Category: Endocrinology

Airborne Levels of Chemicals Released by Plastics Shock Researchers

Photo by Ryan Zazueta on Unsplash

A new study documents how people in California are chronically being exposed to toxic airborne chemicals called plasticisers, including one banned from children’s items and beauty products. 

Plasticizers are chemical compounds that make materials more flexible. They are used in a wide variety of products ranging from lunchboxes and shower curtains to garden hoses and upholstery. 

“It’s not just for drinking straws and grocery bags,” said David Volz, environmental sciences professor at UC Riverside, and corresponding author of the study published in the journal Environmental Research

Previous California monitoring programs focused on plasticisers called ortho-phthalates, some of which were phased out of manufacturing processes due to health and environmental concerns. Less research has focused on the health effects of their replacements, called non-ortho-phthalates. This study revealed the presence of both types of plasticisers in the air throughout Southern California.

“The levels of these compounds are through the roof,” Volz said. “We weren’t expecting that. As a result, we felt it was important for people to learn about this study.”

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences also wants to increase the visibility of this study, one of only a few to document the phthalates’ presence in the air of urban environments. The institute’s monthly newsletter, Environmental Factor, highlights the study in their October 2024 issue.  

The researchers tracked two groups of UCR undergraduate students commuting from different parts of Southern California. Both groups wore silicone wristbands designed to collect data on chemical exposures in the air. 

The first group wore their wristbands for five days in 2019, and the second group wore two different wristbands for five days each in 2020. Both groups wore the bands continuously, all day, as they went about their activities. At the end of the data collection period, the researchers chopped the wristbands into pieces, then analysed the chemicals they contained. 

In a previous paper, the team focused on TDCIPP, a flame-retardant and known carcinogen, picked up in the wristbands. They saw that the longer a student’s commute, the higher their exposure to TDCIPP. 

Unlike TDCIPP, which most likely migrates out of commuters’ car seats into dust, the team cannot pinpoint the origin of the plasticisers. Because they are airborne, rather than bound to dust, the wristbands could have picked them up anywhere, even outside the students’ cars.

For every gram of chopped-up wristband, the team found between 100 000 and 1 million nanograms of three phthalates, DiNP, DEHP, and DEHT. Ten total plasticizers were measured, but the levels of these three stood out.

Both DiNP and DEHP are included on California’s Proposition 65 list, which contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. DEHT was introduced as an alternative, but its effects on human health have not been well studied. 

This study suggests that introducing DEHT also has not done much to reduce the public’s level of exposure to DiNP or DEHP. Levels of all three chemicals found by Volz and his team were similar to those found by researchers in unrelated studies conducted on the East Coast. 

Despite differences in climate, the air on both coasts is likely carrying similar levels of phthalates.

“No matter who you are, or where you are, your daily level of exposure to these plasticizer chemicals is high and persistent,” Volz said. “They are ubiquitous.”

To Volz, studies like this one amplify the need to find alternatives to plastic. As plastics degrade, these compounds and others like them are leaching out into the environment and into the body. 

“The only way to decrease the concentration of plasticisers in the air is to decrease our production and consumption of materials containing plasticisers,” he said. 

Source: University of California – Riverside

The Gut Microbiome can Affect Symptoms of Hypopituitarism

Gut Microbiome. Credit Darryl Leja National Human Genome Research Institute National Institutes Of Health

In research published in PLOS Genetics, scientists have shown that the balance of bacteria in the gut can influence symptoms of hypopituitarism in mice. They also showed that aspirin was able to improve hormone deficiency symptoms in mice with this condition.

People with mutations in a gene called Sox3 develop hypopituitarism, where the pituitary gland doesn’t make enough hormones. It can result in growth problems, infertility and poor responses of the body to stress.

The scientists at the at the Francis Crick Institute removed Sox3 from mice, causing them to develop hypopituitarism around the time of weaning (starting to eat solid food).

They found that mutations in Sox3 largely affect the hypothalamus in the brain, which instructs the pituitary gland to release hormones. However, the gene is normally active in several brain cell types, so the first task was to ask which specific cells were most affected by its absence.

The scientists observed a reduced number of cells called NG2 glia, suggesting that these play a critical role in inducing the pituitary gland cells to mature around weaning, which was not known previously. This could explain the associated impact on hormone production.

The team then treated the mice with a low dose of aspirin for 21 days. This caused the number of NG2 glia in the hypothalamus to increase and reversed the symptoms of hypopituitarism in the mice.

Although it’s not yet clear how aspirin had this effect, the findings suggest that it could be explored as a potential treatment for people with Sox3 mutations or other situations where the NG2 glia are compromised.

An incidental discovery revealed the role of gut bacteria in hormone production

When the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) merged with the Crick in 2015, mouse embryos were transferred from the former building to the latter, and this included the mice with Sox3 mutations.

When these mice reached the weaning stage at the Crick, the researchers were surprised to find that they no longer had the expected hormonal deficiencies.

After exploring a number of possible causes, lead author Christophe Galichet compared the microbiome – bacteria, fungi and viruses that live in the gut – in the mice from the Crick and mice from the NIMR, observing several differences in its makeup and diversity. This could have been due to the change in diet, water environment, or other factors that accompanied the relocation.

He also examined the number of NG2 glia in the Crick mice, finding that these were also at normal levels, suggesting that the Crick-fed microbiome was somehow protective against hypopituitarism.

To confirm this theory, Christophe transplanted faecal matter retained from NIMR mice into Crick mice, observing that the Crick mice once again showed symptoms of hypopituitarism and had lower numbers of NG2 glia. 

Although the exact mechanism is unknown, the scientists conclude that the make-up of the gut microbiome is an example of an important environmental factor having a significant influence on the consequences of a genetic mutation, in this case influencing the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Source: Francis Crick Institute