HASA Launches NHI Legal Challenge

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

The Hospital Association of South Africa (HASA) remains unequivocally committed to working with all stakeholders to build a healthcare system that sustainably benefits all citizens of South Africa and urges all involved parties to engage in a solution-oriented approach.

HASA believes the National Health Insurance is neither sustainable nor affordable and that dialogue and collaboration between all stakeholders is critical to finding and developing solutions to achieve universal health coverage. 

HASA has thus far deferred filing a legal challenge to the NHI Act as it firmly believes that sustainable and affordable solutions, to achieve universal health coverage for all South Africans, are within reach. However, the government’s lack of response to several constructive and practical proposals, including those of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), and the Minister of Health’s recent public statements concerning the NHI, including regarding the imminent publication of NHI regulations, have necessitated that HASA move forward with its legal challenge to the NHI legislation. 

Even though HASA has decided to proceed with legal action, it remains hopeful that the Presidency will respond positively to the constructive proposals that have been made. 

HASA remains open to engaging with the Government on the way forward in parallel to the legal process. Reiterating the time-critical nature of the matter, Melanie Da Costa, Chairperson of HASA, today said, “We remain firmly committed to participating constructively while the legal process unfolds. As an organisation, we have always preferred to resolve matters through dialogue, and we believe that effective healthcare solutions are urgently needed and achievable through a reasonable and collaborative approach.”