Month: July 2024

Which is Better? Prolonged vs Intermittent Infusion of β-Lactams in Sepsis

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

In adults with sepsis or septic shock, β-lactams are recommended by Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines, in a prolonged (after an initial bolus) rather than intermittent infusions – but owing to only moderate quality of evidence this is currently a weak recommendation. Now, a new systematic review and meta-analysis comparing the two approaches across multiple clinical trials has found a survival benefit for prolonged infusion The findings appear in JAMA.

To address whether prolonged infusions of β-lactams improve clinically important outcomes in critically ill adults with sepsis or septic shock, the study investigators searched medical databases for relevant randomised controlled trials comparing β-lactam infusion types in critically ill adults with sepsis or septic shock. The primary outcome was 90-day mortality, with secondary outcomes including intensive care unit (ICU) mortality and clinical cure.

In all, they found 18 eligible trials that included 9108 critically ill adults with sepsis or septic shock (median age, 54 years; 5961 men [65%]), 17 trials (9014 participants) contributed data to the primary outcome.

The pooled estimated risk ratio for all-cause 90-day mortality for prolonged infusions of β-lactam antibiotics compared with intermittent infusions was 0.86, with high certainty and a 99.1% posterior probability that prolonged infusions were associated with lower 90-day mortality. There was high certainty that prolonged infusion of β-lactam antibiotics was associated with a reduced risk of ICU mortality (risk ratio, 0.84) and moderate certainty of an increase in clinical cure (risk ratio, 1.16).

The findings were tempered with the authors’ understanding that, “Potential challenges associated with prolonged infusion administration, including drug instability and incompatibility with other intravenous medications, the need for a dedicated intravenous portal, and the potential effect on clinical workload, require some considerations before broad implementation. Future studies should determine the optimal duration of infusion when β-lactam antibiotics are administered as prolonged infusions.”

The authors concluded that, “Among adults in the intensive care unit who had sepsis or septic shock, the use of prolonged β-lactam antibiotic infusions was associated with a reduced risk of 90-day mortality compared with intermittent infusions. The current evidence presents a high degree of certainty for clinicians to consider prolonged infusions as a standard of care in the management of sepsis and septic shock.”

Rising Health Care Prices Result in Non-healthcare Job Cuts

Photo by Inzmam Khan

Rising health care prices in the US are leading employers outside the health care sector to lay off employees, according to a new study co-authored by a Yale economist.

The study, published June 24 as a working paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), found that when health care prices increased, non-health care employers responded by reducing their payroll and cutting the jobs of middle-class workers. For the average county, a 1% increase in health care prices would reduce aggregate income in the area by approximately $8 million annually.

The study was conducted by a team of leading economists from Yale, the University of Chicago, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Harvard University, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the US Department of the Treasury.

“When health care prices go up, jobs outside the health care sector go down,” said Zack Cooper, an associate professor of health policy and of economics at Yale University. “It’s broadly understood that employer-sponsored health insurance creates a link between health care markets and labour markets. Our research shows that middle- and lower-income workers are shouldering rising health care prices, and in many cases, it’s costing them their jobs. Bottom line: Rising health care costs are increasing economic inequality.”

“Rising prices are hurting the employment outcomes for workers who never went to the hospital.”

Zack Cooper, Yale economist

To better understand how rising health care prices affect labour market outcomes, the researchers brought together insurance claims data on approximately a third of adults with employer-sponsored insurance, health insurance premium data from the US Department of Labor, and IRS data from every income tax return filed in the United States between 2008 and 2017. They then used these data to trace out how an increase in health care prices, such as a $2000 increase on a $20 000 hospital bill, flows through to health spending, insurance premiums, employer payrolls, income and unemployment in counties, and the tax revenue collected by the federal government. 

“Many think that it’s insurers or employers who bear the burden of rising health care prices. We show that it’s really the workers themselves who are impacted,” said Zarek Brot-Goldberg, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago. “It’s vital to understand that rising health care prices aren’t just impacting patients. Rising prices are hurting the employment outcomes for workers who never went to the hospital.”

Hospital Mergers Raised Prices

For the new study, the authors used hospital mergers as a vehicle to assess the effect of price increases. From 2000 to 2020, there were over 1000 hospital mergers among the approximately 5000 US hospitals. In past work, the authors found that approximately 20% of hospital mergers should have been expected to raise prices by lessening competition, according to merger guidelines from the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. These mergers, on average, raised prices by 5%.

“We can use our analysis to estimate the effect of hospital mergers,” said Stuart Craig, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Business School. “Our results show that a hospital merger that raised prices by 5% would result in $32 million in lost wages, 203 lost jobs, a $6.8 million reduction in federal tax revenue, and a death from suicide or overdose of a worker outside the health sector.”

The study also showed that because rising health care prices leads firms to let go of workers, a knock-on effect of hospital mergers is that they lead to increases in government spending on unemployment insurance and reductions in the tax revenue collected by the federal government.

“It’s vital to point out that hospital mergers raise spending by the federal government and lower tax revenue at the same time,” said Cooper. “When prices in the US health sector rise, it’s actually a net negative for the economy. It’s leading to fewer jobs and precipitating all the consequences we associate with workers becoming unemployed.”

Source: Yale University

AI Models that can Identify Patient Demographics in X-rays are Also Unfair

Photo by Anna Shvets

Artificial intelligence models often play a role in medical diagnoses, especially when it comes to analysing images such as X-rays. But these models have been found not perform as well across all demographic groups, usually faring worse on women and people of colour.

These models have also been shown to develop some surprising abilities. In 2022, MIT researchers reported that AI models can make accurate predictions about a patient’s race from their chest X-rays – something that the most skilled radiologists can’t do.

Now, in a new study appearing in Nature, the same research team has found that the models that are most accurate at making demographic predictions also show the biggest “fairness gaps”, ie having reduced accuracy diagnosing images of people of different races or genders. The findings suggest that these models may be using “demographic shortcuts” when making their diagnostic evaluations, which lead to incorrect results for women, Black people, and other groups, the researchers say.

“It’s well-established that high-capacity machine-learning models are good predictors of human demographics such as self-reported race or sex or age. This paper re-demonstrates that capacity, and then links that capacity to the lack of performance across different groups, which has never been done,” says senior author Marzyeh Ghassemi, an MIT associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science.

The researchers also found that they could retrain the models in a way that improves their fairness. However, their approached to “debiasing” worked best when the models were tested on the same types of patients they were trained on, such as patients from the same hospital. When these models were applied to patients from different hospitals, the fairness gaps reappeared.

“I think the main takeaways are, first, you should thoroughly evaluate any external models on your own data because any fairness guarantees that model developers provide on their training data may not transfer to your population. Second, whenever sufficient data is available, you should train models on your own data,” says Haoran Zhang, an MIT graduate student and one of the lead authors of the new paper.

Removing bias

As of May 2024, the FDA has approved 882 AI-enabled medical devices, with 671 of them designed to be used in radiology. Since 2022, when Ghassemi and her colleagues showed that these diagnostic models can accurately predict race, they and other researchers have shown that such models are also very good at predicting gender and age, even though the models are not trained on those tasks.

“Many popular machine learning models have superhuman demographic prediction capacity – radiologists cannot detect self-reported race from a chest X-ray,” Ghassemi says. “These are models that are good at predicting disease, but during training are learning to predict other things that may not be desirable.”

In this study, the researchers set out to explore why these models don’t work as well for certain groups. In particular, they wanted to see if the models were using demographic shortcuts to make predictions that ended up being less accurate for some groups. These shortcuts can arise in AI models when they use demographic attributes to determine whether a medical condition is present, instead of relying on other features of the images.

Using publicly available chest X-ray datasets from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, the researchers trained models to predict whether patients had one of three different medical conditions: fluid buildup in the lungs, collapsed lung, or enlargement of the heart. Then, they tested the models on X-rays that were held out from the training data.

Overall, the models performed well, but most of them displayed “fairness gaps” – that is, discrepancies between accuracy rates for men and women, and for white and Black patients.

The models were also able to predict the gender, race, and age of the X-ray subjects. Additionally, there was a significant correlation between each model’s accuracy in making demographic predictions and the size of its fairness gap. This suggests that the models may be using demographic categorisations as a shortcut to make their disease predictions.

The researchers then tried to reduce the fairness gaps using two types of strategies. For one set of models, they trained them to optimise “subgroup robustness,” meaning that the models are rewarded for having better performance on the subgroup for which they have the worst performance, and penalised if their error rate for one group is higher than the others.

In another set of models, the researchers forced them to remove any demographic information from the images, using “group adversarial” approaches. Both strategies worked fairly well, the researchers found.

“For in-distribution data, you can use existing state-of-the-art methods to reduce fairness gaps without making significant trade-offs in overall performance,” Ghassemi says. “Subgroup robustness methods force models to be sensitive to mispredicting a specific group, and group adversarial methods try to remove group information completely.”

Not always fairer

However, those approaches only worked when the models were tested on data from the same types of patients that they were trained on, eg from BIDMC.

When the researchers tested the models that had been “debiased” using the BIDMC data to analyse patients from five other hospital datasets, they found that the models’ overall accuracy remained high, but some of them exhibited large fairness gaps.

“If you debias the model in one set of patients, that fairness does not necessarily hold as you move to a new set of patients from a different hospital in a different location,” Zhang says.

This is worrisome because in many cases, hospitals use models that have been developed on data from other hospitals, especially in cases where an off-the-shelf model is purchased, the researchers say.

“We found that even state-of-the-art models which are optimally performant in data similar to their training sets are not optimal – that is, they do not make the best trade-off between overall and subgroup performance – in novel settings,” Ghassemi says. “Unfortunately, this is actually how a model is likely to be deployed. Most models are trained and validated with data from one hospital, or one source, and then deployed widely.”

The researchers found that the models that were debiased using group adversarial approaches showed slightly more fairness when tested on new patient groups than those debiased with subgroup robustness methods. They now plan to try to develop and test additional methods to see if they can create models that do a better job of making fair predictions on new datasets.

The findings suggest that hospitals that use these types of AI models should evaluate them on their own patient population before beginning to use them, to make sure they aren’t giving inaccurate results for certain groups.

Is it Time to Stop Recommending Strict Salt Restriction in Heart Failure?

Credit: Pixabay CC0

For decades, it’s been thought that people with heart failure should drastically reduce their dietary salt intake, but some studies have suggested that salt restriction could be harmful for these patients. A recent review in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation that assessed all relevant studies published between 2000 and 2023 has concluded that there is no proven clinical benefit to this strategy for patients with heart failure.

Most relevant randomised trials were small, and a single large, randomised clinical trial was stopped early due to futility. Although moderate to strict salt restriction was linked with better quality of life and functional status, it did not affect mortality and hospitalisation rates among patients with heart failure.

“Doctors often resist making changes to age-old tenets that have no true scientific basis; however, when new good evidence surfaces, we should make an effort to embrace it,” said author Paolo Raggi MD, PhD, of the University of Alberta.

Source: Wiley

Malignant Melanoma Resists Treatment by Subverting Immune Cells

3D structure of a melanoma cell derived by ion abrasion scanning electron microscopy. Credit: Sriram Subramaniam/ National Cancer Institute

Malignant melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of cancer. Despite recent progress in effective therapies, the tumours of many patients are either resistant from the outset or become so during the course of treatment.

A University of Zurich (UZH) study published in Cell Reports Medicine has now identified a mechanism involving subverted immune cells that impedes the effectiveness of therapies. The result provides new ideas for treatments to suppress the development of resistance.

Comparing resistant and non-resistant tumour cells

For the study, the team utilised an innovative fine-needle biopsy to sample tumour cells before and during therapy. This allowed the researchers to analyse each cell individually. The patients providing the samples were undergoing targeted cancer therapy for malignant melanoma, which inhibits signalling pathways for tumour formation.

“It was important that some of the tumours responded to the therapy, while others showed resistance,” says study leader Lukas Sommer, professor of stem cell biology at the Institute of Anatomy at UZH. This allowed the team to compare the metabolism and environment of resistant and non-resistant tumour cells and look for significant differences.

Interaction between tumour factor and immune cells

One of the most relevant findings concerned the POSTN gene: it codes for a secreted factor that plays an important role in resistant tumours. In fact, the tumours of patients with rapidly progressing disease despite treatment showed increased POSTN levels. In addition, the microenvironment of these tumours contained a larger number of a certain type of macrophage – a subtype of immune cell that promotes the development of cancer.

Through a series of further experiments – both with human cancer cells and with mice – the research team was able to show how the interaction of increased POSTN levels and this type of macrophage triggers resistance: the POSTN factor binds to receptors on the surface of the macrophages and polarises them to protect melanoma cells from cell death. “This is why the targeted therapy no longer works,” says Sommer.

No resistance without cancer-promoting macrophages

The team considers this mechanism a promising starting point. “The study highlights the potential of targeting specific types of macrophages within the tumour microenvironment to overcome resistance,” says Sommer. “In combination with already known therapies, this could significantly improve the success of treatment for patients with malignant melanoma.”

Source: University of Zurich

New Guidance Available for Peanut Desensitisation Therapy

Photo by Corleto on Unsplash

Based on focus groups with children and young people with peanut allergy, experts have published guidance for clinicians working in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) to help them safely and equitably implement Palforzia® peanut oral immunotherapy. Their recommendations are published in Clinical & Experimental Allergy.

In 2022, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the UK recommended the use of Palforzia® – which has defatted peanut powder as its active ingredient – for desensitising children and young people with peanut allergy in the NHS.

The new consensus guidance will inform and support healthcare professionals as they implement Palforzia® for desensitisation and as they gradually increase peanut dosing in patients.

“It is great we can now offer an actual treatment for peanut allergy, rather than just recommend avoidance and educate patients on how to recognise and manage reactions, but the challenge in our current NHS is how we can provide this to eligible patients equitably, regardless of where they live and their backgrounds,” said corresponding author Tom Marrs, PhD, of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. “This guidance outlines what NHS services need to be able to offer this treatment at scale and to advocate for patients so that we can develop best-practice models.”

Source: Wiley