Non-invasive Transcranial Stimulation Improves Walking in Parkinson’s Disease

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Altered gait is common in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and the usefulness of treatments is limited. Researchers in Japan have developed a novel transcranial stimulation method using external electrodes, the team demonstrated significant gait improvements in PD patients. The results, which also showed improvements for other neurological disorders, are published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

Motor function declines characterises PD, particularly in relation to gait disorders, manifesting as decreased step length, reduced arm swing, slow movements, rigidity, and postural instability, which are prevalent among patients with PD. While non-pharmacological approaches like transcranial direct current stimulation show promise in improving motor function, recent research focuses on gait-combined closed-loop stimulation, which synchronises brain stimulation with the individual’s gait rhythm.  proposes a novel intervention for gait improvement, thus creating new hope for patients with PD.

“We recently developed a novel neuromodulation approach using gait-combined closed-loop transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) and demonstrated promising gait improvements in patients who are post-stroke. Here, we tested the efficacy of this intervention in patients with Parkinsonian gait disturbances,” explains lead author Ippei Nojima from Shinshu University and Nagoya City University, Japan.

To this end, the clinical researchers from Japan recruited 23 patients with PD or Parkinson’s syndrome. All study participants were randomly assigned to receive either the active treatment or sham treatment.

During the course of the trial, a low-current electrode (up to 2mA) was externally affixed to the occipital region of the head. A reference electrode was then placed in the neck region to establish a stable electrical reference point and to complete the electrical circuit. The treatment included performing tES on the cerebellum in a non-invasive manner. The brain side showing severe impact was specifically targeted during the electrotherapy.

“Gait disturbance lowers activities of daily living in patients with PD and related disorders. However, the effectiveness of pharmacological, surgical, and rehabilitative treatments is limited. Our novel intervention might be able to improve physical function for not just patients with PD but also for those with other disabilities,” comments senior author Yoshino Ueki from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Nagoya City University.

The cerebellum plays a key role in gate control, so electrical stimulation of this region is likely to exert therapeutic benefits. The therapy showed encouraging results after just ten repetitions. The treatment group showed a significant improvement in gait parameters including speed, gait symmetry, and stride length.

Professor Nojima said, “These findings showed that gait-combined closed-loop tES over the cerebellum improved Parkinsonian gait disturbances, possibly through the modulation of brain networks generating gait rhythms.”

Interestingly, no patient dropped out during the study. Moreover, patients from both the groups (treatment and sham) showed good and comparable compliance. Side effects such as skin irritation, vertigo, or odd sensations/perceptions were also not observed in any of the volunteering patients. This study has special significance, considering the fact that Japan is witnessing a sharp rise in its elderly population.

Source: Shinshu University

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