Day: March 11, 2025

My Five-hour Wait for Treatment at Mamelodi Hospital

Gauteng Health MEC has said Mamelodi Regional Hospital meets National Health Insurance standards, but my experience was not good

The writer waited five hours for treatment for a broken wrist and head injuries at Mamelodi Regional Hospital in Tshwane. Photo: Warren Mabona.

By Warren Mabona

I waited five hours to get medical treatment at Mamelodi Regional Hospital in Tshwane, with a broken wrist and an injured head.

On 19 February 2025 at about 4pm I was walking in Mamelodi West. I was on a journalism assignment, heading to informal settlements that are prone to flooding.

The street was quiet, but I felt safe because I had walked there before. Suddenly, a car stopped in front of me, and two men got out of it and tried to rob me. I ran away and jumped into the stormwater passage, but slipped and fell, hitting my face against the concrete.

When I managed to stand up, I was dizzy and my vision was blurred. I was drenched in dirty water and my belongings — my cell phone, my wallet and my camera bag — were wet.

The men who attacked me were no longer on the street. My right wrist was swollen and painful, an injury above my eye was bleeding profusely, and my head was aching. But I was relieved that I was still alive and I still had all my belongings.

I decided not to call an ambulance, but to walk about 800 metres to Mamelodi Regional Hospital.

I went to the casualty unit, expecting that I would receive treatment quickly. At the front desk, a clerk took more than 20 minutes to fill in my file. He said the hospital’s computer system was offline and he had to fill in the file with a pen. I then went to sit at the reception area. My head was aching and I repeatedly requested headache tablets from the nurses, who gave me two tablets after 30 minutes. But my pain lingered.

The wound on my face was still bleeding and my wrist was swollen and bent. About 40 minutes after my arrival, a nurse cleaned my wound and wrapped it with a bandage, stopping the bleeding.

At about 8pm, a man sitting next to me said he had arrived at the hospital at 2pm after falling from scaffolding at a construction site. He was still waiting for his X-ray results.

I went for X-rays and long afterwards, at about 10pm, I had a cast put on my wrist. I was given injections which helped with the pain. I was discharged at 11pm and went home.

In September last year, the Gauteng MEC for Health Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko said that Mamelodi Regional Hospital was the first hospital in Gauteng ready to meet National Health Insurance (NHI) standards.

In response to GroundUp’s questions, Gauteng Department of Health spokesperson Motalatale Modiba said a triage priority system is followed at the hospital, meaning that four patients with critical wounds that required life-saving emergencies were attended to first. He said this affected my waiting time for wound care and the application of a cast.

“You were classified as Orange P2, that is a person who is in a stable condition and is not in any immediate danger, but requires observation,” said Modiba.

“At the time of your arrival, the casualty unit had 31 other patients to be seen. These include four critical cases in the resuscitation unit, ten trauma cases, 16 medical cases and four pediatric cases,” he said.

Modiba confirmed that the hospital’s computer system was offline when I arrived.

I asked Modiba whether the Gauteng Department of Health can still confidently regard this hospital as NHI-ready despite the slow delivery of medical services I experienced. Modiba said: “Mamelodi Regional Hospital remains committed to provide best healthcare services.”

Republished from GroundUp under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Read the original article.

Oxytocin Can ‘Pause’ Pregnancy After Conception

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

Oxytocin, a hormone already known for its role in childbirth, milk release, and mother–infant bonding, may have a newfound purpose in mammalian reproduction. In times of maternal stress, the hormone can delay an embryo’s development for days to weeks after conception, a new study in rodents shows. According to the authors, the findings about so-called “diapause” may offer new insights into pregnancy and fertility issues faced by humans.

Led by researchers at NYU Langone Health, the study explored diapause, in which an embryo temporarily stops growing early in its development before it attaches to the lining of its mother’s uterus, a key step leading to the formation of the placenta. Known to occur in species as varied as armadillos, giant pandas, and seals, diapause is thought to have evolved to help expectant mothers preserve scarce resources (e.g., breast milk) by delaying birth until they have enough to successfully take care of their offspring.

Although recent studies have uncovered evidence that a form of diapause may occur in humans, the underlying mechanisms behind it have until now remained unclear.

The findings in mice showed that one type of stress that may cause diapause is milk production and release (lactation), as it requires a mother to expend bodily resources nursing already-born pups, and supplying nutrients to pups growing in the womb, at the same time. The study revealed that the time between conception and birth, typically 20 days for these animals, was delayed by about a week in pregnant rodents that were already nursing a litter.

Further, the research team showed that this delay was brought about by a rise in the production of oxytocin, levels of which are known to go up as a mother lactates. To confirm this role for the hormone, the researchers exposed mouse embryos in the lab to a single dose (either 1 microgram or 10 micrograms) of oxytocin, and found that even these small amounts delayed their implantation in the uterus by as much as three days. The team found that the chemical did more than just pause pregnancy: oxytocin surges that were large enough to mimic the amounts and timing measured during nursing caused loss of pregnancy in the mice in nearly all cases.

“Our findings shed light on the role of oxytocin in diapause,” said study co-author Moses V. Chao, PhD, a professor at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. “Because of this newfound connection, it is possible that abnormalities in the production of this hormone could play roles in infertility, premature or delayed birth, and miscarriage.”

A report on the findings appears in Science Advances in a special issue focused on women’s health.

In another part of the study, the team searched for a mechanism that would allow embryos to react to an oxytocin surge. They found that the hormone can bind to special proteins called receptors on the surface of a layer of cells known as the trophectoderm, which surrounds the early embryo and eventually forms the placenta.

Notably, mouse embryos that were genetically altered to disable oxytocin receptors lived long enough to implant into their mother’s placenta at much lower rates than normal embryos. This suggests that the ability to respond to oxytocin spikes and therefore go into diapause is somehow important for the developing pups’ survival, says Dr. Chao, who plans to examine this protective function in more detail.

“Despite being extremely common, infertility and developmental issues that can arise during pregnancy remain poorly understood and can have a lasting, devastating impact on parents and their children,” said study senior author Robert Froemke, PhD, professor of genetics. “Having a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to these problems may allow experts to better address them in the future.”

The researchers next plan to examine how cell growth gets turned back on after diapause, Dr Froemke says. In addition, the team plans to explore how diapause may affect offsprings’ health and development after birth, and determine whether and how their discoveries can inform reproductive medicine.

Dr Froemke cautions that while the study results are promising, mice and humans have significant differences in their reproductive processes, despite both being mammals. He adds that the current investigation did not assess the role that other pregnancy-related hormones, such as oestrogen and progesterone, may play in diapause.

Source: NYU Langone Health / NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Leakiness of First Blood–brain Barrier Layer Results in Cognitive Deficits

a, Diagram of the BBB and brain endothelial glycocalyx layer. b, TEM of cortical capillaries with lanthanum nitrate staining from young (3-month-old) and aged (21-month-old) mice. Scale bars, 1 µm. Source: Shi et al., Nature, 2025.

A study published in Nature reveals how a key component of the blood–brain barrier (BBB), the endothelial glycocalyx layer, becomes dysregulated in ageing, causing the BBB to become compromised. The researchers also investigated the possibility of to restore this layer’s integrity, reducing neuroinflammation and restoring cognitive function.

The BBB is a highly specialised safeguard keeping the brain separate from harmful factors, such as toxins and also albumin, IgG and fibrinogen (and, unfortunately, many medications which could otherwise treat brain disease). The leakage of such blood-derived molecules into the brain has been shown to trigger neuroinflammatory changes and create a neurotoxic brain environment. The part of the BBB directly in contact with the blood is the endothelial glycocalyx layer, a carbohydrate-rich meshwork mostly composed of proteoglycans, glycoproteins and glycolipids that coats the BBB lumen. Yet the endothelial glycocalyx’s composition and role is poorly understood despite it being the first layer of interface between the blood and brain.

The researchers found that the brain endothelial glycocalyx is highly dysregulated during ageing and neurodegenerative disease. Two mucin-type O-glycan biosynthetic enzymes, C1GALT1 and B3GNT3 were also found to be downregulated mouse models of ageing and in the brains of Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease patients. To test these, the researchers used adeno-associated viruses (AAV) in young mice to turn down the expression of C1GALT1 and B3GNT3. These mice showed signs of BBB leakage and in severe cases, brain haemorrhaging occurred in mice.

In samples from the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, the researchers also observed reduced C1GALT1 in microvessels.

To test if it was possible to restore the BBB’s ability to protect the brain against harmful blood-borne molecules, they administered AAVs in aged mice to restore levels of B3GNT3 and C1GALT1.

Assessing cognitive function, they found that aged mice treated with B3GNT3 via an AAV displayed improvements in spatial working memory in a maze test and hippocampal-dependent learning and memory in a fear conditioning test. Aged mice treated with C1GALT1 did not improve in the maze test, and no significant difference was observed in cued freezing in the fear conditioning among the three aged groups.

Although the study shows that increasing C1GALT1 and B3GNT3 reduces BBB permeability and improves brain health, the precise mechanisms that underlie these beneficial effects remain unclear. The researchers believe that by limiting the nonspecific uptake of blood-derived molecules, the brain can be protected. But C1GALT1 and B3GNT3 are also likely to influence a wide range of proteins and glycan structures and in order to further understand brain ageing and rejuvenation it is therefore crucial to understand the molecular pathways affected by them.

The authors concluded: “Cumulatively, our findings provide a detailed compositional and structural mapping of the ageing brain endothelial glycocalyx layer and reveal important consequences of ageing- and disease-associated glycocalyx dysregulation on BBB integrity and brain health.”

In Younger Women, Stress is Associated with an Increased Stroke Risk

Credit: American Heart Association

Some people living with chronic stress have a higher risk of stroke, according to a study published on online in Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study looked at younger adults and found a correlation between stress and stroke, with no known cause, in female participants, but not male participants.

“Younger people often experience stress due to the demands and pressures associated with work, including long hours and job insecurity, as well as financial burdens,” said Nicolas Martinez-Majander, MD, PhD, of the Helsinki University Hospital in Finland.

“Previous research has shown that chronic stress can negatively affect physical and mental health. Our study found it may increase the risk of stroke in younger women.”

For the study, researchers looked at 426 people aged 18 to 49 who had an ischaemic stroke with no known cause. They were matched for age and sex with 426 people who did not have stroke. Participants completed a questionnaire about stress levels over a one-month period. Those with stroke were asked after their stroke to record stress levels in the month prior to their stroke.

Participants were asked 10 questions, such as “In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life?” Scores for each question ranged from zero to four, with four meaning “very often.” A total score of 0 to 13 represented low stress; 14 to 26, moderate stress; and 27 to 40, high stress.

Those with stroke had an average score of 13 compared to those without stroke who had an average score of 10. People with stroke were more likely to have at least moderate stress levels. Of those with stroke, 46% had moderate or high stress levels compared to 33% of those who did not have stroke. After adjusting for factors that could affect risk of stroke such as education level, alcohol use and blood pressure, researchers found for female participants, moderate stress was associated with a 78% increased risk of stroke and high stress was associated with a 6% increased risk.

Researchers did not find a link between stress and stroke in male participants. “More research is needed to understand why women who feel stressed, but not men, may have a higher risk of stroke,” said Martinez-Majander.

“In addition, we need to further explore why the risk of stroke in women was higher for moderate stress than high stress. Knowing more about how stress plays a role could help us to create better ways to prevent these strokes.”

A limitation of the study was that people experiencing higher levels of stress may have been less likely to enrol in the study, which could have affected the results.

Source: American Academy of Neurology

Side-effect Free Cannabinoid Offers Hope for Pain Relief

Researchers at WashU Medicine and Stanford University developed a compound that relieves pain in mice but doesn’t affect the brain, thereby avoiding mind-altering side effects and abuse potential. The custom-designed molecule, derived from cannabis, may provide an alternative to opioids for treating chronic pain. The compound is illustrated here in cyan, nestled within a protein (green and purple) involved in sensing pain. Credit: Tasnia Tarana

In the quest to develop a safe, effective alternative to opioids, researchers have developed a compound that mimics a natural molecule found in the cannabis plant, harnessing its pain-relieving properties without causing addiction or mind-altering side effects in mice.

While more studies are needed, the compound shows promise as a nonaddictive pain reliever. The study, from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Stanford University, appears in Nature.

“There is an urgent need to develop nonaddictive treatments for chronic pain, and that’s been a major focus of my lab for the past 15 years,” said the study’s senior author Susruta Majumdar, PhD, a professor of anaesthesiology at WashU Medicine. “The custom-designed compound we created attaches to pain-reducing receptors in the body but by design, it can’t reach the brain. This means the compound avoids psychoactive side effects such as mood changes and isn’t addictive because it doesn’t act on the brain’s reward centre.”

Opioids dull the sensation of pain in the brain and hijack the brain’s reward system, triggering the release of dopamine and feelings of pleasure, which make the drugs so addictive. Despite widespread public health warnings and media attention focused on the dangers of opioid addiction, numerous overdose deaths still occur. In 2022, some 82 000 deaths in the U.S. were linked to opioids.

“For millennia, people have turned to marijuana as a treatment for pain,” explained co-corresponding author Robert W. Gereau, PhD, professor of anaesthesiology and director of the WashU Medicine Pain Center. “Clinical trials also have evaluated whether cannabis provides long-term pain relief. But inevitably the psychoactive side effects of cannabis have been problematic, preventing cannabis from being considered as a viable treatment option for pain. However, we were able to overcome that issue.”

The mind-altering properties of marijuana stem from natural molecules found in the cannabis plant referred to as cannabinoid molecules. They bind to a receptor, called cannabinoid receptor one (CB1), on the surface of brain cells and on pain-sensing nerve cells throughout the body.

Working with collaborators at Stanford University, co-first author Vipin Rangari, PhD, a WashU Medicine postdoctoral research associate in Majumdar’s laboratory, designed a cannabinoid molecule with a positive charge, preventing it from crossing the blood-brain barrier into the brain while allowing the molecule to engage CB1 receptors elsewhere in the body. By modifying the molecule such that it only binds to pain-sensing nerve cells outside of the brain, the researchers achieved pain relief without mind-altering side effects.

They tested the modified synthetic cannabinoid compound in mouse models of nerve-injury pain and migraine headaches, measuring hypersensitivity to touch as a proxy for pain. Applying a normally non-painful stimulus allows researchers to indirectly assess pain in mice. In both mouse models, injections of the modified compound eliminated touch hypersensitivity.

For many pain relievers, particularly opioids, tolerance to the medications over time can limit their long-term effectiveness and require higher doses of medication to achieve the same level of pain relief. In this study, the modified compound offered prolonged pain relief – the animals showed no signs of developing tolerance despite twice-daily treatments with the compound over the course of nine days. This is a promising sign that the molecule could be used as a nonaddictive drug for relief of chronic pain, which requires continued treatment over time.

Eliminating the compound’s tolerance resulted from the bespoke design of the compound. The Stanford collaborators performed sophisticated computational modeling that revealed a hidden pocket on the CB1 receptor that could serve as an additional binding site. The hidden pocket, confirmed by structural models, leads to reduced cellular activity related to developing tolerance compared to the conventional binding site, but it had been considered inaccessible to cannabinoids. The researchers found that the pocket opens for short periods of time, allowing the modified cannabinoid compound to bind, thus minimizing tolerance.

Designing molecules that relieve pain with minimal side effects is challenging to accomplish, said Majumdar. The researchers plan to further develop the compound into an oral drug that could be evaluated in clinical trials.

Source: WashU Medicine