HIV Death Rates in Men Far Exceed Women in SA

At a virtual conference on Tuesday, the South African National AIDS Council (Sanac) showcased their updated Thembisa model, which is the definitive model for HIV prevalence and incidence in the country.

Between 2000 and 2019, there was a 57% drop in incidence, or new infections, which falls short of the UN target of 75% reduction.  Antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage is 71% of those infected with HIV.

About 13% of South Africans are currently living with HIV, which is partly a result of longer life expectancy thanks to ART. Among female sex workers, the prevalence is 55%. Due to biological and social factors, the prevalence rate is higher among women but the death rate from HIV is higher in men, due to less ART coverage than in women.

The new Thembisa model also showed the country’s progress towards UNAIDS 90-90-90 model (90% knowing their HIV status, 90% on ART, 90% viral suppression). Although 94% of women and 91% of men knew their statuses, only 74% of women and 71% of men were on ART. Fortunately, 92% of both sexes achieved viral suppression. 

SA’s National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs is due to be renewed in 2022.

Source: Daily Maverick

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