Month: November 2024

The High Cost of Having Too Few Pharmacists in SA

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

By Chris Bateman

It’s acknowledged in key policy documents, well known at the coalface and much ventilated in the media: South Africa’s public healthcare system has too few healthcare workers, especially medical doctors, certain specialists, and theatre nurses. Less recognised however is the shortage of public sector pharmacists. We lift the lid on this until now largely hidden problem – and its impact.

There are too few public sector pharmacy posts across South Africa to deliver a comprehensive service, with no clear staffing norms, and an uneven distribution of pharmacists, especially in rural districts. This contributes in part to medicine stockouts and the emergence of deadly hospital-acquired drug-resistant infections.

This is according to Dr Andy Gray, a senior lecturer in the Division of Pharmacology at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s School of Health Sciences and co-head of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Policy and Evidence Based Practice. His views are echoed by at least two other key local stakeholder organisations.

Flagging the alarming rise in resistance to antimicrobials – an urgent global public health threat – driven by the misuse of antibiotics in hospitals and ambulatory care, Gray told Spotlight that there are not enough pharmacists to intervene if they see inappropriate use of medicines.

“This just continues without any effort to fix it. Inadequately trained and understaffed prescribers are working under immense stress, so they are prone to use the wrong medicines at the wrong time with the wrong doses,” he said. “There are also very few microbiologists and certainly not enough pharmacists at the bedside. They’re not doing what’s necessary to ensure the proper use of medicines – for example, better control over antimicrobials.”

The excessive dependence on antibiotics has resulted in the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, commonly known as superbugs. This is called bacterial resistance or antibiotic resistance. Some bacteria are now resistant to even the most powerful antibiotics available.

South Africa has been ranked 67th out of 204 countries for deaths – adjusted by age per 100 000 people – linked to antimicrobial resistance. It has been estimated that around 9 500 deaths in the country in 2019 were directly caused by antimicrobial resistance, while 39 000 deaths were possibly related to resistant infections.

The National Department of Health warned in a background document that rising antimicrobial resistance and the slow-down of new antibiotics could make it impossible to treat common infections effectively. This could also lead to an increase in the cost of healthcare because of the need for more expensive 2nd or 3rd line antimicrobial agents, as well as a reduced quality of life.

Low numbers

Gray said that while not matching the paucity of public sector doctors and nurses, pharmacists stand at 24% of the staffing levels calculated as necessary to deliver a comprehensive service.

“We need just over 50 pharmacists per 100 000 uninsured population as a target, but we’re sitting at around 12,” he said.

Gray said the SA Pharmacy Council (SAPC) has no data on the total number of pharmacists actually working in the country, or the number working in particular settings. A SAPC spokesperson said they had only provincial statistics, but could not track pharmacist movements.

“You can’t use their database to find out how many pharmacists are working where. The Health Systems Trust SA Health Review Indicator chapter has figures of public sector pharmacists per province and per 100 000 uninsured population,” Gray pointed out.

As at February 2024, there were 16 856 pharmacists registered in South Africa, (working and not working), excluding the 971 community service pharmacists.

The 5 958 pharmacists employed in the public sector represents the full complement of funded posts, but it is well below the number needed – and varies dramatically between provinces. While almost all funded posts are filled, Gray said the number of posts is less than needed to deliver a comprehensive, quality service.

Taken across South Africa’s population of around 62 million, there are around 28 registered pharmacists (working or not working), per 100 000 people (insured and uninsured). According to data from 2016, the mean global ratio stands at 73 per 100 000.

“We’re better than many other African countries, but that’s cold comfort,” said Gray.

Increases spread unevenly

There are some positives. The number of pharmacists in the public sector has grown since 2009, rising from five to 12 per 100 000 uninsured people by 2023. However, the ratio varies markedly by district – for example: from 15 in the best-served Western Cape district to a mere three in the poorest served Northern Cape district.

Gray said the more rural districts suffer the most when it comes to understaffing of pharmacists and this contributes to medicine stockouts. While the causes of medicine stockouts are complex, one of the major contributors is the refusal of suppliers to deliver any more stock until accounts are paid.

Understaffing of pharmacists often results in nurses managing patients without any pharmaceutical oversight, Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa Executive Director, Refiloe Mogale, told Spotlight. She associates such task-shifting with medicine misuse and inappropriate prescribing, noting that while it’s a vital strategy in budget-tight environments, medication errors are on the rise. This, she argues, could be solved by ensuring appropriate pharmaceutical personnel are placed to support primary healthcare facilities – such as pharmacist assistants.

“A Primary Care Drug Therapy (PCDT) trained pharmacist can diagnose, treat, and dispense medications. So, this is not as much about task-shifting as about the pharmacist providing comprehensive care. These PCDT pharmacists can do family planning, screening for diabetes, hypertension, and other clinical tasks that take the burden off doctors. We need more of them,” she said.

‘No clear staffing norm’

Addressing the human resources quandary, Gray said the core problem had always been that the number of pharmacist posts per hospital or clinic were not evenly distributed. “There’s been no clear staffing norm. The old ‘homeland’ hospitals are likely to be under resourced with pharmacists and pharmacists’ assistants. Posts are poorly distributed and by global standards, we’re nowhere near where we should be,” he said.

The National Department of Health’s most senior pharmacy official Khadija Jamaloodien agreed that pharmacy posts should be distributed better. But she said work protocols dictate that state pharmacists must visit each clinic in their district at least once per month. She said there are 3 000 primary healthcare facilities in the country and 6 000 (albeit maldistributed) public sector pharmacists.

Nhlanhla Mafarafara, President of the SA Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists, told Spotlight too many of the almost 6 000 pharmacists in the public sector are doing stock management, dispensing, administration and management work in hospitals and pharmaceutical depots. He says the numbers do not necessarily reflect pharmacists in clinical or patient facing areas.

“The reality is that pharmacists are restricted to trying to get drug stock in and out,” Gray observed.

However, the lack of pharmacists and pharmacist assistants at clinics and hospitals means timely and/or knowledgeable ordering often results in shortages of essential medicines, something all experts interviewed for this article agreed on.

Mafarafara said that by defining what services a pharmacist should render and what’s needed to enable a quality service, more realistic staffing numbers could be reached. Pharmacies are central points in all hospitals, with closure for even an hour crippling a hospital. Thus, adequate staffing is critical to ensure uninterrupted access to good quality pharmaceutical care.

South Africa, Mafarafara added, was far behind many other countries in the effective use of pharmacists’ clinical expertise in leading evidence-based care in hospitals. “I’d even go so far as to say doctors should be stopped from dispensing in favour of pharmacists to improve quality of patient care,” he said.

‘If you don’t have a pharmacist, nothing gets done properly’

Jamaloodien said the cost of having too few pharmacists is more far-reaching than just antimicrobial resistance. “You can have stock outs because there’s nobody to manage the supply chain. In my experience, if you don’t have a pharmacist, nothing gets done properly,” she said.

Her solutions? Compliance with the “comprehensive and robust” evidence-based standard treatment guidelines, access to an updated and well-maintained cell phone-based application that gives everybody access to the latest information and medicine changes – and more attendance by all healthcare professionals of webinars held after every medicine’s committee meeting, plus clinicians regularly reading drug update bulletins to keep up with new medicines.

Republished from Spotlight under a Creative Commons licence.

Read the original article

Complements and Alternatives to Therapeutic Hypothermia for HIE in Newborns

Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) is one of the leading causes of newborn mortality and morbidity worldwide, and therapeutic hypothermia is often used as a treatment. A review in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology highlights additional therapies for HIE that are being tested with and without concomitant therapeutic hypothermia.

Neonatal HIE is characterised by neurological dysfunction resulting from inadequate oxygen and blood flow to the brain near the time of birth. Therapeutic hypothermia is an established therapy in high-income countries, but many infants still die or experience neurodevelopmental consequences after treatment. Moreover, in low- and middle-income countries, where the burden of HIE is the highest, therapeutic hypothermia was recently shown to be ineffective.

The new review notes that investigational therapies for HIE include agents that block excessive activation of glutamate receptors, drugs that act as antioxidants or anti-inflammatories, and products that target multiple neuroprotective pathways.

“Therapeutic hypothermia for moderate-to-severe neonatal HIE is one of the success stories in newborn care, but there is an urgent need to identify additional therapies that are effective both with and without therapeutic hypothermia,” said corresponding author Natalie H. Chan, MD, MPH, of the University of California, San Francisco. “Our paper reviews the promising therapies being evaluated in clinical studies that could close the remaining gap in optimising outcomes in all babies with HIE.”

Source: Wiley

New Therapy Approach Robs Cancer Cells of their Vital Copper

© Wiley-VCH, Credit: Angewandte Chemie

While toxic in high concentrations, copper is essential to life as a trace element. Many tumours require significantly more copper than healthy cells for growth – something which new cancer treatments might exploit this. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, a research team from the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research has now introduced a novel method by which copper is effectively removed from tumours cells, killing them.

Copper is an essential cofactor for a variety of enzymes that play a role in the growth and development of cells. For example, copper ions are involved in antioxidant defence. Cells very strictly regulate the concentration and availability of copper ions. On the one hand, enough copper ions must be on hand; on the other, the concentration of free copper ions in the cytoplasm must be kept very low to avoid undesired side effects. Extracellular, doubly charged copper ions are reduced to singly charged copper, transported into the cell, stored in pools, and transferred to the biomolecules that require them on demand. To maintain the cellular copper equilibrium (homeostasis), cells have developed clever trafficking systems that use a variety of transporters, ligands, chaperones (proteins that help other complex proteins to fold correctly), and co-chaperones.

Because cancer cells grow and multiply much more rapidly, they have a significantly higher need for copper ions. Restricting their access to copper ions could be a new therapeutic approach. The problem is that it has so far not been possible to develop drugs that bind copper ions with sufficient affinity to “take them away” from copper-binding biomolecules.

In cooperation with the Stanford University School of Medicine (Stanford/CA, USA) and Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (Germany), Tanja Weil, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Mainz) and her team have now successfully developed such a system. At the heart of their system are the copper-binding domains of the chaperone Atox1. The team attached a component to this peptide that promotes its uptake into tumour cells. An additional component ensures that the individual peptide molecules aggregate into nanofibres once they are inside the tumour cells. In this form, the fibre surfaces have many copper-binding sites in the right spatial orientation to be able to grasp copper ions from three sides with thiol groups (chelate complex). The affinity of these nanofibres for copper is so high that they also grab onto copper ions in the presence of copper-binding biomolecules. This drains the copper pools in the cells and deactivates the biomolecules that require copper. As a consequence, the redox equilibrium of the tumour cell is disturbed, leading to an increase in oxidative stress, which kills the tumour cell. In experiments carried out on cell cultures under special conditions, over 85% of a breast cancer cell culture died off after 72 hours while no cytotoxicity was observed for a healthy cell culture.

The research team hopes that some years in the future, these fundamental experiments will perhaps result in the development of useful methods for treating cancer.

Source: Wiley

A Groundbreaking New Approach to Treating Chronic Abdominal Pain

Researchers at the University of Vienna develop gut-stable oxytocin analogues for targeted pain treatment of chronic abdominal pain

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

A research team at the University of Vienna, led by medicinal chemist Markus Muttenthaler, has developed a new class of oral peptide therapeutic leads for treating chronic abdominal pain. This groundbreaking innovation offers a safe, non-opioid-based solution for conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which affect millions of people worldwide. The research results were published in Angewandte Chemie.

An innovative approach to pain management

Current medications used to treat chronic abdominal pain often rely on opioids. However, opioids can cause severe side effects such as addiction, nausea, and constipation. Additionally, they affect the central nervous system, often leading to fatigue and drowsiness, which impairs the quality of life of those affected. The addiction risk is particularly problematic and has contributed to the ongoing global opioid crisis. Therefore, there is an urgent need for alternatives that minimise these risks.

This new therapeutic approach targets oxytocin receptors in the gut, which, in addition to its role in social bonding, also affects pain perception. When the peptide hormone oxytocin binds to these receptors, it triggers a signal that reduces pain signals in the gut. The advantage of this approach is that the effect is gut-specific, thus having a lower risk of side effects due to its non-systemic, gut-restricted action.

Oxytocin itself cannot be taken orally because it is rapidly broken down in the gastrointestinal tract. However, Prof Muttenthaler’s team has successfully created oxytocin compounds that are fully gut-stable yet can still potently and selectively activate the oxytocin receptor. This means these newly developed oxytocin-like peptides can be taken orally, allowing for convenient treatment for patients. This approach is especially innovative since most peptide drugs (such as insulin, GLP1 analogues) need to be injected as they are also quickly degraded in the gut.

“Our research highlights the therapeutic potential of gut-specific peptides and offers a new, safe alternative to existing pain medications, particularly for those suffering from chronic gut disorders and abdominal pain,” explains Muttenthaler.

Next steps and future outlook

With support from the European Research Council, the scientists are now working to translate their research findings into practice. The goal is to bring these new peptides to market as an effective and safe treatment for chronic abdominal pain. Moreover, the general approach of oral, stable, and gut-specific peptide therapeutics could revolutionise the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as the therapeutic potential of peptides in this area has not yet been fully explored.

The team has already secured a patent for the developed drug leads and is now actively seeking investors and industrial partners to advance the drug leads towards the clinic.

Source: University of Vienna

Parkinson’s Drug Found to Promote Pathogenic Gut Bacteria

Fig. 1: Chemical imaging of active gut microbes. After brief incubation with heavy water, culture medium and a drug, various chemical bonds (here C-D and C-H) in the stool sample are shown in yellow and green, their ratio in yellow-purple (left). Selected microbes are detected in the same image section with fluorescence-labelled oligonucleotide probes in cyan. The activity of the detected microbes can be determined based on the amount of C-D bonds. C: Xiaowei Ge (Boston University)

An international team of scientists have revealed that the widely prescribed Parkinson’s disease drug entacapone significantly disrupts the human gut microbiome by inducing iron deficiency. This international study, provides new insights into the often-overlooked impact of human-targeted drugs on the microbial communities that play a critical role in human health. The findings, published in Nature Microbiology, suggest however that iron supplementation can help counteract these impacts.

While it is well established that antibiotics can significantly disrupt the human gut microbiome, emerging research shows that a wide range of human-targeted drugs – particularly those used to treat neurological conditions – can also profoundly affect the microbial communities living in our bodies. Despite their intended therapeutic effects on different organs, these drugs can inadvertently disrupt the balance of gut microbes, leading to potential health consequences. Until now, most studies investigating these interactions relied either on patient cohort analyses affected by many confounding factors or on experiments using isolated gut bacteria, which do not fully capture the complexity of the human microbiome.

Investigating drug–bug interactions

The team, which included some from the University of Vienna, used a novel experimental approach. The researchers studied the effects of two drugs – entacapone and loxapine, a medication for schizophrenia – on faecal samples from healthy human donors. They incubated the samples with therapeutic concentrations of these drugs, then analysed the impact on the microbial communities using advanced molecular and imaging techniques, including heavy water labelling combined with Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (SRS). The team discovered that loxapine and even more so entacapone severely inhibited many microbiome members, while E. coli dramatically expanded in the presence of entacapone.

“The results were even more striking when we examined microbial activity, rather than just their abundance,” explained Fatima Pereira, lead author of the study and former Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna. “The heavy water-SRS method allowed us to observe the subtle yet significant changes in the gut microbiome, which are often missed in traditional abundance-based measurements.”

Entacapone induces iron starvation, favours pathogenic microbes

The researchers hypothesised that entacapone might interfere with iron availability in the gut, a crucial resource for many microbes. Their experiments confirmed that adding iron to faecal samples containing entacapone counteracted the drug’s microbiome-altering effects. Further investigation revealed that E. coli, which thrived under these conditions, carried a highly efficient iron-uptake system (enterobactin siderophore). This system allowed the bacteria to overcome iron starvation and proliferate, even in the presence of the drug.

“By showing that entacapone induces iron deficiency, we have uncovered a new mechanism of drug-induced gut dysbiosis, in which the drug selects for E. coli and other potentially pathogenic microbes well adapted to iron limiting conditions,” said Michael Wagner, scientific director of the Excellence Cluster and vice-head of the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CeMESS) at the University of Vienna.

Wider implications for drug–microbiome interactions

This discovery has broader implications for understanding how other human-targeted drugs might affect the gut microbiome. Several drugs, including entacapone, contain metal-binding catechol groups, suggesting that this mechanism could be a more common pathway for drug-induced microbiome alterations.

The findings also present an opportunity to mitigate the side effects of drugs like entacapone. By ensuring sufficient iron availability to the large intestine, it may be possible to reduce dysbiosis and the gastrointestinal issues that often accompany Parkinson’s disease treatment.

“The next step is to explore how we can modify drug treatments to better support the gut microbiome,” said Wagner. “We are looking at strategies to selectively deliver iron to the large intestine, where it can benefit the microbiome without interfering with drug absorption in the small intestine.”

Source: University of Vienna

Bayer Issues Recall on YAZ Plus Contraceptive Pills

Photos supplied by Bayer showing the affected blister (left) and the normal blister (right).

On November 21, Bayer (Pty) Ltd issued a medicine recall for a specific batch (WEW96J) of YAZ PLUS tablets. In a press release, they explain the reason for the recall: it has been discovered that the active and inactive tablets in this batch are swapped. This mix-up has resulted in some packs containing only four hormone tablets instead of the required 24, and 24 hormone-free tablets instead of four, compromising the product’s contraceptive efficacy.

The company advises that healthcare professionals, wholesalers, hospitals, retail pharmacy outlets, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, authorised prescribers, dispensers, and individual customers or patients in possession of the affected batch can return product to their healthcare facility from which it was dispensed, for credit.

Bayer urges that if you are in possession of YAZ PLUS tablets from the affected batch, to do the following:

  1. Stop Use Immediately: If you have been taking the tablets from a batch that is affected with the mix-
    up, stop taking them immediately and contact your healthcare professional. While only a limited number of packs from the respective batch is affected, as a precautionary measure, no tablets from these packs shall be used until you have consulted your Healthcare Practitioner, as they may potentially not provide the contraceptive protection you expect.
  2. Return the Product: Please return any affected packs to the pharmacy or retailer where you
    purchased them for a replacement or refund.
  3. Check Your Packs: If you have multiple packs of YAZ PLUS, please check each one of them, to
    ensure they are not from the affected batch.
  4. Consult Healthcare Provider: If you have consumed tablets from the affected batch, or if you have
    concerns about your contraceptive coverage, please consult your healthcare provider as soon as
    possible for advice.

In the press release, Bayer says that it “takes the safety and efficacy of its products seriously and is committed to ensuring that all YAZ PLUS tablets in the market meet the highest quality standards.” It further advises that the root cause for the mix-up of tablets in the packaging has been identified and corrective measures taken. Only this one batch – and no others – was affected.

“The company is working diligently with SAHPRA and healthcare providers to facilitate the recall process and minimise any inconvenience to our customers. We are dedicated to addressing this issue promptly and ensuring the continued health and safety of all our customers.”

Further Information and Support:
For more information about this recall, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Bayer +27
(0) 11 921 5000. Our team is available to provide the support and information you need.
Report a side effect: Patient Safety Reporting – Introduction
Report a product quality complaint for Pharmaceutical Products:

Short-term Menopausal Hormone Therapy has no Long-term Cognitive Impact

Photo by Teona Swift on Unsplash

Women in early postmenopause taking short-term MHT had no cognitive effects a decade later

Short-term menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) did not have long-term cognitive effects when given to women in early postmenopause, according to a study published November 21st in the open-access journal PLOS Medicine by Carey Gleason from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, and colleagues.

While MHT can offer relief from the challenging symptoms of menopause, many women and doctors are hesitant to start MHT due to safety concerns. Previous research has linked one form of hormone therapy to mild cognitive impairment and dementia in women older than 65 years of age, prompting research on the importance of age and timing of therapy on cognitive impairment. Other studies have suggested that transdermal oestrogen may have long-term cognitive benefits.

In the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS), women in early postmenopause with good cardiovascular health were randomised to receive one of two types of MHT (oral or transdermal oestrogen) or placebo. At the end of four years, no cognitive benefit or harm was seen in those who received MHT compared to the placebo group. However, long-term cognitive effects of MHT are still understudied.

In this new follow-up study – the KEEPS Continuation Study – researchers revisited participants nearly ten years later to repeat a series of cognitive tests. Among 275 women, although MTH failed to protect against cognitive decline, short-term MHT also had no long-term negative cognitive impact.

These findings may offer reassurance to women considering MHT while adding to the growing body of research supporting the importance of timing for MHT. More research is needed to investigate whether these results are generalisable to women with higher cardiovascular risk.

The authors add, “For women in menopause and the health care providers caring for them, getting direct, clear and evidence-based information about menopausal hormone therapy is challenging. And they need data to guide their decisions.”

Provided by PLOS

The Factors Behind the Shifting Trends of Ischaemic Heart Disease and Stroke

Incidence of stroke and ischaemic heart disease are declining around the world, except for in a handful of regions, according to research in the open access journal PLOS Global Public Health. Wanghong Xu of Fudan University and colleagues find that in East and West Sub-Saharan Africa, East and Central Asia and Oceania, ischaemic heart disease is increasing, which may be attributed to eight factors that include diet, high BMI, household air pollution and more.

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, and ischemic heart disease and stroke accounted for 16% and 11% of total deaths in 2019 respectively. Over time both have decreased in incidence, but the distribution of this decline varies and in some regions there is an upward trend.

The team analysed global data from 1990-2019 for incidence of ischaemic heart disease and stroke and for exposure to 87 potential attributable factors. The authors describe the incidences and trends at a global, regional and national level, and find higher rates of ischaemic heart disease than stroke. Over three decades ischaemic heart disease reduced from 316 to 262 per 100 000 people and stroke declined from 181 to 151 per 100 000. The increases of ischaemic heart disease seen in some regions may be associated with the shifting distribution of eight factors: a diet high in trans-fatty acids; diet low in calcium; high BMI; household air pollution from solid fuels; non-exclusive breastfeeding; occupational ergonomic factors; vitamin A deficiency; and, occupational exposure to particulate matter, gases and fumes, which were determined by the World Bank income levels.

The results indicate how the potential socioeconomic development of some countries is affecting rates of cardiovascular disease and stroke, and that places experiencing rapid economic transitions – and rapidly changing lifestyle changes – may also be experiencing higher rates of disease. This study and provides insight into mechanisms involved and the potential for targeted interventions.

The authors add: “This study profiles the significantly different incidence trends of ischemic heart disease and stroke across countries, identifies eight potential contributors to the disparities, and reveals the pivotal role of socioeconomic development in shaping the country-level associations of the risk factors with the incidences of the two cardiovascular diseases.”

Provided by PLOS

Workouts – or Disturbed Sleep – Impact Brain Activity Weeks Later

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

In a rare, longitudinal study, researchers from Aalto University and the University of Oulu tracked one person’s brain and behavioural activity for five months using brain scans and data from wearable devices and smartphones. The results appear in PLOS Biology.

“We wanted to go beyond isolated events,” says research leader (and study participant) Ana Triana. “Our behaviour and mental states are constantly shaped by our environment and experiences. Yet, we know little about the response of brain functional connectivity to environmental, physiological, and behavioural changes on different timescales, from days to months.”

The study found that the brain does not respond to daily life in immediate, isolated bursts. Instead, brain activity evolves in response to sleep patterns, physical activity, mood, and respiration rate over many days. This suggests that even a workout or a restless night from last week could still affect the brain – and therefore attention, cognition and memory – well into next week.

The research also revealed a strong link between heart rate variability – a measure of the heart’s adaptability – and brain connectivity, particularly during rest. This suggests that impacts on the body’s relaxation response, like stress management techniques, could shape brain wiring even when not actively concentrating on a task. Physical activity was also found to positively influence the way brain regions interact, potentially impacting memory and cognitive flexibility. Even subtle shifts in mood and heart rate left lasting imprints for up to 15 days.

Study goes beyond a snapshot

The research is unusual in that few brain studies involve detailed monitoring over days and weeks. “The use of wearable technology was crucial,” says Triana. “Brain scans are useful tools, but a snapshot of someone lying still for half an hour can only show so much. Our brains do not work in isolation.”

Triana was herself the subject of the research, monitored as she went about her daily life. Her unique role as both lead author and study participant added complexity, but also brought firsthand insights into how best to maintain research integrity over several months of personalised data collection.  Data from the devices and twice-weekly brain scans were complemented by qualitative data from mood surveys. 

The researchers identified two distinct response patterns: a short-term wave lasting under seven days and a long-term wave up to 15 days. The former reflects rapid adaptations, like how focus is impacted by poor sleep, but it recovers quickly. The long wave suggests more gradual, lasting effects, particularly in areas tied to attention and memory. 

Single-subject studies offer opportunities for improving mental health care 

The researchers hope their innovative approach will inspire future studies that combine brain data with everyday life to help personalise mental health treatment. 

“We must bring data from daily life into the lab to see the full picture of how our habits shape the brain, but surveys can be tiring and inaccurate,” says study co-author, neuroscientist and physician Dr Nick Hayward. “Combining concurrent physiology with repeated brain scans in one person is crucial. Our approach gives context to neuroscience and delivers very fine detail to our understanding of the brain.”

The study is also a proof-of-concept for patient research. Tracking brain changes in real time could help detect neurological disorders early, especially mental health conditions where subtle signs might be missed.

“Linking brain activity with physiological and environmental data could revolutionise personalised healthcare, opening doors for earlier interventions and better outcomes,” says Triana.

Source: Aalto University

Human Hearts may Possess a Latent Ability to Regenerate Cardiomyocytes

Right side heart failure. Credit: Scientific Animations CC4.0

After severe heart failure, the ability of the heart to heal by forming new cells is very low. But now Karolinska Institutet researchers found that, after use of a supportive heart pump, the capacity of a damaged heart to repair itself with new cardiomyocytes becomes significantly higher – even greater than that of a healthy heart. This study is published in the journal Circulation.

The ability of the human heart to renew itself by regenerating its muscle cells, myocytes, is very limited. But what happens to this capability when the heart is damaged by severe heart failure has been unknown.

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now discovered that after an injury, the rate of cell renewal is even lower than in a healthy heart. Standard-of-care for patients with advanced heart failure is a surgically implanted pump that helps propel blood, a so-called left ventricular assist device (LVAD).

Kick-starting repair

Surprisingly, the researchers found that patients with such a heart pump, who have shown significant improvement in their heart function, can regenerate heart muscle cells at a rate more than six times higher than in healthy hearts.

“The results suggest that there might be a hidden key to kick-start the heart’s own repair mechanism”, says Olaf Bergmann, senior researcher at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at Karolinska Institutet and last author of the paper.

The mechanism behind the effect is still unknown and there is not yet any hypothesis to explain it.

“It is difficult to say. In the existing data we cannot find an explanation for the effect, but we will now continue to study this process at a cellular and molecular level,” says Olaf Bergmann.

The findings open the possibility of developing new therapies for patients with serious heart conditions that stimulate the heart’s ability to repair itself after damage. This way, patients wouldn’t have to rely only on heart transplants or other kinds of long-term mechanical support.

“This offers some hope that the recovery after a heart incident can somehow be boosted,” says Olaf Bergmann.

Atomic bombs enable cell age estimation

It is generally difficult to determine the age of cells in the human body and to decide which cells are new and which are old. However, by using a method earlier devised by Jonas Frisén, professor of stem cell research at Karolinska Institutet, the group has been able to count the rate of renewal of myocytes in the heart. The method is based upon the fact that the percentage of radioactive carbon in the atmosphere, and subsequently in our cells, has steadily decreased since the nuclear test ban in 1963. For every following year, there is a little less radioactivity in newly formed cells, which means that they can be ‘dated’. 

Source: Karolinska Institute