s disease, mice usually begin developing plaques at 9 to 10 months of age, and behavioural signs of cognitive decline begin to appear at 11 to 12 months of age. Surprisingly, the transplant recipients began showing symptoms of cognitive decline much earlier – at 6 months post-transplant for the APP-knockout mice and at 9 months for the “normal” mice.

“The fact that we could see significant behavioural differences and cognitive decline in the APP-knockouts at 6 months was surprising but also intriguing because it just showed the appearance of the disease that was being accelerated after being transferred,” says first author Chaahat Singh of the University of British Columbia.

In mice, signs of cognitive decline present as an absence of normal fear and a loss of short and long-term memory. Both groups of recipient mice also showed clear molecular and cellular hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, including leaky blood-brain barriers and buildup of amyloid in the brain.

Observing the transfer of disease in APP-knockout mice that lacked an APP gene altogether, the team concluded that the mutated gene in the donor cells can cause the disease and observing that recipient animals that carried a normal APP gene are susceptible to the disease suggests that the disease can be transferred to health individuals.

Because the transplanted stem cells were hematopoietic cells, meaning that they could develop into blood and immune cells but not neurons, the researchers’ demonstration of amyloid in the brains of APP knockout mice shows definitively that Alzheimer’s disease can result from amyloid that is produced outside of the central nervous system.

Finally the source of the disease in mice is a human APP gene demonstrating the mutated human gene can transfer the disease in a different species.

In future studies, the researchers plan to test whether transplanting tissues from normal mice to mice with familial Alzheimer’s could mitigate the disease and to test whether the disease is also transferable via other types of transplants or transfusions and to expand the investigation of the transfer of disease between species.

“In this study, we examined bone marrow and stem cells transplantation. However, next it will be important to examine if inadvertent transmission of disease takes place during the application of other forms of cellular therapies, as well as to directly examine the transfer of disease from contaminated sources, independent from cellular mechanisms,” says Jefferies.

Source: Cell Press

Human Brains are Getting Larger, which may Protect against Dementia

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A new study by researchers at UC Davis Health found human brains are getting larger. Study participants born in the 1970s had 6.6% larger brain volumes and almost 15% larger brain surface area than those born in the 1930s. The researchers hypothesise that the increased brain size may lead to an increased brain reserve, potentially reducing the overall risk of age-related dementias.

The findings were published in JAMA Neurology.

“The decade someone is born appears to impact brain size and potentially long-term brain health,” said first author Charles DeCarli, a distinguished professor of neurology and director of the UC Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.

“Genetics plays a major role in determining brain size, but our findings indicate external influences – such as health, social, cultural and educational factors – may also play a role.”

75-year study reveals brain changes between generations

The researchers used brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) from participants in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS). The community-based study was launched in 1948 in Framingham, Massachusetts, to analyse patterns of cardiovascular and other diseases.

The original cohort consisted of 5209 men and women between the ages of 30 and 62. The research has continued for 75 years and now includes second and third generations of participants.

The MRIs were conducted between 1999 and 2019 with FHS participants born during the 1930s through the 1970s.

The brain study consisted of 3226 participants (53% female, 47% male) with an average age of about 57 at the time of the MRI.

The research led by UC Davis compared the MRIs of people born in the 1930s to those born in the 1970s.

It found gradual but consistent increases in several brain structures.

For example, a measure that looked at brain volume (intracranial volume) showed steady increases decade by decade.

For participants born in the 1930s, the average volume was 1234mL, but for those born in the 1970s, the volume was 1321 mL, or about 6.6% greater volume.

Cortical surface area showed an even greater increase over the decades.

Participants born in the 1970s had an average surface area of 2104cm2 compared to 2056cm2 for participants born in the 1930s — almost a 15% increase in volume.

The researchers found brain structures such as white matter, gray matter and hippocampus (a brain region involved in learning and memory) also increased in size when comparing participants born in the 1930s to those born in the 1970s.

Larger brains may mean lower incidence of dementia

Although the numbers are rising with America’s aging population, the incidence of Alzheimer’s – the percentage of the population affected by the disease – is decreasing.

A previous study found a 20% reduction in the incidence of dementia per decade since the 1970s.

Improved brain health and size may be one reason why.

“Larger brain structures like those observed in our study may reflect improved brain development and improved brain health,” DeCarli said.

“A larger brain structure represents a larger brain reserve and may buffer the late-life effects of age-related brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and related dementias.”

One of the study’s strengths is the design of the FHS study, which allows the researchers to examine brain imaging of three generations of participants with birthdates spanning almost 80 years.

A limitation is that non-Hispanic white participants make up the majority of the FHS cohort, which is not representative of the U.S. population.

Source: University of California – Davis Health

How Gamma Rhythm Light and Sound Strips Amyloid in Alzheimer’s Mouse Models

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Studies at MIT and elsewhere are producing mounting evidence that light flickering and sound clicking at the gamma brain rhythm frequency of 40Hz can reduce Alzheimer’s disease (AD) progression and treat symptoms in human volunteers as well as lab mice. In a new study in Nature using a mouse model of the disease, researchers at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory of MIT reveal a key mechanism that may contribute to these beneficial effects: clearance of amyloid proteins, a hallmark of AD pathology, via the brain’s glymphatic system, a recently discovered “plumbing” network parallel to the brain’s blood vessels.

“Ever since we published our first results in 2016, people have asked me how does it work? Why 40Hz? Why not some other frequency?” said study senior author Li-Huei Tsai, Professor of Neuroscience at Picower. “These are indeed very important questions we have worked very hard in the lab to address.”

The new paper describes a series of experiments, led by Mitch Murdock when he was a Brain and Cognitive Sciences doctoral student at MIT, showing that when sensory gamma stimulation increases 40 Hz power and synchrony in the brains of mice, that prompts a particular type of neuron to release peptides. The study results further suggest that those short protein signals then drive specific processes that promote increased amyloid clearance via the glymphatic system.

“We do not yet have a linear map of the exact sequence of events that occurs,” said Murdock, who was jointly supervised by Tsai and co-author and collaborator Ed Boyden, Professor of Neurotechnology at MIT. “But the findings in our experiments support this clearance pathway through the major glymphatic routes.”

From gamma to glymphatics

Because prior research has shown that the glymphatic system is a key conduit for brain waste clearance and may be regulated by brain rhythms, Tsai and Murdock’s team hypothesised that it might help explain the lab’s prior observations that gamma sensory stimulation reduces amyloid levels in Alzheimer’s model mice.

Working with “5XFAD” mice, which genetically model Alzheimer’s, Murdock and co-authors first replicated the lab’s prior results that 40Hz sensory stimulation increases 40Hz neuronal activity in the brain and reduces amyloid levels. Then they set out to measure whether there was any correlated change in the fluids that flow through the glymphatic system to carry away wastes. Indeed, they measured increases in cerebrospinal fluid in the brain tissue of mice treated with sensory gamma stimulation compared to untreated controls. They also measured an increase in the rate of interstitial fluid leaving the brain. Moreover, in the gamma-treated mice he measured increased diameter of the lymphatic vessels that drain away the fluids and measured increased accumulation of amyloid in cervical lymph nodes, which is the drainage site for that flow.

To investigate how this increased fluid flow might be happening, the team focused on the aquaporin 4 (AQP4) water channel of astrocyte cells, which enables the cells to facilitate glymphatic fluid exchange. When they blocked APQ4 function with a chemical, that prevented sensory gamma stimulation from reducing amyloid levels and prevented it from improving mouse learning and memory. And when, as an added test they used a genetic technique for disrupting AQP4, that also interfered with gamma-driven amyloid clearance.

In addition to the fluid exchange promoted by APQ4 activity in astrocytes, another mechanism by which gamma waves promote glymphatic flow is by increasing the pulsation of neighbouring blood vessels. Several measurements showed stronger arterial pulsatility in mice subjected to sensory gamma stimulation compared to untreated controls.

One of the best new techniques for tracking how a condition, such as sensory gamma stimulation, affects different cell types is to sequence their RNA to track changes in how they express their genes. Using this method, Tsai and Murdock’s team saw that gamma sensory stimulation indeed promoted changes consistent with increased astrocyte AQP4 activity.

Prompted by peptides

The RNA sequencing data also revealed that upon gamma sensory stimulation a subset of neurons, called “interneurons,” experienced a notable uptick in the production of several peptides. This was not surprising in the sense that peptide release is known to be dependent on brain rhythm frequencies, but it was still notable because one peptide in particular, VIP, is associated with Alzheimer’s-fighting benefits and helps to regulate vascular cells, blood flow and glymphatic clearance.

Seizing on this intriguing result, the team ran tests that revealed increased VIP in the brains of gamma-treated mice. The researchers also used a sensor of peptide release and observed that sensory gamma stimulation resulted in an increase in peptide release from VIP-expressing interneurons.

But did this gamma-stimulated peptide release mediate the glymphatic clearance of amyloid? To find out, the team ran another experiment: they chemically shut down the VIP neurons. When they did so, and then exposed mice to sensory gamma stimulation, they found that there was no longer an increase in arterial pulsatility and there was no more gamma-stimulated amyloid clearance.

“We think that many neuropeptides are involved,” Murdock said. Tsai added that a major new direction for the lab’s research will be determining what other peptides or other molecular factors may be driven by sensory gamma stimulation.

Tsai and Murdock added that while this paper focuses on what is likely an important mechanism – glymphatic clearance of amyloid – by which sensory gamma stimulation helps the brain, it’s probably not the only underlying mechanism that matters. The clearance effects shown in this study occurred rather rapidly but in lab experiments and clinical studies weeks or months of chronic sensory gamma stimulation have been needed to have sustained effects on cognition.

With each new study, however, scientists learn more about how sensory stimulation of brain rhythms may help treat neurological disorders.

Source: Picower Institute at MIT

Yoga Provides Unique Cognitive Benefits to Older Women at Risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Photo by Mikhail Nilov

A new UCLA Health study found Kundalini yoga provided several benefits to cognition and memory for older women at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease including restoring neural pathways, preventing brain matter decline and reversing aging and inflammation-associated biomarkers – improvements not seen in a group who received standard memory training exercises.

The findings, published in the journal Translational Psychiatry, are the latest in a series of studies led by UCLA Health researchers over the past 15 years into the comparative effects of yoga and traditional memory enhancement training on slowing cognitive decline and addressing other risk factors of dementia.

Led by UCLA Health psychiatrist Dr. Helen Lavretsky of the Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, this latest study sought to determine whether Kundalini yoga could be used early on to prevent cognitive decline and trajectories of Alzheimer’s disease among postmenopausal women.

Women have about twice the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease compared to men due to several factors including longer life expectancy, changes in oestrogen levels during menopause and genetics.

In the new study, a group of more than 60 women ages 50 and older who had self-reported memory issues and cerebrovascular risk factors were recruited from a UCLA cardiology clinic. The women were divided evenly into two groups. The first group participated in weekly Kundalini yoga sessions for 12 weeks while the other one group underwent weekly memory enhancement training during the same time period. Participants were also provided daily homework assignments.

Kundalini yoga is a method that focuses on meditation and breath work more so than physical poses. Memory enhancement training developed by the UCLA Longevity centre includes a variety of exercises, such as using stories to remember items on a list or organising items on a grocery list, to help preserve or improve long-term memory of patients.

Researchers assessed the women’s cognition, subjective memory, depression and anxiety after the first 12 weeks and again 12 weeks later to determine how stable any improvements were. Blood samples were also taken to test for gene expression of aging markers and for molecules associated with inflammation, which are contributing factors to Alzheimer’s disease. A handful of patients were also assessed with MRIs to study changes in brain matter.

Researchers found the Kundalini yoga group participants saw several improvements not experienced by the memory enhancement training group. These included significant improvement in subjective memory complaints, prevention in brain matter declines, increased connectivity in the hippocampus which manages stress-related memories, and improvement in the peripheral cytokines and gene expression of anti-inflammatory and anti-aging molecules.

“That is what yoga is good for – to reduce stress, to improve brain health, subjective memory performance and reduce inflammation and improve neuroplasticity,” Lavretsky said.

Among the memory enhancement training group, the main improvements were found to be in the participants’ long-term memory.

Neither group saw changes in anxiety, depression, stress or resilience, though Lavretsky stated this is likely because the participants were relatively healthy and were not depressed.

While the long-term effects of Kundalini yoga on preventing or delaying Alzheimer’s disease require further study, Lavretsky said the study demonstrates that using yoga and memory training in tandem could provide more comprehensive benefits to the cognition of older women.

“Ideally, people should do both because they do train different parts of the brain and have different overall health effects,” Lavretsky said. “Yoga has this anti-inflammatory, stress-reducing, anti-aging neuroplastic brain effect which would be complementary to memory training.”

Source: University of California – Los Angeles Health Sciences

Difficulty in Navigating could Predict Alzheimer’s Years Before Symptom Onset

People at risk of Alzheimer’s disease have impaired spatial navigation before they develop problems with other cognitive functions, including memory, finds a new study led by UCL researchers.

The research, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, used virtual reality to test the spatial navigation of 100 asymptomatic midlife adults, aged 43-66, from the PREVENT-Dementia prospective cohort study.

Participants had a hereditary or physiological risk of Alzheimer’s disease, due to either a gene (the APOE-ε4 allele) that puts them at risk of the condition, a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, or lifestyle risk factors such as low levels of physical activity. Crucially, these participants were around 25 years younger than their estimated age of dementia onset.

Led by Professor Dennis Chan, the study used a test designed by Dr Andrea Castegnaro and Professor Neil Burgess (all UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience), in which participants were asked to navigate within a virtual environment while wearing VR headsets.

The researchers found that people at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, regardless of risk factor, were selectively impaired on the VR navigation task, without a corresponding impairment on other cognitive tests. The authors say their findings suggest that impairments in spatial navigation may begin to develop years, or even decades, before the onset of any other symptoms.

First author, Dr Coco Newton (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience), who carried out the work while at University of Cambridge said: “Our results indicated that this type of navigation behaviour change might represent the very earliest diagnostic signal in the Alzheimer’s disease continuum — when people move from being unimpaired to showing manifestation of the disease.”

The researchers also found that there was a strong gender difference in how participants performed, with the impairment being observed in men and not women.

Dr Newton added: “We are now taking these findings forward to develop a diagnostic clinical decision support tool for the NHS in the coming years, which is a completely new way of approaching diagnostics and will hopefully help people to get a more timely and accurate diagnosis.

“This is particularly important with the emergence of anti-amyloid treatments for Alzheimer’s, which are considered to be most effective in the earliest stages of the disease.

“It also highlights the need for further study of the differing vulnerability of men and women to Alzheimer’s disease and the importance of taking gender into account for both diagnosis and future treatment.”

Professor Chan said: “We are excited by these findings for two main reasons. First, they improve detection of the clinical onset of Alzheimer’s disease, critical for prompt application of treatments.

“Second, the VR navigation test is based on our knowledge of the spatial properties of cells in the brain’s temporal lobe, and the application of cellular neuroscience to clinical populations helps bridge the gap in understanding how disease at the neuronal level can result in the clinical manifestation of disease. This knowledge gap currently represents one of the biggest barriers to progress in Alzheimer’s research.”

Source: University College London