Category: Antibiotics

Diabetes Can Drive the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of antibiotic resistance associated infections and deaths. It is also the most prevalent bacterial infection among those with diabetes mellitus, a chronic condition that affects blood sugar control and reduces the body’s ability to fight infections.

Microbiologists at the UNC School of Medicine have just shown that people with diabetes are more likely to develop antibiotic-resistant strains of Staph, too. Their results, which were published in Science Advances, show how the diabetic microbial environment produces resistant mutations, while hinting at ways antibiotic resistance can be combatted in this patient population.

“We found that antibiotic resistance emerges much more rapidly in diabetic models than in non-diabetic models of disease,” said Brian Conlon, PhD, associate professor of immunology. “This interplay between bacteria and diabetes could be a major driver of the rapid evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance that we are seeing.”

 Staph feeds off the high levels of blood glucose in diabetes, allowing it to reproduce more rapidly. The bacterium can also grow without consequence, as diabetes also impairs the immune system’s ability to destroy cells and control infection.

As the numbers of bacteria increase in a diabetic infection, so does the likelihood of resistance. Random mutations appear and some build up resistance to external stressors, like antibiotics. Once a resistant mutant is present in a diabetic infection, it rapidly takes over the population, using the excess glucose to drive its rapid growth.

Staphylococcus aureus is uniquely suited to take advantage of this diabetic environment,” said Lance Thurlow, PhD, assistant professor of microbiology and immunology. “Once that resistant mutation happens, you have excess glucose and you don’t have the immune system to clear the mutant and it takes over the entire bacterial population in a matter of days.”

Conlon, an expert on antibiotic treatment failure, and Thurlow, an expert on Staph pathogenesis in diabetes, have long been interested in comparing the effectiveness of antibiotics in a model with and without diabetes. Using their connections within the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, the researchers brought their labs together to perform a study with antibiotics in a diabetic mouse model of S. aureus infection.

First, the team prepared a mouse model with bacterial infection in the skin and soft tissue. The mouse models were divided into two groups: one half was given a compound that selectively kills cells in the pancreas, rendering them diabetic, and the other half was not given the compound. Researchers then infected both diabetic and non-diabetic models with S. aureus and treated them with rifampicin, an antibiotic where resistance evolves at a high rate.

After five days of infection, it was time to observe the results.

Conlon and Thurlow were quick to notice that the rifampicin had practically no effect in diabetic models. So, they took some samples to investigate. Researchers were shocked to find that the bacteria had evolved to become resistant to rifampicin, with the infection harboring over a hundred million rifampicin resistant bacteria. There were no rifampicin resistant bacteria in the non-diabetic models.

Their new findings have left Conlon and Thurlow with many questions; however, they are certain that the evolution of antibiotic resistance in people with diabetes could spell trouble for the population at large.

And, even more surprisingly, the mutation had taken over the entire infection in just four days. They next inoculated diabetic and non-diabetic models with Staphylococcus aureus as before, but this time supplemented with a known number of rifampicin resistant bacteria. Again, these bacteria rapidly took over the diabetic infection, but remained as only a sub-population in non-diabetic models after 4 days rifampicin treatment.

Their new findings have left Conlon and Thurlow with many questions; however, they are certain that the evolution of antibiotic resistance in people with diabetes could spell trouble for the population at large. Antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria spread from person to person in the same ways as other bacteria and viruses do – in the air, on doorknobs, and the food that we eat – which makes preventing these types of infections a major priority.

So, what can be done to prevent it? Well, the Conlon and Thurlow labs showed that reducing blood sugar levels in diabetic models (through administration of insulin) deprived bacteria of their fuel, keeping their numbers at bay, and reducing the chances of antibiotic-resistant mutations from occurring. Their findings suggest that controlling blood sugar through insulin use could be key in preventing antibiotic resistance.

“Resistance and its spread are not only associated with the prescription of drugs, but also the health status of those that are taking antibiotics,” said Conlon. “Controlling blood glucose then becomes really important. When we gave our mice insulin, we were able to bring their blood sugar back to normal and we didn’t get this rapid proliferation of resistant bacteria.”

Now, Conlon and Thurlow are expanding their efforts to study the evolution of resistance in humans (with and without diabetes) and other antibiotic-resistant bacteria of interest, including Enterococcus faecalisPseudomonas aeruginosa, and Streptococcus pyogenes. Recognizing how large a role the host plays a role in the evolution of antibiotic resistance, the researchers plan to perform similar studies in patients undergoing chemotherapy and recent transplant recipients to see if those populations are also prone to antibiotic resistant infections.

Source: University of North Carolina Health Care

A New Way of Destroying Superbugs – a Combination of Turmeric and Light

Photo by TUMERI on Unsplash

Joining the effort to fight these deadly pathogens, researchers at Texas A&M have now shown that curcumin, the compound that gives turmeric its characteristic bright yellow colour, can potentially be used to reduce antibiotic resistance. 

The researchers showed that when curcumin is intentionally given to bacteria as food and then activated by light, it can trigger deleterious reactions within these microbes, eventually killing them. This process, they demonstrated, reduces the number of antibiotic-resistant strains and renders conventional antibiotics effective again.

The results of the study are published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Antibiotics have increased the human lifespan by 23 years on average. But as the development of new antibiotics has tapered off, antibiotic resistance has grown. Infectious diseases are now projected to be the main causes of human mortality once again, claiming up to 10 million lives annually. 

“When bacteria start becoming resistant to conventional antibiotics, we have what we call an antibiotic catastrophe,” said Dr Vanderlei Bagnato, professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and senior author on the study. “To overcome this challenge, we need alternative ways to either kill the superbugs or find a novel way to modify natural processes within the bacteria so that antibiotics start to act again.” 

Bacteria display natural variation within a given population. This heterogeneity introduces variations in cell behaviours, including response to antibiotics, which can directly contribute to treatment resistance if some strains survive antimicrobial medication and continue replicating. Thus, the researchers wanted to curb bacterial heterogeneity to control bacterial resistance.

Photodynamic inactivation, a technique that has shown promise in combating bacterial resistance, uses light and light-sensitive molecules, called photosensitisers, to produce reactive oxygen species that can kill microorganisms by disrupting their metabolic processes. In their experiments, the team used curcumin, which is also a natural food for bacteria. They tested this technique on strains of Staphylococcus aureus that are resistant to amoxicillin, erythromycin, and gentamicin. 

The researchers exposed the bacteria to many cycles of light exposure and then compared the minimum concentration of antibiotics needed to kill the bacteria after light exposure versus those that did not get light exposure. 

“When we have a mixed population of bacteria where some are resistant, we can use photodynamic inactivation to narrow the bacterial distribution, leaving behind strains that are more or less similar in their response to antibiotics,” said Bagnato. “It’s much easier now to predict the precise antibiotic dose needed to remove the infection.”

The team noted that photodynamic inactivation using curcumin has tremendous potential as an adjuvant or additional therapy with antibiotics for diseases, like pneumonia, caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

“Photodynamic inactivation offers a cost-effective treatment option, which is crucial for reducing medical expenses not only in developing countries but also in the United States,” said Dr Vladislav Yakovlev, professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and author on the study. “It also has potential applications in military medicine, where this technology could be used to treat battlefield wounds and prevent the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance, a significant concern in combat situations.”

Source: Texas A&M University

Why Antibiotics can Fail Even against Non-resistant Bacteria

Drug-resistant Salmonella. Credit: CDC

Antibiotics are indispensable for treating bacterial infections. But why are they sometimes ineffective, even when the bacteria are not resistant? In their latest study published in the journal Nature, researchers from the University of Basel challenge the conventional view that a small subset of particularly resilient bacteria are responsible for the failure of antibiotic therapies.

In certain infectious diseases caused by bacteria, antibiotics are less effective than expected. One example is infections caused by Salmonella bacteria, which can lead to illnesses such as typhoid fever. For many years, researchers believed that a small subset of dormant bacteria are the main problem in fighting infections. These so-called persisters can survive antibiotic treatment and cause relapses later. Researchers worldwide have been working on new therapies aimed at targeting and eliminating these “sleeping” bacteria.

In a new study, Professor Dirk Bumann’s team from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel challenges the prevailing concept that persisters are the cause of antibiotic ineffectiveness. “Contrary to widespread belief, antibiotic failure is not caused by a small subset of persisters. In fact, the majority of Salmonella in infected tissues are difficult to kill,” explains Bumann. “We have been able to demonstrate that standard laboratory tests of antimicrobial clearance produce misleading results, giving a false impression of a small group of particularly resilient persisters.”

Nutrient starvation increases Salmonella resilience

The researchers investigated antimicrobial clearance in both Salmonella-infected mice and tissue-mimicking laboratory models. The body’s defense mechanisms against bacteria often include reducing the availability of nutrients. The researchers have now revealed that in fact, this nutrient starvation is the main reason for Salmonella bacteria surviving treatments with antibiotics. The researchers assume that the same applies to other bacterial pathogens.

“Under nutrient-scarce conditions, bacteria grow very slowly,” says Bumann. “This may seem good at first, but is actually a problem because most antibiotics only gradually kill slowly growing bacteria.” As a result, the drugs are much less effective, and relapses can occur even after prolonged therapy.

Real-time analyses reveal misconception

The scientists used an innovative method to monitor antibiotic action in single bacteria in real time. “We demonstrated that nearly the entire Salmonella population survives antibiotic treatment for extended periods, not just a small subset of hyper-resilient persisters,” says first author Dr Joseph Fanous.

A major issue with the standard methods used worldwide for decades is their indirect and delayed measurement of bacterial survival, leading to distorted results. “Traditional tests underestimate the number of surviving bacteria,” explains Fanous. “And they falsely suggest the presence of hyper-resilient subsets of persisters that do not actually exist.” This misinterpretation has influenced research for many years.

Novel tools for antibiotics research

These findings could fundamentally change antibiotics research. “Our work underlines the importance of studying bacterial behaviour and antibiotic effects live and under physiologically relevant conditions,” emphasises Bumann. “In a few years, modern methods like real-time single-cell analysis will hopefully become standard.” Shifting the focus from persisters to the impact of nutrient starvation is an important step toward more effective therapies against difficult-to-treat infections.

The project is part of the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) “AntiResist”. The research consortium aims to develop innovative strategies to combat bacterial infections. Dirk Bumann is one of the directors of the NCCR “AntiResist”.

Source: University of Basel

Study Finds Three New Safe, Effective Ways to Treat Drug-resistant TB

Tuberculosis bacteria. Credit: CDC

An international clinical trial has found three new safe and effective drug regimens for tuberculosis that is resistant to rifampin, the most effective of the first-line antibiotics used to treat TB. The research, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, was led by researchers at Harvard Medical School and other members of the endTB project.

The newly identified regimens take advantage of recently discovered drugs to expand the treatment arsenal and give physicians new ways to shorten and personalise treatment, minimise side effects, and treat patients using only pills instead of daily injections. They also offer alternatives in case of drug intolerance, medication shortages or unavailability, or drug resistance, the researchers said.

The endTB trial is one of four recent efforts to use randomised controlled trials to test new, shorter, less toxic regimens for drug-resistant TB. endTB uses two new drugs – bedaquiline and delamanid — which, when brought to market in 2012-2013, were the first new TB medicines developed in nearly 50 years.

To find shorter, injection-free drug combinations for people infected with TB resistant to rifampin, endTB tested five new, all-oral 9-month regimens using the two new drugs in combination with older medications.

A third drug, pretomanid, received emergency authorisation from the FDA for specific use within a regimen against highly drug-resistant TB in 2019, after the endTB clinical trial was underway, and is not included in the regimens used in these trials.

Trial regimens were considered effective if they performed at least as well as the control group, which received a well-performing standard of care composed in accordance with a stringent interpretation of World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.

The three successful new regimens were successful for between 85 and 90% of patients, compared with 81% success for people in the control group. The control group was treated with longer treatments, which also included the recently discovered medicines.

The trial launched in 2017 and enrolled 754 patients across seven countries: Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Pakistan, Peru, and South Africa. The goal was to improve treatment for patients with tuberculosis resistant to rifampin. The WHO estimates that some 410 000 people become sick with rifampin-resistant TB each year, including people who have multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). Only 40% are diagnosed and treated, 65%of them successfully.

The study population included children as well as people infected with HIV or hepatitis C, both common in populations with high rates of TB. In another innovation, women who became pregnant while on treatment were included in the endTB trial. These groups are often excluded from clinical trials. In a special report published in August 2024, the WHO added the three noninferior regimens from the endTB trial to the list of treatment options for rifampin-resistant and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) treatment; the recommendations extend to these neglected groups as well as to pregnant women.

With recent efforts to end patent exclusivity on bedaquiline, two of the endTB regimens and the WHO-recommended pretomanid-containing regimen can all be purchased for less than $500, an access target set by activists more than 10 years ago, which has only just now been achieved. All of these innovations together mean the new shortened, all-oral regimens are available to more people than ever.

Source: Harvard Medical School

Short-course Antibiotics are Game-changers for Healthcare

Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

Antibiotic overuse is a key driver in the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a major global health crisis. Researchers from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine) and Duke-NUS Medical School have provided compelling evidence that short-course antibiotic treatments can be a game-changer in tackling ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), a serious infection common in critically ill patients.

The findings from the landmark REGARD-VAP trial, published in Lancet Respiratory Medicine, and the accompanying economic analyses published in Lancet Global Health, highlight how prudent antibiotic use can curb resistance, effectively safeguarding patients as well as combatting the global threat of antimicrobial resistance while reducing healthcare costs.

Led by the NUS Medicine research team, the clinical trial examined over 450 patients across intensive care units (ICUs) in Singapore, Thailand, and Nepal. Results revealed that short-course antibiotics. carefully tailored to individual patients’ recovery, are just as effective as traditional longer treatments in preventing death and recurrence of pneumonia. “By shortening the duration of antibiotics, we can reduce the risks of side effects and resistance without compromising patient outcomes,” added Dr Mo Yin, Junior Academic Fellow at the Department of Medicine, NUS Medicine, and principal investigator of the clinical trial, and co-author of the economic analysis.

The economic analyses accompanying the trial were just published in the prestigious journal Lancet Global Health. They demonstrated that adopting short-course antibiotics offers significant value for healthcare systems. In Singapore, the strategy is cost-saving, reducing hospital expenditure while maintaining excellent outcomes for patients. In Thailand and Nepal, short-course antibiotics were highly cost-effective, with health gains outweighing the modest additional costs incurred. “Short-course antibiotics are a pragmatic solution that benefits patients and healthcare systems alike, particularly in resource-limited settings,” said Assistant Professor Yiying Cai, lead researcher from the Health Services and Systems Research Programme at Duke-NUS.

The REGARD-VAP study’s findings have practical implications for hospitals worldwide. Short-course antibiotics can streamline treatment in ICUs, where managing infections efficiently is vital. The approach is effective across high-income (Singapore), middle-income (Thailand), and low-income (Nepal) settings, making it a scalable solution for diverse healthcare systems. These results provide robust evidence including cost-effectiveness data for policymakers to adopt short-course antibiotics into national and institutional guidelines.

The team hopes to disseminate their findings globally to encourage the adoption of short-course antibiotics, particularly in regions with limited resources. They also advocate for integrating cost-effectiveness studies into future clinical trials to strengthen both clinical and economic decision-making processes. By reducing unnecessary antibiotic exposure, short-course treatments help preserve the effectiveness of existing drugs for future generations. Every additional day of antibiotic use increases the risk of drug resistance by 7%. Reducing treatment duration is a critical step in combating this silent epidemic. “Prudent antibiotic use is essential to combat antimicrobial resistance and optimise healthcare outcomes. Our findings make a strong case for adopting short-course antibiotics as the new standard of care,” concluded Dr Mo Yin.

Source: National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

PCT Test Fails to Shorten IV Antibiotics for Hospitalised Children

Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

A groundbreaking UK study led by the University of Liverpool has examined whether an additional procalcitonin (PCT) blood test could safely shorten the time children spend on intravenous (IV) antibiotics in hospitals. Despite promising previous analysis, the findings showed that using the PCT biomarker to guide treatment decisions did not reduce antibiotic duration when compared to usual care.

The study, published in the Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, is part of the ‘Biomarker-guided duration of Antibiotic Treatment in Children Hospitalised with confirmed or suspected bacterial infection’ (BATCH) trial. BATCH is a UK national research trial to tackle antibiotic overuse in hospitalised children and reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Antibiotic overuse is a key driver of AMR, one of the world’s greatest public health challenges. Infections caused by resistant bacteria lead to longer hospital stays, higher healthcare costs, and increased mortality. Children are especially vulnerable, and smarter use of antibiotics is essential to protect their future health.

This study, conducted across 15 hospitals, enrolled nearly 2000 children aged between 72 hours and 18 years with suspected bacterial infections.

The researchers found that adding the PCT test to routine care did not reduce the duration of IV antibiotic use. The test was safe but costlier than standard methods, and healthcare teams faced challenges integrating it into their decision-making processes.

The study comes after a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis conducted by NICE in 2015 evaluated PCT testing to guide antibiotic therapy for the treatment of sepsis, and recommended further studies to adequately assess the effectiveness of adding PCT algorithms to guide antibiotic treatment in hospitalised adults and children with suspected or confirmed serious bacterial infection.

The results highlight that introducing new tools like PCT tests alone isn’t enough. Effective use requires:

  • Robust Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) programmes: Many hospitals already use AMS programmes to ensure antibiotics are prescribed responsibly, reducing unnecessary use.
  • Training and education for Clinicians: Familiarity with new tests and confidence in interpreting results are crucial for success.
  • Implementation research: Future studies should identify barriers and facilitators to implementation to optimise fidelity of the intervention.
  • Behaviour change: Better understanding of the complex interactions influencing whether/how/why clinicians act on information from diagnostic tests to make antibiotic prescribing decisions will improve trial intervention fidelity and facilitate implementation and adoption of tests shown to be effective.

The findings emphasise the importance of continuing to invest in AMS programmes and public health campaigns to reduce antibiotic misuse. The researchers note that although PCT-guided treatment didn’t provide clear benefits in this trial, it could still play a role in specific situations with further refinement.

Chief investigator Professor Enitan Carrol, from the University of Liverpool, said: “The BATCH study was a pragmatic trial evaluating if the intervention works under real-world conditions where clinicians do not have to adhere to diagnostic algorithms about antibiotic discontinuation. Adherence to the algorithm was low in our study, and there were challenges in integrating the test into routine clinical workflows. The study highlights the importance of including behaviour change and implementation frameworks into pragmatic trial designs.”

Source: University of Liverpool

The Spread of a Highly Drug-resistant Cholera Strain

Scanning electron micrograph image of cholera bacteria.

Scientists from the National Reference Center for Vibrios and Cholera at the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with the Centre hospitalier de Mayotte, have revealed the spread of a highly drug-resistant cholera strain from Yemen down through Africa. The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Cholera is caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae and in its most severe forms, it is one of the most rapidly fatal infectious diseases: in the absence of treatment, patients can die within hours. Treatment primarily involves replacing lost water and electrolytes, but antibiotics are also used in addition to rehydration therapy. They are essential in reducing the duration of infection and breaking chains of transmission as quickly as possible.

A strain resistant to ten antibiotics – including azithromycin and ciprofloxacin, two of the three recommended for treating cholera – was identified for the first time in Yemen during the cholera outbreak in 2018-2019[1].

Scientists have now been able to trace the spread of this strain by studying the bacterial genomes. After Yemen, it was identified again in Lebanon in 2022[2], then in Kenya in 2023, and finally in Tanzania and the Comoros Islands – including Mayotte, a French département off the south-east coast of Africa – in 2024. Between March and July 2024, the island of Mayotte was affected by an outbreak of 221 cases caused by this highly drug-resistant strain.

“This study demonstrates the need to strengthen global surveillance of the cholera agent, and especially to determine how it reacts to antibiotics in real time. If the new strain that is currently circulating acquires additional resistance to tetracycline, this would compromise all possible oral antibiotic treatment,” concludes Professor François-Xavier Weill, Head of the Vibrios CNR at the Institut Pasteur and lead author of the study.

[1] Press release 19/08/2023 – Genes fuelling antibiotic resistance in Yemen cholera outbreak uncovered


Source: Institut Pasteur

Tuberculosis Strains Resistant to New Drug Regimen are Being Transmitted between Patients

Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug susceptibility test. Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) poses a particular threat to global health. A study led by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) shows that resistance to the new MDR-TB treatment regimen recently recommended by the World Health Organization is already spreading between patients. The findings, published in NEJM, highlight the urgent need for better surveillance and infection control to counteract the rise in antimicrobial resistance.

The traditional treatment regimen for MDR-TB is lengthy, expensive, and comes with severe adverse event. In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed a new 6-month regimen, the BPaL(M), based on evidence of its improved safety and efficacy from numerous clinical studies, including TB-PRACTECAL.

Monitoring the implementation of a new treatment regimen

“While this new regimen is a game changer for patients suffering from MDR-TB, we knew that it will be difficult to outsmart Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria causing TB,” said Sébastien Gagneux, Head of the Department Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology at Swiss TPH and senior author of the study. “It was therefore crucial to study how the TB bacteria would react to the global roll-out of this new regimen.”

This new study led by Swiss TPH in collaboration with the National Centre for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Tbilisi, Georgia, now examined in detail whether resistance to the drugs in the new regimen has already emerged since its introduction, and whether this resistance is transmitting between patients.

Over a quarter of resistant strains result from transmission between patients

The researchers analysed the genomes of close to 90 000 M. tuberculosis strains from Georgia and many other countries around the world. They identified a total of 514 strains that were resistant to TB drugs, including both the old and the new treatment regimens. These highly drug-resistant strains were found in 27 countries across four continents.

Alarmingly, 28% of these strains were transmitted directly from one patient to another. “We already had anecdotal evidence of resistance emerging to the new regimen, but we did not know to what extent transmission was responsible for the spread of these highly drug-resistant strains,” said Galo A. Goig, postdoctoral collaborator at Swiss TPH and first author of the study.

“The good news is that the total number of these cases is still low. However, the fact that more than a quarter of these highly drug-resistant cases are due to patient-to-patient transmission, only two years after WHO endorsed the new regimen, is worrying,” added Goig.

Call for better surveillance and infection control

These findings have important implications for public health policy and interventions. “These new drugs have taken many years to develop, and to prevent drug resistance from emerging, it is essential to combine the deployment of these new regimens with robust diagnostics and surveillance systems,” said Chloé Loiseau, postdoctoral collaborator at Swiss TPH and co-author of the paper.

The authors emphasise the need for improved diagnostic tools, better infection control and robust surveillance systems to curb the spread of these highly drug-resistant strains, and to safeguard the efficacy of the new treatment regimen.

Tackling antimicrobial resistance

While there are already new TB drugs in the pipeline, experts worry that M. tuberculosis will continue to find ways to evade new drugs. “The example of these highly drug-resistant TB strains further illustrates that antimicrobial resistance is one of the most critical threats to global health today,” said Gagneux. “We must stay ahead in this constant race between drug development and bacterial resistance, and take proactive steps to prevent a ‘post-antibiotic era’ for TB and other diseases.”

Source: Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Faulty ‘Fight or Flight’ Drives C. Diff Infections

Clostridioides difficile. Credit: CDC

The portion of our nervous systems responsible for the “fight or flight” response can shape the severity of potentially deadly Clostridioides difficile infections, new research from the School of Medicine reveals in Cell Reports Medicine.

The findings suggest that doctors may be able to save patients from the infections – a plague for hospitals and nursing homes – by using drugs to quiet the hyperactive nervous system response, the researchers say.

“Compared to how much we know about immune system influences in C. difficile infections, the field is just scratching the surface in understanding neuronal contributions to disease,” said researcher William A. Petri Jr., MD, PhD, of UVA Health’s Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health. “Newly identifying components of the nervous system that worsen inflammation will allow us to determine potential therapeutic targets and biomarkers for patients at risk of severe disease.”

C. difficile, is a perpetual burden for healthcare facilities. Extensive antibiotic use, particularly among patients who are hospitalised or in nursing care, can allow it to establish dangerous infections. Further, patients who make it through the severe diarrhoea, nausea, fever and colitis C. difficile can cause are not necessarily in the clear: One in six will develop another C. diff infection within eight weeks, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The new UVA research reveals the critical role the nervous system plays in severe C. difficile infections. The researchers found that the “sympathetic” nervous system – the branch that responds to dangerous situations – can be a key driver of serious C. diff.

Normally, our “fight or flight” response is helpful for avoiding danger. It helps us respond quickly, improves our eyesight, boosts our strength. It also can stimulate our immune system and help us recover from injury. But in C. difficile cases, the nervous system can have a hyperactive response that becomes part of the problem, and UVA’s new research explains why.

“Neurons are the first responders that coordinate defences against toxic attacks. Sometimes those responders don’t recruit the right size and kind of artillery and that can make things worse,” said researcher David Tyus, a neuroscience graduate student at UVA. “Interestingly, the receptor we identified as important in C. difficile infection [the alpha 2 adrenergic receptor] has also been linked to irritable bowel syndrome. I’m curious to know if there could be a unifying underlying mechanism between the two disease contexts.”

Promisingly, the researchers found that targeting the receptor in lab mice reduced intestinal inflammation and decreased C. difficile severity and mortality. That suggests that, with further research, doctors may be able to take a similar tact to better treat severe C. diff infections in patients. For example, they may be able to surgically remove a portion of nerves in the gut, or they may be able to develop medicines to target the alpha 2 receptor – as Petri and Tyus are attempting to do.

“Our next step is to determine which cells with the alpha 2 receptor are receiving signals from the sympathetic nervous system and play a role in C. difficile-mediated disease,” Petri said. “We are very excited to think about how our findings translate to clinic and how the sympathetic nervous system might play a role in recurrent infection. I hope that this study sets the foundation for future findings of how neurons affect the course of C. difficile infection outcomes.”

Source: University of Virginia Health System

Transperineal Prostate Biopsy is Safer than the Standard Technique

Credit: Darryl Leja National Human Genome Research Institute National Institutes Of Health

A multi-institutional clinical trial led by Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian investigators showed that a newer technique for collecting prostate biopsy samples reduced the risk of infection compared with traditional biopsy approaches and removed the need for prophylactic antibiotics. The results of the study appear in JAMA Oncology.

The technique, called transperineal prostate biopsy, collects prostate tissue via a needle through the skin of the perineum, the area between the rectum and the scrotum. The procedure, which uses local anesthesia to numb the area, allows physicians to bypass the traditional and more infection-prone route of collecting prostate biopsy tissue with a needle through the rectum.

The PReclude infection EVEnts with No prophylaxis Transperineal (PREVENT) trial, funded by the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, was conducted at multiple sites, including NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, NewYork-Presbyterian Queens and NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. The study found no infections among 382 men randomised to undergo the transperineal procedure compared with six infections affecting 1.6% of the 370 men randomised to undergo the traditional transrectal biopsy procedure. The lower infection rate is particularly remarkable because the men in the transrectal biopsy group received a targeted course of antibiotics designed to help reduce their infection risk, and the men in the transperineal group received no antibiotics.

“Transperineal biopsy should be the new standard of care for prostate biopsy,” said Dr Jim Hu, Professor of Urologic Oncology at Weill Cornell Medicine. “It was as effective as the traditional transrectal biopsy approach at detecting cancer, but without the risk of infection or the need for antibiotics.”

Prostate biopsies are an essential tool for detecting prostate cancer, and about 3 million people worldwide undergo the procedure each year. Dr Hu noted that physicians collect about 90% of these biopsies in the United States via a transrectal procedure. Yet studies have found that 5% to 7% of patients develop infections after biopsy, and 1% to 3% require hospitalisation for these complications, he said. To help prevent infections, physicians typically prescribe a prophylactic course of antibiotics before the procedure.

Dr. Hu noted that the investigators used a personalised approach to prophylactic antibiotics in the patients undergoing the transrectal biopsy procedure. Rather than giving the men a broad-spectrum antibiotic or multiple antibiotics, they matched the antibiotics to cultures obtained from the patient’s rectum during prostate exams before the procedure. This targeted antibiotic approach reduced the infection rate in those undergoing the traditional transrectal procedure substantially compared with the national infection rate for the procedure. Yet, they achieved a statistically significant reduction in infections in the transperineal group by eliminating infections altogether.

 “Transperineal prostate biopsy makes a common diagnostic procedure safer for men,” said Dr Hu, who is also a member of the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medicine. “It also eliminates the use of antibiotics, helping to reduce the emergence of antibiotic-resistant infections, a growing public health concern.”

Despite the promise of the new procedure, Dr. Hu acknowledged a few hurdles to making it more widely available to men in the United States. He explained that few physicians in the country have been trained in the perineal procedure. Additionally, he noted that US insurers pay the same amount for either procedure but the transperineal biopsy costs more and takes longer to perform, creating a financial disincentive for physicians to make the switch.

However, there is reason to think the status quo will change, Dr Hu said, noting the switch to transperineal prostate biopsies in Norway after a man died after a routine transrectal prostate biopsy. The change virtually eliminated biopsy-related infections and deaths in that country with the nationwide switch to transperineal biopsy, he said.

“There is a strong case to make the switch,” he said. “It will take time. But as more patients request the new procedure, we think it will become more widely available.”

Source: Weill Cornell Medicine