Tag: adolescents

Teens at Risk of Psychopathy Struggle with Moral Judgments

Teenagers with high levels of callous-unemotional traits demonstrate lower levels of anticipated guilt towards the possibility of committing an immoral act and struggle to judge an immoral act as a wrong one.

In the study, researchers examined the callous traits, ie the lack of empathy and disregard for the wellbeing and feelings of others, of 47 adolescents from the Portuguese Population between 15 and 18 years old. The adolescent participants viewed video animations portraying examples of moral transgressions, such as incriminating someone or keeping money that fell from someone else’s pocket. “This approach allowed us to create more realistic scenarios that happen in daily life,” explained Oscar Gonçalves, a neuroscientist at Proaction Lab and co-author of the study. 
The participants were asked how guilty they would feel if they were the ones to commit the moral transgressions and how unethical they felt those actions to be.

The study results differ from what is known about psychopaths, despite the callous-unemotional traits in adolescents being known to be precursors of psychopathy in adulthood. “Adults with psychopathic traits show low levels of anticipated guilt but consider immoral actions as wrong. However, in our study, adolescents with high CU levels show levels of guilt and judge immoral actions as less wrong,” explained first author Margarida Vasconcelos.

But evidence was found of a dissociation between moral emotions and moral judgment, that is, between the feelings of guilt and the judgment of immoral actions. “Even in adolescents with sub-clinical levels of callous-unemotional traits, this dissociation typical in psychopathy in adulthood is already happening during development,” explained study coordinator Ana Seara Cardoso.

The study’s results will “contribute to the development of a severe anti-social behavior model” and allow the “development of intervention targets, rehabilitation and early prevention of anti-social behavior,” said Cardoso.

Source: Medical Xpress

Happier Memories in Teens Linked to Less Alcohol and Marijuana Use

A study of teenage American students has found that happy childhood memories, along with a positive view of the present and outlook for the future are associated with reduced alcohol use, binge drinking and marijuana use. 

Researchers say that action is needed because COVID restrictions have left teenagers isolated and vulnerable. Quarantining results in anxiety, stress and feelings of loneliness in children and adolescents, and the closure of schools has also taken away mental health support systems which some teenagers may rely on.

John Mark Froiland of Purdue University said: “School often seems a source of stress and anxiety to students. This puts them at greater risk of not participating in lessons, getting lower grades and of substance misuse. Many teenagers also aren’t engaging with online learning during Covid or have lower engagement levels.

“But they’re more likely to be enthusiastic learners and not use drink and drugs if teachers take time to build more positive relationships with them. They can help students see that everything they’re learning is truly valuable. Parents have a role to play too.”

The study was based on questionnaires completed by 1961 student participants in San Francisco, of which 53% were female. The researchers examined how happy the students believed their childhood was, how happy they were currently and how optimistic they were about their futures.

In addition, they looked at alcohol and marijuana use over the past 30 days and binge use, as well as academic grades, behaviour during lessons and motivation.

Positive attitudes towards the past, present and future was associated with lower alcohol use, binge drinking and marijuana use, while the reverse was true for negative attitudes.

An optimistic outlook increased the likelihood that they would be motivated and focus on learning. Other findings included drinking being associated with marijuana use, and that girls had better behavioural engagement than boys.

Source: News-Medical.Net

Journal information: Froiland, J.M., et al. (2020) Positive and negative time attitudes, intrinsic motivation, behavioral engagement and substance use among urban adolescents. Addiction Research & Theory. doi.org/10.1080/16066359.2020.1857740.