Tag: 15/2/22

Taking Healthcare to SASSA Queues: Pensioners Screened for Hypertension

Hundreds of pensioners queuing for their old age grants are being screened and tested for hypertension at paypoints in Mpumalanga. In this way, care is provided where and to whom it’s needed most.

In total, more than 4.2 million people in South Africa aged 60 and older currently receive the Older Persons Grant. For many of them, particularly in rural areas, grant collection days often involve standing in queues for hours.

In a pilot project in Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) and SAMRC/WITS’s Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit. are using these queues as an opportunity to take screening for hypertension to some of the most vulnerable and often neglected people in the country.

The study is being conducted in collaboration with local communities, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), the South African Post Office (SAPO) in Ximhungwe and Boxer Superstores in Thulamahashe.

The project called “Know Your Numbers” was launched in April 2021 with 20 fieldworkers from local communities at six sites where hundreds of pensioners gather each month to collect their grants. The teams take people’s blood pressure using mobile Omron machines.

“Screening about 100 people per queue, we are picking up high blood pressure in about 60% of the participants. These people are all referred to their closest local clinic for further assessment, treatment and care as required. About 30% of the participants are male and about 70% female and that’s because there are sadly less men alive to collect social grants,” said Jane Simmonds, Know Your Numbers project manager at SAMRC/WITS’s Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit.

Silent killer
Hypertension is known as the ‘silent killer’ because there are no exclusive symptoms that point directly to the disease. A 2021 study by the SAMRC found that the prevalence of hypertension rose between 1998 and 2016, from 27% to 45% in men and 31% to 48% in women. This has a significant impact on the health of older persons. “Older adults contribute critical support to local households, fostering orphans, enabling schooling and countering food insecurity. We can ill afford a rising toll of deaths from stroke and heart failure, or greater vulnerability to Covid-19,” said Steve Tollman, Unit Director.

“Many people don’t have money to travel to the doctor or clinic before they’re already very sick,” said Simmonds. Measuring blood pressure in people standing in the queue could help them manage and improve their health and save them the costs and time involved in visiting a clinic for a simple monthly health check.

“People will not go to town or clinics for treatment or vaccines if they have to choose between spending their R1800 grant on food or for transport,” said Simmonds, who lobbied for what became a successful project to offer the Covid vaccine directly to pensioners while they were queuing.

She explained how transport costs and problems accessing the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) had become barriers to vaccination for older people when the vaccine was first rolled out.

“When the Covid vaccines became available to people 60 and older in July last year, I thought that if we could meet people in queues for hypertension screening, then why not reach them for vaccines? I spent a lot of time talking to the Minister Of Health, Deputy-Director General or anyone that would listen to me about this concept. Eventually the Solidarity Fund came on board to fund vaccine outreach sites through the national health department. These sites have done over 500 000 vaccines since July 2021,” she said.

SASSA’s Dianne Dunkerley told GroundUp that SASSA had agreed to a pilot project with strict conditions to protect the security of beneficiaries and to avoid prolonging their already lengthy wait in line.

Dunkerley said the project is being welcomed by older people. “Older people who didn’t realise they had hypertension were identified, and could then go to local clinics for treatment and further monitoring,” she said.

“In cases where people did not want to make decisions immediately, they were sent home with information to discuss with family and friends which is great.”

Fieldworkers from the community speaking to pensioners about the health screening outside the SA Post Office where they collect their social grant.

Dunkerly said SASSA “would not be averse to expanding this project to other provinces” and discussions were underway.

“We really have started seeing the benefits and the reduction of costs, both of transport and of time, for older people. We think that because they’re old, they don’t have anything else to do. Well, many pensioners look after entire families and do all kinds of things. Where we can minimise the time they spend looking for services, it really is a good thing,” she said.

Professor Andre Kengne, Director of the Non-Communicable Diseases Research Unit at SAMRC, told GroundUp, “Early lessons from the ‘Know Your Number’ project are strongly suggesting that the reach of prevention and control services for common health conditions including chronic diseases such as hypertension, can be substantially improved by taking some of the essential services such as health screening and health promotion to the most vulnerable people in the community.”

He said older persons are the most affected by chronic non-communicable diseases and that improving the detection, linkage to care and control of those conditions through appropriate community-based approaches, significantly reduces the related harmful health effects.

The researchers hope that lessons from the ongoing and thorough pilot evaluation can be used to lobby the government to include screening and tests for diabetes, HIV, TB, cancers and other health issues which affect older persons.

By Barbara October

Source: GroundUp

Lower RBC Transfusion Volume in Neonate ECMO Reduces Mortality

Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

A new study indicates that for newborns in respiratory failure supported by ECMO, the greater volume of the red blood cell (RBC) transfusions that the babies receive, the higher their mortality rate.

“In order for the baby to survive on ECMO, they need red blood cells, they need platelets, they need plasma,” said Dr Brian Stansfield, neonatologist at the Medical College of Georgia and Children’s Hospital of Georgia (CHOG) “You have to have sufficient blood volume to make the whole system work. But there is also increasing evidence that if you can get by with less, that is probably more.”

“We think this supports the overall trend of being more restrictive in transfusion practices and being even more mindful about when you give transfusions and when you don’t while a child is on ECMO,” said Dr Jessica Gancar, neonatology fellow at MCG and CHOG.

The clinicians are the most confident this holds true for ECMO with babies in respiratory failure, while the relationship is more tentative for other causes. Respiratory failure makes up the largest population of newborns needing ECMO. The findings are another good reason for ECMO centres to reexamine when they transfuse babies, the clinicians point out.
Haematocrit levels (red blood cells to volume ratio) are a key measure typically used to determine whether to transfuse.

“Our transfusion practice is when the haematocrit hits 35% we will transfuse,” said Dr Stansfield. “Most ECMO centres still have a threshold of 40%, which means they are transfusing more. Others transfuse at 30%. So in our program we also have to ask the question if we are accepting some unnecessary risks. Could we get by with less?”                                                                    
They looked at 248 newborns treated from 2002-19 at CHOG with an overall survival rate of 93%.

They analysed their medical records for any relationship between blood product transfusion and death and complication rates in these babies.  

“We identified a clear linear relationship between mortality and red blood cell transfusion volume. Specifically, for every transfusion of red cells while on ECMO, a baby’s chances of survival decreased by 14%,” said Dr Gancar.

Plasma or platelet transfusions did not correlate with increased mortality. The findings are being presented during the Southern Society for Pediatric Research meeting.

“While blood product transfusions are necessary for critically ill newborns on ECMO, transfusions are given in response to ‘understudied, arbitrary thresholds and may be associated with significant morbidity and mortality,’” they write in their abstract.

“I think we are getting to the point, with neonatal ECMO in particular, where we are transitioning from how do we prevent death by intervening with ECMO – for a long time that was the question – to asking questions like once you are on ECMO, how do we make outcomes better,” said Dr Stansfield. “We already know that going on ECMO is a risk, that all the blood and other products we are giving at the start of ECMO is a risk, but could we limit some of the additional risk?”

ECMO requires essentially doubling the baby’s blood volume, said Dr Gancar. Just priming the pump typically requires two packs of red blood cells along with other select additives like albumin and heparin. Typically two more packs of platelets as well as fresh frozen plasma are given once the baby is on ECMO. Other blood product transfusions may follow over their course on ECMO, which averages three to seven days at CHOG.

At CHOG, the neonatal specialists work hard to give as few transfusions as possible and some babies, typically those on ECMO five days or less, may not require any exposures beyond the pump priming; others, typically the sickest babies, may be given five to 10 transfusions over their treatment course. They note that their study adjusted for sickness severity so that could not explain the increased mortality they found associated with more red blood cell transfusions.

Blood transfusion is known to increase mortality risk in essentially any disease process, Dr Gancar said, as they can prompt problems like increased inflammation, despite modern typing procedures to help ensure a good match between donor and recipient.

In these babies that risk seems linked to red blood cells, which have to be separated from factors they normally circulate with, be exposed to preservatives and may have a protracted storage time before they are transfused.  

Decades of success with ECMO has the CHOG team confident about its value in helping babies overcome potentially deadly but also potentially reversible problems like meconium aspiration, but they still have a “healthy respect” for the technique, Dr Stansfield said.

They rule out traditional therapies first like using a ventilator to support breathing and nitric oxide to dilate the lungs and blood vessels. Dr Stansfield notes that the number of babies needing ECMO has fallen over the years as neonatal teams like theirs have improved.

But sometimes: “We run out of options unfortunately and that is when we bring in ECMO,” said Stansfield. While the team has one of the longest and best track records in the nation with ECMO, the facts remain that it requires surgery on the baby’s neck to place a small cannula in their internal jugular vein and sometimes a second one placed in the carotid artery to return the warmed and oxygenated blood back to the baby. Both those blood vessels no longer function afterward.

Approaches like ventilators are more straightforward and less invasive, Dr Stansfield said. “But the realisation is that we know there is a small percentage of kids that need more intensive therapy,” he said.  

Source: EurekAlert!

New Insights Into Atopic Dermatitis Yield Possible Therapy

Source: CC0

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is often thought of as an inflammatory disease that arises from a breakdown in the barrier function of the skin. Now a new study pinpoints a cascade of inflammatory signalling that precedes the appearance of skin ulcers, shedding light on the early stages of the condition and possible new drug targets.

The work, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, was the result of a cross-school and cross-institutional collaboration among researchers.

“You have researchers in the dental school noticing a skin condition, broadening their work to the medical school and experts on computational systems biology,” said Professor Dana Graves, a co-corresponding author on the paper. “Without this interdisciplinary collaboration, that initial finding would not have gone anywhere.”

John Seykora, a co-corresponding author and professor of dermatology, agreed. “This shows one of the benefits of being part of a university with experts across fields,” he says. “Our dental school colleagues developed a mouse that manifested a particular skin phenotype, and the question was, What was this and did it resemble any disease we might know? And in the end it did, and it’s providing some novel insights into a very common skin condition in humans.”

The work began with an exploration of the role of inflammatory signalling in bone fracture healing in diabetes. A focus was on nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kB), a master regulator of inflammatory responses. As part of that work, researchers developed a mouse model lacking an activator of NF-kB signalling, IKKB. The researchers noticed that these animals developed skin lesions as they became young adults.

“That was interesting to us because these ulcerations looked like an inflammatory event, but we had effectively turned off the activity of NF-kB, which should reduce inflammation,” said Prof Graves. “So this was a paradox.”

To better understand what was driving this response, they sought expertise in skin diseases from Prof Seykora. When they examined the mice, they noted several features quite similar to AD, “albeit the mouse version” said Prof Graves.

In particular, they noted skin thickening and an infiltration of certain types of white blood cells that are also seen in human AD. Delving deeper into how the loss of IKKB was driving these effects, the team performed single-celled RNA analysis combined with a new analysis method. The team learned that fibroblasts were the culprit, a major component of the skin’s dermis layer and typically thought to support the structural integrity of skin.

Though NF-kB typically promotes inflammation, here, decreased NF-kB activity was paradoxically leading to recruitment of immune cells and associated inflammation. Data from the team’s single-cell RNA analysis pointed to high activities of a protein transcription factor called CEBPB, as well as a signalling molecule, CCL11, “We worked out the mechanism in the mouse,” Prof Sekora said, “then showed that much of it applied in human tissue as well.”

When the researchers compared what they had seen in the mouse cells to skin samples from people with AD, they found similar patterns; CCL11 and CEBPB were both found at higher levels in the affected skin than in unaffected skin.

Testing a monoclonal antibody against CCL11 in mice tamped down the inflammatory response they had initially seen in animals lacking IKKB, suggesting that this could be a target to reduce AD-associated inflammation.

The researchers say the work also highlights a developing appreciation that fibroblasts play important roles in immune processes in the skin, indicating that they are important regulators of white blood cells.

AD  typically emerges in childhood, often manifesting along with asthma. Indeed, in the mice, too, the signalling abnormalities the researchers observed occurred in a period corresponding to the animals “childhood.” The group’s findings suggest that fibroblasts may be involved during this period in helping to establish appropriate immune signalling in the skin.

“We have viewed NF-kB as a factor that stimulates inflammation, but it could be that, during development, its activation might be important for maintaining homeostasis,” said Prof Graves.

The team’s next steps are to further explore NF-kB signalling in fibroblasts.

Source: University of Pennsylvania

Exercise After Vaccination Boosts Antibodies

Photo by Barbra Olsen on Pexels

Researchers have found that a 90 minute bout of mild- to moderate-intensity exercise directly after a receiving a flu or COVID vaccine may provide an extra immune boost.

In the paper, published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, participants who cycled on a stationary bike or took a brisk walk for an hour-and-a-half after receiving a vaccine injection produced more antibodies in the following four weeks compared to participants who sat or continued with their daily routine post-immunisation. When the researchers ran the experiment with mice and treadmills, similar results were observed.

“Our preliminary results are the first to demonstrate a specific amount of time can enhance the body’s antibody response to the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID vaccine and two vaccines for influenza,” said Kinesiology Professor Marian Kohut, lead author of the study.

The vaccine recipients would be able to benefit people who could not cope with such exercise. Nearly half of the participants in the experiment had a BMI in the overweight or obese category. During 90 minutes of exercise, they focused on maintaining a pace that kept their heart rate around 120–140 beats per minute rather than distance.

However, the exercise duration appeared to be important: the researchers also ran the experiment with just 45-minutes of exercising. The shorter workout did not increase the participants’ antibody levels. Prof Kohut said a follow-up study might test whether 60 minutes is sufficient.

As to why prolonged, mild- to moderate-intensity exercise could improve the body’s immune response, Prof Kohut said there may be multiple reasons. Exercise increases blood and lymph flow, which helps circulate immune cells. As these cells move around the body, they’re more likely to detect antigens. The mouse experiment data also suggested that interferon alpha produced during exercise helps generate virus-specific antibodies and T- cells.

“A lot more research is needed to answer the why and how,” said Prof Kohut. “There are so many changes that take place when we exercise – metabolic, biochemical, neuroendocrine, circulatory. So, there’s probably a combination of factors that contribute to the antibody response we found in our study.”

The researchers are continuing to track the antibody response in the participants six months post-immunisation and have launched another study that focuses on exercise’s effects on people who receive booster shots.

Source: Iowa State University

A Romantic Partner’s Perception of Emotions may Improve Relationships

Photo by Monstera from Pexels

In a study examining the perception of emotion in romantic relationships, researchers found that, regardless of how an individual is truly feeling, knowing their partner sees their emotions as a typical reaction to a given situation might lead to better relations between the couple, especially when conflict arises.

To find out how emotional meta-accuracy – the ability to correctly understand a romantic partner’s impressions of the self – impacted momentary relationship quality, the researchers surveyed 189 romantic couples. The couples were mostly heterosexual, average age 23 and were recruited from around the university campus. The researchers asked their subjects to engage in three different types of interactions: couples were asked to engage in a neutral unstructured conversation; then, they were asked to talk about something they disagreed on; finally, they engaged in a positive conversation. They were then surveyed on their own emotions and their partners’ perception of their emotions.

“We were interested in understanding how our beliefs about how we are seen by others affects the quality of our relationships,” said Hasagani Tissera, a PhD candidate and lead author on the paper.

“No matter why you are feeling a certain way, interactions within a couple are likely to be more positive when you know your romantic partner sees your emotions as similar to how a typical person would feel in a given situation,” Tissera said.

The researchers found that, overall, couples were better able to cope with conflict when they knew how their partner perceived their emotions.

Furthermore, the study suggests that “…to remain blissfully unaware of [your partner’s] unique impressions…” may lead to better momentary relationship quality. “Or, to put it differently, if you know your romantic partner sees you’re angry because of a reason that’s unique to your experience and not based on how the average person might feel, chances are it will hurt your relationship – at least in that moment,” Tissera said.
The findings were published in the journal Personal and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Source: McGill University