Oldest Known Successful Amputation Dates Back 31 000 Years

At a site in Borneo, archaeologists have unearthed the oldest case of surgical amputation to date, a remarkable feat of prehistoric medical practice.
Published in Nature, the researchers describe the skeletal remains of a young adult found in a cave in Borneo, who had part of the left lower leg and left foot amputated, probably as a child, at least 31 000 years ago. The person lived for at least another six to nine years after the procedure, surviving into adulthood where they died from an unknown cause, possibly in their 20s.
The prehistoric surgery is a remarkable feat; preventing infections is difficult even in modern surgical amputations.
Study co-lead author, Dr Melandri Vlok, at University of Sydney said the find is “incredibly exciting and unexpected.”
“The discovery implies that at least some modern human foraging groups in tropical Asia had developed sophisticated medical knowledge and skills long before the Neolithic farming transition,” said bioarchaeologist Dr Vlok, an expert in ancient skeletons.
The skeleton of the young adult was carefully buried within LiangTebo cave – located Borneo in East Kalimantan, in a limestone karst area home to some of the world’s earliest dated rock art.
The bones were uncovered by archaeologists just days before borders closed for the COVID pandemic in March 2020. Dr Vlok was invited to study the bones when they were brought back to Australia.
“No one told me they had not found the left foot in the grave,” Dr Vlok said. “They kept it hidden from me to see what I would find.”
As Dr Vlok laid the bones out, the left leg looked withered, and was the size of a child’s, but the individual was an adult. She unwrapped the part of the leg that contained the stump and noticed the cut was clean, well healed and had no evidence of any infection. “The chances the amputation was an accident was so infinitely small,” Dr Vlok said. “The only conclusion was this was stone age surgery.”
Dr Vlok ran to the office to tell her research colleagues what she had found. “I told them I thought it looked like a surgical amputation,” she said. “It wasn’t until then that they said they already knew the foot was missing.” Dr Vlok had just confirmed their suspicions. The foot was never placed in the grave to begin with.
An accident in difficult terrain
While the cause for the amputation was unclear, the individual also had a very well healed neck fracture and trauma to their collar bone that may have occurred during the same event, said Dr Vlok.
“An accident, such as a rock fall may have caused the injuries, and it was clearly recognised by the community that the foot had to be taken off for the child to survive,” she said.
The location of the cave is surrounded by extremely rugged terrain, and accessing the site was challenging, making the individual’s survival after the the surgery even more remarkable. The finding will provide even more insight into prehistoric medicine, the researchers said.
Source: University of Sydney