Difficulty with Turning when Walking could be a Sign of Early Alzheimer’s

In a study published in Current Biology, people with early Alzheimer’s disease were found to have difficulty turning when walking. The new study used virtual reality and a computational model to further explore the intricacies of navigational errors previously observed in Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers, led by Professor Neil Burgess and colleagues in the Space and Memory group at the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, grouped participants into three categories: healthy younger participants (31 total), healthy elderly participants (36 total) and patients with mild cognitive impairment (43 total). They then asked them to complete a task while wearing virtual reality goggles, which allowed them to make real movements.

In the trial, participants walked an outbound route guided by numbered cones, consisting of two straight legs connected by a turn. They then had to return to their starting position unguided.

The task was performed under three different environmental conditions aimed at stressing the participant’s navigational skills: an unchanged virtual environment, the ground details being replaced by a plain texture, and the temporary removal of all landmarks from the virtual reality world.

The researchers found that people with early Alzheimer’s consistently overestimated the turns on the route and showed increased variability in their sense of direction. However, these specific impairments were not observed in the healthy older participants or people with mild cognitive impairment, who did not show underlying signs of Alzheimer’s.

This suggests that these navigational errors are specific to Alzheimer’s disease – rather than an extension of healthy ageing or general cognitive decline – and could help with diagnosis.

Joint first author, Dr Andrea Castegnaro (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience), said: “Our findings offer a new avenue for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease by focusing on specific navigational errors. However, we know that more work is needed to confirm these early findings.

Dr Castegnaro added, “Cognitive assessments are still needed to understand when the first cognitive impairments develop, and when it comes to existing spatial memory tests used in clinics, those often rely on verbal competence. Our tests aim to offer a more practical tool that doesn’t rely on language or cultural background.”

Source: University College of London

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