Category: Antibiotics

Scientists Discover New Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Common Bacteria

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Genes that make bacteria resistant to antibiotics are much more widespread in our environment than was previously realised. A new study published in Microbiome shows that bacteria in almost all environments carry resistance genes, with a risk of them spreading and aggravating the problem of bacterial infections that are untreatable with antibiotics.

“We have identified new resistance genes in places where they have remained undetected until now. These genes can constitute an overlooked threat to human health,” says Erik Kristiansson, a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats to global health. When bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, it becomes difficult or impossible to treat illnesses such as pneumonia, wound infections, tuberculosis and urinary tract infections. According to the UN Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (IACG) 700,000 people die each year from infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Looking for resistance genes in new environments

The genes that make bacteria resistant have long been studied, but the focus has traditionally been on identifying those resistance genes that are already prevalent in pathogenic bacteria. Instead, in the new study from Sweden, researchers have looked at large quantities of DNA sequences from bacteria to analyse new forms of resistance genes in order to understand how common they are. They have traced the genes in thousands of different bacterial samples from different environments, in and on people, in the soil and from sewage treatment plants. The study analysed 630 billion DNA sequences in total.

“The data requires a great deal of processing before information can be obtained. We have used metagenomics, a methodology, that allows vast quantities of data to be analysed,” says Juan Inda Díaz, a doctoral student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, and the article’s lead author.

The study showed that the new antibiotic resistance genes are present in bacteria in almost all environments. This also includes human microbiomes and, more alarmingly, pathogenic bacteria, which can lead to more infections that are difficult to treat. The researchers found that resistance genes in bacteria that live on and in humans and in the environment were ten times more abundant than those previously known. And of the resistance genes found in bacteria in the human microbiome, 75% were not previously known at all.

The researchers stress the need for more knowledge about the problem of antibiotic resistance.

“Prior to this study, there was no knowledge whatsoever about the incidence of these new resistance genes. Antibiotic resistance is a complex problem, and our study shows that we need to enhance our understanding of the development of resistance in bacteria and of the resistance genes that could constitute a threat in the future,” says Kristiansson.

Preventing bacterial outbreaks in healthcare

The research team is currently working on integrating the new data into the international EMBARK project (Establishing a Monitoring Baseline for Antibiotic Resistance in Key environments). The project is coordinated by Johan Bengtsson-Palme, an assistant professor in the Department of Life Sciences at Chalmers, and aims to take samples from sources such as wastewater, soil and animals to get an idea of the way in which antibiotic resistance is spreading between humans and the environment.

“It is essential for new forms of resistance genes to be taken into account in risk assessments relating to antibiotic resistance. Using the techniques we have developed enables us to monitor these new resistance genes in the environment, in the hope that we can detect them in pathogenic bacteria before they are able to cause outbreaks in a healthcare setting,” says Bengtsson-Palme.

The method used by the researchers is called metagenomics, and is not new, but so far has not been used to analyse new types of antibiotic resistance genes in such large quantities. Metagenomics is a method of studying the metagenome, which is the complete gene set of all different organisms in a given sample or within a given environment. Using the method, it is also possible to study microorganisms that cannot be grown in a lab.

Source: Chalmers Institute of Technology

SA one of Many Countries Failing to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance, International Review Finds

Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria, the bane of hospital infection control strategies. Image by CDC on Unsplash.

Governments around the world must do more to tackle the growing threat of antimicrobial-resistant infections, new research suggests – with South Africa falling quite short in the rankings.

The review, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, assessed national action plans developed by more than 100 countries to tackle the threat from antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It comprehensively graded international AMR efforts and national action plans and generate comparable quantitative results across countries and regions.

National action plans focus on designing policies to curb AMR and devising tools to implement the policies – but they do not adequately factor in monitoring and evaluation.

The new research, carried out by experts at the universities of Leeds, Edinburgh and Hamburg, is the first large-scale analysis of these plans. They were designed after encouragement from the World Health Organisation, which has declared AMR one of the top 10 public health threats facing humanity.

Lead author Jay Patel, undergraduate dental student in the University of Leeds’ School of Dentistry, said: “Our analysis showed that countries were highly focused on designing AMR policies, and thinking about what tools would be required to implement those, but they generally did not consider how they would monitor and evaluate the impact of those efforts.

“This suggests that the international response may be inadequate to meet the scale and severity of AMR. This is particularly concerning in low and middle-income countries, where action plan activities often lack sustainable funding – relying instead on funds from foreign donors and philanthropies.

“The available evidence also suggests that simply developing a national action plan may not necessarily mean a country is more prepared to respond to the threat of AMR.

“Our study shows that the global response to AMR, and preparedness for the predicted challenges of AMR, require improvement in all locations around the world.”

The research team says governments across the world must strengthen their responses to AMR.

In 2017, the World Health Organization encouraged member states to develop national action plans stipulating how countries would tackle AMR. More than 100 countries have produced action plans, with several being implemented – but there had been no global analysis of the contents of these plans.

The 114 action plans, which were created in 2020-21, were evaluated against 54 elements, such as education, stewardship, and accountability, and each awarded a score out of 100. A mean score out of 100 for each country’s plan was then taken from these results.

The findings

At 43 points for AMR governance, South Africa falls far short of the top score of 85, and rather closer to the lowest score of 29. Reproduced from The Lancet. Figure 2b, Patel et al., 2023. (Open Access)

Norway’s response was the highest scoring with 85, followed by the USA with 84 and the UK with 83. The lowest scoring countries were Ukraine and Sierra Leone with 29 points each, and Barbados and Micronesia with 28 points. With 43 points, South Africa trailed behind Brazil, Namibia, Rwanda and Egypt – and received 0 for research and development as well as the effectiveness of its monitoring and evaluation.

The study found that across all plans, there was a greater focus on policy design and implementation tools, but efforts to monitor and evaluate activities are generally poorly-considered.

Of all areas evaluated, accountability and feedback mechanisms were the joint-lowest scoring, followed by education.

Training and professional education across human health, veterinary, and agricultural sectors were insufficient in many countries, with several lacking a sustainable workforce strategy to deliver antimicrobial stewardship policies.

Countries scored well on participation, demonstrating a shared awareness that AMR can only be successfully addressed through engagement with multiple sectors spanning human, animal and environmental health. Infection prevention and control was frequently recognised as a critical objective.

Source: University of Leeds

Scientists Use Modified Peptides to Create New Class of Antibiotics

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New antibiotics are urgently needed to tackle resistant bacteria. Researchers at the University of Zurich and the company Spexis have now modified the chemical structure of naturally occurring peptides to develop antimicrobial molecules that bind to novel targets in the bacteria’s metabolism.

In a study recently published in Science Advances, chemist Oliver Zerbe, head of the NMR facilities at the University of Zurich now discusses the development of a highly effective class of antibiotics that fight Gram-negative bacteria in a novel way.

The WHO classifies this group of bacteria as extremely dangerous. The group, whose resistance is particularly high due to their double cell membrane, includes carbapenem-resistant enterobacteria, for example.

Natural peptide chemically optimised

The starting point for the researchers’ study was a naturally occurring peptide called thanatin, which insects use to fend off infections. Thanatin disrupts an important lipopolysaccharide transport bridge between the outer and inner membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, as revealed a few years ago in a study by now retired UZH professor John Robinson. As a result, these metabolites build up inside the cells, and the bacteria perish. However, thanatin isn’t suitable for use as an antibiotic drug, among other things due to its low effectiveness and because bacteria quickly become resistant to it.

The researchers therefore modified the chemical structure of thanatin to enhance the peptide’s characteristics. “To do this, structural analyses were essential,” says Zerbe. His team synthetically assembled the various components of the bacterial transport bridge and then used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to visualize where and how thanatin binds to and disrupts the transport bridge. Using this information, researchers from Spexis AG planned the chemical modifications that were necessary to boost the peptide’s antibacterial effects. Further mutations were made to increase the molecule’s stability, among other things.

Effective, safe and immune to resistance

The synthetic peptides were then tested in mice with bacterial infections – and yielded outstanding results. “The novel antibiotics proved very effective, especially for treating lung infections,” says Zerbe. “They are also highly effective against carbapenem-resistant enterobacteria, where most other antibiotics fail.” In addition, the newly developed peptides aren’t toxic or harmful to the kidneys, and they also proved stable in the blood over a longer period – all of which are properties that are required for gaining approval as a drug. However, further preclinical studies are needed before the first tests in humans can begin.

When choosing the most promising peptides for their study, the researchers made sure that they would also be effective against bacteria that have already developed resistance to thanatin. “We’re confident this will significantly slow down the development of antibacterial resistance,” says Zerbe. “We now have the prospect of a new class of antibiotics becoming available that is also effective against resistant bacteria.”

Source: University of Zurich

Ripping Through Biofilms in Chronic Treatment-resistant Wounds


Researchers have developed a new method that combines palmitoleic acid, gentamicin, and non-invasive ultrasound to help improve drug delivery in chronic wounds that have been infected with Staphylococcus aureus and protected by thick biofilms. Their results were published in Cell Chemical Biology.

Chronic wounds are notoriously challenging to treat because of bacterial infections like S. aureus, which can also be resistant to antibiotics.

To defend itself from the immune system and other threats, S. aureus can band together, creating a slick, slimy biofilm around itself. The biofilm barrier is so thick that neither immune cells nor antibiotics can penetrate through and neutralise the harmful bacteria.

Using a new strategy, researchers at the UNC School of Medicine and the UNC-NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering were able to reduce the challenging MRSA infection in the wounds of diabetic mice by 94%. They were able to completely sterilise the wounds in several of the mice, and the rest had significantly reduced bacterial burden.

“When bacteria are not completely cleared from chronic wounds, it puts the patient at high risk for the infection recurring or of developing a secondary infection,” said senior author Sarah Rowe-Conlon, PhD. “This therapeutic strategy has the potential to improve outcomes and reduce relapse of chronic wound infections in patients. We are excited about the potential of translating this to the clinic, and that’s what we’re exploring right now.”

Biofilms act as a physical barrier to many classes of antibiotics. Virginie Papadopoulou, PhD, was curious to know if non-invasive cavitation-enhanced ultrasound could create enough agitation to form open spaces in the biofilm to facilitate drug-delivery.

Liquid droplets which can be activated by ultrasound, called phase change contrast agent (PCCA), are applied topically to the wound. An ultrasound transducer is focused on the wound and turned on, causing the liquid inside the droplets to expand and turn into microscopic gas-filled microbubbles, when then move rapidly.

The oscillation of these microbubbles agitates the biofilm, both mechanically disrupting it as well as increasing fluid flow. Ultimately, the combination of the biofilm disruption and the increased permeation of the drugs through the biofilm allowed the drugs to come in and kill the bacterial biofilm with very high efficiency.

“Microbubbles and phase change contrast agents act as local amplifiers of ultrasound energy, allowing us to precisely target wounds and areas of the body to achieve therapeutic outcomes not possible with standard ultrasound,” said Dayton. “We hope to be able to use similar technologies to locally delivery chemotherapeutics to stubborn tumours or drive new genetic material into damaged cells as well.”

When the bacterial cells are trapped inside the biofilm, they are left with little access to nutrients and oxygen. To conserve their resources and energy, they transition into a dormant or sleepy state. The bacteria, which are known as persister cells in this state, are extremely resistant to antibiotics.

Researchers chose gentamicin, a topical antibiotic typically ineffective against S. aureus due to widespread antibiotic resistance and poor activity against persister cells. The researchers also introduced a novel antibiotic adjuvant, palmitoleic acid, to their models.

Palmitoleic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid, is a natural product of the human body that has strong antibacterial properties. The fatty acid embeds itself into the membrane of bacterial cells, and the authors discovered that it facilitates the antibiotic’s successful entry into S. aureus cells and is able to kill persistent cells and reverse antibiotic resistance.

Overall, the team is enthusiastic about the new topical, non-invasive approach because it may give scientists and doctors more tools to combat antibiotic resistance and to lessen the serious adverse effects of taking oral antibiotics.

“Systemic antibiotics, such as oral or IV, work very well, but there’s often a large risk associated with them such as toxicity, wiping out gut microflora and C. difficile infection,” said Rowe-Conlon. “Using this system, we are able to make topical drugs work and they can be applied to the site of infection at very high concentrations, without the risks associated with systemic delivery.”

Source: University of North Carolina Health Care

New Guidance Advises Stopping Antibiotics after Incision Closure

Antibiotics administered before and during surgery should be discontinued immediately after a patient’s incision is closed, according to updated recommendations for preventing surgical site infections.

Experts found no evidence that continuing antibiotics after a patient’s incision has been closed, even if it has drains, prevents surgical site infections. Continuing antibiotics does increase the patient’s risk of C. difficile infection, which causes severe diarrhoea, and antimicrobial resistance.

Strategies to Prevent Surgical Site Infections in Acute Care Hospitals: 2022 Update, published in the journal Infection Control and Healthcare Epidemiology, provides evidence-based strategies for preventing infections for all types of surgeries from top experts from five medical organisations led by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America.

“Many surgical site infections are preventable,” said Michael S. Calderwood, MD, MPH, lead author on the updated guidelines. “Ensuring that healthcare personnel know, utilise, and educate others on evidence-based prevention practices is essential to keeping patients safe during and after their surgeries.”

Surgical site infections are among the most common and costly healthcare-associated infections, occurring in approximately 1% to 3% of patients undergoing inpatient surgery. Patients with surgical site infections are up to 11 times more likely to die compared to patients without such infections.

Other recommendations:

  • Obtain a full allergy history from patients who self-report penicillin allergy. Many patients with a self-reported penicillin allergy can safely receive cefazolin, a cousin to penicillin, rather than alternate antibiotics that are less effective against surgical infections.
  • For high-risk procedures, especially orthopaedic and cardiothoracic surgeries, decolonise patients with an anti-staphylococcal agent in the pre-operative setting. Decolonization, which was elevated to an essential practice in this guidance, can reduce post-operative S. aureus infections.
  • For patients with an elevated blood glucose level, monitor and maintain post-operative blood glucose levels between 110 and 150mg/dL regardless of diabetes status. Higher glucose levels in the post-operative setting are associated with higher infection rates. However, more intensive post-operative blood glucose control targeting levels below 110mg/dL has been associated with a risk of significantly lowering the blood glucose level and increasing the risk of stroke or death.
  • Use antimicrobial prophylaxis before elective colorectal surgery. Mechanical bowel preparation without use of oral antimicrobial agents has been associated with significantly higher rates of surgical site infection and anastomotic leakage. The use of parenteral and oral antibiotics prior to elective colorectal surgery is now considered an essential practice.
  • Consider negative-pressure dressings, especially for abdominal surgery or joint arthroplasty patients. Placing negative-pressure dressings over closed incisions was identified as a new option because evidence has shown these dressings reduce surgical site infections in certain patients. Negative pressure dressings are thought to work by reducing fluid accumulation around the wound.

Additional topics covered in the update include specific risk factors for surgical site infections, surveillance methods, infrastructure requirements, use of antiseptic wound lavage, and sterile reprocessing in the operating room, among other guidance.    

Hospitals may consider these additional approaches when seeking to further improve outcomes after they have fully implemented the list of essential practices. The document classifies tissue oxygenation, antimicrobial powder, and gentamicin-collagen sponges as unresolved issues according to current evidence.  

Source: Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America

Cholera Mutations Reveals Secrets of Antimicrobial Resistance

Scanning electron microscope image of Vibrio cholerae bacteria, which infect the digestive system.
Zeiss DSM 962 SEM
T.J. Kirn, M.J. Lafferty, C.M.P Sandoe and R.K. Taylor, 2000, “Delineation of pilin domains required for bacterial association into microcolonies and intestinal colonization”, Molecular Microbiology, Vol. 35(4):896-910
Copyright: Darthmouth College Electron Microscope Facility / These images are in the public domain

The natural ability of bacteria to adapt to various environmental stimuli can also make them resistant to drugs that would kill or slow their growth. In an article published in PLoS Genetics, microbiologist Dr Salvador Almagro-Moreno uncovers the evolutionary origins of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria. His studies on the cholera-causing bacterium Vibrio cholerae show that mutations in a bacterial membrane protein, OmpU, are linked to developing antimicrobial resistance.

These findings provide insight into deciphering what conditions must occur for infectious agents to become resistant.

Dr Almagro-Moreno studied genetic variants of a protein found in bacterial membranes called OmpU. Using computational and molecular approaches, his team found that several OmpU mutations in the cholera bacteria led to resistance to numerous antimicrobial agents. This resistance included antimicrobial peptides that act as defences in the human gut. The researchers found that other OmpU variants did not provide these properties, making the protein an ideal system for deciphering the specific processes that occur to make some bacteria resistant to antimicrobials.

By comparing resistant and antibiotic sensitive variants, the researchers were able to identify specific parts of OmpU associated with the emergence of antibiotic resistance. They also discovered that the genetic material encoding these variants, along with associated traits, can be passed between bacterial cells, increasing therisk of spreading AMR in populations under antibiotic pressure.

By understanding how mutations occur, researchers can better understand and develop therapeutics to combat resistant infections. Dr Almagro-Moreno is also looking at environmental factors such as pollution and warming of the oceans, as possible causes of resistant bacteria. “We are studying the genetic diversity of environmental populations, including coastal Florida isolates, to develop a new approach to understanding how antimicrobial resistance evolves,” he explained.

Understanding the bacteria that causes cholera, an acute diarrhoeal illness linked to infected water and foods, has global implications. The disease sickens up to 4 million people worldwide and severe cases can cause death within hours.

Source: University of Central Florida

Common Antibiotics Could Fight Resistant Bacteria

Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

A new test revealed that commonly available antibiotics can effectively treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They are not prescribed, however, because the gold-standard test predicts they will not work. The new test may improve the way antibiotics are developed, tested and prescribed – and it is openly available to all.

Published in Cell Reports Medicine, the research has significant implications in the fight against bacterial resistance by optimising the prescription and use of currently available antibiotics and enhancing the efforts to discover new ones.

Performed by UC Santa Barbara scientists, the research addressed a fundamental flaw in the healthcare paradigm for determining antibiotic resistance. It does not account for environmental conditions in the body that impact drug potency.

By simulating conditions in the body, the new test identified several effective antibiotics rejected by standard testing. Further, when the new and standard tests agreed — a nearly perfect prediction of treatment success or failure was observed.

The study required a tour de force screening of more than 500 antibiotic-bacteria combinations. The findings suggest that the standard test is incorrect ~15% of the time. And since physicians rely on this test for treatment decisions – it may lead to prescription of the wrong antibiotic.

‘People are not Petri plates’

The project was led by professor Michael Mahan and his UC Santa Barbara research team of Douglas Heithoff, Lucien Barnes and Scott Mahan, along with Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital physicians Lynn Fitzgibbons, M.D. and Jeffrey Fried, M.D., and professor John House of University of Sydney, Australia.

“People are not Petri plates – that is why antibiotics fail,” said Mahan. “Testing under conditions that mimic the body improves the accuracy by which lab tests predict drug potency.”

Physicians are aware of the flaws in the gold-standard test. When recommended antibiotics do not work, they must rely on their experience to decide on the appropriate antibiotic(s) for their patients.

This study provides a potential solution to address the disparity between antibiotics indicated by standard testing and actual patient outcomes.

“Reevaluation of FDA-approved antibiotics may be of far greater benefit than the time and cost of developing new drugs to combat antimicrobial resistance,” explained Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital physician Lynn Fitzgibbons, MD, an infectious disease physician, “potentially leading to significant life-savings and cost-savings.”

“Sepsis treatments are expensive and require long hospital stays,” explained Heithoff, “and testing and re-testing is not only time- and labour-intensive, but also leads to antibiotic resistance.”

The new test will lead to reduced costs for the healthcare industry in their efforts to identify new drugs to fight antimicrobial resistant infections.

“More accurate testing reduces the costs of drug discovery by streamlining detection of lead candidates long before expensive human clinical trials,” said professor John House of University of Sydney, a clinical veterinarian.

Jeffrey Fried, MD, a critical care physician, added: “Human clinical safety and efficacy studies will need to be conducted to assure these findings are applicable to patients with various infections and sepsis.”

Source: University of California – Santa Barbara

Experimental Biologic Drug Defeats MRSA in Early Lab Tests

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Image by CDC on Unsplash

Researchers reported in Cell Host & Microbe that early tests of a bioengineered drug candidate were successful in countering Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria particularly dangerous to hospitalised patients. 

Experiments demonstrated that SM1B74, an antibacterial biologic agent, was superior to a standard antibiotic drug at treating mice infected with S. aureus, including its treatment-resistant form known as MRSA.

The researchers tested mAbtyrins, a combination molecule based on an engineered version of a human monoclonal antibody (mAb), a protein that clings to and marks S. aureus for uptake and destruction by immune cells. Attached to the mAb are centyrins, small proteins that prevent these bacteria from boring holes into the human immune cells in which they hide. As the invaders multiply, these cells die and burst, eliminating their threat to the bacteria.

Together, the experimental treatment targets ten disease-causing mechanisms employed by S. aureus, but without killing it, say the study authors. This approach promises to address antibiotic resistance, say the researchers, where antibiotics kill vulnerable strains first, only to make more space for others that happen to be less vulnerable until the drugs no longer work.

“To our knowledge, this is the first report showing that mAbtyrins can drastically reduce the populations of this pathogen in cell studies, and in live mice infected with drug-resistant strains so common in hospitals,” said lead study author Victor Torres, PhD, the C.V. Starr Professor of Microbiology and director of the NYU Langone Health Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogen Program.”Our goal was to design a biologic that works against S. aureus inside and outside of cells, while also taking away the weapons it uses to evade the immune system.”

Inside Out

The new study is the culmination of a five-year research partnership between scientists at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Janssen to address the unique nature of S. aureus.

The NYU Langone team together with Janssen researchers, published in 2019 a study that found that centyrins interfere with the action of potent toxins used by S. aureus to bore into immune cells. They used a molecular biology technique to make changes in a single parental centyrin, instantly creating a trillion slightly different versions of it via automation. Out of this “library,” careful screening revealed a small set of centyrins that cling more tightly to the toxins blocking their function.

Building on this work, the team fused the centyrins to a mAb originally taken from a patient recovering from S. aureus infection. Already primed by its encounter with the bacteria, the mAb could label the bacterial cells such that they are pulled into bacteria-destroying pockets inside of roving immune cells called phagocytes. That is unless the same toxins that enable S. aureus to drill into immune cells from the outside let it drill out of the pockets to invade from the inside.

In a “marvel of bioengineering,” part of the team’s mAbtyrin serves as the passport recognised by immune cells, which then engulf the entire, attached mAbtyrin, along with its centyrins, and fold it into the pockets along with bacteria. Once inside, the centyrins block the bacterial toxins there. This, say the authors, sets their effort apart from antibody combinations that target the toxins only outside of cells.

The team made several additional changes to their mAbtyrin that defeat S. aureus by, for instance, activating chain reactions that amplify the immune response, as well by preventing certain bacterial enzymes from cutting up antibodies and others from gumming up their action.

The researchers tracked the growth of S. aureus strains commonly occurring in US communities in the presence of primary human immune cells (phagocytes). Bacterial populations grew almost normally in the presence of the parental antibody, slightly less well in the presence of the team’s engineered mAb, and half as fast when the mAbtyrin was used.

In another test, 98% of mice treated with a control mAb (no centyrins) developed bacteria-filled sores on their kidneys when infected with a deadly strain of S. aureus, while only 38% of mice did so when treated with the mAbtyrin. Further, when these tissues were removed and colonies of bacteria in them counted, the mice treated with the mAbtyrin had one hundred times (two logs) fewer bacterial cells than those treated with a control mAb.

Finally, the combination of small doses of the antibiotic vancomycin with the mAbtyrin in mice significantly improved the efficacy of the mAbtyrin, resulting in maximum reduction of bacterial loads in the kidneys and greater than 70% protection from kidney lesions.

“It is incredibly important,” said Torres, “that we find new ways to boost the action of vancomycin, a last line of defence against MRSA.”

Source: NYU Langone Health / NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Antibiotic Regimen may be Ineffective in TB Meningitis

Tuberculosis bacteria
Tuberculosis bacteria. Credit: CDC

Research in animal models published in Nature Communications shows that an approved antibiotic regimen for multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) may not work for TB meningitis. Limited human studies also provide evidence that a new combination of drugs is needed to develop effective treatments for TB meningitis due to MDR strains.

In the study from Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, the investigators showed that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved regimen of three antibiotics – bedaquiline, pretomanid and linezolid (BPaL) – used for treating TB of the lungs due to MDR strains, is not effective in treating TB meningitis because bedaquiline and linezolid struggle to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Tuberculosis, caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a global public health threat. About 1%–2% of TB cases progress into TB meningitis, the worst form of TB, which leads to an infection in the brain that causes increased fluid and inflammation.

“Most treatments for TB meningitis are based on studies of treatments for pulmonary TB, so we don’t have good treatment options for TB meningitis,” explains Sanjay Jain, M.D., senior author of the study and director of the Johns Hopkins Medicine Center for Infection and Inflammation Imaging Research.

In 2019, the FDA approved the BPaL regimen to treat MDR strains of TB, specifically those that lead to pulmonary TB. However, there are limited data on how well these antibiotics cross the blood-brain barrier.

In an effort to learn more, the research team synthesised a chemically identical and imageable version of the antibiotic pretomanid. They conducted experiments in mouse and rabbit models of TB meningitis using positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to noninvasively measure pretomanid penetration into the central nervous system as well as using direct drug measurements in mouse brains. In both models, researchers say PET imaging demonstrated excellent penetration of pretomanid into the brain or the central nervous system. However, the pretomanid levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that bathes the brain were many times lower than in the brains of mice.

“When we have measured drug concentrations in the spinal fluid, we have found that many times they have no relation to what’s happening in the brain,” says Elizabeth Tucker, MD, a study first author and an assistant professor of anaesthesiology and critical care medicine. “This finding will change how we interpret data from clinical trials and, ultimately, treat infections in the brain.”

Next, researchers measured the efficacy of the BPaL regimen compared with the standard TB treatment for drug-susceptible strains, a combination of the antibiotics rifampin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. Results showed that the antibacterial effect in the brain using the BPaL regimen in the mouse model was about 50 times lower than the standard TB regimen after six weeks of treatment, likely due to restricted penetration of bedaquiline and linezolid into the brain. The bottom line, says Jain, is that the “regimen that we think works really well for MDR-TB in the lung does not work in the brain.”

In another experiment involving healthy participants, three male and three female aged 20–53 years, first-in-human PET imaging was used to show pretomanid distribution to major organs, according to researchers.

Similar to the work with mice, this study revealed high penetration of pretomanid into the brain or central nervous system with CSF levels lower than those seen in the brain. “Our findings suggest pretomanid-based regimens, in combination with other antibiotics active against MDR strains with high brain penetration, should be tested for treating MDR-TB meningitis,” says study author Xueyi Chen, MD, a paediatric infectious diseases fellow, who is now studying combinations of such therapies.

Limitations included the small quantities of the imageable version of pretomanid per subject (micrograms) used. However, current evidence suggests that studies with small quantities of a drug are a reliable predictor of the drug biodistribution.

Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine

Researchers Achieve Decolonisation of S. Aureus by Using Probiotics

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria. Credit: CDC

A clinic trial published in The Lancet Microbe found that a promising approach to that ‘decolonised’ Staphylococcus aureus by using a probiotic instead of antibiotics. The probiotic Bacillus subtilis markedly reduced S. aureus colonisation in trial participants without harming the gut microbiota. 

Staphylococcus aureus are colonising bacteria that often live in the nose, on the body and in the gut but if the skin barrier is broken or the immune system weakened, they can cause serious disease.

Preventing S. aureus infections by “decolonising” the body has gained increased attention as antibiotic resistance has spread, but large amounts of antibiotics are needed, damaging other microbiota and promoting more antibiotic resistance. So far, it appears that only nasal S. aureus colonisation can be targeted with topical antibiotics without doing too much harm, but bacteria quickly can recolonise in the nose from the gut.

Probiotics may be a way to complement or replace antibiotics, of which Bacillus is especially promising because it is administered orally as spores that can survive passage through the stomach and then temporarily grow in the intestine. In prior studies, Dr Otto’s group discovered an S. aureus sensing system needed for S. aureus to grow in the gut. They also found that fengycins, Bacillus lipopeptides that are part peptide and part lipid, stop the S. aureus sensing system from functioning, eliminating the bacteria.

In the clinical trial, conducted in Thailand, the research team tested whether this approach works in people. They enrolled 115 healthy participants, all of whom were colonised naturally with S. aureus. A group of 55 people received B. subtilis probiotic once daily for four weeks; a control group of 60 people received a placebo. After four weeks researchers evaluated the participants’ S. aureus levels in the gut and nose. They found no changes in the control group, but in the probiotic group they observed a 96.8% S. aureus reduction in the stool and a 65.4% reduction in the nose.

“The probiotic we use does not ‘kill’ S. aureus, but it specifically and strongly diminishes its capacity to colonise,” Dr. Otto said. “We think we can target the ‘bad’ S. aureus while leaving the composition of the microbiota intact.”

The researchers also found that levels of S. aureus bacteria in the gut far exceeded S. aureus in the nose, which for decades has been the focus of staph infection prevention research. This finding adds to the potential importance of S. aureus reduction in the gut.

“Intestinal S. aureus colonisation has been evident for decades, but mostly neglected by researchers because it was not a viable target for antibiotics,” Dr Otto said. “Our results suggest a way to safely and effectively reduce the total number of colonising S. aureus and also call for a categorical rethinking of what we learned in textbooks about S. aureus colonisation of the human body.”

The researchers plan to continue their work by testing the probiotic in a larger and longer trial. They note that their approach probably does not work as quickly as antibiotics, but can be used for long periods because the probiotic as used in the clinical trial does not cause harm.

Source: NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases