Author: ModernMedia

Controlling Fibrosis with the Right Mechanical Forces

Photo by Kampus Production:

The cells in human bodies are subject to both chemical and mechanical forces. But until recently, scientists have not understood much about how to manipulate the mechanical side of that equation. That’s about to change.

“This is a major breakthrough in our ability to be able to control the cells that drive fibrosis,” said Guy Genin, professor of mechanical engineering in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, whose research was just published in Nature Materials.

Fibrosis is an affliction wherein cells produce excess fibrous tissue. Fibroblast cells do this to close wounds, but the process can cascade in unwanted places. Examples include cardiac fibrosis; kidney or liver fibrosis, which precedes cancer; and pulmonary fibrosis, which can cause major scarring and breathing difficulties. Every soft tissue in the human body, even the brain, has the potential for cells to start going through a wound-healing cascade when they’re not supposed to, according to Genin.

The problem has both chemical and mechanical roots, but mechanical forces seem to play an outsized role. WashU researchers sought to harness the power of these mechanical forces, using a strategic pull and tug in the right mix of directions to tell the cell to shut off its loom of excess fibre.

In the newly published research, Genin and colleagues outline some of those details, including how to intervene in tension fields at the right time to control how cells behave.

“The direction of the tension these cells apply matters a lot in terms of their activation state,” said Nathaniel Huebsch, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at McKelvey Engineering and co-senior author of the research, along with Genin and Vivek Shenoy at the University of Pennsylvania.

The forces

The human body is constantly in motion, so it should come as no surprise that force can encode function in cells. But what forces, how much force and in which direction are some of the questions that the Center for Engineering MechanoBiology examines.

“The magnitude of tension will affect what the cell does,” Huebsch said. But tension can go in many different directions. “The discovery that we present in this paper is that the way stress pulls in different directions makes a difference with the cell,” he added.

Pulling in multiple directions in a nonuniform manner, called tension anisotropy (imagine a taffy pull) is a key force in kicking off fibrosis, the researchers found.

“We’re showing, for the first time, using a structure with a tissue, we’re able to stop cell cytoskeletons from going down a pathway that will cause contraction and eventual fibrosis,” Genin said.

Huebsch, who pioneered microscopic models and scaffolds for testing these tension fields that act on cells, explained that tentacle-like microtubules establish tension by emerging and casting out in a direction. Collagen around the cell pulls back on that tubule and becomes aligned with it.

“We discovered that if you could disrupt the microtubules, you would disrupt that whole organization and you would potentially disrupt fibrosis,” Huebsch said.

And, though this research was about understanding what goes wrong to cause fibrosis, there is still much to learn about what goes right with fibroblasts, connective tissue cells, especially in the heart, he added.

 “In tissues where fibroblasts are typically well aligned, what is stopping them from activating to that wound-healing state?” Huebsch asked.

Personalised treatment plans

Along with finding ways to prevent or treat fibrosis, Genin and Huebsch said doctors can look for ways to apply this new knowledge about the importance of mechanical stress to treatment of injuries or burns. The findings could help address the high fail rate for treatments of elderly patients with injuries that require reattaching tendon to bone or skin to skin.

For instance, in rotator cuff injuries, there is compelling evidence that patients must start moving their arm to recover function, but equally compelling evidence that patients should immobilise the arm for better recovery. The answer might depend on the amount of collagen a patient produces and the stress fields at play at the recovery site.

By understanding the multidirectional stress fields’ impact on the cell structure, doctors may be able to look at specific patients’ repair and determine a personalised treatment plan.

For instance, a patient who has biaxial stress coming from two directions at the site of injury will potentially need to exercise more to trigger cell repair, Genin said. However, another patient showing signs of uniaxial stress, meaning stress is pulling only one direction, any movement could over-activate cells, so in that case, the patient should keep the injury immobilised. All that and more is still to be worked out and confirmed, but Genin is excited to begin.

“The next generation of disease we’re going to be conquering are diseases of mechanics,” Genin said.

Source: Washington University in St. Louis

How to Stop Melanoma’s Incredibly Swift Evasion of Treatment

Melanoma Cells. Credit: National Cancer Institute

Researchers have uncovered a stealth survival strategy that melanoma cells use to evade targeted therapy, offering a promising new approach to improving treatment outcomes.

The study, published in Cell Systems and conducted by researchers at the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) identifies a non-genetic, reversible adaptation mechanism that allows melanoma cells to survive treatment with BRAF inhibitors. By identifying and blocking this early response, researchers proposed a combination therapy that could delay resistance and enhance the effectiveness of existing treatments.

Cracking the Code of Melanoma’s Drug Escape

Melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is often driven by mutations in the BRAF gene, which fuels uncontrolled tumor growth. While BRAF inhibitors (such as vemurafenib) initially halt tumor growth, many tumors quickly adapt and survive treatment, leading to therapy failure.

Unlike traditional resistance driven by genetic mutations, this study uncovers an early, dynamic adaptation process that occurs within hours to days of drug treatment – long before genetic resistance takes hold. Surprisingly, this process does not rely on reactivating the BRAF-ERK pathway, which is the usual resistance mechanism.

Using cutting-edge mass spectrometry-based phosphoproteomics and deep transcriptomics analyses, researchers mapped the molecular shifts in melanoma cells over minutes, hours, and days of BRAF inhibitor treatment.

“We found that while the BRAF-ERK signaling pathway was quickly and durably suppressed, cancer cells did not rely on reactivating ERK to survive. Instead, they triggered an alternative SRC family kinase (SFK) signaling pathway, which promoted cell survival and eventual recovery,” said Chunmei Liu, PhD, a bioinformatics scientist at ISB and co-first author of the paper.

Turning a Weakness Into a Target

A key discovery in this study came when researchers linked SFK activation to reactive oxygen species (ROS), a cellular stress response that builds up under BRAF inhibition. As ROS levels surged, SFK activity spiked, helping melanoma cells withstand treatment. However, this adaptation was reversible – when treatment was removed, cells returned to their original state.

Recognizing this Achilles’ heel, the team tested a combination approach: pairing BRAF inhibitors with the SFK inhibitor dasatinib.

“By adding dasatinib, we blocked this adaptive escape mechanism, significantly reducing melanoma cell survival and stabilising tumours in animal models,” said ISB Associate Professor Wei Wei, PhD, co-corresponding author.

Importantly, SFK inhibition alone had little effect on melanoma cells, highlighting the need for a strategic combination therapy to suppress melanoma adaptation before resistance fully develops. 

“This approach has the potential to prolong the effectiveness of BRAF inhibitors and improve patient outcomes,” said ISB President and Professor Jim Heath, PhD, co-corresponding author.

Looking Ahead: A Path to the Clinic

Beyond uncovering a key mechanism of drug adaptation, this research underscores the importance of early intervention to prevent it from happening. It also highlights ROS accumulation and SFK activation as potential biomarkers for identifying patients who may benefit from this combination therapy.

Further preclinical studies and clinical trials will be necessary to validate this combination therapy strategy and determine its potential for broader clinical use.

Source: Institute for Systems Biology

Potential Risk Biomarkers Found for Schizophrenia from Cannabis Use

Photo by Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash

The UPV/EHU study, recently published in the journal Scientific Reports, has analysed and compared the fatty acids in the blood of individuals with schizophrenia, of those with cannabis use disorder and of those with both diagnoses, with the aim of shedding light on new biomarkers and improving the understanding of the biological relationship between the two disorders. The study also offers a powerful tool for identifying new biomarkers.

Cannabis is one of the most widely used substances in the world, with some 228 million users between the ages of 15 and 64. The risk of developing schizophrenia increases significantly with cannabis use, especially when it starts at a young age. What is more, it is estimated that approximately 10% of cannabis users will develop cannabis use disorder during their lifetime. Curiously, almost a third of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia also meet the criteria for cannabis use disorder; and cannabis use disorder affects up to 42% of people with schizophrenia.

In this bid to shed light on the biological mechanisms that determine why some individuals develop schizophrenia while others only experience cannabis use disorder, despite similar levels of exposure to cannabis, the UPV/EHU’s Neuropsychopharmacology group has managed to detect “potential biomarkers in the blood that could help predict the risk some people have of developing a psychiatric disorder such as schizophrenia if they use cannabis”, explained Leyre Urigüen, coordinator of the study.

So, the research group compared the fatty acid content in the blood of samples taken from “a group of individuals with schizophrenia who did not use cannabis, a group who used cannabis and have developed a cannabis use disorder, a group with a dual pathology of schizophrenia with cannabis abuse, and a control group of individuals with neither a psychiatric disorder nor drug use”, explained Dr Urigüen. In the study they wanted to shed light on what happens “with people who use cannabis and develop schizophrenia; how do they differ from those who use cannabis and never develop a psychiatric disorder?” she added.

“We found considerable differences between these groups of individuals. By comparing the quantities of certain metabolites (fatty acids), we were able to perfectly differentiate between the three patient populations,” stressed the UPV/EHU researcher. “This indicates that there is an altered or different metabolism between these three groups.” In this study the Neuropsychopharmacology research group at the UPV/EHU detected “that some fatty acids differentiate between the cannabis-using group and the groups with schizophrenia and dual-diagnosis patients. These molecules could potentially be biomarkers”, said Urigüen.

Paving the way forward

The researcher is very hopeful about this finding: “I think it is important to be capable of finding blood biomarkers that can help predict the risk of developing a psychiatric disorder, such as schizophrenia due to cannabis use, and this study has proven to be the start of this way forward. Now this has to be disproved by studies with a larger cohort of people than the one we have analysed.”

In this respect, the researcher stressed that another of the strengths of the study is “the fine-tuning of plasma lipidomics in patients; in other words, the complete study of fatty acids (lipids). We are proposing a way of working that can be replicated by other groups, and that way, headway can be made in the specification of these metabolites”. This approach has been developed by the IBeA research group under the direction of the UPV/EHU professor Nestor Etxebarria. Both groups are working side by side on “various approaches to the study in which they are trying to find answers to these and many other questions”.

Source: University of the Basque Country

Excitement Builds for Long-acting TB Treatments, but Research Still at Early Stage

Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug susceptibility test. Photo by CDC on Unsplash

By Catherine Tomlinson

Both TB treatment and TB preventive therapy involve taking lots of pills, usually for several months. Researchers are working on new long-acting formulations that might, for example, reduce an entire course of TB preventive therapy to a single injection.

The biggest HIV news of last year was that an injection containing an antiretroviral called lenacapavir provides six months of protection against HIV infection per shot. While it will be several years before the jabs become widely available, experts nevertheless hailed the development as a potential game-changer. In some countries, HIV treatment is already available as injections – containing the antiretrovirals cabotegravir and rilpivirine  – administered every two months.

Scientists working on tuberculosis (TB) are trying to replicate the successes of the HIV field and develop similarly long-acting formulations of TB medicines. The good news is that they have several exciting products under development – the bad news is that the research is still at a very early stage and the pivotal studies that will tell us if these products work are likely still years away.

But if they work, they could make a big difference to patients. That is because TB treatment and TB preventive therapy mostly still requires swallowing lots of pills over a long period of time. There is some good evidence that many people would prefer long-acting injections.

The case for long-acting TB medicines

TB preventive therapy is used to stop someone suspected of having latent TB infection from falling ill with TB. In South Africa, such preventive therapy is recommended for all close contacts of someone sick with TB. Typically, it involves taking tablets for three or six months (a one-month course has been shown to work, but is not widely available). There is research that shows that the shorter the regimen the more likely it is to be completed.

The hope is that a long-acting product might do away with swallowing tablets altogether and reduce an entire course of preventive therapy to a single injection. This is likely to be more convenient for patients as well as come with the benefit of perfect treatment completion rates.

TB preventive therapy is a simpler target for long-acting formulations than TB treatment since it typically involves only one or two drugs and treatment durations are shorter. TB treatment typically takes six or more months to complete and usually involves taking four different drugs – often four for two months and then only two for the remaining four months in what is called the continuation phase. Some of the current thinking is that the continuation phase could potentially be replaced by long-acting formulations of TB medicines. This could shorten the duration of TB treatment to just two months of taking tablets.

Not an easy nut to crack

As explained by Dr Eric Nuermberger of Johns Hopkins University, not all TB medicines available as tablets make good candidates for translation to long-acting injectable formulations. He was presenting on long-acting TB drugs at the Conference for Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), recently held in San Francisco.

Nuermberger outlined three key characteristics that are needed for long-acting formulations. These are low water solubility (so the drug doesn’t dissolve to quickly), low clearance in plasma (so that the body doesn’t clear the drug too quickly), and high drug potency (so that a small volume of drug can be effective for a long period of time).

One key challenge, according to Nuermberger, is that scientists do not yet have reliable biomarkers to measure the effectiveness of long-acting TB preventive therapy in phase II trials. Biomarkers, such as blood levels of certain proteins, could in theory offer scientists a faster way to assess if TB preventative therapy is working, without having to monitor clinical trial participants for long periods of time to determine treatment outcomes.

Writing in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, scientists working to develop long-acting TB products explained: “The inability to culture or otherwise quantify viable bacteria during latent TB infection and the lack of validated surrogate biomarkers mean that there is no opportunity to obtain initial proof of efficacy… which is usually the domain of phase 2 trials. Instead, the development of new TPT regimens requires bridging directly from preclinical studies and phase 1 trials to phase 3 trials, which are themselves long and require large numbers of participants.”

However, they added that “[t]he search for biomarkers that act as prospective signatures of risk for developing TB disease is a very active research area and an important scientific priority for the field”.

Back at CROI, Nuermberger also told participants that most products in the pipeline remain at pre-clinical stages and are still being tested in mice. He explained that differences in how depot drugs — drugs released slowly over time — work in mice and humans make it hard to apply findings from mice to humans. But modeling is being done to help bridge this gap.

‘Expanded remarkably’

Despite these challenges, Nuermberger said “the number of long-acting drug formulations in development [for TB] has really expanded remarkably in the last few years, which is a very promising development”.

The product that is furthest along in the development pipeline, but still at a very early stage of research, is a long-acting form of bedaquiline. This drug is currently used for the treatment of drug-resistant forms of TB and falls in a class of antibiotics known as diarylquinolines.

The Belgian pharmaceutical company Janssen is currently running a phase I trial of long-acting injectable bedaquiline in Austria. Phase I trials are conducted in a small group of healthy individuals to assess the safety and tolerability of an experimental medicine. In the phase 1 bedaquiline trial, researchers are investigating the safety and tolerability of different doses of long-acting injectable bedaquiline.

Several other long-acting TB medicines are being investigated in preclinical research, including long-acting versions of the TB medicines rifabutin and rifapentine, as well as the second generation diarylquinolines, TBJ-876 and TBA-587, which are under development by the TB Alliance. The second generation diarylquinolines are being tested on their own and in combination with pretomanid and telacebec.

In addition, the University of Liverpool, Johns Hopkins University, University of Southern Denmark, University of North Carolina and the US pharmaceutical company Inflamamasome Therapeutics, are all involved in pre-clinical research on long-acting formulations. These efforts are supported financially by Unitaid, the US National Institutes of Health, and the Gates Foundation.

The treatments being developed include aqueous nanoparticle suspensions, in-situ forming implants, and rod implants. Aqueous nanoparticle suspensions are drugs turned into tiny particles and delivered in a water-based solution via injection. In-situ forming implants are injected as a liquid that then solidifies into an implant under the skin. Rod implants are small, rod-shaped devices inserted under the skin with a needle-like tool after numbing the area with a local anaesthetic.

What users prefer

At CROI, delegates also learned about patient and provider preferences for long-acting TB treatment.

Dr Marcia Vermeulen from the University of Cape Town presented the results of a survey involving over 400 patients in South Africa and India, as well as 94 healthcare providers.

Seventy-five percent of healthcare workers said they would prescribe a long-acting injectable product rather than pills for tuberculosis preventative therapy if it was priced the same or lower. Similarly, 75% of patients said they would try an injectable product for TB prevention if it became available.

“As a TB survivor, I am excited about long-acting TB treatment as it doesn’t require frequent facility visits, saving a person’s time and money, and can thereby increase adherence and improve treatment outcomes,” TB Proof’s Phumeza Tisile told Spotlight.

She added that communities should be at the heart of rollout plans because they understand the needs of people affected by TB and know how to communicate effectively to encourage involvement and adoption.

Disclosure: The Gates Foundation is mentioned in this article. Spotlight receives funding from the Gates Foundation but is editorially independent – an independence that the editors guard jealously. Spotlight is a member of the South African Press Council.

Republished from Spotlight under a Creative Commons licence.

Read the original article.

Peacekeeper Cells Protect the Body from Autoimmunity During Infection

Scanning electron microscope image of T regulatory cells (red) interacting with antigen-presenting cells (blue). T regulatory cells can suppress responses by T cells to maintain homeostasis in the immune system. Credit: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH

In the flurry of immune activity in an infection, immune cells need to be prevented from mistakenly attacking each other. New research from the University of Chicago shows how a specially trained population of immune cells keeps the peace by preventing other immune cells from attacking their own. The study, published in Science, provides a better understanding of immune regulation during infection and could provide a foundation for interventions to prevent or reverse autoimmune diseases.

Several groups of white blood cells help coordinate immune responses. Dendritic cells take up proteins from foreign pathogens, chop them up into peptides called antigens, and display them on their surface. CD4+ conventional T (Tconv) cells, or helper T cells, inspect the peptides presented by dendritic cells. If the peptides are foreign antigens, the T cells expand in numbers and transform into an activated state, specialized to eradicate the pathogen. If the dendritic cell is carrying a “self-peptide,” or peptides from the body’s own tissue, the T cells are supposed to lay off.

During an autoimmune response, the helper T cells don’t distinguish between foreign peptide antigens and self-peptides properly and go on the attack no matter what. To prevent this from happening, another group of T cells called CD4+ regulatory T (Treg) cells, are supposed to intervene and prevent friendly fire from the Tconv cells.

“You can think of them [Treg cells] as peacekeeper cells,” said Pete Savage, PhD, Professor of Pathology at UChicago and senior author of the new study. Tregs obviously do their job well most of the time, but Savage said that it has never been clear how they know when to intervene and prevent helper T cells from starting an autoimmune response, and when to hold back and let them fight an infection.

So, Savage and his team, led by David Klawon, PhD, a former graduate student in his lab who is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), wanted to explore this property of the immune system, known in the field as self-nonself discrimination. T cells are produced in the thymus, a specialised organ of the immune system. During development, Treg cells are trained to recognise specific peptides, including self-peptides from the body. When dendritic cells present a self-peptide, the Treg cells trained to spot them intervene to stop helper T cells from getting triggered.

For the study, Savage and Klawon worked in close collaboration with co-first author Nicole Pagane, a graduate student at MIT, as well as co-corresponding authors Harikesh Wong at the Ragon Institute of the Massachusetts General Hospital, MIT and Harvard University, and Ron Germain at the National Institutes of Health.

T cell specificity is what the team found makes a crucial difference in self-nonself discrimination. The researchers experimentally depleted Treg cells in mice that were specific to a single self-peptide from the prostate. In healthy mice in the absence of infection, this change did not trigger autoimmunity to the prostate. When the researchers infected mice with a bacterium that expressed the prostate self-peptide, however, the absence of matched, prostate-specific Treg cells triggered prostate-reactive T helper cells and introduced autoimmunity to the prostate.

Interestingly though, this alteration did not impair the ability of helper T cells to control the bacterial infection by responding to foreign peptides.

“It’s like a doppelganger population of T cells. The CD4 helper cells that could induce disease by attacking the self share an equivalent, matched population of these peacekeeper Treg cells,” Savage said. “When we removed Treg cells reactive to a single self-peptide, the T helper cells reactive to that self-peptide were no longer controlled, and they induced autoimmunity.”

The root causes of autoimmune disease are a complex interaction of genetics, the environment, lifestyle, and the immune system. Classic, conventional thinking in the immunology field promoted the idea that the immune system establishes self-nonself discrimination by purging the body of helper T cells that are reactive to self-peptides, thereby preventing autoimmunity. Savage said this study shows that purging is inefficient though, and that specificity matching by Treg cells may be equally as important.

“The idea is that specificity matters, and for a fully healthy immune system, you need to have a good collection of these doppelganger Treg cells,” he said. As long as the immune system generates enough matched Treg cells, they can prevent autoimmune responses without impacting responses to infections.

“It’s like flipping the idea of self-nonself discrimination upside down. Instead of having to delete all helper T cells reactive to self-antigens, you simply generate enough of these Treg peacekeeper cells instead,” Savage said.

Source: University of Chicago

Beyond the Smile: South Africa Must Prioritise Oral Health as a Public Health Imperative

Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash

South Africa’s burden of oral diseases is not only inextricably linked to non-communicable diseases but also presents an urgent public health challenge, with rising concern over its impact on mental health.

Oral diseases are a major health concern for many countries and negatively impacts people throughout their lives. Oral diseases lead to pain and discomfort, social isolation and loss of self-confidence, and they are often linked to other serious health issues. And yet, there is no reason to suffer: most oral health conditions are preventable and can be treated in their early stages.

Globally, every year on March 20, World Oral Health Day is commemorated with the aim to empower people with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to secure good oral health.

This year, the Day’s focus shifts to the mind-mouth connection, with the tagline from the FDI World Dental Federation: “A Happy Mouth Is… A Happy Mind”. This campaign aims to raise awareness of how poor oral health can negatively impact quality of life, highlighting the importance of a healthy mouth for mental well-being.

Macelle Erasmus, Head of Expert at Haleon South Africa – a leader in consumer health and self-care, says, “Oral health is not just about bright smiles and good-looking teeth – it is a critical component of overall well-being. In South Africa, the high prevalence of oral diseases, particularly among children and vulnerable communities, reinforces the urgent need for improved oral health education and preventive care.”

Haleon’s leading oral health brands Aquafresh and Sensodyne, are committed to improving oral health education and access across the country.

Over the course of just three months, we have conducted more than 39,000 gum health screenings across 16 clinics. In 2025, our expansion aims to reach 100,000 underserved communities as part of Haleon’s oral health care outreach programs.

According to the South African Dental Association (SADA), 41% of children aged 1-9 years and close to 28% of people aged 5 years and over experienced untreated tooth decay in milk and permanent teeth respectively, while nearly 25% of people aged 15 years and over experienced severe periodontal disease in 2019. The country also saw 1,933 new cases of lip and oral cavity cancer in 2020.

The World Health Organisation’s Global Strategy and Action Plan on Oral Health 2023–2030, explains that oral health encompasses a range of diseases and conditions. The most prevalent public health issues include dental caries, severe periodontal (gum) disease, complete tooth loss (edentulism), oral cancer, oro-dental trauma, noma and congenital malformations such as cleft lip and palate, most of which are preventable.

The main oral diseases and conditions are estimated to affect close to 3.5 billion people worldwide. These conditions combined have an estimated global prevalence of 45%, which is higher than the prevalence of any other NCD.

However, oral diseases and conditions share risk factors common to the leading NCDs, including all forms of tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, high intake of free sugars and lack of exclusive breastfeeding.

The Department of Health’s National Oral Health Policy and Strategy 2024-2034 acknowledges that oral health is poorly integrated in other health programmes, “though it is an integral part of general health.” It further recognises that: “Its role in management and care of communicable diseases, genetic disorders, trauma, injury, and violence is often overlooked.”

This integration is particularly important as more than three million patients are treated in the country’s public primary healthcare facilities annually, at a cost of R650 million. Addressing oral health holistically – within the broader healthcare system – can significantly reduce this burden.

Can Exercise Help Reduce Survival Disparities in Colon Cancer Survivors?

Study indicates that higher levels of physical activity may lessen and even eliminate survival disparities.

Photo by Barbara Olsen on Pexels

Physical activity may help colon cancer survivors achieve long-term survival rates similar to those of people in the general population, according to a recent study published by Wiley online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.

Individuals with colon cancer face higher rates of premature mortality than people in the general population with matched characteristics such as age and sex. To assess whether exercise might reduce this disparity, investigators analysed data from two posttreatment trials in patients with stage 3 colon cancer, with a total of 2875 patients who self-reported physical activity after cancer surgery and chemotherapy. The researchers also examined data on a matched general population from the National Center for Health Statistics. For all participants, physical activity was based on metabolic equivalent (MET) hours per week. (Health guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, translating to approximately 8 MET-hours/week.)

In the analysis of data from the first trial (called CALGB 89803), for patients who were alive at three years after cancer treatment, those with <3.0 MET-hours/week had subsequent 3-year overall survival rates that were 17.1% lower than the matched general population, but those with ≥18.0 MET-hours/week had only 3.5% lower subsequent 3-year overall survival rates than the matched general population. In the second trial (CALGB 80702), among patients who were alive at three years, those with <3.0 and ≥18.0 MET-hours/week had subsequent 3-year overall survival rates that were 10.8% and 4.4% lower than the matched general population, respectively.

In pooled analyses of the two trials, among the 1908 patients who were alive and did not have cancer recurrence by year three, those with <3.0 and ≥18.0 MET-hours/week had subsequent 3-year overall survival rates that were 3.1% lower and 2.9% higher than the matched general population, respectively. Therefore, cancer survivors who were tumour-free by year three and regularly exercised achieved even better subsequent survival rates than those seen in the matched general population.

“This new information can help patients with colon cancer understand how factors that they can control—their physical activity levels—can have a meaningful impact on their long-term prognosis,” said lead author Justin C. Brown, PhD, of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center and the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. “Also, medical and public health personnel and policymakers are always seeking new ways to communicate the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Quantifying how physical activity may enable a patient with colon cancer to have a survival experience that approximates their friends and family without cancer could be a simple but powerful piece of information that can be leveraged to help everyone understand the health benefits of physical activity.”

Source: Wiley

Nearly Half of Depression Diagnoses Could be Considered Treatment-resistant

Photo by Alex Green on Pexels

Almost half of patients diagnosed with depression classify as being ‘treatment-resistant’ as new research suggests that many don’t respond to multiple antidepressant options.

The new study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry was led by academics from the University of Birmingham and Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. The study found that 48% of patients whose electronic healthcare records reported a diagnosis of depression had tried at least two antidepressants, and 37% had tried four or more different options.

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is typically defined as a form of depression that isn’t effectively managed after a patient tries two different antidepressants. There are currently few guidelines for treating TRD.

Patients who experience TRD were also invited to take part in interviews to share their experiences. Patients talked about a “sense of hopelessness” after trying multiple treatment options for the condition, and many shared their frustrations with a “one size fits all” approach to what works with treatment.

PhD researcher Kiranpreet Gill from the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham and corresponding author of the study said:

“This paper highlights how widespread treatment-resistant depression is among those who are diagnosed with depression. With nearly half of all patients not responding to multiple drug options, we need better treatment options to be able to support patients for whom first line antidepressant medications don’t make a difference.

“Furthermore, the experiences of patients who took part in this study shows that more awareness and options for treating depression when first line antidepressant medications don’t work well is urgently needed.

“There is an irony that the experience of struggling to treat depression is in itself a risk factor for a worsening sense of ‘hopelessness’ as one patient described it. This should be a clarion call to recognise that treatment-resistant depression needs to be factored into clinical decision making and the ongoing support that patients are offered.”

There are increased risks of other psychiatric disorders among those with TRD such as anxiety, self-harm, and personality disorders, and physical health issues such as heart disease. Data analysis suggests that patients with TRD have 35% higher odds of having a personality disorder and 46% higher odds of cardiovascular disease and the combination with qualitative data suggests that patients have multiple and considerable barriers to achieving good health.

Professor Steven Marwaha, Clinical Professorial Fellow at the Institute for Mental Health at the University of Birmingham, a Consultant Psychiatrist at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, and co-author of the study said:

“This study is important as the data demonstrates people with TRD are at a higher risk of a range of poorer outcomes, and that we need better defined care pathways for helping this population, and are in urgent need of developing and testing new treatments for this group.”

Source: University of Birmingham

Tests on Animals Demonstrate that New Eye Drops can Slow Vision Loss

Model of PEDF protein alongside the 17-mer and H105A peptides. Amino acid 105, which is changed from histidine in PEDF and the 17-mer peptide to alanine in the H105A peptide, is shown in green.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have developed eye drops that extend vision in animal models of a group of inherited diseases that lead to progressive vision loss in humans, known as retinitis pigmentosa. The eye drops contain a small fragment derived from a protein made by the body and found in the eye, known as pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF). PEDF helps preserve cells in the eye’s retina. A report on the study is published in Communications Medicine.

“While not a cure, this study shows that PEDF-based eye drops can slow progression of a variety of degenerative retinal diseases in animals, including various types of retinitis pigmentosa and dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD),” said Patricia Becerra, PhD, chief of NIH’s Section on Protein Structure and Function at the National Eye Institute and senior author of the study. “Given these results, we’re excited to begin trials of these eye drops in people.”

All degenerative retinal diseases have cellular stress in common. While the source of the stress may vary—dozens of mutations and gene variants have been linked to retinitis pigmentosa, AMD, and other disorders—high levels of cellular stress cause retinal cells to gradually lose function and die. Progressive loss of photoreceptor cells leads to vision loss and eventually blindness.

Previous research from Becerra’s lab revealed that, in a mouse model, the natural protein PEDF can help retinal cells stave off the effects of cellular stress. However, the full PEDF protein is too large to pass through the outer eye tissues to reach the retina, and the complete protein has multiple functions in retinal tissue, making it impractical as a treatment. To optimize the molecule’s ability to preserve retinal cells and to help the molecule reach the back of the eye, Becerra developed a series of short peptides derived from a region of PEDF that supports cell viability. These small peptides can move through eye tissues to bind with PEDF receptor proteins on the surface of the retina.

Model of PEDF protein alongside the 17-mer and H105A peptides. Amino acid 105, which is changed from histidine in PEDF and the 17-mer peptide to alanine in the H105A peptide, is shown in green.

In this new study, led by first author Alexandra Bernardo-Colón, Becerra’s team created two eye drop formulations, each containing a short peptide. The first peptide candidate, called “17-mer,” contains 17 amino acids found in the active region of PEDF. A second peptide, H105A, is similar but binds more strongly to the PEDF receptor. Peptides applied to mice as drops on the eye’s surface were found in high concentration in the retina within 60 minutes, slowly decreasing over the next 24 to 48 hours. Neither peptide caused toxicity or other side effects.

When administered once daily to young mice with retinitis pigmentosa-like disease, H105A slowed photoreceptor degeneration and vision loss. To test the drops, the investigators used specially bred mice that lose their photoreceptors shortly after birth. Once cell loss begins, the majority of photoreceptors die in a week. When given peptide eye drops through that one-week period, mice retained up to 75% of photoreceptors and continued to have strong retinal responses to light, while those given a placebo had few remaining photoreceptors and little functional vision at the end of the week.

“For the first time, we show that eye drops containing these short peptides can pass into the eye and have a therapeutic effect on the retina,” said Bernardo-Colón. “Animals given the H105A peptide have dramatically healthier-looking retinas, with no negative side effects.”

A variety of gene-specific therapies are under development for many types of retinitis pigmentosa, which generally start in childhood and progress over many years. These PEDF-derived peptide eye drops could play a crucial role in preserving cells while waiting for these gene therapies to become clinically available.

To test whether photoreceptors preserved through the eye drop treatment are healthy enough for gene therapy to work, collaborators Valeria Marigo, PhD and Andrea Bighinati, PhD, University of Modena, Italy, treated mice with gene therapy at the end of the week-long eye drop regimen. The gene therapy successfully preserved vision for at least an additional six months.  

To see whether the eye drops could work in humans – without actually testing in humans directly – the researchers worked with Natalia Vergara, PhD, University of Colorado Anschutz, Aurora, to test the peptides in a human retinal tissue model of retinal degeneration. Grown in a dish from human cells, the retina-like tissues were exposed to chemicals that induced high levels of cellular stress. Without the peptides, the cells of the tissue model died quickly, but with the peptides, the retinal tissues remained viable. These human tissue data provide a key first step supporting human trials of the eye drops.

Source: NIH/National Eye Institute

South Africa’s Palliative Care Standards Earn Global Recognition

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The 5th edition of the Standards for Palliative Healthcare Services has achieved a major milestone: it has secured accreditation from the International Society for Quality in Health Care’s External Evaluation Association (IEEA).

This international endorsement reaffirms the commitment of the Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC) to deliver world-class palliative care.

As the only internationally accredited framework guiding palliative care institutions in South Africa, these Standards play a crucial role in ensuring quality, safety, and compassionate service delivery. Developed through a long-standing partnership between the Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC) and COHSASA, the Standards have been shaping palliative care excellence since 2005.

The 5th edition—available for free at APCC’s website—features:

 ✔A refined presentation structure for easier navigation

 ✔Removal of outdated or duplicated criteria to streamline compliance

✔Changes in terms of new legislation, particularly as it relates to the POPI act

✔ New essential elements to enhance care quality

Why accreditation matters

According to Warren Oxford-Huggett, National Accreditation Manager for the APCC, earning accreditation requires time, energy and commitment, but the rewards are far-reaching.

He highlights three key benefits:

·       Optimal Community Engagement – Accredited palliative service providers gain increased community trust and support, strengthening relationships between institutions, families, and caregivers. “From a patient perspective, knowing that the organisation that is providing care is accredited puts your mind at ease.” 

·       Better Organisational Performance – Self assessments and internal peer reviews drive higher efficiency, sustainability, credibility and overall service quality. It revolves around the framework that COHSASA sets up.

·       A Culture of Excellence – Accreditation fosters a mindset of continuous improvement, embedding best practices within healthcare teams.

Oxford-Huggett also has a role to encourage more palliative care organisations to join APCC’s current 68-member network, particularly as demand grows for structured palliative care in elderly care facilities. Of the five latest institutions that are currently in the process of joining the APCC, four of them are facilities for the aged.

“The market for new APCC members is increasingly swinging to more aged care facilities. What that will mean in terms of cost of care remains to be seen”, says Oxford-Huggett. “Many elderly care institutions advertise or market palliative care, but seldom is anyone adequately trained. It’s early days but we are looking at developing a collaborative model to help these frail care facilities implement structured, high-quality care at an affordable cost. With rising living expenses and an aging population, we must ensure end-of-life care remains accessible without imposing financial strain.”

Mentorship for success

To assist APCC members in meeting these high standards, APCC offers a structured mentorship programme, led by Oxford-Huggett. This initiative guides members through the compliance process, preparing them for COHSASA’s external review and international accreditation.

APCC member, Helderberg Hospice, based in Somerset West, has just achieved their 6th accreditation, with their first accreditation achieved in May 2006.  Robert de Wet, the CEO of Helderberg Hospice comments: “In addition to focusing on clinical compliance, the accreditation process assesses criteria across the entire organisation, including areas relating to governance, fundraising, administration, and human resources. Subjecting your organisation to an intensive external accreditation process is important as it serves to both affirm the positive aspects of the work we do and simultaneously makes us aware of areas in which we require more focus.” They achieved a 97% score.

Setting the Standard for Palliative Care

Since 2005, 95 APCC members have undergone COHSASA accreditation, with 117 accreditation decisions issued—ranging from full accreditation to graded recognition.

Palliative care focuses on improving quality of life for patients with serious illnesses such as cancer, HIV/AIDS and TB as well as conditions such as COPD, heart and organ failure.  The APCC philosophy of palliative care is the activeholistic care of patients who have received a life-threatening diagnosis. The control of pain, of other symptoms and support for psychosocial and spiritual needs is paramount.

APCC members report that around 90% of palliative care efforts take place in patients’ homes, extending support to loved ones, from diagnosis to after bereavement.

Jacqui Stewart, CEO of COHSASA, affirms:“The international accreditation of this 5th edition confirms that the APCC standards align with global best practices. For over 20 years, the APCC and COHSASA have collaborated to ensure that South Africa’s palliative care remains internationally recognised. COHSASA is committed to driving ongoing improvements in palliative care services.”

The 5th Edition of the Standards for Palliative Healthcare Services is available free of charge from the APCC website:

For mentorship details, contact

For membership details, visit: Become a Member.