Chinese Traditional Medicine in Pregnancy Linked to Increased Congenital Malformations

A new study published in the journal Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica has uncovered an association between the use of traditional Chinese medicine during pregnancy and congenital malformations, including heart defects, in children.

In the prospective study, 16 751 women who received obstetrics care from hospitals in China completed a survey on their use of traditional Chinese medicine before and during pregnancy. Among foetuses, there were 273 congenital malformations.

Foetuses exposed to traditional Chinese medicine had 2.1-times higher odds of developing congenital malformations compared with those without exposure. There were significant associations with congenital malformations in women with early pregnant use of traditional Chinese medicine and for those who used two or more types of these products.

“To improve traditional Chinese medicine, we should pay more attention to its hazards – especially the identification of teratogenic ingredients – while also evaluating its therapeutic effects,” said corresponding author Jiang-Nan Wu, of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University, in China.

Source: Wiley

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