Tag: addiction

No Smoking Uptick in COVID Pandemic – Unlike Other Disasters

Photo by Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash

Unlike other population-level stressful events such as natural disasters, COVID has not resulted in a net increase in smoking, according to a new study from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Project, at the University of Waterloo.

However, the researchers also found that although nearly half of smokers reported that COVID caused them to consider quitting, the vast majority of smokers did not change their smoking habits during the early phase of the COVID pandemic.

Stress is known to be a significant risk factor for smoking, especially in females. The study surveyed 6870 smokers and vapers in  Australia, Canada, England, and the United States between April and June 2020. The team investigated the association between COVID and thoughts about quitting smoking, changes in smoking, and factors related to positive changes such as attempting to quit or reducing smoking.

Only 1.1 per cent of smokers in the four countries attempted to quit and 14.2 percent reduced smoking, but this was offset by the 14.6 percent who increased smoking, with 70.2 percent reported no change.

“It is important to note that population-level stressful events, such as 9/11 and natural disasters, have often led to increased smoking,” said Geoffrey Fong, professor of psychology at Waterloo and principal investigator of the ITC Project. “So, our findings that there was no net increase in smoking in response to COVID may actually represent a positive result for public health.”

The study found that those who considered quitting smoking due to COVID were mostly females, ethnic minorities, those under financial stress, current vapers, less dependent smokers, those with greater concern about personal susceptibility of infection, and those who believed COVID is more severe for smokers.

According to study co-author Fong, this latter finding may explain why a significant uptick in smoking was seen in the COVID pandemic, compared to past tragedies.

“Unlike other population stressors such as earthquakes, which are unrelated to smoking, COVID severity is indeed linked to smoking,” Fong said. “Public health officials have mentioned the link as yet another reason for smokers to quit, and over 80 percent of smokers across the four countries believed that smoking made COVID more severe. And this led to the lack of an increase in smoking, unlike what we have seen after other tragedies.”

Source: EurekAlert!

Journal information: Gravely, S., et al. (2021) Smokers’ cognitive and behavioural reactions during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from the 2020 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey. PLOS ONE. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0252427.

New Insights into Genetic Risk for Nicotine Dependence

Photo by Sabine R on Unsplash

A new study has developed a new model for examining the genetic risk for nicotine dependence. 

Tobacco smoking carries undeniable health risks, and being unable to quit or moderate smoking draws out the problem. While some people may be casual smokers and can easily quit, others become heavy smokers who struggle to quit. This risk for nicotine dependence comes from a complex mix of environmental, behavioural, and genetic factors.

Twins studies indicate that 40 to 70 percent of the risk factors are heritable. Until recently, however, studies have only explained about 1 percent of the observed variation in liability to nicotine dependence, using a genetic score based on how many cigarettes a person smokes per day.

The new study led by psychologists at Emory University leveraged genome-wide association studies for a range of different traits and disorders correlated with nicotine dependence and explained 3.6 percent of the variation in nicotine dependence. The findings were reported in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research.

Higher polygenetic scores for a risk for schizophrenia, depression, neuroticism, self-reported risk-taking, a high body mass index, alcohol use disorder, along with more cigarettes smoked a day were all indicators of a higher risk for nicotine dependence, the researchers found. Meanwhile, the results showed that polygenetic scores associated with higher education attainment lowered the risk for nicotine dependence.

Senior author Rohan Palmer, assistant professor, Behavioral Genetics of Addiction Laboratory, Emory University explained: “If you look at the joint effect of all of these characteristics, our model accounts for nearly 4 percent of the variation in nicotine dependence, or nearly four times as much as what we learn when relying solely on a genetic index for the number of cigarettes someone smokes daily,”

“What we’re finding,” Prof Palmer added, “is that to better leverage genetic information, we need to go beyond individual human traits and disorders and think about how risk for different behaviors and traits are interrelated. This broader approach can give us a much better measure for whether someone is at risk for a mental disorder, such as nicotine dependence.”

“All of the traits and diseases we looked at are polygenic, involving multiple genes,” added first author Victoria Risner, who did the work as an Emory undergraduate majoring in neuroscience and behavioural biology. “That means that millions of genetic variants likely go into a complete picture for all of the heritable risks for nicotine dependence.”

The researchers hope that others will build on their multi-trait, polygenetic model and continue to boost the understanding of the risk for such complex disorders. “The more we learn, the closer we can get to one day having a genetic test that clinicians can use to inform their assessment of someone’s risk for nicotine dependence,” Prof Palmer said.

Though smoking hazards are well known, about 14 percent of Americans use tobacco daily. Around half a million people die each year in the US from smoking or exposure to smoke, and another 16 million have serious illnesses caused by tobacco use, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and pulmonary disease. While chemicals produced during smoking and vaping cause the health impacts, nicotine hooks people on these habits.

Risner worked on this paper for her Honours thesis. “Nicotine dependence was interesting to me because the vaping scene was just arriving while I was an undergraduate,” she says. “I saw some of my own friends who were into vaping quickly becoming dependent on it, while some others who were using the same products didn’t. I was curious about the genetic underpinnings of this difference.” Risner is now in medical school at University of North Carolina.

The work made use of genome-wide association studies for a range of traits and disorders. The researchers then sought matching variants in genetic data from a nationally representative sample of Americans with nicotine dependence. Polygenetic scores for the different traits and disorders either raised or lowered the risk for that dependence. The strongest predictors were number of cigarettes smoked per day, self-perceived risk-taking, and educational attainment.

The multi-variant, polygenetic model offers a path forward. For instance, a clearer picture of heritability for nicotine dependence, may be gained by adding more risk associations to the model (such as nicotine metabolism) and clusters of polygenic traits (such as anxiety along with neuroticism).

“As we continue to zero in on who is most at risk for becoming nicotine dependent, and what inter-related factors, whether genetic or environmental, may raise their risk, that could help determine what intervention might work best for an individual,” Prof Palmer said.

“Just a few decades ago, it was not well understood that nicotine dependence could have a genetic component,” Risner said. “Genetic studies may help reduce some of the stigma society has against substance use disorders, while also making treatment more accessible.”

Source: Emory Health Sciences

Journal information: Risner, V A., et al. (2021) Multi-Polygenic Analysis of Nicotine Dependence in Individuals of European Ancestry. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntab105.

Physician’s Personal Brush with Opioid Addiction

For Kevin Lamb, MD,  the opioid crisis became real to him in 2009. 

Once, he said, he had spoken at a leadership forum on opioid abuse, about the role of hospital systems in addressing it. Thinking over what to say, he “realized there was very little I could add. The crisis is epidemic, and hospitals are ill-prepared to do anything proactive. It is that overwhelming.” But leading medical missions made him realise that the rest of the world has overwhelming needs too, which only become real once they are experienced firsthand.

Since transparency is so important, he decided to share his own story.

“This is my story of how close I came to going down that perilous path that is opioid addiction (or any addiction for that matter). I was fortunate that I stopped before I went too far down that path. Unfortunately, too many are unable to stop and continue the downward spiral toward that deep, dark pit called despair and its brother hopelessness. If this could happen to me, it could happen to anyone. If my story prevents even one of you from experiencing this, then the trepidation I feel sharing this will be worth it.”

His story began following his first back surgery in 2009 for an acutely herniated disc that occurred while leading a medical mission in Eastern Europe, which he said was the worst pain he had ever experienced, leaving him with a weak, numb right leg. Having to be carried to bed, living in very basic conditions, with no running water and power interruptions, he feared his condition would force him to be evacuated, although he was able to regain neurologic function for a short while, finishing the mission. 

He went in for surgery two days after getting home. He received Oxycontin with a refill, which at the time was common practice, and it eased the pain and had a calming effect, he said. Before the trip, he had experienced a lot of stress, and now being on medical leave he enjoyed the feeling of relief that it gave.

However, as the pills started to run out, he felt embarrassed at the thought of having to request a refill, at being thought of as an addict. But after he used the last pill, withdrawal symptoms kicked in — restlessness, abdominal cramping, diarrhea. “Though relatively mild, it frightened me. I never imagined I could become physically and mentally dependent. I thought this only happened to people who were ‘weak’ or lacked ‘self-discipline’. I was wrong,” he recalled.

He said that besides “scary and humbling”, it was also “surreal… “If it could happen to me, it could happen to anyone!” he warned. The reality is that many in the medical profession are at risk, the pressures of the profession can mean that substance abuse is an easy escape with devastating consequences.

He concluded, hoping that by sharing his story he could make a difference. “My fervent desire is that it will make this crisis more personal and thus more real to you. Only then can you better know the enemy you face and how best to defeat it.”

Source: KevinMD

Recreational Substances Including Cannabis Linked to Heart Disease

Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis are among recreational drugs that contribute to early-onset atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) in young people, a study has found.

The study drew on data of more than a million people receiving primary care services throughout the VA Healthcare System in 2014 or 2015, of whom there were 135 703 with premature ASCVD.

A number of independent predictors for first-event ASCVD for men (from age 55) and women (from 65) were picked up. Tobacco (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.97) and alcohol use (OR 1.50)  conferred significant additional risk, but the greatest risk increase of generally legal substances was cannabis use (OR 2.65). Cocaine use (OR 2.44), amphetamine use (OR 2.74) and other drug use (OR 2.53) all had very high risk increases.

Those using four or more substances had the greatest risk at nearly nine times normal. Women also had much stronger effect sizes for premature ASCVD than men.

In an accompanying editorial Anthony Wayne Orr, PhD, and colleagues at LSU Health Shreveport, wrote: “Substance use disorders have been associated with an acceleration of the ageing process. We are only young once, and we should do everything in our power to maintain that state as long as we can.”

The editorialists suggested a nationwide ASCVD education campaign targeting people with substance use disorders.

“In addition, clinicians and primary care providers should begin screening their adult and young adult patients with a history of a substance use disorder for symptoms of premature or extremely premature ASCVDs at earlier stages in their patients’ lives,” suggested the editorialists.

Limitations included it being an observational study, lack of socioeconomic data and the cohort being mostly white males, as well as not being able to discern between prescription and recreational amphetamine use.
“Retrospective studies are limited by the available data. While this study supports the association between substance use disorder and early-onset ASCVD, the effect of substance use frequency, dose, and duration cannot be reliably ascertained in this patient sample,” the editorialists stated.

The editorialists recommended that specific biomarkers for substance use-associated cardiovascular disease be identified, and therapeutic window characterised to limit these chronic effects of substance use disorder.

Source: MedPage Today

Journal information: Mahtta D, et al “Recreational substance use among patients with premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease” Heart 2021; DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-318119.

Editorial information: Scott ML, et al “Young at heart? Drugs of abuse cause early-onset cardiovascular disease in the young” Heart 2021; DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-318856.

Opioid Overdoses in US Increasing due to COVID

The COVID pandemic has not seen a drop in the United States’ opioid crisis, rather there has been an exacerbation of the problem.

A study published in JAMA Psychiatry examined the impact that the COVID pandemic had on the US opioid crisis. 

Opioid misuse and addiction is an ongoing and increasing problem in the US, making up two thirds of overdoses. Some three million Americans have suffered opioid use disorder at some point. With approximately 100 million Americans living with chronic or acute pain, the situation is seemingly intractable. In 2019, there were 70 000 deaths from opioid overdoses, making it a top priority in public health, academic, and political debates. When the COVID pandemic hit, it did not displace the opioid crisis through distraction or somehow preventing access to opioids, it fanned the flames of it. 

Researchers analysed 190 million ED visits, and over March to October 2020. they observed an increase of  up to 45% in weekly opioid overdose admissions over the same period in 2019. Overall, ED visits for opioid overdoses had increased 28.8% compared to the previous year.

In September, the CDC warned that deaths from opioid overdoses were up by 38.4% in the first half of the year. The many stresses of the pandemic, such as its associated lockdowns and job losses and losing loved ones, has fuelled the opioid abuse. The same study also found that visits to the ED for mental health conditions, domestic violence, and child abuse and neglect increased over the same period of time, along with suicide attempts. 

Source: ABC News

Journal information: Holland KM, Jones C, Vivolo-Kantor AM, et al. Trends in US Emergency Department Visits for Mental Health, Overdose, and Violence Outcomes Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Psychiatry. Published online February 03, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.4402

Opioid Deaths Drop when Cannabis Stores are Near

A new US study suggests that opioid-related mortality rates fall in counties where there are legal cannabis stores.

Cannabis was first legalised for medical use in the US in 1996; recreational legalisation began in 2012 with a number of states following suit. Previous research on the effect of legal access to cannabis on opioid overdose mortality had produced conflicting results, with a 2014 study showing a slow increase in deaths, but a subsequent study showing that it reversed over time.

Data on opioid mortality for adults 21 and over was drawn from 2014-2018 CDC data, and a website called Weedmaps for cannabis dispensary details in the 23 states plus the District of Columbia where cannabis dispensaries were allowed to operate as of 2017.

The number of cannabis dispensaries in a county was negatively related to log-transformed age-adjusted opioid mortality rate (β -0.17, 95% CI -0.23 to -0.11). An increase in the number of storefront dispensaries from one to two was linked to a 17% reduction in death rates of all opioid types, and an increase from two to three stores was associated with a further 8.5% drop in mortality.

Eight states plus the District of Columbia allowed recreational storefronts and 15 allowed only medical dispensaries. An increase in medical dispensaries from one to two resulted in a 15% drop in mortality rate; an increase in recreational dispensaries from one to two led to an 11% drop.

Co-author Balázs Kovács, PhD, of Yale University School of Management, said: “We find this relationship holds for both medical dispensaries, which serve only patients who have a state-approved medical card or doctor’s recommendation, as well as for recreational dispensaries, which sell to adults 21 years and older.”

An accompanying editorial pointed out that the relationship was not clear, noting that were was no evidence of substitution. Additionally, individual experiences of benefits and harms could not be inferred.

Although findings are suggestive of a possible link between the increased prevalence of cannabis dispensaries and reduced opioid-related mortality, they do not show causality, Kovács emphasised. “While we find a particularly strong association between the prevalence of storefront dispensaries and fentanyl-related opioid deaths, it is not clear whether cannabis use and fentanyl mortality rates are more specifically linked, or if the strength of the association is due to the rise in fentanyl use and mortality rates during the study period,” he said. 
He added that the potential harms of cannabis, including cognitive development of adolescents, schizophrenia and other medical conditions, and public safety risks, should not be ignored.
Source:MedPage TodayJournal information:  Hsu G and Kovács B “Association between county level cannabis dispensary counts and opioid related mortality rates in the United States: panel data study” BMJ 2021; DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m4957.

New Study Challenges the Need for Some Post-surgical Opioids

Doctors must carefully weigh the pain relief value of opioids for patients against their potential for misuse and inducing opioid addiction even in patients with no history of substance abuse. Now, a new study challenges current practice by showing the effectiveness of an approach that takes a middle way to giving opioids.

Some 16 million people around the world suffer from opioid use disorder, which can result from opioid administration from surgery and for chronic pain. Opioids are highly addictive, with tolerance reached in days and addiction can occur within a matter of weeks, so there is every incentive to minimise exposure of patients to these effective but potentially dangerous medications.

To investigate the effectiveness of minimising opioid use, a team from Michigan Medicine at the University of Michigan conducted a study with 620 patients who had surgery in hospitals across Michigan, had their anaesthetic usage tracked, and filled in surveys within one to three months following their surgeries. The patients were split equally into two groups.
The first group received pre-surgery counseling emphasising non-opioid pain treatment as their first option. Some patients in this group received small, “just in case” prescriptions, but a third of them didn’t receive any opioid prescription at all after surgery.

The patients in the other group received standard care, that is, receiving the usual amount of opioids prescribed after such operations. The prescriptions received in fact were larger than in the opioid sparing group. Most patients didn’t take all of the pills, which if left lying around could be used inappropriately.

Patients in the two groups had the same surgery: either gallbladder removal, full or partial thyroid removal or hernia repair. However, both groups reported equal levels of quality of life and satisfaction with care when followed-up. Most surprisingly, the opioid-sparing group reported less pain overall.

First author Maia Anderson, MD, a resident in the U-M Department of Surgery, said: “It’s so exciting to think about the potential for opioid sparing postoperative pathways to not only reduce the risk of opioids for our patients, but also to substantially decrease the risk of opioid diversion into our communities.”

Senior author Ryan Howard, MD, Surgical Resident, Michigan Medicine commented: “We know that opioids pose serious risks to patients after surgery. We can protect patients from those risks by reducing or eliminating opioids after surgery. But that idea always raises the concern that patients will have uncontrolled pain and feel miserable. This study suggests that’s not the case – patients who get small opioid prescriptions, or even no prescription, are just as satisfied with their recovery after surgery.”

Source: News-Medical.Net

Journal information: Anderson, M., et al. (2020) Patient-Reported Outcomes After Opioid-Sparing Surgery Compared With Standard of Care. JAMA Surgery. doi.org/10.1001/jamasurg.2020.5646.