Tag: 25/8/23

‘We Will Rock You’: The Special Cells that Secrete Insulin to Music

Freddie Mercury performing with Queen in 1977. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Music has often been touted as a soothing treatment to aid healing. Now, researchers at ETH Zurich in Basel have come up with another medical approach. They have developed a novel method to get music to make specially designed cells secrete insulin. They found that this works especially well with the bass rhythm “We Will Rock You,” a global hit by British rock band, Queen.

Diabetics depend on an external supply of insulin via injection or pump. Researchers led by Martin Fussenegger from the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering at ETH Zurich in Basel want to make the lives of these people easier and are looking for solutions to produce and administer insulin directly in the body. Any alternatives must be able to release insulin in controlled quantities on command.

One such solution the scientists are pursuing is enclosing insulin-producing designer cells in capsules that can be implanted in the body. To be able to control from the outside when and how much insulin the cells release into the blood, researchers have studied and applied different triggers in recent years: light, temperature and electric fields.

Equipping cells to receive sound waves

To make the insulin-producing cells receptive to sound waves, the researchers used a protein from the bacterium E. coli. Such proteins respond to mechanical stimuli and are common in animals and bacteria. The protein is located in the membrane of the bacterium and regulates the influx of calcium ions into the cell interior. The researchers incorporated the blueprint of this bacterial ion channel into human insulin-producing cells, letting these cells create the ion channel themselves and embed it in their membrane.

As the scientists have been able to show, the channel in these cells opens in response to sound, allowing positively charged calcium ions to flow into the cell. This leads to a charge reversal in the cell membrane, which in turn causes the tiny insulin-filled vesicles inside the cell to fuse with the cell membrane and release the insulin to the outside.

Turn up the bass

In cell cultures, the researchers first determined which frequencies and volume levels activated the ion channels most strongly. They found that volume levels around 60 decibels (dB) and bass frequencies of 50 hertz were the most effective in triggering the ion channels. To trigger maximum insulin release, the sound or the music had to continue for a minimum of three seconds and pause for a maximum of five seconds. If the intervals were too far apart, substantially less insulin was released.

Finally, the researchers looked into which music genres caused the strongest insulin response at a volume of 85dB. Rock music with booming bass like the song “We Will Rock You,” from Queen, came out on top, followed by the soundtrack to the action movie The Avengers. The insulin response to classical music and guitar music was rather weak by comparison.

“We Will Rock You” triggered roughly 70% of the insulin response within five minutes, and all of it within 15 minutes. This is comparable to the natural glucose-induced insulin response of healthy individuals, Fussenegger says.

Sound source must be directly above the implant

To test the system as a whole, the researchers implanted the insulin-producing cells into mice and placed the animals so that their bellies were directly on the loudspeaker. This was the only way the researchers could observe an insulin response. If, however, the animals were able to move freely in a “mouse disco,” the music failed to trigger insulin release.

“Our designer cells release insulin only when the sound source with the right sound is played directly on the skin above the implant,” Fussenegger explains. The release of the hormone was not triggered by ambient noise such as aircraft noise, lawnmowers, fire brigade sirens or conversations.

Ambient noise won’t do

As far as he can tell from tests on cell cultures and mice, Fussenegger sees little risk that the implanted cells in humans would release insulin constantly and at the slightest noise.

Another safety buffer is that insulin depots need four hours to fully replenish after they have been depleted. So even if the cells were exposed to sound at hourly intervals, they would not be able to release a full load of insulin each time and thereby cause life-threatening hypoglycaemia. “It could, however, cover the typical needs of a diabetes patient who eats three meals a day,” Fussenegger says. He explains that insulin remains in the vesicles for a long time, even if a person doesn’t eat for more than four hours. “There’s no depletion or unintentional discharge taking place.”

As a proof of concept only, clinical application is a long way off, but it shows that genetic networks can be controlled by mechanical stimuli such as sound waves. Whether this principle will ever be put to practical use depends on whether a pharmaceutical company is interested in doing so. It could, after all, be applied broadly: the system works not only with insulin, but with any protein that lends itself to therapeutic use.

Source: ETH Zurich

How High-fat Diets Affect Gut Bacteria and Increase Colorectal Cancer Risk

Gut Microbiome. Credit Darryl Leja National Human Genome Research Institute National Institutes Of Health

The increasing rate of obesity and high-fat diets are suspected to be behind the growing rates of colorectal cancers in people aged under 50. Now, in a study published in Cell Reports, researchers at have discovered how high-fat diets can change gut bacteria and alter digestive molecules called bile acids that are modified by those bacteria, predisposing mice to colorectal cancer.

In the study, researchers from the Salk Institute and UC San Diego found increased levels of specific gut bacteria in mice fed high-fat diets. They showed that those gut bacteria alter the composition of the bile acid pool in ways that cause inflammation and affect the replenishment rate of intestinal stem cells replenish.

“The balance of microbes in the gut is shaped by diet, and we are discovering how alterations in the gut microbial population (the gut microbiome) can create problems that lead to cancer,” says co-senior author and Professor Ronald Evans, director of Salk’s Gene Expression Laboratory. “This paves the way toward interventions that decrease cancer risk.”

In 2019, Evans and his colleagues showed in mice how high-fat diets boosted the overall bile acid levels. The shift in bile acids, they found, shut down a key protein in the gut, the Farnesoid X receptor (FXR). and increased the prevalence of cancer.

However, there were still missing links in the story, including how the gut microbiome and bile acids are changed by high-fat diets.

In the new work, Evans’ group teamed up with the labs of Rob Knight and Pieter Dorrestein at UC San Diego to examine the microbiomes and metabolomes (collections of dietary and microbially derived small molecules) in the digestive tracks of animals on high-fat diets. They studied mice genetically more susceptible to colorectal tumours.

The scientists discovered that although mice fed high-fat diets had more bile acids in their guts, it was a less diverse collection with a higher prevalence of certain bile acids that had been changed by gut bacteria. They also showed that these modified bile acids affected the proliferation of stem cells in the intestines. Without frequent replenishment, they accumulate mutations – a key step toward encouraging the growth of cancers, which often arise from these stem cells.

“We are only just beginning to understand these bacterially-conjugated bile acids and their roles in health and disease,” says co-author Michael Downes, a staff scientist at Salk.

There were also striking differences in the microbiomes of the mice on high-fat diets: the collections of gut bacteria in these mice’s digestive tracts were less diverse and contained different bacteria than the microbiomes of mice not on high-fat diets. Two of these bacteria – Ileibacterium valens and Ruminococcus gnavus – were able to produce these modified bile acids.

The scientists were surprised to discover that a high-fat diet actually had a greater impact on the microbiome and modified bile acids than a genetic mutation that increases cancer susceptibility in the animals.

“We’ve pinpointed how high-fat diet influences the gut microbiome and reshapes the bile acids pool, pushing the gut into an inflamed, disease-associated state,” says co-first author Ting Fu, a former postdoctoral fellow in the Evans lab.

The researchers believe high-fat diets change the composition of the microbiome, encouraging the growth of bacteria like I. valens and R. gnavus. In turn, that boosts levels of modified bile acids. In a vicious cycle, those bile acids create a more inflammatory environment that can further change the makeup of gut bacteria.

“We’ve deconstructed why high-fat diets aren’t good for you, and identified specific strains of microbes that flare with high-fat diets,” says Evans, March of Dimes Chair in Molecular and Developmental Biology. “By knowing what the problem is, we have a much better idea of how to prevent and reverse it.”

In the future, the team will study how quickly the microbiome and bile acids change after an animal begins eating a high-fat diet. They also plan to study ways to reverse the cancer-associated effects of a high-fat diet by targeting FXR – the protein that they previously discovered to be associated with bile acid changes.

Source: Salk Institute

In Animal Studies, Metformin Extends Lifespan

Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash

Researchers have discovered that the common antidiabetic drug metformin not only lowers blood sugar levels but has revealed to extend lifespan in C. Elegans, an animal model that shares similar metabolic systems with humans and are often used to model human diseases.

This study, led by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), reveals that metformin promotes longevity by stimulating the body’s production of ether lipids, a major structural component of cell membranes.

The findings, which are published in eLife, suggest that boosting production of ether lipids in humans may support healthy aging and reduce the impact of aging-related diseases.

To identify the genes required to enable lifespan extension in response to metformin and its sister drug phenformin (drugs called biguanides), the scientists silenced individual genes in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans (which shares over 80% of its proteins with humans and has an average lifespan of about two weeks) and examined what happens to the altered worms after exposure to the medications.

The experiments reveal that genes that increase production of ether lipids are required to extend lifespan in response to the biguanides. Inactivation of the genes that encode for these enzymes completely prevented the longevity-promoting effects of biguanides. Importantly, inactivation of these genes prevented lifespan extension in a variety of situations that are also known to promote longevity, including dietary restriction.

The team also found that increasing ether lipid synthesis alone (by overexpressing a single, key ether lipid biosynthetic enzyme called fard-1) was sufficient to extend C. elegans’ lifespan, orchestrating a metabolic stress defense response through a factor called SKN-1, which is the worm counterpart to the mammalian protein Nrf. This response altered metabolism to promote a longer lifespan.

“Our study implicates promotion of ether lipid biosynthesis as a novel therapeutic target to promote healthy aging. This suggests that dietary or pharmacologic intervention to promote ether lipid synthesis might one day represent a strategy to treat aging and aging-related diseases,” says senior author Alexander A. Soukas, MD, PhD, an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School.

“Because our studies focused solely on interventions in C. elegans, further studies in mammalian models (such as human cells and mice), epidemiological observation, and rigorous clinical trials are required to determine the viability of promoting ether lipid synthesis to promote human health-span and lifespan.”

Source: Massachusetts General Hospital

The Hospital Association of South Africa Welcomes the Day Hospital Association as a Member

Photo by RDNE Stock project

The Day Hospital Association of South Africa (DHASA) has joined the Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA), the representative organisation of private hospital groups in the country, including Netcare, Mediclinic, Life Healthcare, Lenmed, Joint Medical Holdings, and a range of leading facilities across the country like Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital and Arwyp Medical Centre.

Among the Day Hospital Association of South Africa members are the Advanced Health chain, Cure Day Hospitals, and various leading treatment facilities situated nationwide.

According to HASA Chief Executive Officer Dr Dumisani Bomela, DHASA perspectives on healthcare reform issues, like the National Health Insurance, will contribute to a rich healthcare reform discussion. 

He says, “Through HASA, the Day Hospital Association can provide additional critical perspectives that we believe are required in the collaborative approach that we are engaging in with Government to build a strong and accessible healthcare system for all in South Africa. We completely believe that the excellent leadership of DHASA will make full use of their membership in HASA to make their important contribution.”

The Chairman of the Day Hospital Association of South Africa, Raymond Foster, says “We are excited to be associated with HASA. We are confident that HASA will meet the expectations of our members.”

SAHPRA Earns a Regulatory Accolade of Note

Gloved hand holding vial of Janssen COVID vaccine
Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has been designated as a Regional Centre of Regulatory Excellence (RCORE) for Vaccines Regulatory Oversight for a period of four (4) years in the following functions:

  • Overarching Regulatory Systems
  • Marketing Authorisation and Registration
  • Vigilance
  • Market Surveillance and Control
  • Licensing of Premises
  • Regulatory Inspections
  • Laboratory Access and Testing
  • Clinical Trials
  • Lot Release

The rationale behind the African Union Development Agency, New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) designating RCOREs is to support continent-wide regulatory systems strengthening through leveraging capacity in better resourced regulators. The reality of medicine regulatory capacity limitation on the continent continues to hinder access to essential medicines as well as limit progress in regulatory harmonisation efforts. The intention is to address this regulatory gap and ensure the acceleration and strengthening of regional medicines regulatory harmonisation initiatives. RCOREs are required to support regulatory workforce strengthening through training in regulatory functions and enhance skills through hands-on training and exchange programmes amongst National Medicines Regulatory Authorities.

About RCOREs

The Regional Centres of Regulatory Excellence (RCOREs) is an initiative of the AUDA-NEPAD. As part of its mandate to strengthen regulatory capacity development in Africa, AUDA-NEPAD through its AMRH programme has designated 11 RCOREs in eight different regulatory functions which include:

  • Pharmacovigilance
  • Training in core regulatory functions
  • Quality assurance and quality control of medicines
  • Medicine registration and evaluation, quality assurance/quality control and clinical trials oversight
  • Licensing of the manufacture, import, export, distribution and inspection and surveillance of manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and dispensers of medicine
  • Clinical trials oversight
  • Registration and evaluation and clinical trials oversight
  • Medicine evaluation and registration

Source: SAHPRA