Ischaemic Heart Disease in the Elderly Linked to Increased Dementia Risk

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Older people with ischaemic heart disease have an increased long-term risk of dementia and accelerated cognitive decline. Recent research in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association suggests that the heart, the brain, and cognitive function are all connected in the ageing process. Appropriate prevention and treatment of ischaemic heart disease in older people might reduce the burden of dementia, the researchers suggest.

The researchers regularly followed a cohort of 2568 older people aged 60 years or older, without dementia at baseline and living in Stockholm, from 2001–2004 through 2013–2016. Heart diseases at the study entry were ascertained via clinical examination and linkage to the Swedish National Inpatient Register. Dementia status and cognitive function during the follow-up period were diagnosed and assessed regularly following the standard approaches.

“We used statistical methods to link ischemic heart disease at the study entry to an increased risk of dementia and a faster decline in cognitive function during the follow-up period”, says Chengxuan Qiu, at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Aging Research Center (ARC) and one of the authors of the study.

Explore cognitive trajectories

Future works should explore cognitive trajectory following the onset of ischemic heart disease and further investigate to what extent medical treatments of ischemic heart disease may affect cognitive decline and dementia onset.

The SNAC-K project on which this study is based is supported by the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. This study is supported by additional grants from the Swedish Research Council (VR), FORTE and STINT.

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