Category: Cardiovascular Disease

Study Links Xylitol to Increased Cardiovascular Risk

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Cleveland Clinic researchers found higher amounts of the sugar alcohol xylitol are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke. They confirmed the association in a large-scale patient analysis, preclinical research models and a clinical intervention study, published in the European Heart Journal.

Xylitol is a common sugar substitute used in sugar-free candy, gums, baked goods and oral products like toothpaste. Over the past decade, the use of sugar substitutes, including sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, has increased significantly in processed foods that are promoted as healthy alternatives.

The team, led by Stanley Hazen, MD, PhD, had also previously revealed a similar link between erythritol and cardiovascular risk last year. Xylitol is not as prevalent as erythritol in keto or sugar-free food products in the US but is common in other countries.

“This study again shows the immediate need for investigating sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, especially as they continue to be recommended in combatting conditions like obesity or diabetes,” said Dr Hazen. “It does not mean throw out your toothpaste if it has xylitol in it, but we should be aware that consumption of a product containing high levels could increase the risk of blood clot related events.”

In this new study, researchers identified that high levels of circulating xylitol were associated with an elevated three-year risk of cardiovascular events in an analysis of more than 3000 patients in the US and Europe. A third of patients with the highest amount of xylitol in their plasma were more likely to experience a cardiovascular event. To confirm the findings, the research team conducted pre-clinical testing and found that xylitol caused platelets to clot and heightened the risk of thrombosis. Researchers also tracked platelet activity from people who ingested a xylitol-sweetened drink versus a glucose-sweetened drink and found that every measure of clotting ability significantly increased immediately following ingestion of xylitol but not glucose.

The authors note that further studies assessing the long-term cardiovascular safety of xylitol are warranted. The research had several limitations, including that clinical observation studies demonstrate association and not causation.

Source: Cleveland Clinic

New Discovery in Preventing Heart Damage from Chemotherapy

Human heart. Credit: Scientific Animations CC4.0

Blocking a protein known as CDK7 could prevent heart damage associated with the commonly used cancer chemo drug doxorubicin, according to a study led by scientists at Washington State University. Importantly, the researchers also found that inhibiting CDK7 could help enhance the drug’s cancer-killing capability.

Based on an animal model, the study findings could provide a foundation for future treatment strategies to reduce chemotherapy-related heart toxicity and increase treatment effectiveness. This could ultimately help increase the lifespan of people with cancer. Heart damage related to chemotherapy treatment can surface decades after treatment and can result in heart attacks, heart failure, cardiomyopathy and other types of heart disease.

Published in the journal Cardiovascular Research, the WSU study focused on doxorubicin, a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer, lymphoma, leukaemia and other cancers. Capable of killing a wide range of cancer cells, doxorubicin and other similar chemotherapy medications are known to be toxic to the heart. Despite this toxicity, the drug still sees a lot of use.

“Doxorubicin remains the mainstay treatment for certain cancer types for which targeted therapies or other better treatments are not available,” said senior study author Zhaokang Cheng, an associate professor in the WSU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Cheng has been working to unravel the underlying mechanisms of doxorubicin-induced heart toxicity to make the use of doxorubicin safer for patients who rely on the drug. This new study builds on findings from earlier research that showed that doxorubicin activates a protein known as CDK2. That protein then activates another known as FOXO1, which causes heart cells to die. Cheng’s team collaborated with WSU cancer biology researcher Boyang (Jason) Wu to take a closer look at CDK7, a protein that helps fuel cell growth and has been shown to play a role in the development of cancer.

The researchers found that CDK7 activated CDK2, which set off the chain of molecular signals that eventually led to heart cell death. They also showed that mice that lacked the CDK7 gene were protected from doxorubicin-induced heart toxicity. Next, they used a CDK7 inhibitor drug known as THZ1 to block the protein’s activity and examine the impact on heart health and cancer growth. A similar inhibitor is currently being tested as an anticancer drug in clinical trials, but its effect on the heart is still not clear.

“We are the first to study the effect of THZ1 on the heart and on tumor growth in the same model,” said study first author Jingrui Chen, a WSU research associate. “And what we found is that this CDK7 inhibitor drug can increase heart function and at the same time inhibit tumour growth.”

Though more research is needed, the researchers said their findings suggest that combining doxorubicin and THZ1 could help prevent heart damage and increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment.

The researchers’ next step is to test the effect of THZ1 on heart damage and cancer growth in younger mice and follow them longer. This would more closely mimic long-term doxorubicin-induced heart toxicity seen in childhood cancer survivors. They also plan to look at other proteins that may somehow be involved in the signaling pathway that underlies doxorubicin-related heart damage.

Source: Washington State University

Stroke Patients can do Rehab at Home with a Videogame Controller

Hand manipulating a controller.
The Novint Falcon, a desktop robot typically used for video games, can guide users through specific arm motions and track the trajectory of its controller.

For recovering stroke survivors, getting intensive, frequent rehabilitation therapy to help restore fine motor skills can be challenging and expensive.

Now, researchers at NYU Tandon School of Engineering are developing a new technology that could allow stroke patients to undergo rehabilitation exercises at home by tracking their wrist movements through a simple setup: a smartphone strapped to the forearm and a low-cost gaming controller called the Novint Falcon.

The Novint Falcon, a desktop robot typically used for video games, can guide users through specific arm motions and track the trajectory of its controller. But it cannot directly measure the angle of the user’s wrist, which is essential data for therapists providing remote rehabilitation.

In a paper presented at SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation 2024,  the researchers proposed using the Falcon in tandem with a smartphone’s built-in motion sensors to precisely monitor wrist angles during rehab exercises.

“Patients would strap their phone to their forearm and manipulate this robot,” said Maurizio Porfiri, NYU Tandon Institute Professor and director of its Center for Urban Science + Progress (CUSP), who is the paper’s senior author. “Data from the phone’s inertial sensors can then be combined with the robot’s measurements through machine learning to infer the patient’s wrist angle.”

The researchers collected data from a healthy subject performing tasks with the Falcon while wearing motion sensors on the forearm and hand to capture the true wrist angle. They then trained an algorithm to predict the wrist angles based on the sensor data and Falcon controller movements.

The resulting algorithm could predict wrist angles with over 90% accuracy, a promising initial step toward enabling remote therapy with real-time feedback in the absence of an in-person therapist.

“This technology could allow patients to undergo rehabilitation exercises at home while providing detailed data to therapists remotely assessing their progress,” Roni Barak Ventura, the paper’s lead author who was an NYU Tandon postdoctoral fellow at the time of the study. “It’s a low-cost, user-friendly approach to increasing access to crucial post-stroke care.”

The researchers plan to further refine the algorithm using data from more subjects. Ultimately, they hope the system could help stroke survivors stick to intensive rehab regimens from the comfort of their homes.

This study adds to NYU Tandon’s body of work that aims to improve stroke recovery. In 2022, Researchers from NYU Tandon began collaborating with the FDA to design a regulatory science tool based on biomarkers to objectively assess the efficacy of rehabilitation devices for post-stroke motor recovery and guide their optimal usage. A study from earlier this year unveiled advances in technology that uses implanted brain electrodes to recreate the speaking voice of someone who has lost speech ability, which can be an outcome from stroke.

Source: NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Inflammatory Bowel Disease may Increase Risk of Heart Failure

Irritable bowel syndrome. Credit: Scientific Animations CC4.0

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is associated with a slightly increased risk of heart failure up to 20 years after diagnosis, according to a comprehensive registry study from Karolinska Institutet published in the European Heart Journal.

The researchers analysed the risk of heart failure in over 80 000 patients with inflammatory bowel disease, that is, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or unclassified IBD, compared with 400 000 people from the general population, as part of the ESPRESSO study.

The results show that people with IBD have a 19% increased risk of developing heart failure up to 20 years after diagnosis. This corresponds to one extra heart failure case per 130 IBD patients in those 20 years, and the risk increase was seen regardless of the type of IBD. The highest risk of heart failure was seen in older patients, people with lower education and people with pre-existing cardiovascular-related disease at IBD diagnosis.

Contribute to new guidelines

“Both healthcare providers and patients should be aware of this increased risk, and it’s important that cardiovascular health is properly monitored,” says the study’s first author Jiangwei Sun, researcher at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet. “We hope the results will raise the awareness of health workers as to the increased risk of heart failure in individuals with IBD and contribute to new guidelines for cardiovascular disease management in IBD patients.”

Comparing siblings with and without ABD, the risk increase was slightly lower, 10%, suggesting that genetics and early environmental factors shared within families may play a role. 

“We don’t know if there is a causal relationship, but we will continue to explore genetic factors and the role of IBD medications and disease activities on the risk of heart failure,” says the study’s senior author Professor Jonas F. Ludvigsson from the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet.

Source: Karolinska Institutet

Singing Repairs the Language Network of the Brain after Stroke

Photo by Sergio Capuzzimati on Unsplash

Cerebrovascular accidents, or strokes, are the most common cause of aphasia, a speech disorder of cerebral origin. People with aphasia have a reduced ability to understand or produce speech or written language. An estimated 40% of people who have had a stroke have aphasia. As many as half of them experience aphasia symptoms even a year after the original attack.

Researchers at the University of Helsinki previously found that sung music helps in the language recovery of patients affected by strokes. Now, the researchers have uncovered the reason for the rehabilitative effect of singing. The recently completed study was published in the eNeuro journal.

According to the findings, singing, as it were, repairs the structural language network of the brain. The language network processes language and speech in the brain, which has been damaged.

“For the first time, our findings demonstrate that the rehabilitation of patients with aphasia through singing is based on neuroplasticity changes, that is, the plasticity of the brain,” says University Researcher Aleksi Sihvonen from the University of Helsinki.

Singing improves language network pathways

The language network encompasses the cortical regions of the brain involved in the processing of language and speech, as well as the white matter tracts that convey information between the different end points of the cortex.

According to the study results, singing increased the volume of grey matter in the language regions of the left frontal lobe and improved tract connectivity especially in the language network of the left hemisphere, but also in the right hemisphere.

“These positive changes were associated with patients’ improved speech production,” Sihvonen says.

A total of 54 aphasia patients participated in the study, of whom 28 underwent MRI scans at the beginning and end of the study. The researchers investigated the rehabilitative effect of singing with the help of choir singing, music therapy and singing exercises at home.

Singing is a cost-effective treatment

Aphasia has a wide-ranging effect on the functional capacity and quality of life of affected individuals and easily leads to social isolation.

According to Sihvonen, singing can be seen as a cost-effective addition to conventional forms of rehabilitation, or as rehabilitation for mild speech disorders in cases where access to other types of rehabilitation is limited.

“Patients can also sing with their family members, and singing can be organised in healthcare units as a group-based, cost-efficient rehabilitation,” Sihvonen says.

Source: University of Helsinki

New Blood Test for Ischaemic Stroke is a ‘Game-changer’

Ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke. Credit: Scientific Animations CC4.0

A new study led by investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital has developed a new test by combining blood-based biomarkers with a clinical score to identify patients experiencing large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke with high accuracy. Their results are published in the journal Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology.

“We have developed a game-changing, accessible tool that could help ensure that more people suffering from stroke are in the right place at the right time to receive critical, life-restoring care,” said senior author Joshua Bernstock, MD, PhD, MPH, a clinical fellow in the Department of Neurosurgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Most strokes are ischaemic, in which blood flow to the brain is obstructed. LVO strokes are an aggressive type of ischaemic stroke that occurs when an obstruction occurs in a major artery in the brain, causing brain cells to rapidly die off from lack of oxygen. Major medical emergencies, LVO strokes require the swift treatment with mechanical thrombectomy, a surgical procedure that retrieves the blockage.

“Mechanical thrombectomy has allowed people that otherwise would have died or become significantly disabled be completely restored, as if their stroke never happened,” said Bernstock. “The earlier this intervention is enacted, the better the patient’s outcome is going to be. This exciting new technology has the potential to allow more people globally to get this treatment faster.”

The research team previously targeted two specific proteins found in capillary blood, one called glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), which is also associated with brain bleeds and traumatic brain injury, and one called D-dimer. In this study, they demonstrated that the levels of these blood-based biomarkers combined with field assessment stroke triage for emergency destination (FAST-ED) scores could identify LVO ischaemic strokes while ruling out other conditions such as bleeding in the brain. Brain bleeds cause similar symptoms to LVO stroke, making them hard to distinguish from one another in the field, yet treatment for each is vastly different.

In this prospective, observational diagnostic accuracy study, the researchers looked at data from a cohort of 323 patients coded for stroke in Florida between May 2021 and August 2022. They found that combining the levels of the biomarkers GFAP and D-dimer with FAST-ED data less than six hours from the onset of symptoms allowed the test to detect LVO strokes with 93% specificity and 81% sensitivity. Other findings included that the test ruled out all patients with brain bleeds, suggesting that it may also eventually be used to detect intracerebral haemorrhage in the field.

Bernstock’s team also sees promising potential future use of this accessible diagnostic tool in low- and middle-income countries, where advanced imaging is not always available. It might also be useful in assessing patients with traumatic brain injuries. Next, they are carrying out another prospective trial to measure the test’s performance when used in an ambulance. They have also designed an interventional trial that leverages the technology to expedite the triage of stroke patients by having them bypass standard imaging and move directly to intervention.

“In stroke care, time is brain,” Bernstock said. “The sooner a patient is put on the right care pathway, the better they are going to do. Whether that means ruling out bleeds or ruling in something that needs an intervention, being able to do this in a prehospital setting with the technology that we built is going to be truly transformative.

Source: Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Infertility Treatment Associated with Double the Risk of Postpartum Cardiovascular Disease

Source: Pixabay CC0

A study by Rutgers Health experts of more than 31 million hospital records shows that infertility treatment patients were twice as likely as those who conceived naturally to be hospitalised with heart disease in the year after delivery. The results were published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

Compared to those who conceived naturally, patients who underwent infertility treatment 2.16 times as likely be hospitalised for hypertension.

“Postpartum checkups are necessary for all patients, but this study indicates they are particularly important for patients who undergo infertility treatment to achieve a conception,” said Rei Yamada, an obstetrics and gynaecology resident at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and lead author of the study.

The study authors say their results support standards of care that now call for an initial postpartum checkup three weeks after delivery, standards that some health systems have yet to adopt. Much of the elevated risk came in the first month after delivery, particularly for patients who developed dangerously high blood pressure.

“And these results aren’t the only ones to indicate that follow-up should occur early,” said Cande Ananth, chief of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and senior author of the study. “We have been involved in a series of studies over the past few years that have found serious risks of heart disease and stroke to various high-risk patient populations within those initial 30 days after delivery – risks that could be mitigated with earlier follow-up care.”

The study analysed the Nationwide Readmissions Database, which contains nationally representative data on about 31 million hospital discharges and readmissions per year. The database contains diagnosis codes, which let researchers find specific populations and identify reasons for readmission.

The researchers used data from more than 31 million patients who were discharged following delivery from 2010 to 2018, including 287 813 patients who had undergone any infertility treatment.

Although infertility treatment predicted a sharply elevated risk of heart disease, the study authors said the relative youth of infertility treatment patients kept their overall risk fairly low. Just 550 of every 100 000 women who received infertility treatment and 355 of every 100 000 who conceived naturally were hospitalized with cardiovascular disease in the year after delivery.

The cause of the elevated risk of heart disease associated with infertility treatment remains unclear. The increase in heart disease could stem from the infertility treatments themselves, the underlying medical issues that made patients infertile or some other cause.

“Looking forward, I’d like to see if different types of infertility treatment and, importantly, medications are associated with different risk levels,” said Yamada. “Our data gave no information about which patients had undergone which treatment. More detailed information might also provide insight into how infertility treatment impacts cardiovascular outcomes.”

Source: Rutgers University

New Drug Improves Oxygen Uptake in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

People with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were able to use significantly more oxygen while exercising after taking an investigational drug in an international clinical trial, according to a study published today in the New England Journal of MedicineThe finding was also presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s Heart Failure 2024 meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.

The randomised, double-blind Phase 3 trial has 282 participants and is evaluating the experimental drug aficamten, which was developed by Cytokinetics to treat the obstructive form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM.

“By having more oxygen available during exercise, patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can more easily walk, perform household chores, and do other everyday tasks,” said cardiologist and paper co-author Ahmad Masri, MD, MS. Masri directs the Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cardiovascular Institute’s Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Center. “Our latest clinical trial results suggest aficamten is a promising treatment for HCM.”

HCM affects about 1 in 500 people and is one of the most common causes of sudden death for youth and otherwise healthy athletes. Often caused by inherited gene mutations, it thickens heart muscles and makes it difficult for the heart to work as it should. It causes shortness of breath and reduces people’s ability to exercise. The obstructive form of HCM reduces blood flow out of the heart.

About half of the trial’s participants randomised to aficamten. Scientists measured the participants’ oxygen levels while they used treadmills or bicycles. Those who took aficamten had a significant increase in their maximum oxygen use – 1.7mL/kg/min more than those in the control group taking placebo.

Having an increased peak oxygen uptake can improve a patient’s ability to be physically active, whereas reduced oxygen uptake can increase the risk of experiencing heart failure, needing a heart transplant, and dying.

A safer alternative

Non-drug treatment options for obstructive HCM include surgery to remove excess heart muscle. In 2022, the Food and Drug Administration also approved mavacamten as the first drug designed to target the underlying cause of obstructive HCM. However, mavacamten may increase the risk of heart failure and it interacts with several commonly used medications. As a result, patients who use mavacamten must also undergo intense monitoring.

During the past decade, OHSU has been involved in many research studies exploring new HCM treatment options. It has been a centre for several mavacamten studies and is participating in gene therapy research. The university is also currently involved in four other aficamten trials that are evaluating it as a potential treatment for various forms of HCM and in different types of patients, including children.

“This is an exciting time for treating HCM,” Masri said. “While we continue to offer traditional surgical and procedural therapies for HCM, we are now also able to offer patients other treatment options: therapies that were recently approved by the FDA and investigational therapies that are available by participating in clinical trials.”

Source: Oregon Health & Science University

Exercise, New Drug Class Recommended for Management of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Human heart. Credit: Scientific Animations CC4.0

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) today released a new clinical guideline for effectively managing individuals diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The guideline, published in Circulation, reiterates the importance of collaborative decision-making with patients who have HCM and provides updated recommendations for the most effective treatment pathways for adult and paediatric patients.

HCM is an inherited cardiac condition most often caused by a gene mutation that makes the heart muscle too thick (hypertrophy), which impairs its ability to adequately pump blood throughout the body. HCM affects approximately 1 in every 500 individuals; however, a significant portion of cases remain undiagnosed because many people do not exhibit symptoms. Occasionally, the first time HCM is diagnosed is after a sudden death. People who do have symptoms may experience episodes of fainting, chest pain, shortness of breath or irregular heartbeats.

“Incorporating the most recent data, this new guideline equips clinicians with the latest recommendations for the treatment of HCM,” said Steve R. Ommen, MD, FACC, medical director of the Mayo Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Clinic and chair of the guideline writing committee. “We’re seeing more evidence that patients with HCM can return to their normal daily lives with proper care and management.”

Updated recommendations in the guideline reflect recent evidence about HCM treatment and management including new forms of pharmacologic management; participation in vigorous recreational activities and competitive sports; and risk stratification for sudden cardiac death (SCD) with an emphasis on pediatric patients.

The guideline includes recommendations for adding cardiac myosin inhibitors, a new class of medication for patients with symptomatic obstructive HCM who do not get adequate symptom relief from first-line drug therapy. Symptomatic obstructive HCM is a type of HCM where the heart muscle is restricted. Cardiac myosin inhibitors are the first FDA-approved class of medication to specifically target the thickening of the heart muscle instead of treating the symptoms, however they are monitored under the FDA’s Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) program, which may create additional steps and time for both the clinician and the patient. Clinicians require special training to prescribe the medication, and patients require regular screenings.

“These new drugs offer an alternative for patients who have failed first-line therapy and either want to delay or possibly avoid more aggressive options,” Ommen said. “With this guideline, we’re providing clinicians with point-of-care guidance about effectively using this first-in-class, evidence-based treatment option and improving their patients’ quality of life.”

In addition to medication treatment, growing evidence is showing that the benefits of exercise outweigh the potential risks for patients with HCM. Low to moderate intensity recreational exercise should be part of how HCM patients manage their overall health. For some HCM patients, competitive sports may be considered in consultation with HCM clinical specialists.

“Recommendations for physical activity continue to evolve with research,” Ommen said. “As part of a healthy lifestyle, patients with HCM are now encouraged to engage in low-to-moderate intensity physical activities. We’re seeing how vigorous physical activities can be reasonable for some individuals. With shared decision-making between the clinician and the patient, some patients may even be able to return to competitive sports.”

Poorly managed HCM may lead to many complications including SCD. The new guideline includes recommendations for assessing and managing the risk of SCD by establishing clear risk markers. Guidance for integrating risk markers with tools to estimate an individual patient’s SCD risk score is recommended to aid in the patient/clinician shared decision-making regarding implantable cardioverter defibrillator placement, incorporating a patient’s personal level of risk tolerance and specific treatment goals including quality of life.

Several recommendations in the new guideline extend to paediatric patients. A specific paediatric risk stratification for SCD is emphasised, with risk calculators specific to children and adolescents and stressing the importance of HCM centres with expertise in paediatrics. The new guideline extends exercise stress testing recommendations to include children diagnosed with HCM to help determine functional capacity and provide prognostic feedback.

Source: American College of Cardiology

Age-related Brain Changes Affect Stroke Recovery, Study Finds

Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels

A new study by a global team of researchers has revealed that areas of age-related damage in the brain relate to motor outcomes after a stroke – a potentially under-recognised phenomenon in stroke research. The study was published in Neurology.

A stroke often leads to motor impairment, which is traditionally linked to the extent of damage to the corticospinal tract (CST), a crucial brain pathway for motor control. Signaling along the CST is involved in a variety of movements, including walking, reaching, and fine finger movements like writing and typing. However, stroke recovery outcomes aren’t fully predicted by damage to the CST, suggesting other factors are at play.

The new observational from the Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Stroke Recovery working group. It examines how one such factor could be white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) – areas of age-related damage in the brain’s white matter, which represent vascular dysfunction and are known to impact cognitive functions. The goal of the ENIGMA Stroke Recovery working group is to understand how changes in the brain after stroke relate to functional outcomes and recovery. ENIGMA Stroke Recovery has data from over 2100 stroke patients collected across 65 research studies and 10 countries, comprising the most extensive multisite retrospective stroke data collaboration to date.

Study leader Sook-Lei Liew, PhD, said: “We are grateful for our many collaborators around the world who lead independent stroke research programs and who are willing to come together and enable large-scale investigations into these critical questions about the role of overall brain health in stroke recovery and rehabilitation.” Dr Liew is an associate professor at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.

The study analysed data from 223 stroke patients across four countries and found that larger WMH volumes were associated with more severe motor impairment after a stroke (e.g., difficulty moving or using their arm for daily tasks), independent of CST damage. WMHs are related to chronic hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and smoking, among other factors and conditions, and have been strongly related to cognitive impairment, but not extensively studied in the context of motor impairment. Interestingly, the relationship between CST damage and motor impairment varied based on WMH severity. Patients with mild WMHs showed a typical relationship between CST damage and motor impairment, while patients with moderate to severe WMHs did not have this relationship. Instead, motor impairment was related to WMH volume, not CST damage.

These findings suggest that WMHs, indicative of cerebrovascular damage from a variety of sources, could provide additional context to understand an individual’s potential for recovery post-stroke. Therefore, assessing WMH volume could improve predictive models for stroke recovery.

“WMHs are related to overall cardiovascular and brain health as we age. By integrating assessments of age-related brain health, we may be better able to predict stroke recovery and tailor rehabilitation to individual needs. This personalised approach could open avenues to improve outcomes after stroke,” says lead author Jennifer K. Ferris, PhD, of Simon Fraser University.

The researchers’ next step is to pursue longitudinal studies to confirm their findings. This insight lays the groundwork for developing more accurate markers for recovery, which could transform post-stroke care and rehabilitation.

Source: Keck School of Medicine of USC